New Member
News of the rising factionalism in the fringe was certainly not a shock to Vadam. The Fringe peoples were always a disorganized rabble rousing lot that never held respect for the advantages of order and stable government. Back when the free 'democratic' Fringe stepped on the door of Eriadu, he had a premonition that it wouldn't last, democracy as a system of governance breeds weakness and ill-behavior; criminal behavior now exemplified by the so-called 'Black Pirates' or some such rabble. The people of Eriadu never held a great cultural connection to the Fringe, they were the outsiders, ill-disciplined conquerors spouting hair-brained idealism and 'freedom'. The people of Eriadu desire Justice, Security and Order where it is due, not freedom, they're realists with an indomitable sense of duty, honor and discipline, and when news of foreign threat and a closing of the trade lanes touched their doors they knew it was nigh time for a regime change. The ruling families-Kuropatkin amongst them-kept a tight lid on any unrest- independence was not deduced worthwhile as the city-planet was near devoid of any measurable military presence outside of mercenaries and police, the councils deduced that the best course of action was to find the best of the bad lot of choices to choose from, seeing no other option, the people of Eriadu chose [member="Jared Ovmar"] for there ruler.
Vadam Kuropatkin looked out from his penthouse, one his family's personal towers overlooking the layers of city below. All of the recent actions of the day stewed in his mind to a near consistent boil, so much had happened in the past few months it was near unfathomable to ascertain what would happen next. The vast shipyards, brimming with trade-ships rotting at the docks-the thought made him cringe-and vast Fringe machinations of war,more than likely their guns trained on the city below, stirring about made him finally realize what the new reality would. A reality where his family would finally get its due, a reality where galaxy-wide order and justice reigned-a reality of Empire under the watchful eye-'Emperor Ovmar'. Vadam looked back into the dark city-scape, in the domineering silence, Vadam knew everything would finally be set in place, he would accept it no other way. He stood up, under his breath Vadam proclaimed-
"Then Empire it shall be, but not without a Kuropatkin to pay his just dues".
The coming days were to be exciting indeed.
Vadam Kuropatkin looked out from his penthouse, one his family's personal towers overlooking the layers of city below. All of the recent actions of the day stewed in his mind to a near consistent boil, so much had happened in the past few months it was near unfathomable to ascertain what would happen next. The vast shipyards, brimming with trade-ships rotting at the docks-the thought made him cringe-and vast Fringe machinations of war,more than likely their guns trained on the city below, stirring about made him finally realize what the new reality would. A reality where his family would finally get its due, a reality where galaxy-wide order and justice reigned-a reality of Empire under the watchful eye-'Emperor Ovmar'. Vadam looked back into the dark city-scape, in the domineering silence, Vadam knew everything would finally be set in place, he would accept it no other way. He stood up, under his breath Vadam proclaimed-
"Then Empire it shall be, but not without a Kuropatkin to pay his just dues".
The coming days were to be exciting indeed.