Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Vampire And The SIn

Eliza shyly smiles at [member="D-Man"], "Well hello to you as well, I believe Romeo here was wanting me to mingle. Totally not my style." Eliza nudges [member="Romeo Sin"] slightly.
"You look a little stiff standing there, does something hurt?"


Well-Known Member
Damien smiled, "Well, if I an uninteresting tell me so, and I will leave. Do not wish to be over bearing, or anger anyone by intruding." His dark energies swirled, and from behind him the Spirit of Ergast yelled at him obscene comments, to which Damien pretended he couldnt hear. Keeping such a power, came with a burden, but still its one he accepted willingly. For the barest of seconds, his eyes were coated in the purest of darkness, but then it was gone with a shake of his head.

[member="Eliza Downheart"]
Knowing father was in here. she rushed i to greet him, but stopped in mid step when she realized a young woman. and a very large man was with him. She stepped up to her father, and asked "Who are these fine people?" with a smile. She was warm hearted compared to what her father was in his youth. [member="D-Man"] [member="Eliza Downheart"]
"Well what would make you so unintersting? You look like you have a lot of secrets that want to get out but don't know if you should really give them away."
Eliza could tell that something had changed in his manor, she couldn't be sure what it was but it was definitely there. She wasn'@D-Mant sure if she should feel the way she did about it, it was almost like she wanted to reach out and touch it.
"Well thats..people whom i know from my youth, other then this fine young lady who is, Eliza." He gestured to the vampire. "[member="Eliza Downheart"] this is [member="Erika Sin"] my daughter. [member="D-Man"] this is well i just said it." He continued to sip his water. The dark energy the was within the ex Czar was great, and he noticed that there waas a price that had been paid in order to possess such powers.


Well-Known Member
Smiling at the newcomer, he tipped the proverbial hat in a salute, "Hey, I never said I was. Dont trust me to give away my secrets though. What else would I have to keep ladies interested?" Damien commented with a chuckle. He pondered offering her a chance to step away, but chose the opposite, as company was what he needed even if he didnt admit it.

Romeo hit the head of the nail as well, for it would be impossible for him to know the extent such a power had on ones body. If not for the regenerative abilities within his genetics, he likely would look like Darth Odium did last he saw him. Tearing apart at the seams, a massive black hole of Dark Side energies.

[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Erika Sin"]
"Right sir, intrested." She chuckled softly. She sat next to her father, and order a water as well. "So, how are we today father?" She asked as she drank the water. Her red hair was up in a ponytail, and her clothes was the usual, a shirt, and pants with combat boots. She had sand on her face, but still some how seemed pretty, in a teenager kind of way. [member="D-Man"] [member="Romeo Sin"]
"i am doing fine Erika. Yourself?" He watched Daemos through the corner of his eyes, unsure wether if those powers would go crazy if anything...bad would happen, and if so would he be able to defend anyone much less himself from the power that surged through his body. "One second hold that thought. [member="D-Man"] whats happened to the Czars since last i checked? I heard Jerrick went rogue or something of the kind, and Rolland had to put him down." [member="Erika Sin"] [member="Eliza Downheart"]


Well-Known Member
Once more, black swirling smoke overtook his iris', but another shake of the head and snap of the 'reins' left them returning to normal, "Eh. Your a kid, your interested in one thing. Women, though, get an interest in other, more in depth things." Damien offered then smiled at them all, "Im stepping outside for some fresh air. Care to join me?" It was obvious, to all, everyone had been invited.

"I heard something similar. There are rumors that Zero Four still lives, but he has t been seen. For a while I thought i was the last."

[member="Erika Sin"] [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Eliza Downheart"]
"Hello miss Erika." Eliza nodded at [member="Erika Sin"].
"Well Damien that is a fair point indeed, but you have to give them up sooner or later." She raised her eyebrows and smirked slightly at Damien.
The conversation went to a subject unknown to Eliza so she just nodded along, what in the heck were they talking about? She didn't realize until now that she had finished her drink quite fast. She proceeded to order herself another.
"Are you sure you would like company?"
[member="Romeo Sin"]

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