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Approved Tech The Valkyrie's Key

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Manufacturer: The Malsheem
Type: Biotech
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Image Source:
(ChatGPT), Edits done personally


  • The crystal is alchemized with effects of Mind trick so that the brain can be given commands to use Fold space
  • The use of Midi-chloroxian stimulates force sensitivity to the brain
  • Alternative to Hyperspace
  • Cannot be traced in a similar way to Hyperspace
  • Interdiction does not effect this devices use
  • Can only be used on star ships with a working console and will not fit into tight fit cockpits like those of a starfighter.
  • Cannot be used for consecutive uses as Midi-chloroxian will need to be changed after a few uses.
  • To much damage can result in brain death.
  • The Valkyries key takes has a longer spooling time than that of a hyperdrive. Quick getaways is a weakness especially in moments of emergency.
The Valkyries Key, is a hefty and complex piece of equipment and lets face it, this is probably very illegal tech too. Ask a jedi or a normal person of any society with a sense of justice would probably go as far as to call this tech Sacrilege against the Aiing-tii Monks. Though that is for those who believe in rules to argue about. The key came about after Teresa proposed an idea that was more hypothetical at the beginning. However Scientists, engineers and adepts came together to make this device reality. I'll all intent and purposes, this device works similarly to that of a hyperdrive in that it gets a vessel from point a to b to c.

It is a mixture of bio-tech and cybernetics with a little drop of sith alchemy. It takes three parts for this device; a connection ships console to avoid known astronomical objects and dangers, codes to the location once a location is chosen the crystal activates to start a sequence. It takes a few moments for the sequence to run before the ability Fold Space can be artificially performed. The rift will appear 800 meters ahead of the ship this measurement is for the smallest class of ship this can be connected into. The bigger the rift needs to be, the further the distance and the longer the time to activate is.

So memory of the ability does not fade, after experiencing a memory rub leaving only the essentials, the remaining memories where backed up onto a Memory Circuit. Cybernetics and cables added and tubes where attached before being harvested and placed securely into a vat of specialized liquids to keep the organ health. Through the tubes Midi-Chloroxian is supplied to stimulate the uses of force sensitivity so that the ability residing within may be called upon.

The casing is made of Tal'beskar and Glasteel giving it durability for the unfortunate shakes. Though one can choose to look inside, it comes with the option to lower shutters to prevent seeing the contents. Located around the sides are visible rounded bumps in which micro repulsors are housed making it easy for transport. Extendable cables that connect to a ship is found easily in the back with up to 30ft cable length.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a portable device that can be transfered between ships for a different form of long distance travel compared to a hyperdrive.

Technical Information

Affiliation: @Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
Model: The Valkyrie Key
Modular: No
Material: Aiing-ti Brain, Bio/Cybernetics,Tal'beskar, Glasteel, Droid components, Crystal, EM shielding
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