Prepare for your... examination.
Lab walked with her arms clasped neatly behind her back, a cheerful but also professional smile across the Rutian Twi'leks face while walking down the snow white and clean corridors, coming to a stop as yet another person addressed her. Like everyone else here it was another man, but this one had an odd sense of fashion about, appearing to be some sort of flashy detective or law enforcement from one of those Atrisian cartoons she had heard about, the hair not helping much either. His manner though were vastly different from his outfit, bowing polity before introducing himself in a rather suave manner, "Ah okay, well it is nice to make you acquaintance [member="Seto Du Couteau"], uh sorry, Seto".
She turned to her left once again eyeing up [member="TR-0010"] at the inquisitors mention, "Yes I am glad I have him with me, never hurts to have an overabundance of protection, as for being carried off by some bug, well unfortunately I am not a good shot, but as my body guard here has expressed he would be more then happy to save your skin from whatever bugs may come after us". A light joke for a slightly morbid thought, though out of all the people standing here, Seto was probably the least likely to get dragged away by the monsters, unless that man had some sort of bad luck streak Lab did not know about.
"But come now, we have wasted enough time with idle chit chat, to the hanger we must go my good sirs, the troopers await", in a dignified and upbeat manner the Twi'lek once again strutted down the hallway, getting the odd salute from nearby troopers.
[member="Corric Tassadar"] l [member="Lucius Montey"] l [member="Gamba"] l [member="Isaac Stover"] l [member="Mark Hawkins"] l
She turned to her left once again eyeing up [member="TR-0010"] at the inquisitors mention, "Yes I am glad I have him with me, never hurts to have an overabundance of protection, as for being carried off by some bug, well unfortunately I am not a good shot, but as my body guard here has expressed he would be more then happy to save your skin from whatever bugs may come after us". A light joke for a slightly morbid thought, though out of all the people standing here, Seto was probably the least likely to get dragged away by the monsters, unless that man had some sort of bad luck streak Lab did not know about.
"But come now, we have wasted enough time with idle chit chat, to the hanger we must go my good sirs, the troopers await", in a dignified and upbeat manner the Twi'lek once again strutted down the hallway, getting the odd salute from nearby troopers.
[member="Corric Tassadar"] l [member="Lucius Montey"] l [member="Gamba"] l [member="Isaac Stover"] l [member="Mark Hawkins"] l