The Sith Apprentice watched as the body of the Chiss collapsed to the ground, and he landed just behind him, blood upon the edge of the blade and dripping off of it. He could kill the Chiss now, and then he could continue upon his own, or he could let him live. But, he had told the man what he would do.
Now, he was uncertain as to how to proceed. The man must've been experienced if he had survived this long, of course. But perhaps he was simply all show, and no skill. If that was the case, Malphas had lost nothing but several hours of his life, only to be stuck with this azure wasteman.
"My name is Acarus." He said as he stepped less than a foot away from him, blood from the tip of his blade dripping onto his black boots. He crouched in front of the Chiss, and sending enough power into a forceful nudge to send the blaster sniper rifle away from the range of the Chiss, and said, "why should I spare you?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, and his helmet followed that tilt.
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