Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Two Minute Rule

The Outer Rim Coalition
Pergitor Shadowport

Interacting With │ [member="Ghorua the Shark"], [member="Koda Fett"], @Shaun Irons, [member="Cadmon Geller"], [member="Thraxis"], [member="Arekk"], @Lupus, [member="Nilia Saavilin"]

Sir, alarms are going off on the other side of the Shadowport. A bank is reporting a breach.

And there it was. The exact thing Squint didn’t want to hear.

Keep the forces here, we can’t afford to move them anywhere else-

But Sir, civilians are at risk. This could all be a diversion.

A damn dangerous one, Private. Send a squad to the Bank, but make sure all forces maintain contact. We can’t afford to let these terrorists go.”, Squint responded with some sternness.

He clenched his jaw, slightly, grinding his teeth at the thought of the rising tension. As every second passed from this point, timing was critical; as any moment the realization could take place that this truly was a diversion, a massive distraction effort to cover their tracks in the bank. There was a serious hope that the heist team wouldn’t even set off the alarms, yet here they were, dealing with the-


Squint ducked as the floor the soldiers were on erupted in a monsterous explosion, engulfing more than just the floor they were on. He could hear the sudden rush of fellow officers rush to collect the falling mangled corpses of their allies, while the distant cry of civilians began. Most of the forces began to make a wide berth around the now growing fire, a few phoning in the automated fire suppression systems aboard the shadowport.

Let it be known, he never said they couldn't make a show out of it.

A sigh left his lips as he motioned what remained of his forces on the ground,

Move around the side, they don’t have a choice but coming from the back. I want another group focused on the front, just in case.


Ryan Korr was a young man, mid twenties with the childhood dream to be a hero; despite the pleas of his wife and their family to just do his duty, to never stray too far from the path of safety. Afterall, while the pay on the Shadowport was good, it certainly didn’t require much in the way of danger. Well, up until tonight.

As the battle of the shadowport raged on, Korr was assigned the duty of evacuating the citizens to safety; far away from the heat of the battle and terrorists that sought the end to their peace. It scorned him, if only slightly, that he wasn’t there giving it to them even now, but all that seemed to change as the call came through that a second assault was possibly in progress at the ‘bank’ utilized by the local Hutt cartels and syndicates. The assault on the casino was the perfect distraction for an infiltration team, if the report was true.

Korr couldn’t help but hope as he opened the back door the facility, idling his way in and scanning his surroundings as his visor slowly illuminated what little he could see. They weren’t armed with the best equipment, but seeing in the dark in the situation of a power outage was vital. His steps were quiet, making no noise as he worked his way through the hallways, only to glance outwards to the citizens now laying face down outside.

He swore underneath his breath, quickly looking around to see where the robbers might be. Whatever they were doing, they were well trained on the macro level, but that burning passion to be a hero, to make his daughter proud of her father, gave him hope that they weren’t trained well enough to fight him. Afterall, he scored one of the highest in his class for accuracy, what could go wrong?

Knowing they were likely near the vault already, Korr moved quietly to where he knew the layout of the building allowed for such. He wasn’t a common visitor to the bank, but its reputation preceded it, and he’d been called there for a number of ‘complaints’ and rabbles before. As each silent step took him closer, he peered around the final corner to witness the three who threatened the wealth of his port;

An inferno ignited in his chest as he spun the corner and yelled out with all he could muster;

FREEZE!”, followed by the quick double tap of rounds firing at the crowd.

In the excitement, he forgot his engagement protocols, along with much of his accuracy. It was anyone’s guess if the two projectiles would actually hit.
Ghorua had taken a moment to plan his next move, one he was rather proud of. He'd had this escape plan from the beginning, of course, but being in the moment was different then on paper. All he could do now was try to make it reality, and see where the cards fell.

And, consequently, where Ghorua fell.

Taking out one of his slugthrowers, Ghorua blasted out the window, letting a gust of wind overtake the floor. The whistling air, not too violent to interfere in the police's climbing effort, tossed around abandoned napkins and erased the subtle smell of perfume.

The Shark walked to the edge of the building, and stopped. He steeled himself, counting out a rhythm in his head. A three beat pattern, slowing his racing heart to a calmer cadence. Then, he hopped a few steps back from the ledge, and primed his rocket pack.

"I'll be home soon, Minna," the goliath muttered under his helmet, finishing his mantra. Then, he charged the side of the building.

He leaped, and felt time slow around him. He could feel the air around him, his gear beginning to activate, but most prominently, the steady beat in his soul.

Ghorua's whipcord launcher struck a metal section of the outside of the casino, the shark-shaped pendulum just beginning to swing just as the rocket pack activated. The extra momentum from the tether blasted Ghorua to the side, the extra power from his rockets quickly snapping the fibercord whip with the sound of a thunderclap.

The giant Herglic bounty hunter shot through the shadowport sky like a lightning-fast dolphin, sailing blocks and blocks away.

Of course, there was no way of Ghorua knowing where he would end up. But from his perspective, he was about to get very intimate with the side of a low-set building. Ghorua smashed into it, his heavy armor and Field Generator again taking the brunt of the blow, but this time, he wasn't so lucky to get away without injury.

Ghorua fell to the ground, clutching his shoulder. His armor had twisted in the blow, stabbing into the thick blubber and muscle. Ghorua's suit immediately began to try to heal itself, and the Herglic took stock. Another stabbing pain in his chest, in his lower back. Perhaps something major, but Ghorua wouldn't be able to tell until his ship came to pick him up

There were people in the street he had landed in, he hadn't been that lucky, and they looked at him in awe and fear. Ghorua waved good-naturedly, but then felt the stabbing in his chest, and grasped at it. He stood quietly, and walked away, his multispectrum disguise suite transforming him into a tall Gurlanin before their eyes.

And as soon as he rounded the corner, he turned into a lifting droid.

He would take no chances.

- [member="Darth Maliphant"] - [member="Atlas Kane"] - [member="Koda Fett"] - [member="Thraxis"] -
Objective: Serve as Distraction
Chasis: Thraxis Armour Helmet: Enigma Gas Mask
Cloak: Phantasm Cloak Greave: Thraxis Armour
Pauldron: Thraxis Armour Foot: Thraxis Armour
Melee: Cruciatus Blade Overcoat: None
Rifle: DEMP Sidearm: Pistolas
Misc: Null Generator Hand-to-Hand: Vambrace

He was a violent flurry, a whirlwind of twirls and kick as streams of red flustered in a hazardous adance, flecks of molten spitting and puckering armour in thin swathes as he waited for it. He waited for the big boom. That boom. At least. That is what he waited for. It is what he hoped for. He still giggled at the thought, but, the laughter turned to humdrum monotonous sweeping strikes, fists cracking bones as blades twisted and danced, armbars and over the shoulder tosses galore as Thraxis held his own before he saw it. The dastardly trickster.

Bastard ran off... He thought to himself, his attention drawn momentarily as he watched him whiplash around the building, propelling himself who knew where. And Koda, well, he hadn't paid much attention but assumed an escape had already been made by him. Which left little ol' defenceless Thraxis. Whatever would the merc of a thousand years do in a time like this? Stand his ground, a heroic last ditch to buy as many few seconds as he could for his comrades? No. There was no comradery here. His job wasn't worth another prison sentence and becoming the bottom dog for all of ten minutes before he started shanking people with a halfpipe. No. He made one last sweep with his blades, his path a cleaved hole as the windows had already been detonated. At least Ghorua did something worthwhile.

He quickly hurried back, he became a cornered rate as gunfire started to spray, his armor cracked and chipped at, even Phirik could only handle so much as a wry sniper shot cracked at his chest, a rib busted open as his breath became heavy and audible, cracking in and out through the mask as he looked around. It was a clear nosedive to death this fall, but the good thing about Casinoes, there are always smaller buildings abound. He didn't pay too much attention to what he was targeting. Instead, his cloak flourished one last time, the hood tossed over his mask as he let loose one last breath a hidden smile as the two peepers popped out of existence and he was surrounded by tearing fire, bullets ripping asunder through the air as he departed from this nightmare of a fight. He really wanted the base to be busted open and a freefall and a dance atop a collapsing tower.

He made a single jump, his boots flaring to life for a few seconds as he gathered himself more distance, more pull, catapulting his body through the air in a skyward motion, the cloak a flickering mess as he popped in and out of reality as he descended on a building, boots flaring one last time to mitigate the impact of the fall as he fell into a roll, Comms activated as his breath was heavy, exacerbated and ready to quit. He could use a break, and five minutes as bottom dog wasn't sounding so bad as he popped in and out of the channels directly to Ghorua. "So.... we still playing distraction? OR is this a whole, abort mission get outta here sorta deal?" He panted, his inquiry more of a hope it was over from this hell of a mess.
[member="Darth Maliphant"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Ghorua the Shark"]


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
"Let's get rich. "​
w. [member="Nilia Saavilin"], [member="Sebastian Thel"] and @Lupus

"Systems in place. Gonna proceed to open up this beauty, cover me."

His blaster pistol stirred nervously under his leather jacket, fingers typing furiously on the datapad as he went through the vault's schematics and figured a way to slice the security system put in place. It was a rather archaic infrastructure from a technical point of view, multiple triggers that could end up buring the credits if not done correctly.

You can't rush art but that would change with a rather interesting visitor. Wannabe hero cop, trying to save lives by being reckless and endangering not only himself but everyone in the bank. A bullet ricocheted from the metallic door and hit Ar'ekk in the shoulder completely, projectile impacting the flesh.

"Feth! Ain't ya supposed to be watching who's coming?!" He barked at the two that accompanied him, groaning in slight pain. He looked like a rabid dog that's about to rip off your head with a single bite, shoulder bleeding after getting shot at. "Guess I gotta do everything myself."

The injury wasn't an impediment for him to intervene and neutralize whoever was shooting at the heist team, not before leaving the datapad set and initiating the program that would open the vault during the five minute blackout window they had. If everything went fine and without any sort of hiccups, the security system would be lifted without having to use explosives to blow up the whole metallic door separating them from the credits.

Lurking between the shadows, Ar'ekk hunted the hero rent-a-clown but not striking just yet. He sniffed his fear, sensed every nervous movement made by the man and once he felt it was the right time...


His Body was slammed to the ground and weapon kicked away to avoid getting shot at again. The only thing visible in the darkness was the red visor that Ryan Korr was using to see, Ar'ekk grabbing his blaster concealed within his leather jacket and aiming it to the officer's face.

"This is on you."

He said in a somber tone, ready to give the security guard his gun back, one bullet at a time. As surely as the bullet rips through the victim's flesh, organ and bone, it shatters the image of the man who pulls the trigger. Father, husband, now dead. His family would be waiting for him at the end of the tunnel, in reality they would wait eternally for someone who'd never return.

The bullet in his head had come to the end of its slow-motion journey. A blood pool formed underneath Korr's lifeless body riddled with holes. Ar'ekk felt warmth coming from his shoulder, the bleeding had gotten worse and did not realize due to adrenaline kicking in.

But it had to wait, better news came from the vault: It was finally open.

"I'm shot but the vault's open. Get the electrum bars and whatever's inside for me, I'm going to transfer all the money in the database to the encrypted accounts."
The Outer Rim Coalition
Pergitor Shadowport

Interacting With │ [member="Ghorua the Shark"], [member="Koda Fett"], @Shaun Irons, [member="Cadmon Geller"], [member="Thraxis"], [member="Arekk"], @Lupus, [member="Nilia Saavilin"]

The soft whirring of the WhisperDrives brought the cloaked corvette closer and closer to the Shadowport, the holonet signals intercepted telling them the mission was almost complete. Its massive form came close before idling, sending out a signal to the few dozen predetermined frigates and gunships assigned with the docking codes and location of the ship; something the many others would have trouble getting to.

Squint glanced to his personal transceiver, a small holonet equipped watch on his wrist that offered him the enigmatic, familiar symbol; something that told him the time had come to leave. As the radio chatter began to go off about a second assault on the Bank, and the ever looming danger of multiple other attacks, he sent out his last command;

I’ll take a team towards the Bank, the rest of you get those terrorists.”, he said with a growl, hoping it’d be convincing enough to slap down any protests. He also knew anyone who knew the plan would follow, one way or another.

Hopping in his speeder, the man known as Squint let its engines warm for only a moment before rushing into the air; another two soldiers in the back armed to the teeth. They were quiet, but Squint monitored them regardless, knowing they couldn’t be trusted without some sort of signal; something he doubted he’d see.

As the Bank neared, he sighed in relief as he realized only a single transport sat outside; likely the poor sop who spoke out about the Bank Heist. Bringing the transport down to a standstill, he opened the door and cocked the handgun he carried; something from a military company in the Outer Rim. The other two others took point, guns point as they began to push into the bank, only to come across the heist team set out some time before.

FREEZE!”, the first said, while the other quickly followed suit.

A shame it was their last words.

Two explosions rang as a round went into the back of both their heads, shattered by a verpine shattergun out of hell; making short work of their less than optimal helmets. He sighed as he wiped some blood from his face before looking the obviously wounded slicer in the eye;

I think its time we get out of here. You ready?”, he said with a vaguely reassuring smile.

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