Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Village

Diplomat of Ukatis
Sorry for delay, mini time skip

Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun Jorah zos Darnus


The star destroyer had come down within a valley. Gelt imagined it made difficult to strike from the air and he couldn't see too many of the decks still being powered.

The forests spread across the mountainside gave the four volunteers and their guide a good view of the situation on the valley floor.

"That is a lot of people," Gelt said. There was no fear in his voice, a simple description of the camp.

There was an expanse of tents where, he assumed, the conscripts were being housed as they trained. More permanent accommodation had been built around the grounded destroyer.

"Are we going for a closer look?" he asked.
Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Raigryn Vayd Raigryn Vayd Jorah zos Darnus

"Indeed, it is," Tiland agreed, shading his eyes with one hand as he squinted into the distance. "Certainly an army." He pursed his lips and chewed idly at his mustache, taking in the landscape that surrounded them. Even if they had the air power, the valley and depowered decks would be more than enough to protect the star destroyer from aerial assault. But, perhaps not from infiltration.

"We could sneak in from above, perhaps," Tiland added, pointing to where the stern of the massive wreck was highest on the hillside. "Work ou way through and capture or disable their leader, this... Pau'an." He tapped idly on the top of the staff. "But perhaps with a distraction. Something to catch their attention and draw it to the bow."

Force illusion, perhaps, or a small forest fire. Either could work, especially with the vulnerability of the tents. Maybe even an illusion of a forest fire. Or a stampede of wild animals, perhaps. Or maybe they set up some timed trap to get their attention. That, he thought would be the most dangerous, as they were only four and that was too little to split into teams.
As they found their way to the destroyer, Jared couldn't help but give out a whistle. He had his father's prowess for battle, but more in fighting the beasties in the night. Striking at something this size? Well, he'd want his father around, or some of the old Warbirds from the Chaser. "Not powering too many of the decks… Wonder what they've done to the inside." He muttered, more musing what they were all thinking.

"With what we have, I think the closer we get the better. Doesn't look like any of us are moving in too heavy of gear." Head swapped for terrantak leathers, with his lightsaber, and with a bit of skill in creating Illusions, the former Judge turned Jensaarai was more than capable of sneaking around.

"If you want to go in, I can set up some big of tricks to bring a few away from you guys, letting you pass unseen. If I pull them into the tree line one or two at a time, and incapacitate them…" A full frontal was not going to be doing anyone any favors."

Raigryn Vayd Raigryn Vayd Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun Jorah zos Darnus

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