Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Vampire And The SIn

Coruscant, it was now nder Sith rule, he wasnt sure how he felt about that, but he didnt care. He was in bar, lounging around, listening to local gossip, whatever the Sith were doing, they were doing it right. People of all sorts were here, and with his mask, no one would notice who he was. [member="Eliza Downheart"]
Sitting at a tall table on the right hand side of the bar, she sipped her drink quietly wondering what the people around her were thinking. No one looked straight at her but she knew they were somehow staring at her in their minds.
Romeo noticed the young woman with the hood up watching the crowd, was she here to cause trouble, or was she here for something else. The force certainly surged through her, and the feeling vampirism hanged in the clouds around her aura. WHy not, maybe he could have a small adventure. He walked over to the woman, and sat next to her. "What are we having tonight miss?"


The Saber Seer
He walked in with his fencing saber by his side. He still didn't know what he wanted to do after the combines closed, other than have a quick few shots of course.

"3 shots on the rocks ma'am."

He sipped the strong liquor with joy.
Eliza was startled when this unknown man walked up to her. She didn't expect anyone to want to talk to her, she was frightning to most who saw her.
"Well I am drinking a Bloody Mary, what would you recommend?"
Her eyes drifted up and down this man trying to figure out if he wanted something more than just to sit and drink.


The Saber Seer
"Sorry.. I heard this conversation and I'd like to recommend a nice shot of spice rum."

Tim was proud to voice his opinion. [member="Eliza Downheart"]
"Eye me all you want, I'm not on the market miss." He joked around. He noticed everything, and the woman was certaintly staring at him, as well he noticed the new man walking in and stepping to the bar asking for shots. "I recommend drinking just that. Seems your enjoying it enough." He had met a vampire once, she was crazy, in a good way. ""So what brings you here?" He was really just testing her. He was a jerk that way, testing people.


The Saber Seer
Timpedia pulled up a chair.

"Hey Ms.... eh... pass me the beer nuts."

Tim smiled bright. He was experiencing bar drama.

[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Eliza Downheart"]
"Thank you, for that recommendation. I will be sure to keep that in mind." [member="Timpedia"]

"Well, why walk over then darling? I mean most wouldn't come see me unless they wanted something more." She looks at him deeply wondering what he thinks of her. " Thank you, I think that is the best option for now. As for what brings me here, well, I like to get away from everyone I know from time-to-time. What brings you here?" [member="Romeo Sin"]


The Saber Seer
"Eh.. I recommend you continue... But can you pass me the beer nuts sweets?"

[member="Eliza Downheart"]

Tim wanted those nuts, he eats 8 small meals a day.


The Saber Seer
"Well, I prefer minimal protein and small, frequent, assorted snacks."

He giggled.

"I gotta keep in shape for if another fencing tourney ever comes... ahh... Only if...."

He smiled so innocently.

[member="Eliza Downheart"]
Deep in thought, Eliza wonders why this is but doesn't ask. "That doesn't sound healthy... Oh you fence? How is that?" [member="Timpedia"]
Deep down in side Eliza seems to starts to wonder how and why suddenly 2 people are willing to sit and talk to her.


The Saber Seer
"Aww... Fencing is's the realm of the subconscious. If you don't listen to the bare bone psychology, forget it. No awards, no legacy for you. It's an art and I happen to be the champ!"

Tim placed a tiny action figure sized trophy on the table

It read "World Champ, The 6th Fencing combine."

Timpedia was tickled pink with pride. [member="Eliza Downheart"]
"That is very interesting indeed."
Eliza looked at [member="Timpedia"] not sure if he was being egotistical and gloating or not.

It seemed as if [member="Romeo Sin"] had gone into his own world for the time being.
"One I am, well intrested in your abilities." He wispered so only she could her. He was amused to see the young guy with the young woman. If this had been his daughter, the man would be dead by now. [member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Timpedia"]


The Saber Seer
Timpedia was settling right in.

"Hey Ms, got a light?"

He pulled out an old fashioned pipe, it had spice in it.

[member="Eliza Downheart"]
"Interested in what way?" [member="Romeo Sin"] "I would like to hear more of what you think you know about me."

Eliza looked confusedly at [member="Timpedia"] "Me? Oh goodness no. I prefer the cold."

Looking at the table she wonders how [member="Romeo Sin"] know about her powers, seeing as they have barely talked.


The Saber Seer
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"What about you sir, girls like a guy with a light... What do you say? I'll share this bowl with you."

Tim was smiling, and he didn't know he was an interruption.
"Sir, my wife would kill me. But nuts sound good." He removed his mask to reveal his red eyes and and dark black hair. [member="Timpedia"]
He turned his attention to the young lady. "I know what you are." He whispered again so only she could hear him. [member="Eliza Downheart"]

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