L Admin

"All hope abandon, ye who enter here."
Dante Aligheri, The Divine Comedy

Vault Standardized Rules
Vault Standardized Rules Players are also encouraged to read and often quote the rules where appropriate. OOC 1. All sales are final. 2. Items must be placed in the most appropriate category. 3. Items and inventories must be linked to their...
Vault rules added.
Vault categories added.
Vault determined operational and ready for public release. ***bugs expected, pls report them
Vault button added to userbar.
Vault tax enacted on all sales, 7%.
Factory 30-day zero tolerance bans removed and no longer enforced.
Codex 30-day zero tolerance bans removed and no longer enforced.
Banned species list removed.
Hypergates moved from Banned Items to Restricted Items.
Gree Technology moved from Banned Items to Restricted Items.
Rakata Technology moved from Banned Items to Restricted Items.
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