Dreidi Xeraic
Jedi Witch
Location: Marketplace
Outfit: Witch Attire
Objective: Enjoy a walk around.

It seemed that Ko had gotten panicked and anxious over the offer from Jonyna to be his Master. It was understandable, there was a lot that came with the role and some were too scared of failure and feared their failures would make the teacher or mentor look bad. It was a tough position since no Jedi would feel that way and only wanted to lift their student up.
"Loomi, let Ko know that we hope he is okay and that I find music to be soothing when I get anxious." Hoping her words would offer the Padawan comfort, she also gave a smile to Loomi to reassure her that leaving was not offensive or awkward, it was good that she was going to check on her friend and best that only Loomi did that since others might overwhelm Ko at this time of vulnerablility.
Looking over to Jonyna, the fellow Knight was clearly disheartened, "sometimes a Padawan is not ready for discussions of having a Master. Can add a lot of pressure of doing better, especially to ensure that they don't let their Master down. Don't feel like it was anything you did, you had no idea that Ko would react that way. And given some time, he might consider your offer and give you an answer."
"Sure one day soon, you'll make an excellent mentor to someone." Dreidi gave an encouraging smile to her fellow Knight.