Tamara said:
A good idea...until that person leaves!
I get the point though. I'll assign team captains next time who can make decisions for the group.
I like how we did it in the Mandalorians. Everyone (okay,
almost everyone, but we don't talk about He Who Shall Not Be Named...) threw in their input. Everyone agreed, and one person kept tabs on the whole operation and submitted the orders in - it was all agreeable and all happy. If you could somehow make an official model off of that, that'd be great. Otherwise, I'd say, don't force team captains. Again, you've seen what happens when that goes down, needless to say.
And another thing. There should be a cap of auto-attacks per day, regardless of if the faction has two writers or twenty. While it didn't have much of an effect on this one (we got by at one a day and
still had -zero- losses and and thousands of saved points), the general ability to abuse it is still there. Three sounds like a fair number, two if the majority of teams have less than three members.