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Approved NPC The Vermillion Authority

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  • Intent: Create a Crimson Command analogy
  • ​Image Credit: [member="Darth Ophidia"] (Original image's website has since been deleted and cannot be accessed)
  • Role: Specialized Fleet
  • Links: Crimson Command

[*]Total Length: 19856m
[*]Notable Characters:
  • [member="Vaylin"] - Overall Commander of the Vermillion Authority

[*]Ports of Call:

  • Strengths:
    Mobile Fleet: The Vermillion Authority was designed according to the naval strategy of having a large number of smaller, more mobile ships than a smaller number of larger, slower ships. The Crimson Valkyrie and the multiple Xo'Xaan IIs emphasize this mindset.

  • Lack of Anti-Starfighter: Being solely comprised of multiple warships over nine hundred meters in length means that the traditional anti-starfighter corvettes and frigates were cut out of the fleet. Though each destroyer possesses some means to combat enemy starfighters, it is not a complete counter.


The formation of the Vermillion Authority began several months after the New Sith Empire's establishment as a major power in the Tingel Arm. The seizure of Kol Huro from despotic warlords allowed the fledgling Empire to bolster its military considerably, and the Emperor set aside around a dozen Xo'Xaan II-class Star Destroyers in preparation for a highly specialized fleet formation.

He ordered his engineers to painstakingly strip down the majority of the warship's hulls, replacing them with havod alloy armor plating. The acquisition of the havod alloy was the most laborious process, as there were no naturally occurring veins of chanlon and hfredium within the Sith Empire's territory.

Chanlon was eventually acquired from the Emperor's contacts in the criminal underworld, while a mining expedition to Brosi and Nkllon yielded the required quantity of hfredium.

The refinement process took several galactic weeks, and many more months would pass before half of the fleet was outfitted with havod armor. By the conclusion of the Battle of Thyferra, all of the Xo'Xaan IIs hidden under construction at Kol Huro would receive their crimson modifications.

Command of this new vermillion fleet was handed over to the Sith Knight Vaylin, who was given the warship Crimson Valkyrie to serve as the fleet's commandship.
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