Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Vote

The decision is simple;

Merge with the Republic to form the Galactic Alliance of Free Planets, or remain the Omega Protectorate. I would not put this up to a vote if I did not believe strongly in the idea of merging into the Galactic Alliance.

Some of you who were around back in January when I first took over will remember a similar idea was floated across and I was a chief opponent of it. I'll admit that publicly I was against it because it wasn't what the faction was about. That was only a tiny part of it.

I will confess, here and now, that it was personal arrogance on my part that led me to snub the idea. I had just taken helm of the Protectorate and I wanted to prove, not just to other people but to myself, that I could make the faction great, that I could carry on. I wanted everyone to know that I could do it. Some might argue that I succeeded, given that we're still here almost a full year later. We've gone on the offensive and been on the defensive. We've won a great many fights and lost a few.

But I did fail in one respect.

I didn't do it without you guys. You made it happen.

Now I know some of you came here who felt disenfranchised by the Republic, or came here simply mad at the leaders of the Republic.

Others have been here since the Protectorate was made, who saw it change from a PMC to the Protectorate.

You all came here with the belief that this was the place to make stories happen, with faith that the leaders, that I, would make decisions to support the faction and help it succeed.

I ask that you keep that faith in me, in the Protectorate. This is not a merger that destroys our identity. We are those who stand against the Dark, who fight for freedom and justice. We came together as friends, and we'll continue to be friends, a family. When I arranged the first invasion, I had no idea what would come of it. There was no guarantee that we'd come out the other side. But we didn't let that stop us. We don't do things because it's easy. We took the unknown as a challenge.

Trust me and let's take the step into the uncertain, the unknown.

If you have questions or misgivings, please don't hesitate to state them. I want this to succeed, I believe it can. I want as many people to be happy with it as I can have.

What is the Galactic Alliance?
The Galactic Alliance is a coalition between the Omega Protectorate, the Galactic Republic, and the Jedi Order designed to bring about galactic peace, security, and prosperity.
The decision to merge The Galactic Republic and The Omega Protectorate stemmed from the magnitude of The One Sith's threat to the galaxy, and the realization that neither government could thwart the oppressors on their own. It is the final stand against the tyrannical government, and the definitive representation of choice throughout the galaxy.

So What's Changing?

Very little is actually changing. On an OOC level, we'll continue to function as per the norm; doing dominions, invasions, faction threads, etc. Just with a larger member base.

ICly, not much is truly changing beyond surface tweaks. The Galactic Senate will still be the primary legislative body within the Galactic Alliance. Senators will still be elected from each major star system that means the requirements for Senate representation.

One change is the inclusion of the Councilor rank, which sits between the High Councilor (Formerly the Supreme Chancellor) and the Senator. These few are basically regional governors who are responsible for ensuring that trivial matters do not burden the Senate. They possess very limited military authority, mostly to the extent of being able to request military aid in matters, though this is not always granted.

Magistrate and Observer are added as judicial analogs to Senators and Representatives should people be interested in that.

OOC: To provide the currently existing member base with more potential for activity.

IC: To create a stronger opposition against The One Sith threat that is plaguing the galaxy.
Government: Triumvirate (Lord Protector (Military), High Councilor (Civilian), Jedi Grandmaster (Jedi))

The Lord Protector oversees all military matters including but not limited to research and development, troop and naval deployment, planetary defenses and, when necessary, war coordination. The Lord Protector does not have authority to deploy military assets against domestic targets without first gaining the approval of the High Councilor and Jedi Grandmaster.

The High Councilor oversees all civilian matters such taxation, creating and passing new legislation, and social welfare. The High Councilor does not have authority to order military personnel to do anything without first gaining the approval of the Lord Protector and Jedi Grandmaster.

The Jedi Grandmaster oversees the governing of the Jedi Order within the Galactic Alliance. They do not possess any innate military, legislative, or judicial power except where specifically granted and outlined by the Lord Protector and/or High Councilor. The Grandmaster functions as a mediator between the Lord Protector and High Councilor to ensure that the balance of power remains intact and to offer the tie-breaking vote when needed.
I'm unsure because I'm unsure. This vote affects what amounts to the only character I actively roleplay, and I'm voting based on what he'd think more than anything. While this seems a natural evolution of things, considering we're a far cry from the pure mercenary organization we were at the start, I'm not sure how well he'd take such a massive change.
I will vote again saying yes.

I will say this again. There is some strengths and weakness to this idea. Just like when making a characters you should give your faction strengths and weakness too. I think this can be a positive step forward for OP and TR.

Both factions could use some positive simulation. We have a chance to do that by building a constructive story line. It will show the rest of Chaos, our greater community we are doing something positive and not remaining stagnate.

That is my vote
I cannot vote for this while i am so invested in Yusan Fenn, but i must say thank you [member="Ayden Cater"] for putting this up and informing OP of what is going on. Things are never too hard to understand and also thank you for standing and explaining it to the republic as well. As for everyone voting, im interested to see how you guys feel, a outside perspective so to speak.
I was here in December when the idea came about, hell I was in line to become the Lady Protector after Tegs briefly because there was no one else. You stepped up when I had to step down to keep the CIS from invading (this was before the need to really discuss it and you could surprise invade) with the Axis powers. He wanted me not to take over and I didn't so you did because it was best for the faction. So I will never doubt your intentions or your motives in working on us. You have my faith.

On the other hand the several times previously this has been suggested and plotted out. It has been turned down with the same reason.

  • Ben Watts: Suggested it before and after Metalorn, turned down because the Protectorate is not the Republic and our people joined for that reason.
  • Darron Wraith: Suggested when the Republic was failing and nearing collapse. Turned down for the same reason and from CIS pressure of invasion.
  • Tef: Suggested it when he was reforming the Republic to fix it and it was turned down by you. Granted this goes into the next one.
  • Tegaea: Suggested at the same time as Tef and you were against it for the above reasons and what you just said in the opening post.
  • Selena: Suggested it, brought you into talks to merge when the Sith Empire was in retreat at the height of the Republic's unity and strength. Turned down for the same reasons
  • Joshua Dragonsflame: Suggested and worked to make it happen and it was turned down for the same reasons and he was run off the board almost.

Al these times it was turned down because the Protectorate is not the Republic. It is another option, it is a good group of people who work together to make stories. To have fun, you have been a strong leader and I trust you. It takes a lot to admit things about yourself sometimes but I have seen nothing overtly different between when I was in the talks to do this with you and Selena for the proposal and now.

Aside from the OOC of who is doing it, yes Trent was an A-hole but he was what was needed and came the closest getting in into the room for this proposal and that was when the Republic was at its height. Now it has been run down into the ground by its leaders through poor decisions, abuse of its members and insults. It is now on its last legs and the members who got run out of the Republic for having a differing opinion and came to the Protectorate because we aren't the Republic...

You now want them to accept those leaders back or well the leader who sat there got complaints and did nothing but say she was simply cleaning up the messes of previous leaders while ignoring her own she helped create through inaction. We have held onto the not the republic and an alternative for so long that to get rid of it now seems a large change of pace.

However I will not lie we could use the members but how many are we really going to get? I mean honestly? We'll get a few sure but any who left the Republic because of it being the Republic might leave us... so we need members to cover those loses. Then we need to factor in how many might leave the Republic side because they disagree. Corvus and that one senator already to name a couple.

I said it here, there and one Skype we might end up hastening our own fall by poisoning ourselves. We run a dangerous risk and having on paper the people who drove out members, drove away people who were willing to help and held the attitude of "We're the Republic you should be honored to fight for us" to their allies.... No. I'd support this more if they were not involved,

As such I agreed to read what you said I did and I can see your side. This could help us greatly, it can also damage us to the point we collapse and are unable to recover. There are pros and cons to all of it. I am just looking at the stacking cons and not wanting to risk a faction I have been in and supported this length of time on a chance we might have the numbers to survive against the One Sith who... now won't have the Republic to go after... their attention can be solely on us same with the ASA, Fringe, Crusade.

We actually make ourselves a larger target on the map.

Note: And yes I fully expect November to arrive... tell me there are no facts or proof of the claims the Republic faction admin ran members off blady blady blah this is why you save pm complaints
The Omega Protectorate is not the Republic.

It is what has distinguished this faction from them time and time and again. The fact that this faction didn't have a senate, that this faction didn't have to wait or be tied to the Jedi Order to do what has to be done -- what needed to be done.

That when something had to be done we did it -- and went forward with it. We are a neutral good entity whose entire focus was the protection of its people and planets therein, with a set code of just three rules that allowed us the freedom to do what we will while staying within the area of our factions alignment.

Merging with the Republic will end that.

Taking a glance at our resources page and what we have stated in OP, there is nothing to suggest either through roleplays with the entire faction icly that would suggest we are anywhere near or similar to that of the Republic. Communication is key -- faction threads involving our development is key. Taking the ideas of the faction members first and foremost is key. A successful faction is only successful when it is driven by the members -- not the Faction administration.

So why are those questions not being asked? Why has the feedback of prior threads were we asked what the members wanted to do not been followed up on?

This faction needs something beyond invasions and dominions which we attempted to do with an overall arching storyline for the faction like the bando gora -- and we still haven't finished our one dominion we have!

Beyond that of fleeting threads, party threads, or the library -- where have we started anything involving the poll of the members taken in previous threads posted for their ideas?

While it is all find and dandy that the Faction Owner has discussed this with the Pub new faction owner, he has not asked the members what we want to do besides that of this merger -- and that in my opinion, should have been done first.
Again, the way we handle things is not the way that the Republic does.

That is like asking apples to breed with oranges. It just doesn't work.

Not with the mentality thought of on what makes the Republic the Republic and what makes OP, OP --- and even then what makes the Galactic Alliance the alliance.

The reason why OP was favorable was because it offers something distinct -- something different. Something where members can explore new character development not tied by a senate -- by their rules and regulations. And not be restricted by the Jedi and their Council.

Those were the founding principles of this faction and what has kept it alive. From our roots as the PMC Omega Pyre, from the merchant protectorate as we expanded, to the Omega Protectorate we are today. We have grown, we have expanded, we have become one of the largest and oldest factions on Chaos -- and non-canon to boot.

And we did it without merging with the republic or compromising our ideals and foundations.
Rebellious Vanguard
I...honestly am up in the air.

On one side, I can see why some would want the merger. Boosts up the faction, open doors for new things, I can see it. And, in theory, it could be a good thing for the factions and across the whole board. Even with our somewhat shrunken member base, we still hand everyone their tail practically all the time. Have some of the best factory people, if not the best that has pumped us full of so much tech, its crazy. Would allow the Republic NFUs to actually feel wanted and part of the faction. I can see why it can be good. However, there's two sides to every coin.

As [member="Aeron Kreelan"] stated, there's a lot that can go wrong here... A LOT. I left the Republic three different times, with three different characters, each because they didn't 'fit the mold' so to speak. I brought Venastia to OP because it seemed fun. Matter of fact, those weeks after I first joined was the most absolute fun I have had since I been on this board. Loved it! It was different! It allowed me to write my character as I saw fit. Talk of this merger...has scared me since Ayden first mentioned it a while back. I left the Republic with my final character because it was a revolving door of the same things. OOC crap, board politics, unneeded drama, and nothing but dominion after invasion after dominion. There was no story. At all. Zero. If you didn't participate in the invasions/dominions, you were pretty much an outcast and stuck by yourself, which forced so many people to do them just to write with their character. Everything I do is story based, or character driven. Combat is a small side portion to what makes my characters fun to write, its why I don't flood myself into every single fight. Admittedly, OP has changed with the departure of some of our founding people, but all in all, its retained its identity. If merging with the Republic means we inherit their war with OS, and start running like crazy again... I don't know.

By no means am I saying that if this happens I'll leave, that's not the case. I'm just not voting. I'll wait and see things through, and roll with the dice where they may. I just feel its fair to let everyone here know, that as far Ventasia is concerned, both cards are face down on the table. I just have no idea which one is the ace...or if there even is one anymore.

* looks at thread *

Reading through the posts here I must confess to feeling a certain sense of deja vu. Admittedly I did not know that the merger talk came up as many times as Knight said, but ICly Sio was deputy leader of OP when Tegs was in charge and a merger with either AE or the Pubs was discussed due to dire straits OP found itself in.

Admittedly I have not been directly a member of OP since Tegs' and Sio's term in office ended, but Kaeshana Confederation is a member state in OP territory and we count as OP members in invasions (hence the participation in Coruscant and Druckenwell).

Anyhow now to the proposal. Well, for one I question the logic of calling a sector governor a Councillor, but that's just me being nitpicky.

For one, if OP joins the Republic, how will the territorial distribution work? Which faction will lose territory or will both suffer losses? Back in the day when the aforementioned merger was being discussed, OP would have lost plenty of territory. Less so if it had joined the Republic, more so if it had gone with Atrisia due to the obvious disparity in power between both nations. I remember Tef making two maps. Admittedly the question of whether some fringe planets get lost might be a comparatively minor compared to larger questions, but so far it has not been addressed.

As for a merger into the Galactic Alliance being a natural evolution, I do not see that. OP's has been a Republican Dictatorship since the Protectorate was founded, the Republic is at least nominally a constitutional republic with a strong bent towards the Jedi since OOCly they have the most people and thus end up doing most of the work. If anything OP always positioned itself as the 'faction that gets things done' without 'senatorial debate or Jedi restraint' getting in the way. Along with being open to a plethora of force-user groups outside of the Jedi-Sith orthodox dichotomy. At least that was the official line it had ICly. It has certainly never been focused on 'righteous crusading to make the Galaxy safe for freedom and democracy', a form of government it never had anyway.

Now this is purely IC argumentation but if we look at the Republic then, well, its reputation for being a drama zone is sadly well-earned, as the fate of their past leaders shows. Now I'm less pessimistic about its chances of surviving the OS onslaught if it gets its act together, but I strongly question tying yourself to it.

As it is this Galactic Alliance just looks like a return to how the Republic was at the start of the site (then you had the same triumvirate, only the Lord Protector was called Supreme Commander and the High Councillor Chancellor, so just cosmetic differences really).

Echoing what [member="Aeron Kreelan"] said, another pertinent question is what people want to do besides merging (or not). I do recall several proposals being floated around on the OP forums for some sort of overarching plot the faction could pursue, following up on the conclusion of the Bando Gora plotline - stuff to drive activity. None of those were followed through though.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Honestly, I'm with [member="Ventasia Terana"] and [member="Aeron Kreelan"] on this one. We are not the Republic and I believe merging with them would degrade a awesome faction with awesome ideals.I'm going to look at this from two POV's, a tactical and a personal. First up is tactical. Tactically, this isn't a move that is unexpected, next to the One Sith, I believe the Republic and the Protectorate are two of the three biggest powerhouses. So combining our forces and resources is a sound tactical idea. Personally, I don't like it one bit, I joined this faction to have a break from the Republic, which at the time seemed exclusively run by the Jedi. I saw this faction as a haven for people who really didn't want to be Sith or Jedi, people who just wanted to be people. All in all, I won't leave if this does happen, but if it does, I won't be happy.
[member="Noah Corek"] the mandos are a powerhouse as well they managed to hold out and fight with less members for the longest thread and invasion on the board. The Republic has the most territory but with a merger a large amount of it will be lost and then we'll have the ASA, One Sith, Fringe and Crusade. We just become a larger target on the board. The mpre I look at it and read this thread and the Republic's vote the more I well the more I am against it. Tegs laid out the pros and cons of it, and it might boost activity... maybe but members who might leave or just not be happy should be factored in. We'd have to replace them with the handful from the Republic that aren't already in this faction and suddenly the combined numbers won't be that large.
The Admiralty
I was on the ball 'bout this one, but reading through all the different replies... I gotta go with a no. I believe that Ayden is trying to do what's best for the faction, but it carries a lot of risks, possibilities of drama and that ain't something I wanna invite here.
I've cast my vote as for the merger, based solely on an OOC standpoint. I can't offer an opinion based on an IC standpoint because though I have attempted to get involved here, it's been very difficult due to lack of muse for this character and lack of motivation, direction, and foundation of ... what exactly I brought her here for to begin with.

From an OOC standpoint, I believe the merge would be useful for both factions. Activity boost, story placement, direction, motivation, foundation. It's all there, and maybe it is here now, too, but I've missed it apparently.

I cannot and will not offer up a giant wall of text here like I did in the Republic simply because ... I feel it would be rude of me with my lack of activity. Whatever the case may end up being, it will not change my decision to be here, and I'll stay and try to keep on with Ivy as much as I can.
I'm going to copy a post from the Republic's discussion on the matter

I'm on both sides of the coin here, concerning things between the Pubs and OP. I've got a char in both factions, albeit Avalore is far more active than my OP alt. I've seen the ups and downs of both factions, I've tried to help where and when I could. Like many members, I work full time and have a very busy schedule outside of internet timies. I do my best to be involved, but I simply don't have the time to participate in Invasions with any hope to keep up. My contributions to the Republic are thin, but where they exist I have tried very hard to make them positive and enjoyable. This character has been put through the ringer and I've really enjoyed every piece of her story that has developed alongside the Jedi, the Republic, the Sith, and this whole war going on. I've made lots of new friends and helped create lots of new stories despite change, loss, and strange interruptions of the Darkside kind. This is what it's all about people: writing a story about conflict, dealing with the challenges thrown your way, soldiering on despite poor odds.

Let me tell you, the truth of the matter right now for the Republic is this: we're at poor odds.
The truth of the matter right now for OP is this: they're at poor odds.

Both factions are floundering in their own ways, regardless of whether you want to see it or not. It's happening.

What can we do about this? We can meet these challenges head on and make the most of the story as it grows and molds and forms.

We have reached a dry crossroads here with the Republic's story. We're battered, broken, bruised, and smarting from the beat-down by OS. Sure, we've got the biggest blob on the map, but we've got the least cohesive memberbase on this entire forum, and it's been this way for some time. People are constantly nattering, arguing, and generally being nasty to one another. Guess what guys - things will never work out if it continues on this way.

Change is the only constant, and we need it bad.

We've been given two really awesome ideas to consider here by Kiskla, one of which has already been in discussions for some time, the other is something that is a potentiality. Nowhere was it ever written that "Yep, this is it. Flip a coin boys and girls cause it's not going down any other way."

This was Kiskla's first major proposition as FO and you guys have let her down hard.

We elected her, damn-near unanimously. The majority of us happily voted for her. We're a basket full of peanuts, guys, and I didn't really see anyone else chomping at the bit for the job. Hell, I don't even think Kiskla put herself up as a choice. She didn't, actually. I, me, Avalore Eden, was the first person to put her name down. Sorry guys, it'smy fault that we now have a competent, intelligent, thoughtful person for a leader who may or may not have missed the first rule of putting up votes as an FO. (For the record, Kiskla, the rule is: always give the option of "I don't like these options. Let's do something else.") Because people need to have their two cents, no matter what sort of member they are.

Cut her some slack guys and stop being mean. It's uncouth and nobody likes being on the receiving end of Nasty Negative Nancys. Not you, not me, not Kiskla. Nobody.

So - to my vote.

I was the jerk that tied all three votes at 7.

I am for the merger, and here's why:

Both OP and Republic are struggling with activity.
A merger of the two factions will absolutely help boost activity by providing more things for the members to complain about (because we all know that's the best fuel for the waning activity flame), a fresh new story that both fronts must take into IC consideration, and a chance for two very creative minds of Kiskla and Ayden to collude and work together to figure this whole thing out.

It will force, yes force, one cohesive story upon both factions.
Aside from having a common enemy and war, that's about all these two factions have going at the moment that unites their members. The Republic is the most divided I have seen it since first joining SWRP over a year ago, both OOCly and ICly. We don't have a common goal, we don't have a common story. Everyone does whatever they want, and even though that's ok, we still need to have that one big reason to come together and it shouldn't only ever be reliant on war.

Having two reliable leaders is a good thing.
Though Kiskla may be new to the FO position, what I have seen of her both OOC and IC and what I have read from her is very promising in my opinion. She's done well to set a good example for new writers, she goes out of her way to be friendly with everyone, she puts forth a noticeable effort to craft fun and engaging stories for the members, and though I've had very little personal interaction with her, everything I hear about her from those that have is good. Ayden is another steadfast icon of this forum. He might be slow to post at times (a lot of us are guilty of this) but he is reliable and dependable and a solid writer. He is a well of good ideas, and he has shown time and again that he can and will be the better man for the purpose of good story. He's willing to talk things through, make things work, make sacrifices, and be honest. In a merger between the two factions, I have absolutely no fear of there being unfair discrepancies or decisions. I am confident in the ability of these two to come to fair terms, to include the members in the process, and do their best to make it a positive engagement.

The opportunity for story and development is amazing.
Every member will have a job in making this merger work. Down to the very last soldier, senator, and padawan. From assessing defenses of newly drawn territories to building a new presence for the Senate; meshing ideas between militaries to dallying out shared technologies. You're worried about OP gaining all of Republic's tech? Guys. GUYS. Have you seen the tech that OP has at their disposal? Have you seen the freaking awesome ships Ayden has in his fleet? The idea of combining our tech and military powers alone is mind-boggling. You're afraid that the NFU's are going to go by the wayside in favor of the Jedi? OP is built upon the muscle and minds of NFU's. Ayden knows how to make use of NFUs, there will be plenty of need for them. The list here goes on and on and on.

With our powers combined, we are Captain Pla- er, we will smash the OS!
If you think we stand a chance of stopping the hurt-train that is OS alone, then darling you're delusional. The same could be said for OP. I don't know about you guys, but I'm less concerned about losing our name than I am about the continuing damage OS will rend upon us if something isn't done soon. Every victory they gain over us and other factions is a strike to morale, IC and OOC. From a writer's standpoint I am in love with the scene set by this war with OS. It has given me so many opportunities to write really fun, engaging stories that have shaped Avalore as a character immensely. I am drooling over the opportunity to formulate a new, super awesome story with OP to curb-stomp the Sith. I want to taste victory folks! I'm tired of this bran-mash defeat. But I also want to struggle a bit, you know? Because insta-win is never fun or fulfilling, that's why nobody really likes dominions all that much.

Galactic Alliance is a cool name.
I'm gonna go a bit shallow here. It is. I think so. It sort of rolls off the tongue and you have to fill your lungs to really enunciate it properly. That's a powerful name there, guys.

I'd rather be an Ally than a Rebel Rouser.
The idea of guerrilla warfare as a Rebellion on the run is a bit taxing for me and looking at our track record with invasions - if we're honest with ourselves, guys, I don't think we have it in us to last much longer if we go full-tilt Rebellion. I don't want to be on the run, I want to have a safehouse. I want to feel like I've got something strong to count on when things get hairy. I don't feel that right now about the Republic. I feel like things are crumbling. I feel like our foundations have been washed out.

The ability to rebrand two historically successful factions will be good for PR.
We could make this awesome. We really could. We could become the megalith of the forums. Investing our time into a new image, a new standard, will absolutely bring more members. Activity breeds activity. Positivity breeds positivity. Both of these will bring interest. If we can all get behind the same idea, same banner, and start moving in the same direction, I know we'll build that steam back up. And when people see our hurt-train on the move, they're gonna want to be part of it because everyone loves being part of something great. That's why OS is doing so well, so let's learn from their success and steal their thunder.

Obviously some bits don't apply to us, but the overall assessment is one I agree with.

Yes, there are some people here that have had very bad experiences with the Republic in the past that led to them leaving the faction.

No, the problems that the Republic has gone through will not disappear overnight with a merger.

Yes, we stand to lose a lot.

But we also stand to gain so much more.

We are not beholden to the past. Just because we did things back then because of some reason doesn't mean we can't ever change. Just because some of us joined to escape the Republic doesn't mean we can never cooperate with them or come together as a single unit.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
In truth, I don't know how it would break down. All previous mergers have happened from factions that weren't active. We have a smaller active member base than we did at our most active, but we remain an active faction. A lot of that depends on what Tef would say.

[member="Noah Corek"]
The Jedi don't run the Republic, and they wouldn't run the Galactic Alliance. I would very happily embrace an emphasis on NFUs, and in fact would encourage such. I'm working on it now in OP, looking to get together some starfighter squadrons.

The Jedi Grandmaster is included in the top for a simple reason; balance. To make sure that neither side, the Lord Protector or High Councilor, have too much power and dominate all the decisions (And by the way, the names are all still subject to change.)

In the meantime, I want to hear more from the folks who said no. If not this, what would you like to see happen?

As a note, the vote in the Republic currently stands 10-7-8, Merge / Rebellion / No Change, as of this post.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
Since I am part of a minor faction on OP land and I have a long standing interest with OP, I will post here.

I am unsure about the best path. Neither have a great deal of effect on me.

From OP's perspective this is a good move as it gives more people more writers to interact with. On the other hand it drags us into other people's wars and changes our government radically.

So yeah, unsure, willing to be convinced.

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