The Spacepiress of Chaos

850 ABY
..:: The Val Cluster ::..
Deep in Wild Space, on the very fringes of the galaxy lay a vast collection of Nebulous gases known locally as the Val Cluster. Home to hundreds, if not thousands, of worlds unknown to the Galaxy at large. At the heart of the Val Cluster lay Val Reskiea, the capital of an Imperial Theocracy that reigns over a territory known as the Val Reskiea Imperial Holdings.
This world is home to the Holy Church of the Maker, and its Divine Empress reigns as both the head of the Church and as the head of the Val Reskiea Empire.
In more recent events it has become the home of the Order of the Righteous Flame; its Divine Empress welcoming the Holy Order with open arms and incorporating them into the Imperial Hierarchy as the new military arm, though still dedicated to their mandate.
Now the Val Reskiea Empire seeks to increase its Imperial Holdings within the Val Cluster and is calling upon both the Order of the Righteous Flame, and those that seek to delve into the unknown space of the Val Cluster.
This thread is to serve as a more centralized OOC for the Val Cluster Campaign - while its original post in the Looking For Group section will remain as a primary sign up sheet for the over all Campaign (signing up for activity, interest, working on submissions, etc etc). Allow me to make a disclaimer. This is not a Site Event backed by the Admins and Moderators. This is a purely member based endeavor to provide (what I hope will be), a months long campaign centered in the Val Cluster of Wild Space.
More information on the Val Cluster can be found - [HERE]
I would ask that those involved with discussions in this thread please keep to the rules of the forum, as well as be respectful to one another. While witty banter is welcomed and encouraged, brow beating, insults and the like are not welcomed. If you've signed up for the Val Cluster Campaign, or if you still have some questions that you would like answered that you did not see in the original LFG post, please bring them up. I will endeavor to provide you with a suitable answer to your question or any additional information that you may require.
I do hope that this Campaign will provide for stories, new endeavors of partnerships, and an increase in activity for many once it is implemented.
I also look forward to working with you all in getting it ready and seeing the final product once the Val Cluster Campaign begins.
Now let the Witty Banter and Discussion begin!
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Butch Mahan"]
[member="Dax Fyre"]
[member="Kami Meran"]
[member="Lyth Meran"]
[member="Chalim Vern"]
[member="Myles Vylumnar"]
[member="Leo Vandermolen"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Darlyn Excron"]
[member="Thom Betna"]
[member="Yula Knezevic"]
[member="Dean Letham"]
[member="Red Cloud"]