Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech The Upright Man's Armour

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Image Source:
  • Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter, by Daniel LuVisi
  • To provide the Upright Man a unique set of armour that is easily modifiable.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: The Upright Man
Model: N/A
Affiliation: The Upright Man
Modularity: Easily modifiable
Production: Unique
  • Plasteel [Outer plating]
  • Armorweave [Inner lining]
Classification: Anti-Ballistic
Weight: 5kg
Quality: 3
Special Features:
  • HUD display
Description: The Upright Man's armour is quite visibly a makeshift armour. It was not crafted by a proper production company and thus lacks both the quality and long-term service other armours may provide. The helmet has been fitted with a HUD display and MFTAS, commonplace among helmets. The only other purpose of the helmet is for protection, which is minimally provided. A plasteel outer plating provides subpar defence, it is the armorweave inner lining that truly provides any form of significant defence. Enough bullets in this armour and taking the target down is as easy as shooting a sitting duck.
Primary Source: N/A
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