Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Uscru District, Coruscant (Open To All)

The Star Lounge - Coruscant, The Uscru District


Welcome to the Uscru Entertainment District - located on Coruscant’s Lower Levels and home to countless bars, restaurants, music venues, talent agencies, comedy clubs, clothing shops, tattoo parlors, and other businesses serving the masses. Perhaps you’re a Native, and visit the District regularly; or perhaps you’re a visitor from Off-world, drawn by the glitz & glamour and the promise of a memorable evening among the Galaxy’s Rich & Famous.

On your journey here, numerous billboards and advertisements caught your eye. Namely, an advertisement for one of Coruscant’s finest restaurants: that of The Star Lounge, a Blues/Jizz Wailer’s Bar rated in Coruscant’s Top 10 “Bucket List PlacesTo Visit”. The venue is famous for its fine cuisine, relaxing high-class ambience, welcoming atmosphere, and the crooning heavenly voice of their Top Singer: The Star Lounge’s Shooting Star, Neesa Loroka.

Located very close to the Uscru District’s main entrance (a massive arch advertising the area with twinkling lights), the smell of cooking food and the soulful tunes float through the air, beckoning any & all to investigate.

Foot traffic is heavy, but there is a distinct lack of vehicle traffic above and within the Uscru District, as C-Sec defines it as protected airspace. Nearly every race, class, and appearance is represented throughout the district; groups large & small intermingling in one of the Ecumenopolis’ most heavily populated & most popular night-life destinations.

The section occupied by the Lounge is easily recognized by the famous “Loroka Overlook” - a bridge which provides direct access to the restaurant, and is a prime location for lovebirds and tourists to snap a few photos (and potentially catching Ms. Loroka herself toward the end of the night).

Across from the Loroka Overlook sits one of the Uscru District’s most popular tattoo parlors; the neon lights outside advertise the shop as “
Artistic Expressions Tattoo & Piercings”. Above the tattoo parlor rests a Cybernetic Shop which operates by appointment only. The proprietor ( Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree ) is an eccentric individual known to never speak, but relies strictly on text-based communication. Nonetheless, they provide the highest quality services in the District (and arguably across Coruscant).


(Black Hole Sun, Hayley Reinhart)

(Criminal, Ariana Savalas)

(Habits, Hayley Reinhart)

(Seven Nation Army, Hayley Reinhart)


Ms. Loroka has taken the stage, and has begun her nightly set. The Star Lounge is busy, as it normally is; filled with all manner of characters. Many are dressed in suits & dresses, clearly some of Coruscant’s higher-class clientele, but the restaurant is known to cater to beings from all walks of life. There are even a few families with younglings upstairs in the main dining area.

Upon entering The Lounge, you are greeted by one of the hosts; a pleasant young human woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her name-tag indicates her name as “Athena”, and she offers space at the bar or a booth downstairs to anyone who’d rather enjoy the music and vibrant, raucous atmosphere of the Blues club. For anyone entering more interested in a peaceful and private meal, they will be directed to the stairs near the Bar where they’ll be shown to an elegant upstairs dining area which is decorated by expensive high-backed wood booths, red velvet carpets & curtains, and brass fixtures. The lighting upstairs is dim and comfortable even to those with sensitivity to light, and the music is dulled somewhat. Each booth upstairs is comfortable and intimate.

Downstairs, one is greeted by bright lights, fine decor, a gorgeous aquarium occupying the entirety of the wall to the right of the entrance, and the main bar & dance-floor. Across from the bar, separated by seating and a dance-floor, the large stage sits front & center. Upon it, Ms. Loroka and the Lounge’s musicians entertain the crowd.

To All Guests: Please explore the space! Enjoy a meal or a drink, get a tattoo, visit some of the other shops in the area, or BYOO!

Unbeknownst to nearly all of Coruscant’s population, The Star Lounge is actually the home & headquarters for The Family; one of Coruscant’s most powerful Crime Syndicates. Members of the Organization, known affectionately as “Goons”, may be blending in with the clientele. The establishment provides high security for the Syndicate’s operations; all well-hidden, including weapons-scanners concealed over every entrance & exit.

Upon approaching the bar, one may speak with the single male Zeltron and request to speak with “The Proprietor”; doing so will provide access by escort to a private area upstairs - The Donna of The Family is available for discrete meetings, requests, and offers. Be respectful, or else.

Private Threads Found Here:

1. Private Meeting (Closed)
2. Private Meeting (Open To First Reply)

Carrying of concealed weapons is allowed, but the open display of weaponry is prohibited.

Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse Aurelius Baldor Aurelius Baldor Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Yu Karloo Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 Argos of the East Gabriel Lynch Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae
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Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division


The Sentinels - Night Runner

The woman stood in the doorway her eyes trained on the glittering Coruscant skyline filled with the neon lights, speeders and star cruisers. A world filed with culture, a world where the separation of class is blatant no matter how much you try to cover it with pretty buildings and fancy dresses. A world where you make it or fall so down the levels you never see light of day ever again. Still Dedata was fortunate, she is not from this crystal palace world, she found her place a long time ago and a place with in the family too. Right now life was good, or as good as it could get so there where no complaints from the woman of many titles.

Info broker, slicer, artist, then the not so loved titles, cyber terrorist, criminal. However they where just titles not the most important thing.

Her eyes moved down looking onto the bustling walkways. No surprise that the music coming from the star lounge dominated all others. Perhaps it was its unique sound that cut through.

Dedata pushed herself off the door frame and waltzed back inside, immersed in the alternative styled decor with prominent theme of Cyberpunk and the works of the tattoo artists hung on the walls. Very quickly she could hear the synthetic sounds, simple beats and unique melodies of her music again. Something about it felt... energetic which matched those who worked in the building, except Vreen. The Trandoshan just enjoyed poking holes in people with needles, the qualities of someone good at piercings. The girls however, they where peppy and lively. The three got absorbed in the art, people where canvases and the tattoo gun their brush. Even Dedata had picked up some new tricks just by observing them.

The woman moved into the Cyber Kat Ink shop on the first floor checking in. A human male was in the chair with Mirialan, Celinie, who hung over his arm working on a full sleeve tattoo. It was certainly intricate with the shapes and flow. She could only imagine how impressive it will look once its done.


Mirialan - Celinie || Trandoshan - Vreen || Zebrak - Nebrosa || Twi'lek - Giza
Location: The Star Lounge | Uscru Entertainment District | Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Open

It had been some time since Naren had been in the Core. He wasn’t the biggest fan of the Galactic Alliance. He also was not among the Galactic elite who seemed to thrive in the Core. It was obvious others knew that to be true the way they looked at his ship. It was old, he guessed, but every system on it had been updated and replaced. But that wasn’t the way people saw it.

The veteran bounty hunter wasn’t even sure what brought him to Coruscant now. It wasn’t like the Outer Rim was lacking in contracts to be taken. It wasn’t like his account was filled with credits that would afford him the luxury of galavanting about the galaxy and taking in the finer things of life. Naren scoffed at the mere thought of it. He could have all the credits in the galaxy and he wouldn’t have sought out relaxation time on Coruscant. So what was it? Why now?

Something inside him told him what the reason was. Krisstan was gone. Stupid boy took the holocron and ran, just like Naren had done when he couldn’t take his father any longer. Naren gritted his teeth while he admitted internally that his son's leaving bothered him. It was one less mouth to feed. Nothing to hold him back from choosing whatever jobs he wanted. Naren was back on his own. Didn’t have to worry if the job was too dangerous for Kriss.

Standing at the main entrance to the Uscru Entertainment district Naren gave his cheek a slap. Trying to shake the unfamiliar and unwelcomed feelings that kept creeping into his brain. He needed something different. Not just the standard hut job. Not just putting a bolt between someone’s eyes. The Core was where he would find his next step.

Taking a deep breath he looked up. Two signs jumped out at him. The Star Lounge and Artistic Expressions Tattoo & Piercings. Naren looked at his bare forearms and then at the sign for the Tattoo parlor. He shook his head with a smirk. ‘They’d probably think I was some crazy old guy having a mid-life crisis,’ he thought humorously to him. ‘They’d be right,’ he finished, not quite as happy with that thought. ‘Maybe later.’

With that decision made Naren stode over to the Star Lounge. The dulcet tones of Neesa Loroka hit Naren immediately and he knew he’d made the right choice for his first stop. The hostess, Athena, gets a rare smile from Naren as he takes her up on the offer of a barstool closer to the entertainment. As she gestures to his spot at the bar and returns to her station, Naren nonchalantly flips her a credit chit.

Settling onto the stool, he orders up a Corellian Whiskey and then turns his attention back to the woman singing on stage. Beautiful and talented. Far above Naren’s league, but for a night in his head maybe she wouldn’t be. Of course his years of living prevented him from tunnel vision. As much as he wanted to stay focused on the beautiful vision and sounds coming from the stage, his eyes darted about the room sizing up any threats or opportunities that might present themselves.
Khallesh Val wore an ooglith that resembled typical human space clothing. It could shift into a more form-fitting armour if required, though nothing as impenetrable as skerr kyrric. Khallesh did not attempt to hide her heritage. She was very clearly a yuuzhan vong. She wore the scarring and ritualistic tattoos that marked her as a warrior with pride.

She also openly displayed her disdain for the cybernetics shop and the patron that emerged with a new arm. Infidel technology. Since her sect had collapsed in the wake of the destruction of the One Sith, she had been forced to immerse herself in this world of heretics.

It turned out that her will to survive was slightly stronger than her moral compass. A friend who had already turned their shaper arts to selling bio-technology to the natives of this galaxy had paved the way for her to choose this over death.

Khallesh turned into the Star Lounge. The guard at the door, narrowed his gaze as her sized her up. Khallesh eyed him back. She had beaten jedi masters to death with her bare hands, she wouldn't be intimidated by a common human stuffed into a black suit. She their strange music and language wash over her and made her way towards the bar.

For now, she simply ordered water and the plainest food she could see. Khallesh was here because she needed a new job. Where there was power, there were those who had credits and a fear for their own safety. There was no rush. A contact of a contact had pointed her this way, but she would appraise the situation before asking for a conversation.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Naren Cors Naren Cors

Athena's hand moved quicker than he might have expected - snatching the credit out of the air like a serpent striking at a rodent. The small chit disappeared in the blink of an eye, and she flashed a grin & a nod of thanks in his direction.

A Zeltron bartender bearing the name-tag "Phaelix" took the Mercenary's order for a Corellian Whiskey, and delivered it quickly; the chilled glass budding with tiny drops of moisture. The Zeltron smiled pleasantly, noticing the warrior's attention to his surroundings as well as the attention being paid to the stage. Phaelix' emerald green eyes, bright and alert, sized up the grizzled killer in a way that was neither suspicious or distracting; the Zeltron was a master at far more than bartending.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" Phaelix asked, nodding his head in an upward motion in the direction of the stage - indicating, clearly, Ms. Loroka. The gorgeous young woman was dressed in a form-fitting black & gold gown which shimmered beneath the lights of the stage; commanding attention, at home in the spotlight.

"If you stick around until the end of the night, you might get a chance to buy her a drink." The Zeltron flashed a grin; speaking as-if the two men were familiar with one another... though they'd never met before. The pheromones his Species were known to project would already be working their magic, bringing a sense of calm & ease not just to the Mercenary seated at the bar, but everyone in the room. It was all part of the experience at the Lounge.

Khallesh Khallesh

The unusual creature which entered the lounge and took a seat by herself drew a few looks, but not as many as she would have expected. For its High Class atmosphere, clearly the patrons & Staff were used to all manner of visitors. A male Zeltron, bearing the name "Phaelix" attached to his uniform, delivered her water in a tall glass; the beverage tasted pure, flavorful, and sweet, as-if drawn from a mountain spring. After a few moments of conversation to understand what she was looking for in a meal, he offered a loaf of fresh, steaming bread - figuring she wouldn't appreciate the colorful flavor profiles of their more expensive offerings.

As was his custom, Phaelix manned the bar alone - showing great dexterity & skill in delivering orders for the other patrons. He had a knack for flair and for conversation - responding with a ready, handsome smile and an answer to every question.

Inwardly, he wasn't sure if his pheromones would work on the Being who'd chosen such simple refreshments... but if Khallesh chose to open up and speak to him, she would find him more than willing to converse.

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora

It had been a long and truly awful road for the bounty-hunter-turned-liberator-turned-wanderer. He had pursued truly magnificent ambitions after leaving his original occupation behind, investing his fortune in his pride and joy, The Harbinger… a true marvel of engineering and technology, in order to become his own master and determine his own targets… a vigilante of sorts, who worked behind the scenes to bring down kingpins, mobsters, and whoever rubbed him the wrong way. All in pursuit of some twisted form of self-redemption from his self-centered and tainted past.

It had been a good run… pulling together unique crews of bounty hunters, mercenaries, and gunslingers to hit the untouchables and to help those who could not help themselves. He had accomplished some truly magnificent feats, with over a dozen worlds eternally in his debt… despite the fact that no-one knew it had been him. He had been the faceless bringer of justice for the oppressed. But now?

Disillusioned. broken. hurt. confused.

The only woman he had ever loved?


And so Kardek had walked away from everything, knowing it had been his fault that she was killed. He wanted to be somewhere where no-one knew his name… where he could reinvent himself and become the scum and filth that he knew was what he deserved to be.

No longer would he fight for others. Now he would fight for himself. And every night, he would drown himself in pleasure, intoxication, drugs… until he arrived at the day that the man he use to be no longer existed. And maybe… someday… he would drown. His life snuffed out… worthless.. useless… no one to remember him… to grieve for him.

The fate he deserved.

He threw open the doors to the Star Lounge, uninterested in its glitz and glam. He knew from his past dealings that he could get access to the Family here. And he knew what he needed to do. He walked up and sat down with a sense of resignation at the bar, looking blankly at the wall of liquor until the bartender, a Zeltron, approached him to inquire as to his preference of liquor. His eyes drifted to meet his gaze, a rather uninterested expression resting on his face.

"I want to speak with the Proprietor." He said flatly as Alpha, his IG-88 Assassin droid, approached cautiously and stood behind him, looking around almost as if in awe of the establishment. As the man turned to go, Kardek quickly reached out and grabbed his arm, "And… whiskey… top shelf." The Zeltron nodded.
Viz is now cursed by the Eye of Koda, which is said to bring misfortune to any of the owner.

She will be rolling dice for herself to determine outcomes of situations which require a skill.

These dice outcomes effect only Viz, and continue to effect her until her HP runs out.

If her HP dips below zero, she is burnt and has to leave the thread to seek medical attention.

She MUST roll in every post, until she can offload the amulet.

Rolls are based on Trait Stats HERE

Dice - 1D20 (add D6 Force Mod if applicable)

Current HP: 100 (current)

Possible Events
above (+)12, Deal damage equal to the amount on the dice (DD) // No Force Mod (NFM)// Below or equal to (-=) 12 - no damage (ND)
Theft: + 16, DD// FM +1D6 // -=16 (ND)
Sneak: +9, DD// FM +1D6// -=9 (ND)
Lightsaber: +4 DD // FM +1D6 // -=4 (ND)
Piloting: +10 DD // NFM // -=4 (ND)
Repair or Mechanics: +15DD// NFM// -=15 ND
Persuasion: +13 DD // FM +1D6// -=13 (ND)
General Luck: +10 DD// NFM// -=10 (ND)
FIRST AID: +1D20 every 3 posts

To be perfectly clear, Viz did not like the Uscru Entertainment District. It was too loud, there were too many people, and she was less than enthused by the music. She also didn't really have a chance to pick any pockets hereabouts because it was Family Territory, and one didn't take a crap in one's own backyard.

Snitch swung over to the little pocket where she was leaning heavily on a standing table. He passed her cocktail Phaelix had placed in a little sipper cup and given to the Monkey Lizard for easier transport. She waved at the bartender in thanks and uncapped it, taking a long sip. She let it burn down, and for a second was blissfully at ease.

It ended quickly. Since the Avenue, and grabbing the Amulet, The Eye of Koda, she hadn't been able to relax. Her normal stream of odd luck had escalated to just plain bad, and the pull of the force as well as the strange sensations tied to the Eye told her it was mostly the eye's fault. But she hadn't been able to sell it, nor had she been able to get rid of it or destroy it. For now, she would just consider it a part of her ongoing journey.

Snitch headbutted her shoulder and she smiled a little. He was a good boy, and faithful. For the moment, she could relax a little knowing she was not planning on doing anything out of the ordinary.

Nothing was happening. For the moment.
Business, Espionage & Faith

Location: The Star Lounge
Tag: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha , Viz Harridan Viz Harridan & Anyone Else! (Especially those at the bar)

Irked The Wrong Way
Marcella sat in one of the booths facing the bar, enjoying a cigarra and chatting with Viz Harridan Viz Harridan . It was a busy night as usual yet the staff always ensured there was a table free for members of The Family. Phaelix had just come over to take orders, "Same as usual, thank you Phaelix" she responded politely before he charged off to sort her Corellian whiskey out. As she continued to chat with Viz, she eyed the customers entering and exiting the lounge as well as the assorted collection of "Goons" who were tonight's security detail, somewhere also in the mix of riff-raff there was the
D-13 "Athena" Class Assassin Droid that she couldn't quite spot yet, most likely blending in with the crowd as expected. They were all, of course, armed to some extent, including Marcella; this was their home and they would protect it.

However, amongst the busy crowd there was one invidivual who piqued her attention, one who was followed by an assassin droid. He looked a bit like a ruffian, the kind you expect to be smuggling and pirating, she would have to keep an eye on hi-

Kardek quickly reached out and grabbed his arm

... A wave of disbelief befell Marcella, the level of disrespect was insurmountable and she was not the only one to be offended by this brazen action. Phaelix was a much loved member of The Family community, he held a special place in the hearts of those he recruited, Marcella included. No hesitation was taken from anyone, Marcella flipped up from her seat and violently moved towards the scoundrel, five of the Goons also converged onto him, keeping their distance after they saw Marcella approach. The D-13 Athena droid also made itself known, taking a position in front of the Goons, parallel to Marcella and keeping an eye on the IG-88 droid. Any sudden moves and chaos would ensue, surely..

Marcella's blood was boiling, she took a few moments to collect herself before hand-signalling to the goons to back off some more. She evil-eyed the droid, taking another Ivory cigarra from her tin as she left hers at the booth. Having calmed down a little she leant in next to Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha on the bar, lighting her cigarra and taking a long, slow puff before words began flowing..

Her question was simple this time, nothing elaborate, "Who the crik do you think you are?" she spoke, calmly, not wanting to garner the attention of tonight's guests.
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Viz is now cursed by the Eye of Koda, which is said to bring misfortune to any of the owner.

She will be rolling dice for herself to determine outcomes of situations which require a skill.

These dice outcomes effect only Viz, and continue to effect her until her HP runs out.

If her HP dips below zero, she is burnt and has to leave the thread to seek medical attention. She

She MUST roll in every post, until she can offload the amulet.

Rolls are based on Trait Stats HERE

Dice - 1D20 (add D6 Force Mod if applicable)

Current HP: 100 (current)

Possible Events
above (+)12, Deal damage equal to the amount on the dice (DD) // No Force Mod (NFM)// Below or equal to (-=) 12 - no damage (ND)
Theft: + 16, DD// FM +1D6 // -=16 (ND)
Sneak: +9, DD// FM +1D6// -=9 (ND)
Lightsaber: +4 DD // FM +1D6 // -=4 (ND)
Piloting: +10 DD // NFM // -=4 (ND)
Repair or Mechanics: +15DD// NFM// -=15 ND
Persuasion: +13 DD // FM +1D6// -=13 (ND)
General Luck: +10 DD// NFM// -=10 (ND)
FIRST AID: +1D20 every 3 posts

At some point as the evening wore on, Viz had found Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora and the two of them had shot the schuta for the first time since the Hutt Consortium on Varl when Viz had had her first meeting with Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud . Considering all that had happened, it was weird to catch up. In their conversations, she'd left out the fact that she'd acquired a theoretically cursed object and just enjoyed a drink.

Suddenly, Marcella jumped up, and Viz spun around to see what in blazes had riled her.
A man had laid hands on Phaelix. Even Viz, relatively new to The Family as she was, knew that there were zero circumstances that precipitated any hostility toward their man of all trades. She felt a surge of anger as well and followed Marcella as she signaled to the assorted goons to stand down. She leaned along the bar next to Marcella, a casual distance away, with one ear on the conversation in case she needed a hand.
Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division



All Dedata could focus on was the buzz of the tattoo gun as she watched. Nebrosa and Giza both stood by the black tinted window as they drank there hot cups of Caff. "Y'know, should see what that place is all about after work, ya game giza. I mean that get up bet cha'd blend rite in with those high class patrons."

"Pffft as if Nebrosa. Those rich kind would eat me alive. Besides I avoid the clubs. Had my fill of guys and their lame pick ups. Think the last time was by far the worst." The Twi'lek's lekku moved, the tips almost pointing into her back. Not many outside the Twi'lek culture understood the body language, few did not know how to read it in the first place.

"Ohh ye, what was the line? I mean you gotta tell me now you mentioned it."

"Hey red, I'm here, you got two wishes left. I simply told him my next wish was him to feth off and go choke on a..." Her hand lifted up as the woman cleared her throat from doing her best deep voice tone. "Best I not finish that sentence, but you get the point."

"Dammmn, that's cold even for you girly, surprised ya didn't do him in."

"Oh no, I did. Douche followed me out and tried to ambush me. By the time I was done he was bluer than a freshly hatched duros larval grub."

"Okay, now that's cold." The Zebrak laughed hysterically slapping her hand against her lap a couple of times. It took a moment for her to cool down before turning her attention to Dedata. "Hey boss, you go over there often rite, to the star lounge? I mean, given how little you speak never woulda thought that place is you kinda dig." Nebrosa turned her head over to the helmeted woman.

Dedata looked up as the question was asked and walked over with her datapad being slipped out the Thigh bag. Her hand tapped away at the screen. "What can I say, the upstairs is dim and the drinks are better quality than any other place around here. Besides I have friends that work over there, and someone who I like too.

"Whoa, boss lady likes someone huh?" Nebrosa said teasingly and it certainly got the others attention, even Vreen peaked around his curtain. "Ya know the rules, drop something juicy like that ya gotta spill the beans."

Dedata shook her head and wiggled her finger back and fourth defiantly not answering the question. Once more she typed. "Not telling, you know me. I keep my secrets closely guarded. I would be bad at my job if I let them slip everywhere.
Of course her workers knew what she did roughly. Vreen, and Nebrosa had been past clients. The other two where friends who matched their skills in their craft.


Mirialan - Celinie || Trandoshan - Vreen || Zebrak - Nebrosa || Twi'lek - Giza

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
His eyes had settled back down towards the bar for the briefest of moments, but immediately there were signs of movement and disgruntled noises which caused him alarm. Alpha began to look around frantically at the approaching posse, letting off a concerned whirr that steadily rose in its tone. Kardek felt their presence drawing closer, and his eyes furrowed deeply out of complete confusion as to what the kriff had caused such an aweful upset.

Was this a trap? Had his reputation already preceded him despite his greatest efforts?

Finally everyone stopped, having surrounded the gunslinger. He looked slowly to the left… then the right… a look of humorous confusion etched across his face. Finally he turned slowly in the stool and leaned back against the bar, his elbows resting on top of it as his gaze found that of Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora . He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, as if genuinely curious as to how he might be able to assist her.

Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora said:
"Who the crik do you think you are?"

Kardek stared at her for a moment, a bewildered smile creeping across his face,

"Well…" He scratched the side of his head, "I think I'm confused, mam… if I'm honest." Suddenly, with a slight twitch of his finger, there was a miniature blaster visible in his hand pointed straight at the woman's head. It happened so quickly that no-one had seen it appear until it was too late. Kardek, trying to keep his cool, looked around at the goons that surrounded him, sizing up his chances and realizing that they were pretty much nil given the circumstances. He didn't want this to turn into a firefight, and he was betting that neither did anyone else.

"Seems like we have ourselves a bit of a misunderstanding, mam." He mused, his eyes locking back onto Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , "But I'm not here for… well… whatever this is." He waved his free hand about at all the hubbub. "So how about you call off your men here… and I'll just calmly and quietly pick up my things and leave your fine establishment." He crooked his head, giving her a warm smile and a subtle wink. "I think you all might be a little bit too wound up for my taste… Probably what's best for everyone."

Alpha continued to whirr nervously at the growing tension in the room, his hands ready to pull out his own blaster and go down in a blaze of glory if such would be their fate.
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Business, Espionage & Faith

Location: The Star Lounge
Tag: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha , Viz Harridan Viz Harridan & Anyone Else!

First Contact with the Nerf Herder!
A small smirk washed over Marcella, she had seen his blaster poking out from his hand, aimed straight at her. This wasn't an unusual situation for her, she admired his audacity, "Put that down, tougher girls than you have tried to kill me" she scoffed, moving her hand behind her back and hand-signalling the Goons to go back to business as usual while the D-13 droid took a seat nearby, poised for action.

With the tension eased slightly with the standing down of the Goons, she eyed the man; "
Stay," she began, moving in to take a seat next to him. Once seated she turned to Phaelix, "I'll have that drink now Phaelix and a whiskey for the gentleman, thank you. Now.." she paused, taking out her cigarra tin and laying it in-front of her, open on the bar table. "Understand that some of us are particularly protective over our Zeltron friend here, he holds a special place within our hearts," she continued, referring to the patrons of the lounge while reorganising the cigarras in her tin to make them more presentable, taking another puff of her cigarra in the process. "and our security friends are particularly easy to offend; so, what business do you have with the proprietor?"

She squinted at the man, "
Mm, Do you smoke?" she quizzed, sliding the reorganised cigarra tin over slightly, containing a number of Fiora Ivory, Ebony, Sage and Ruby cigarras. A peace offering, if you will, she didn't fancy scrubbing stains out of the floor this evening.
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Cass fancied some new ink, and she heard that Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree was something of an artist with a tattoo gun. Plus the mysterious woman, droid?... squid? had been on her mind for a while now, that tactic of being conspicuously inconspicuous was genius. She walked in to tattoo parlour and saw the staff in there, it had a chilled vibe. The last place she got inked had more of a drunken hepatitis risk if she was honest.

"Hey girl," she looked over to Dedata, "lovely to see that gorgeous face of yours again." she blew a playful kiss as she looked at some of the examples of her art on the wall. If this was all her she deserved to be in a gallery. "So how do you feel about stabbing me over and over again?" she obviously meant the tattoo gun, but wouldn't be suprised if Dedata wanted to stab her just a little bit, Cass was fun, but was a pain in the ass too.

"I am feeling the need for another tattoo, nothing too big today, and maybe i should get something pierced while I am at it." The tight read and black of her outfit strained as she reached up and stretched her back. "Its been a bit of a day and I could do with some pampering time." she had had a minor run in with a Denon orbital patrol over a case of mistaken identity, apparently a ship similar to hers robbed a cargo vessel full of cigarilla destined for the higher class parts of this world. It cost her a little more than she would have liked to remind him that her own ship couldn't possibly have been in the area at the time.


Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
He sighed and relaxed his shoulders a bit, recalling the blaster back into its hidden holder on his forearm, "But surely, none quite as beautiful." He smirked with an edge of flirtation as he pivoted back around on the stool and settled back in, still on edge but not enough to hold him back from being his usual self.

Alpha almost seemed to melt from all the drama, relieved that it had dissipated as he released a string of amusing sounds. He ventured almost innocently over to a protocol droid that was standing nearby like a dog would, tilting his head to the side and attempting to communicate with his own kind. Could this be a new friend? He hoped so.

As Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora expounded upon the nature of their protectiveness towards the Zeltron, Kardek raised his eyebrows with sudden revelation, "So... you're telling me that, all of that…" He waved two if his fingers in the air, referencing the ambush that has just occurred moments ago, "Was because I…" He lifted the hand that had reached for the barkeeps attention innocently, a look of amusement suddenly washing over his features as he let out a laugh, shaking his head as he processed the information. Right then, the Zeltron slid his whiskey over to him. Kardek lifted his eyes and raised a finger, suggesting he intended to do something, "Just… may I?" He raised both hands, pivoted around on his stool and presenting them with a tinge of amusement to the security guards, then pivoted back around, stood up, and, ever so slowly, brushed off the man's shirt and straightened it. "There." He said, looking him over and giving a nod of approval, "All better." He sat back down and turned his attention back to the woman seated next to him, a slight smirk still on his face and a hint of playfulness in his expression.

Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora said:
"Mm, Do you smoke?"

"If I didn't, I do now." He teased, bringing his finger over top of the cigar tin and pointing at them one by one as he spoke a simple poem, "Einy, mini, mini, moe. Catch a, cigarra, by the, toe." He carefully picked up the winner and whipped out a lighter from his pocket, suggesting that this wasn't his first time. "We have a winner." He muttered with the Ebony cigarra on his lips, lighting it and then snapping the lighter shut. He took a hit, then let it out slowly through his nostrils.

"I have a confession." He stated, almost soberly before turning back to look into her eyes, "I lied to you before. About who I think I am. My name's Kardek." He tilted his head slightly with a smile, "And I don't think I caught your name? You know, you're a much more approachable person when you're not trying to... kill me."

He turned and looked out over the venue, listening for a moment to the music before answering her question as to what business he had with the proprietor, "It's pretty simple, really. I'm looking for work. Hutt's are too unpredictable… Pirates are too… well… dirty." He winked at her, "Family sounds nice. You've got a code you live by. You protect your own… to a fault." He chuckled and tilted his head back in the barkeeps direction. "I'm looking to hitch my blaster to a group that I can really go far with."
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Viz is now cursed by the Eye of Koda, which is said to bring misfortune to any of the owner.

She will be rolling dice for herself to determine outcomes of situations which require a skill.

These dice outcomes effect only Viz, and continue to effect her until her HP runs out.

If her HP dips below zero, she is burnt and has to leave the thread to seek medical attention. She

She MUST roll in every post, until she can offload the amulet.

Rolls are based on Trait Stats HERE

Dice - 1D20 (add D6 Force Mod if applicable)

Current HP: 188 (current)

Possible Events

Firefight: above (+)12, Deal damage equal to the amount on the dice (DD) // No Force Mod (NFM)// Below or equal to (-=) 12 - no damage (ND)

Theft: + 16, DD// FM +1D6 // -=16 (ND)

Sneak: +9, DD// FM +1D6// -=9 (ND)

Lightsaber: +4 DD // FM +1D6 // -=4 (ND)

Piloting: +10 DD // NFM // -=4 (ND)

Repair or Mechanics: +15DD// NFM// -=15 ND

Persuasion: +13 DD // FM +1D6// -=13 (ND)

Charisma: +10 DD // FM +1D6 // -= 10 Nd
General Luck: +10 DD// NFM// -=10 (ND)

FIRST AID: +1D20 every 3 posts

, "But surely, none quite as beautiful." He smirked with an edge of flirtation
Viz had been listening, her eye on the assassin droid, which seemed relatively benign despite the models consistent reputation. Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha started flirting... Or something... With Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora and she gave a sardonic little gag.

"Gross" Stilza said
Naobi giggled and Morgan tsked. Viz chuckled and kept listening.

"It's pretty simple, really. I'm looking for work. Hutt's are too unpredictable… Pirates are too… well… dirty." He winked at her, "Family sounds nice. You've got a code you live by. You protect your own… to a fault."

Finally, unable to sit back anymore if only to assuage her own curiosity, she sidled over. Snitch jumped from her shoulder to the new comers, smelling him and touching his hair as if trying to get a read on him. The Kowakian Monkey Lizard gave him a little pat on the hand, which meant at least he approved. Maybe.

"Watch your vernacular about Hutts and Pirates". She said as she leaned on the other side of him. They now formed something of a 'Kardek Alpha Sandwich' which Viz hoped was as intimidating as it was claustrophobic. "You may discover there are more of one or both among out number, and then your back in hot water with the goons." She thumbed the non- descript wallflowers behind them. "Also, I know a few pirates who would take umbrage with that description."

This is the Result of the -12 Damage (General Luck Roll)

Without warning, Snitch yanked Kardek's lighter out of his hand and activated it, howling like a tiny demon as his tail caught fire.

"Aw Hell." Viz grabbed at him as she scrabbled up her, terrified, clawing at her face and neck as he struggled to... Stop being on fire.

She caught him hard by the base of his tail, face smarting from the scratches and yanked it straight, sticking it's end in her cocktail. She winced an apology at Phaelix and shrugged, plucking the lighter out of Snitches hand and handing it back over to the stranger. Snitch put his head on her shoulder like a sad toddler and she patted him comfortingly. "Welp, so much for first impressions I guess." Her tough girl act had immediately dissolve so she might as well drop it. Leave it to Stilza. She held out a hand to man. "Viz Harridan, Larcenist, Scrapper, mechanic and Humble Hermit, at your service."
Business, Espionage & Faith

Location: The Star Lounge
Tag: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha , Viz Harridan Viz Harridan & Anyone Else!

Marcella was speechless, amused by the spontaneous show put on by Viz and her demon-fire-lizard. After a few moments of.. chaos, she finally found her words, "Well, Mr. Kardek.. As you now know, this is.. Viz," she smirked, still unable to get over the performance. She placed the cigarra in between two fingers as Marcella's and Kardek's whiskeys were delivered by Phaelix, she picked up her glass, now holding both of them in one hand.

Marcella, Marcella Fiora" she paused, grinning slightly at his comments, he was smooth with his words. "More approachable? I get that a lot" she chuckled, listening attentively to every word he spoke. Looking for work, eh? She swivelled on her chair, now facing sideways from the bar and leaning on the counter, "Huh.. I see," she began, eyeing the maverick up and down. She was taken aback slightly, "You've heard of us? Well, we're always looking for new talent.. What can you bring to the table?" she began, "Apart from your blaster toy set and your ability to easily garner unwanted attention," Marcella mused coyly, partially referring to his smaller blaster.
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Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Kardek took another pull from the cigarra, his thoughts beginning to wonder if there was something special about this particular blend as he held it in his fingers, looking at it with curiosity, letting the smoke seep out through his nostrils. He then pivoted his head, looking at Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora with a playfully suspicious expression, "Interesting." He mused.

Just then, someone scooted into the stool on the other side of him, and immediately a rather intrigued Kowakian Monkey Lizard plopped down on his shoulder. An immediate sense of anxiety could be observed as all of his muscles tensed in response to its presence, his head jolting further away from the creature. "Well… hello there…" He said, trying to disguise his apparent discomfort at its new-found perch upon his shoulder. He winched, almost as if expecting some element of pain to befall him, when it patted him on top of the head. "Thats nice." He said a bit sarcastically. He was obviously uncomfortable.

Immediately he was bombarded again by the newcomer; Viz Harridan Viz Harridan , which caused him to turn in her direction as he took another slow drag from the delightful cigarra, staring at her rather dully. After her rebuke, he responded with a smirk, "Who said anything about dirty being a bad thing? Maybe it's a joke. You do know what a joke is?" He had an edge of mockery in his tone, but also jest. "Honestly, everyone here just needs to relax a bit. There are a million things we can get offended about, and it's just… exhausting. I mean, hell… she called me a woman just a moment ago…" He pointed his cigarra in Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora 's direction, quickly turning towards her and offering a subtle wink before redirecting his attention to the newcomer again, "Was I offended? No. Why? Because I don't kriffin' care. Besides…" He pivoted his stool so as to lean his back up against the counter with elbows resting on top of it again, taking in another drag and letting his eyes drift between to two woman at his side as he spoke, "Women are incredible creatures. Truly remarkable. The pinnacle… or climax… of all sentient life, so to speak." His eyes sparkled with amusement at his own words, "So I find it an honor to be called a woman." His smile widened as he observed both of their reactions, then he took another drag. "This cigarra is…" He made a circle with two of his fingers and squinted his eyes, nodding slowly with a satisfied smile. It was perfection.

Right then, all hell broke loose as the demon monkey made a play for his lighter, and in the process, caught his tail on fire. Kardek just stared on in amusement and watched it all transpire. As she handed him back his lighter, He chuckled, sliding it into his jacket pocket for safe keeping.

Viz Harridan Viz Harridan said:
"Welp, so much for first impressions I guess." Her tough girl act had immediately dissolve so she might as well drop it. Leave it to Stilza. She held out a hand to man. "Viz Harridan, Larcenist, Scrapper, mechanic and Humble Hermit, at your service."

He laughed authentically, taking her offered hand, "Trust me… tonight has been quite the night for first impressions. I'm Kardek… He's Alpha." He motioned to his IG-88 droid who was still yukking it up with his new bestie.

He turned towards Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora as she offered commentary on the entertaining exchange. His gaze was steady and practiced as he offered her his best smolder. As she provided her name, he smiled, extending his hand for a handshake, "Nice to meet you, Marcella." He said in a rather sultry tone. He kept his gaze locked onto her beautiful eyes as she probed him for a resume, "In my line of work, I've come across many who have brushed arms with the Family. And your reputation precedes you, of coarse. Now, regarding what I can offer…" He leaned his head back a bit, beginning to feel very, very relaxed. Whatever was in this cigarra was working some kind of magic on the gunslinger for sure.

"Besides eye candy? Well… I have a unique mix of skills. Use to be a highly respected bounty hunter within the guild… Master gunslinger… smuggler… but with a code. Ex Mandalorian, thats where I picked up that kind of vibe. I then left that life behind and got my own ship, rebuilt it from the ground up to facilitate team-based operations out of. I led teams of Bounty Hunters, Mercs, Assassins, Smugglers, and freedom fighters… and I targeted the untouchables… Whoever I deemed was unworthy, whomever no-one else could touch because they were either too powerful or too connected… I would bring them down. I've toppled corrupted governments. I've done it all." A flash of regret seemed to hit him suddenly as he paused. He took a final drag off the cigarra and then picked up the whiskey, downing the entire glass in one gulp. "So thats me." He suddenly shifted to a lighter and more playful tone in an attempt to rebound from his own heavy thoughts regarding the past, "I also like long walks on the beach… I'm a big-time cuddler… Whiskey, not beer… Wine is fine… and I can surprise you on the dance floor if I've had enough to drink." His smile widened as he looked into her eyes. "Any other questions you have for me, Marcella?"
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Viz is now cursed by the Eye of Koda, which is said to bring misfortune to any of the owner.

She will be rolling dice for herself to determine outcomes of situations which require a skill.

These dice outcomes effect only Viz, and continue to effect her until her HP runs out.

If her HP dips below zero, she is burnt and has to leave the thread to seek medical attention. She

She MUST roll in every post, until she can offload the amulet.

Rolls are based on Trait Stats HERE

Dice - 1D20 (add D6 Force Mod if applicable)

Current HP: 188 (current)

Possible Events

Firefight: above (+)12, Deal damage equal to the amount on the dice (DD) // No Force Mod (NFM)// Below or equal to (-=) 12 - no damage (ND)

Theft: + 16, DD// FM +1D6 // -=16 (ND)

Sneak: +9, DD// FM +1D6// -=9 (ND)

Lightsaber: +4 DD // FM +1D6 // -=4 (ND)

Piloting: +10 DD // NFM // -=4 (ND)

Repair or Mechanics: +15DD// NFM// -=15 ND

Persuasion: +13 DD // FM +1D6// -=13 (ND)

Charisma: +10 DD // FM +1D6 // -= 10 Nd
General Luck: +10 DD// NFM// -=10 (ND)

FIRST AID: +1D20 every 3 posts

The following is the result of a +18 in charisma (a negative effect) associated with The Curse of The Eye of Koda

Viz wasn't sure if it was because he reminded her of her 3 previous husbands, or if his forwardness with Marcella bothered her. Or if she just didn't like his face. Either way, she suddenly and inexplicably loathed Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha .

She patted poor Snitch as he nursed his tail, placing the burnt end of it in her mouth, against her better judgement, trying to ease his pain. she listened to Kardek brag unabashedly about his many brave exploits in an overly dramatic and not-in-the-least-bit-humble way. Then he continued to flirt shamelessly as he seemed to get more and more inebriated. He was deliberately ignoring her and laying it on super thick with Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , which reeked of desperation and man-sweat... not her favorite scent.

"This guy's too much." Stilza snorted. "Let me at him."

Viz shook her head. Having Stilza at the wheel was the last thing she needed. If Marcella had this guy pegged for a new Associate or something, it wasn't her business, not really. Still...

She leaned over the bar, looking at Marcella, attempting to be as irritating as possible. She was bored, and really didn't like him. Not to mention he was deliberately giving her the cold shoulder and honing in on Marcella. He probably didn't like her because she was chubby. He probably had a thing against round women. or short women. It was probably one of thos things, she was just as pretty as Marcella. Cripes, she'd been married 3 times, what did Marcella have that she didn't. He was just an ass.

"Yeah, Marcy, ask the 'big time cuddler' more questions. I gotta hear 'em" She signaled Phaelix for another drink and propped her hand on her chin, widening her eyes in an attempt to look fascinated.
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He was bored enough he figured exploring would do some good, he reluctantly kept his weaponry away ...not that he needed it he was physically strong enough to handle it if people get to rowdy with him but for now he merely explored and observed everything was new to him and thankfully his father wasn't so strict and allowed him to do this and explore but, not many areas interested him so for now atleast..he will be just lurking around not really wanting to talk to people right now he was more action rather then speaking and right now there...wasn't much action
Location: The Star Lounge | Uscru Entertainment District | Galactic City | Coruscant
Tags: Open | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Khallesh Khallesh

The Zeltron bartender was friendly, which Naren appreciated. He was familiar with the species so he was wary of getting too friendly, but chit chat with a bartender wasn’t going to get him in too much trouble. Besides the talk centered around Ms. Loroka, and Naren assumed a lot of male talk focused on the beautiful young songstress.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Naren responded to the chance to have a drink with Neesa. But before the bartender could say any more the bar started to get a little busier. Phaelix was off to his next customer. A YV, odd sight in the Core now adays, a female Naren was quite sure. But it was hard to tell sometimes with the tendency to destroy any beauty that might have been granted them upon birth. He looked her over a little as she interacted with the Zeltron. ‘Came here for something different. That would certainly be different.’ He thought to himself before deciding against any flirtations.

Several others entered the bar and Phaelix saw to their orders, but they quickly seemed to get involved in something within their own group, freeing up the bartender for Naren to call him over. “So be honest with a veteran low-life who is just looking to have a good time here in Coruscant,” Naren started in not quite a whisper, but definitely not broadcasting his thoughts to the entire bar. “How far does a drink with the fabulous star go these days? I’m not stupid enough to think I’d catch her eye.” He nodded his head back towards the entrance. “What about the hostess? She like to drink after her shift? Any one else of interest around who might be able to make my evening interesting?”

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