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Junction The Warlock Trial | EE & AC Junction of Bespin/Anoat and Felucia




In the eyes of most, it was an unexpected event that Ashlan Crusade was the first to so-called forgive the Eternal Empire that they had been an ally of the Sith Empire for a very long time, and this was intensified by the fact, the two Empires entered into an alliance with each other. There were other events in the background, of course, and nothing was black or white or free of ulterior motives. Nor is it that everyone is aware of it, as is their need for each other against the Sith and the Maw. However, the two empires will soon go to war on each other's sides against the Brotherhood of the Maw led by Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis .

Today, however, the protagonist was not the Maw but the former emperor of the Sith Empire, Butcher King, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . The Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lady Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , was able to capture the man in the Netherworld, but it was not the Eternal Empire who dealt with the former emperor, but the Empress gave the man to those who had wanted to capture and execute him for decades. And these men were none other than Ashlan Crusade’s Holy Kaiser, Lord Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , and his faithful wing aide the Cardinal, Lord Pietro Demici Pietro Demici . The witch hunt, in this case the warlock hunt, is over.

The Warlock Trial has begun.

Lord Carnifex had previously been at the Bosph, the capital of Ashlan Crusade, where he was in captivity, but Ession was far more suitable for poetic justice. Last but not least, this is discreet torture for the Sith Lord, which did not bother Lord Demici at all. Ession was the Holy Land, once destroyed by the Sith, but was now clear again, and through the Crown of Ashla. The strong, planetary Nexus which was made by the love and care of Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir and Lord Geiseric Geiseric ; the planet was again in the light of Ashla. The goddess returned home and the Nexus symbolised it all.

As it was assumed that the Sith would not allow Lord Carnifex to be executed, it was also the most sheltered place for this reason, and the capital is moving from Bosph these days to the Holy Land, so the trial happened on this planet. As this is a very significant person and the leaders of two empires and their High Commands will be there for the most part at the trial, there was a huge readiness around the neighbourhood and the planet. Everything was given to sentence the former emperor to death and for Ashla to triumph once and for all over Bogan.

A huge, cathedral-like building has been chosen for the event, which may later become the House of Lords. The place may have been familiar to three people, Eina, Geiseric and Heinrich had seen this building before, at Wgah'nagl, when the three of them shared the same vision and saw things from Heinrich's perspective. Where Gei was already dead, maybe Eina too, and the power of the two, which the corrupted and vile ritual would not allow to disappear, kept the raging Force Storm alive over Ession…

Everyone was here today, from the highest circles of the two Empires, one state has always been their enemy, the other was their ally for long in the past, although that was a mere interest at the time, but now this is history. Everyone took advantage of each other; but the point today...

Everyone was here today to finally be sentenced to death and execute the Butcher King for his sins...



Objective 1: The Trial
This is the PvE objective in the story; the highest-ranking individuals, officers, and politicians of both empires will be present here. This narrative building is part of Junction. Here the trial itself takes center stage, the main characters (the two High Commands and Carnifex) will surely be preoccupied with the trial. Here you can only expect intrigue, shadow games and political games. Inside the courtroom, there may be High Command members, and bodyguards / guards who maintain the order. Since we don’t want to say that only X, Y, and Z can be inside only, so that’s why they get senior soldiers, Jedi also have the opportunity to do so. Jedi Masters, Jurors, Wolfguards and senior Ultranaut officers.
Others interested in this line may come outside of them, although they may be able to watch the trial on projectors only from outside the courtroom and here they can play their own political game without anyone scolding them they were talking in the courtroom. So this is the perfect opportunity to build relationships with others.

Objective 2: Hold the Line
PvP and PvE objective. As expected, the Sith don’t really want Carnifex to be executed, so they try to free him. TSE players also participate here (see rules below). Keep in mind that the planet is the AC's future capital, and they are in the middle of a relocation so both the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade are present with great force. Big fleet, big army. For the two factions. So, the Sith need to infiltrate the planet and this is likely to be guerrilla warfare rather than a huge and open attack. They need to concentrate the attack on a smaller area, so that might be an ease.
Those who don’t want PvP here will probably have to keep civilians away from the building, other assassins, people who want to get in, want to kill Carnifex (good luck), or the EE ambassadors, officers, or AC members. so even in the PvE part, there are countless opportunities for anyone who wants to come here.
This area is around the building and in the surrounding quarters. This gives players enough freedom to choose what they want to play.

Objective 3: BYOO
In addition to these, countless other stories await everyone, you can play anything you want, personal stories. Have fun in any way that you please!


Relevant Links:

  • This is a long-planned story building junction (which will lead us to future stories), so if someone wants to join from outside the faction, please ask Infal (AC FO) and Nef (EE FO) for permission to do so.
  • A limited number of TSE members are invited to the event, subject to the following rules:
    • The TSE or any other members who join the thread cannot disturb the trial until we have not reached the point where Carni makes his moves, this is nearly 75% of the thread. (This is necessary, because the junction's main plot is the trial itself for the two factions).
    • They are outside of the building and in the city, not inside. This is the future AC's capital, and the Cathedral is possibly temporarily the most secure building in the entire galaxy. Inside only we are, and the mentioned and formerly agreed brainwashed sleeping agents (Carnifex's NPCs).
    • The Objective 2 and 3 is their objective with those AC/EE members who aren't on the trial. They'll defend the city and the building while the TSE members try to get in. The defensive forces are huge and massive (EE+AC forces) so please try to keep yourself to that, you're not getting in until Carni's moves not happened inside.
    • The numbers; the TSE is invited as a third party. The TSE can only send as many people as the smaller participation of the other two factions.
      So for example, if one of us participates with 9 people, the other with 5, the TSE can bring 5 people.
    • The number of participants will be final after 72 hours. I mean, if someone gets out or gets in afterwards, it won’t matter anymore.
    • The planet has a strong planetary Light Side Nexus now (link above) so please check the effects and what this means to your character.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: To sentence Carnifex to death
Location: Courtroom, inside the bulding.
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || ENS Crimson Empress (in space)
Writing With: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Open
Tags: Open
[ Deutschland ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The day of the trial has arrived, the day the two Empires have been waiting for a very long time. Probably not only them, but the galaxy as well. Today, they can certainly finally deliver justice. Ingrid wanted Carnifex to be here today at Ession because she hoped the Nexus and local knights would be able to prevent her from being brought back Carnifex with any Sith resurrection ritual. Here maybe Valkyrja and the Children of Ashla will be able to do something about it. It even came to her mind taking the Butcher King's souls to the three Avatars and letting the entities worshipped by the Maw eat the former emperor.

Maybe she should have told the cardinal the idea as well. Maybe in that case, the Dark Side would have been accepted even by him. She knew Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson was here somewhere too, she was sure the Emperor, oh, the Holy Kaiser wouldn't miss this trial. But at the moment, the cardinal and Ingrid were leading the trial. Which already had an end result the moment the Empress offered the man to Ashlan Crusade. This fact didn't really bother her; in this case, too, the fact that Butcher King was innocent could not have arisen.

Since the trial was at Ession, the woman had to carry the crystal mined in the mountains of Valkyrja with her, otherwise the Nexus would have really killed her. She still didn't know what Carnifex planned for today. So far, the man had waited patiently, doing nothing. There was no doubt in her mind that the Sith would try to free her. But that was also the reason the trial was held here in the Crown of Ashla, that is in Ession. It is a guarantee that the enemy will have the hardest time possible.

She looked at the cardinal sitting on her side for a few moments. She would have loved to play with him today again, but that was not the time. Today is the time for different games, not for personal fun.

"Shall we start?" she inquired.

If the man said yes, she looked through those in the room. The elite of Ashlan Crusade and the Eternal Empire. If anyone wanted to organize an assassination now, they could have successfully thinned out the leadership of two Empires. True, at Dromund Kaas, where the leaders of the four states and empires were present, the enemy failed. The members of the guard are Jurors and Wolfguards. They were the best special corps in the Eternal Empire, and the Inquisitors of the Ashlan Crusade.

"Take the prisoner into the courtroom so that the trial can begin!" she ordered.

The cold and soldier's voice rumbled across the room. There was no place for grace and mercy in this courtroom today. Two guards, a Juror and a Wolfguard, went to the back entrance of the room, where after a short corridor was the room where Carnifex was guarded. And the guards holding him escorted the former Sith Emperor to the courtroom after the order. He was given a lawyer, although it was only a formality, the verdict was made a long time ago.

It wasn't in vain this was a "Witch trial", in this case "Warlock trial".


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Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective I.: Try to not panic.
Location: Courtroom, inside the building.
Equipment: Elegant Attire || Ljósspjót (spear) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Geiseric Geiseric | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Tags: Open
[ Empire Forever ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Today, Eina had a very strange feeling; she knew she should have gone to the event in the Eternal Imperial military uniform, but she did not wear that uniform. She sympathised with the people of Ession, so she wore the clothes that the Sisters gave her shortly after Gei saved her. The dress has been in storage for a very long time because there was no time and opportunity to wear it. On the other hand, she didn't want to; it evoked too unpleasant feelings in her. About the certain vision she saw on the Dark Planet.

She never mentioned it to Gei or Heinrich, since Ession became theirs, and after the dress was set aside, the memory faded. Maybe it was Hyrva who saw it because of it; but not. She knew that there too, not the eldritch caused this .Eina only carried her spear with her today, the swords left at home. When they arrived at the huge cathedral-like building, her bad feelings intensified. She glanced at her dress, the gold embroidery on the snow-white dress almost the same as in the vision. There she wore the symbol of the House Grayson, now the Followers of Ashla and the House L'lerim.

She went up the stairs with a heavy heart, her "heart pounding for a moment" as they entered the building and saw the interior of the huge cathedral. The ground floor was really a church-like room with rows of benches and an altar in the middle. She remembered the Valkyrja chained to the pillars, knights lying on the ground, her feathers torn apart, her wings torn from her body, and chained to the altar in the middle. And Gei was dead. Though she used to control her feelings, she now groaned audibly, painfully.

"I have a very, very bad feeling …" she told; she hadn't said that many times, but now she felt it all in the Force. As they progressed, Eina continued. "I had a vision on the Dark Planet, I was in this dress, there was a massacre in and out of this hall, many Valkyrja and crusaders had been slaughtered. Only Heinrich was alive, I could see what was happening with his eyes… Gei was dead, his heart was cut out, but it was still pounding on my chest and the strength of the two of us kept alive a Force storm devouring the entire planet."

The rest of the building was unknown even to her, it was not in the vision. But she felt bad here. If it hadn’t been mandatory, she probably would have gone as far as she is able to do so from this building. Eina wasn't used to running away from trouble and trouble, but she didn't want Gei to be in trouble. Nothing trouble! She even undertook to be considered a coward if she had to. She squeezed the grip of her spear nervously. The only weapon she brought with her now. They were at the auditorium, a huge courtroom soon after.

Eina's mother and Uncle Pietro were here as well. She nodded at both of them, but didn't go there, staying on the side of Gei and Heinrich. Her restlessness persisted, which then intensified as Carnifex was ushered into the room. At the moment they arrived…

The moment she saw the man for the first time in her life, she felt like she couldn’t breathe. Eina was unable to move, she was like she was frozen. The Valkyrja began to gasp more often, very loudly. Her face turned snow-white and sat horror on it. As a Valkyrja, she was able to see the Force, and see in the Force the way others did not. Eina saw the atrocities he committed and something else. Something that terrified her more than anything. She began to tremble; she didn't want to believe that her mother or uncle Pietro didn't see or feel that, however, she knew, only a few entities or people were able to do so.

Eina wasn't watching Carnifex now, but someone else, Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis , who was the other half of the Force-dyad. A corrupt, foul relationship. Not as pure and good as what was between the girl and Geiseric. She shuddered, seeing only Carnifex again, but the Sith Lord was no better than his other half.

"By the Ashla! He is not alone... he... he also has a Force-dyad. I see, I see the other one too. They are much stronger than Gei and me. This will end very badly. Something bad will happen!" her voice trembled and she herself shivered at the combined power of the two Sith Lords because she knew exactly what they were capable of; no one was safe in this building.



Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu) - Overseer of Science Development, Director of The Royal Institute of Science


Location: Outside the Building, Ready in Defense
Equipment: Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)
Beasts: The Mortem Magistri x20


This was a day that has been pondering about the insides of my twisted mind for countless days. I cared not for the trial or for the one referenced as the Butcher King, this former Emperor of the Sith Empire. He was beneath me, not even a blip on my plans; his life was held in the palms of others I only could imagine in the darkest pits of their hatred wanted him to suffer great pains that legendary tales are written than simply being joined in a deathly matrimony from an uneventful drop of the blade, sending him into the beyond. No, it wasn't him I dreamt about. It was the Sith, and all those that would either flock here as witnesses or to attempt to break their meal ticket from the chains in which he is bound. Here, within this trial of the Butcher King, would the plate be filled from which I served the galaxy the appetite for the destruction of the Sith Order.

Poised, I stood alone staring out into nothingness, waiting for the first wave of the future dead to arrive. It mattered not to me who came, if you served the Sith Order, I would show you the error of your fatal decision. And with me, I brought along my own puppets to introduce to the mindless Sith zealots,
The Mortem Magistri. These fearsome beasts had been bred by myself and my underlings for one sole purpose; to feast on the carcasses of dead Sith. What I brought with me totaled only twenty, but this mindful twenty barely scratched the surface of their true numbers; even my Empress knew nothing of their exact count. They thrived on hunting, killing, and eating those of the dark side; and soon I shall allow them to fill their bellies to near bloat-like proportions. As for me, being a dark side practitioner and a Sith Lord whose identity is unknown to all, including my allies and Empress, for the exception of the few that have learned my Darth persona and paid the ultimate price for such knowledge: I always keep my illusions one step ahead of the curve.




"Can you smell it, Khinu Vosadii Qal? Their fear."

The gargantuan Hutt's skin warbled at the sound of his master's voice, his fingers tightening around the polished wooden shaft of his cane. Long had he been at the Dark Lord's beck and call, his services handsomely rewarded from the spoils of a thousand worlds. But never before had he been called to perform with such harrowing circumstances. Like many across the galaxy, he had believed that the Dark Lord was untouchable, immutable, a constant fixture untethered to the natural order of the galaxy.

Like many, he had been shocked by what had been broadcast across the galaxy.

The Dark Lord in chains.

The Butcher King on trial.

His faith had been shaken, but he clung to those last fibers with all the great strength his species was known for. So he had come to Ession, bristling under the invasive attitudes of the Ashlans as they searched him from head to tail, inspecting every article of clothing and putting his cane through several layers of deep-scan. Even then, the Hutt lawyer suspected, they still did not look upon him favorably. It was no accident that the vast majority of the Ashlans that had scrutinized him and manned the posts of authority in the courthouse were all Human or Human-adjacent.

He weathered their gaze regardless, he was made of sterner stuff. That was why the Dark Lord had looked upon him favorably, and it was why he was here now beside the Dark Lord as he was being prepared for his court appearance.

"La tytung abaha bu boe nei, Lhonu Kotka. Bahasonkag an poo noo."

"Well spoken."

When the anointed time had come, Ashlan Judicators arrived to escort the Dark Lord and his lawyer into the courtroom. He wore plain indistinct prison garments, displayed only with the number He had been assigned when interned on Bosph. Binders had been placed around His wrists and ankles, connected by an energy stream that looped from one manacle to the other by a single connective line. Any sudden movement would cause the binders to tighten, a precaution specifically made against those who could wield the Force.

The doors open and the Dark Lord walked forward, head held tall as His baleful eyes swept the courtroom. It was of standard orientation, there had been many like in the Sith Empire. He looked on the faces of those that turned to watch Him enter, staring unwaveringly at each in turn before His attention was drawn away.

His eyes met with those of Eina L'lerim. Understanding passed between them.

Then He looked away and continued forward to His designated seat, His lawyer taking his spot next to Him as the court settled into order.




Location: The court room
Objective: Observe justice
Tags: open

The Ashlan Prime Minister sat quietly observing proceedings, she had had very little involvement in the whole saga of catching and imprisoning Carnifex himself, save for security arrangements and other military acts. Truth be told it frustrated her how closely the two leaders had kept this too their chest, but she trusted Pietro Demici Pietro Demici he would tell her what she needed to know, she wasn't versed in the force like they were. She watched as Geiseric Geiseric Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir and Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust walked in and looked at Carnifex, the three had spent much time together of late and had formed quite a formidable team. She raised her hand in a greeting to them.

Carnifex himself now sat in the court, looking at him made her skin crawl, the litany of charges against them read like a horror story, his execution would remove so much darkness from the galaxy.

Looking at her datapad she again reviewed her her arrangements. Divisions of Sisters marched the streets and manned checkpoints all around the court room and the wider surrounding area, the Valkyrja and Children of Ashla had provided the Sister's with additional equipment to attempt to control the flow of darkness, should everything go wrong. Everything should be prepared, even the fleet was here in a significant presence. Several of her large vessels were directly above and many smaller vessels watch the approaches. Ession was a fortress right now, but she couldn't help but have a sense of worry whether it was all enough.

Truth be told, it wasn't the only thing on her mind. Whilst busy, she had been able to push her personal problems to the back of her mind, but now, in the court room, with nothing to do but watch the proceedings, her mind had time to worry. She had still not heard from Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix And it was really beginning to bother her, even her political allies had not heard from her at all, what was going on? Isla was a consumate professional, so it would never effect her work, but she would be lying if she said she wasn't a little distracted.

She let her mind wander a little as she looked at the high ceilings of the church and said a prayer to Ashla that everything would go according to plan, then she say, calmly watching, somehow feeling lonely in a room full of people.​


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When the trio entered the room, Geiseric stiffened yet his strong stride remained unbroken. He'd never been in the same room as the monster before the, let alone within a few feet. His eyes locked to the Sith and his lawyer without even realizing. His blood boiled. The Sith Empire had met the headsman's blade, and presently it's architect would meet the same fate. Soon Zambrano would fall to his knees the same as Geiseric had the day Ession burned. What fallout that would cause remained at the top of his list of questions. The Sith were many, too many... and their constant struggle for power would ensure one thing: As soon as the Butcher-King's head rolled on the floor there would be another right Dark Lord behind him to usurp his power.

Geiseric took his seat to the side. He tapped his fingers in waiting, raised his right foot and placed it atop his left knee, sinking slightly deeper into the pew. His view from about halfway back from the pulpit allowed him to see all that he needed to without being an obstruction. This wasn't his fight, as much as he wanted it to be. Whatever happened now happened through legal and official channels.

It said something of the crusade that the Emperor-Emeritus was being tried in a cathedral and not a courthouse. Geiseric didn't disagree with the choice of setting, but he worried how their allies might see it. As far as he knew no representatives of the Alliance or the New Empire had arrived. More questions were arising with every hour, on a day that should have been the closing pages of an arduous story. He wasn't alone in thinking this. He could feel Eina's anxiety too, worse than his. It would do her good if he remained calmer and level headed. Gei pushed the thoughts of their shared vision of this place out of his mind. Those visions were only as prophetic as he let them be. He longed for certainty, to know for sure what they were doing was sanctioned by the divine. Still certainty eluded him. The best they could do was wait and see what the day brought.

"I have a very, very bad feeling …" she told; she hadn't said that many times, but now she felt it all in the Force. As they progressed, Eina continued. "I had a vision on the Dark Planet, I was in this dress, there was a massacre in and out of this hall, many Valkyrja and crusaders had been slaughtered. Only Heinrich was alive, I could see what was happening with his eyes… Gei was dead, his heart was cut out, but it was still pounding on my chest and the strength of the two of us kept alive a Force storm devouring the entire planet."

"And I saw the same. Please, give it no credence. That Eldritch was only trying to scare us. There is no fear; there is courage." he recited part of the Ashlan Jedi Code to Eina. He breathed slowly and deeply in and out, cooling his red hot nerves.

"By the Ashla! He is not alone... he... he also has a Force-dyad. I see, I see the other one too. They are much stronger than Gei and me. This will end very badly. Something bad will happen!"

"Please dear, calm yourself. Whatever dyad this man possesses will soon be severed." he place one arm around the angel's shoulders in hopes of bringing her back to a state of clear mind. He cocked his head to Grandmaster Faust and pushed loose hair from his face. As his fingers grazed his forehead he felt the beads of sweat accumulating.

"and what do you make of this. Will we give such generous proceedings for Darth Solipsis when the time comes?"


Tags: Lana Lana

The Golden Forest was as beautiful as Anashja had heard, and it felt wonderful bathing in the light that flowed from the nexus here. She watched as her son Ti'zan, now nearly four years old ran down a path chasing a light brown bird. "Ik'aad! Don't chase the birds please!" she called down after him, he turned to look at her, giving her the same look her husband would when he was caught doing something. "don't give me that look Ti! It doesn't work for your father either."

She laughed as young Togrutan stuck his tongue out and stepped into the long grass to pick wild flowers, singing a song that Lana Lana had taught him.

She looked at her friend, they had spent so much time together since they met at that party in Alliance space, she was a wonderful nurse, so caring and sweet and her son adored her. She did wonder if Lana ever got sick of teleporting children's toys around for him, but she seemed to enjoy Ana's family. It wouldn't be long now until Ana's family grew a little bigger, her back ached, her feet ached and her breasts ached. She was tired of being pregnant.

"Isn't it lovely here Lana Lana , I am so glad we did this, I know that whole trial thing is going on so we may end up in the hospital if it kicks off, but bringing my children here was too wonderful and opportunity to pass up, I know my girl in here can't see it, but she will feel the light I hope."

She linked arms with her friend as they walked, she tried to show her discomfort as little as possible, but was glad to have a sympathetic person along with her for this trip.

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Queen Hanaya Enzar

Queen of Codru Secundus

CEO of Archangel Manufactorum

Location: Felucia
Objective: distract Zolasha Tyrin Zolasha Tyrin
Wearing: Guarderma Bio-suit
Ship: Angel

So, today was the trial of Darth Carnifex? It has come.round quickly, the Ashlans were all busy and spending credits on security tech so it was hard to miss the build up. Her friend Zolasha Tyrin Zolasha Tyrin Had been thinking about it a lot too, Hanaya now almost certainly knew she was Sith, but she wasn't sure why the trial bothered her so much. Either way she needed a distractions. Hanaya decided to bring her to Felucia, her ancestral home, maybe to get know her a little better, but mostly just as a distraction.

Felucia was an exceptionally beautiful word, covered entirely with strange vegetation, the perfect place for her to bring Zol. Since the party on Lur she had told Zolasha of her affection for her, it was only right that she was honest after giving her her first kiss, and maybe a few more since then. Queen Enzar smiled to herself as she eyed her friend.

"We are here Zolasha, ready to go and explore, I will be keeping one of these on, just in case, Felucia is breathable but there is a lot of weird stuff out there I just don't want to risk. I suppose you won't be taking any extra precautions my little flower?" she was of this world so maybe she would thrive here, and maybe she Hanayaz finally, a taste of her true power.

"come on you, we have a date with some giant glowing trees and possible an Aklay or two."

The Warlock Trial
Equipment: In Bio
Tag: Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar

The day would prove to be a long one indeed. Her Emperor was currently in chains, and awaiting his sentence, and here was Zolasha the humble servant; away on another world, walking in the past of her majesties sins. She felt guilty, and for all the wrong reasons. She suspected her goddess knew this as well, which was why she had been ushered away to her homeworld; Felucia.

While she held feelings for the four armed goddess, Zolasha knew that deep down it was a cover. Or at least that's what she told herself. The Ashen would learn of her sooner or later, and when they did, she would need the help of her goddess to protect her. In reality, Zolasha finally had began to learn that there was validity to the emotions of love and passion, and not merely a means of which to seize power. For someone who had been so harshly brain washed and controlled however, it was a rather difficult pill to swallow. She could feel the eyes of Hanaya upon her, and her toes curled at the sensation. Swallowing hard, she gripped the sides of her jumpsuit, trying to process everything she was feeling. "No goddess, I need only your presence, and all shall be known to me." Her home was a place that was deadly to many, but to Zolasha, it was her place of safety, and a reminder that she'd best be around to protect her goddess. She'd be lying if she said her thoughts hadn't been heavy with those of the queen, and how could they not? Was it so wrong that she felt safe in the embrace of the woman?

Truthfully, she wasn't sure. Turning back to face Hanaya, it took a great deal of effort to keep her gaze off the woman's form. "Wherever you go Goddess, I will follow." She stepped closer to the four armed woman, her hand moving to gently caress her face. "You are the light that guides me in the dark, Goddess Hanaya. Without you, I am lost." She managed a smile, and a quick peck on the lips followed. Now having done the unthinkable once again, she quickly attempted to exit the ship before the color on her face became any more noticeable.

Why of all days did it have to be today?


Objective: convict the Sith

Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex


Today was the day...

The Crusade had long sought to purge the darkness of the Bogan from the galaxy, and in that journey, they had amassed a list of targets, symbols of the Bogan's stench. Today, they had the chance to remove one of those symbols from the galaxy forever. It would be a glorious day for the Crusade indeed, and Pietro had the honor of helping to deal the final blow.

His attendants had taken time to ensure that his robes were ready, checking and double checking to make sure nothing was missed. It wasn't a fashion statement, but rather for his protection. They were heavier than the robes he usually wore, but should their be an attempt on his life, they would serve him well. Pietro trusted the work of the Grand Admiral and the others, as every precaution had been taken to ensure the safety of those in the courtroom. Nevertheless, he wore the robes all the same.

He turned toward the empress as she spoke, surprised at the lack of her usual taunting nature she held with the cardinal. She was her more stoic self today, which somehow felt more comfortable to the cardinal. She was an enigma, and that was why he didn't trust her, but for today, their differences would be set aside for the sake of the galaxy.

"Yes, lets begin."

His gaze shifted to that of Carnifex, the man that had wrought so much destruction upon the galaxy. In the prisoner's attire, Carnifex seemed considerably less menacing, and yet, that made him seem all the more dangerous. Precautions had been taken to keep the Sith at bay as they proceeded with the formality of the trial, but nevertheless, he was still a Sith. The Sith were a cunning, conniving lot, and the cardinal wished to get this concluded quickly. The less time he had to breathe, the less time he had to escape.

Pietro's voice carried across the room as he began the proceedings, his gaze never leaving Carnifex as he spoke in his grave tone, almost as if he were the executioner himself.

"To my fellow crusaders and our imperial allies, today we are gathered to decide the fate of the Sith lord Carnifex. The charges are too numerous to name, but include murder, genocide, heresy, and terrorism. I don't need to tell you just how grave any one of these charges are on their own, let alone together."

He leaned forward in his chair, addressing Carnifex directly.

"Tell us, Carnifex, do you have anything to say in response to these charges?"

The response would likely come from his lawyer, but none of the words would matter...

Today, Carnifex would die.


Baron of Tygeria
Objective I.
: Observe the sentencing
Location: Courtroom
Equipment: Shroudsabers (hidden) | Hersir Mk.I Military Attire |
Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip

Hi'los Krai was sat in the courtroom as Carnifex was ushered into the room. Hi'los himself donned Military Attire which was unlike him, though he had decided to wear it due to the circumstances of the proceedings. Hi'los never knew Carnifex personally, though he had a hint of respect for the man. The Gen'Dai were not quick to judge, whether the atrocities he had committed were true or not. Though his respect was followed by mostly disgust. He had spotted Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir as she entered, accompanied by Geiseric Geiseric and Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust . Their reaction to the sight of the Dark Lord was a curious sight, he could feel something through the force surrounding Carnifex, though he couldn't quite place it.

The charges against the Butcher King were numerous, which was to be expected. He stared at Carnifex with a look of curiosity, he knew this Dark Lord wouldn't sit by while he was being sentenced. "What's your plan Carnifex." He muttered under his breath. If what he had heard about this Sith were true, he doubted anyone was truly safe.
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Tags: Geiseric Geiseric , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Heinrich kept scanning the area as the trio entered the building as if he were being watched. Plenty of security measures had been taken, as the Crusade were well aware of the capabilities of the Sith lord. Despite the heavy presence of the Crusade's military forces, there was that sickening notion of uncertainty creeping up the back of his neck. He refused to let it show, however, for today he was a representative of his people. Ession had suffered greatly at the hands of the Sith, and Carnifex himself had a hand in that suffering. If Heinrich were the one in charge, he may have already ended the man's life for that reason alone. Others may have called such a thought one of vengeance, but Heinrich merely saw it as the justice of Ashla.

He took a seat next to Geiseric and Eina, away from the center of the room. There had been much discussion of where the trial should take place. Heinrich himself fought to keep the Sith as far away from their home as possible. The Crusade was moving it's capital to Ession though, and in some way, that was certainly poetic. The presence of the nexus was certainly worth noting as well, as it added another layer of security that other planets couldn't provide. Yet, that strange, unnerving feeling remained, scratching at the back of Heinrich's mind.

As Eina spoke her concerns, Geiseric did his best to calm her. Heinrich knew all too well the horrors that she spoke of. All of them had seen horrible images on that cursed world, and each vision was more terrible than the next. He took a moment to attempt to help Geiseric in calming Eina.

"If there's another Sith here, it won't be long until he's found out. For now, we're safe. Our forces are well-placed, and the fleet is ready in orbit. We only need to keep it that way until the sentence is carried out."

It wasn't quite as comforting as he hoped, but perhaps there would be some comfort from the reminder of their preparations for the trial. As Geiseric mentioned Solipsis, Heinrich grew silent once again. He still needed to speak with his friend about Ession, but hadn't had the chance to do so. The trial had taken precedent, and had kept them all busy in recent weeks. He would speak with him soon enough, but today would not be the day.

As his gaze shifted toward Carnifex, Heinrich finally answered the man's question.

"No... I expect not. He's too volatile, even by Sith standards. If we catch him, we end him, then and there... no matter what the cardinal's wishes are."

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: To sentence Carnifex to death
Location: Courtroom, inside the bulding.
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || ENS Crimson Empress (in space)
Writing With: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Open
Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Open
[ Deutschland ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid knew perfectly well how to behave. Today was not a good time to play with the cardinal, no matter how much she liked to do it on other occasions. Today, that behaviour was not allowed. Only perfect unity and harmony should allow to show that this was between the factions. Even if it wasn’t entirely true because they didn’t trust each other in so many points and places. But it was already a show of strength that they were able to show everyone that their alliance was strong and that there were no contradictions between them.

It was one of the rules of shadow games. And Ingrid was their master; she was familiar with diplomacy and intrigue. She had no problem playing this, the Empress knew the game perfectly. She could have returned her "diploma" as an agent and spy if she hadn't been able to do so. The red-haired woman watched wordlessly as Carnifex was ushered in. It did not escape the woman's attention when the man noticed Eina in the crowd and looked straight at the girl. Here, the power of the Nexus was also very strong, but Eina still shone in the Force with her Light side aura. Last but not least, Carnifex knew Adrian and Ingrid's Force signatures perfectly. That's why Eina was unmistakable in the Force.

The charges and everything else were so serious that perhaps even rival Sith would have been willing to support the court. Besides Carnifex's followers, she didn't know many people who would have acquitted the man. Carnifex had done so much that even for every single act he could have been sentenced to death. Ingrid watched him and the Hutt as well. The only person allowed to go to the former emperor. Of course, after proper screenings and examinations.

What will the emperor or the slug say? Are they trying to save Carnifex? She was really curious about that. The Empress said nothing, just nodded in the direction of the Hutt and the former emperor so they could begin speaking.

The show has started…


Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Wearing: Guarderma Bio-suit
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs

Location: Felucia
Objective: investigate clone war era military base
Tags: Open
This planet was awesome Trinity thought to herself, so pleased that she was being paid to be here. Whilst officially an Imperial Scientists, she still occasionally tool freelance opportunities and when the Ashlans approached her to hire her, she jumped at the chance of visiting the prize planet of every good Xenobotanologist, every time she visited she found something she had never met before, the second time it was a lymphatic parasite, but that was water under the bridge now. The Ashlans had their holy land, she had hers right here.

Her mission here was to investigate and determine whether a long overgrown military base was fit for reactivation. The Ashlans wanted an outpost here and by their reckoning, a base that has stood intact for 800 years, albeit overgrown with jungle, was a good place to start.

"Hey watch that!" she shouted at one of the military contractors assigned to her. "those porta-labs are more expensive than you are, don't drop them, please."

She had a few minutes to wait whilst the crew loaded up her crawler. She set up her Plushee I in camera mode and stood in front of it, she wanted to send Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa a video message.


"Hi gorgeous, I know you are probably off protecting the empire so people like me can flit about in the jungles, but I wanted to say Hi and that I miss you!" she made a hand gesture that widened the focus of the camera, taking in more of the surroundings. "This planet is amazing, I told you reading about this place is what got me into science right? Well it is breathtaking here, every time it blows me away, I wish it was safe enough to come as a holiday spot." and she laughed, imagining the two of them, bathing in a hot spring as one flesh eating bug or another worked its magic on them.

"So I can't talk too long as we detected a rancor mating couple a few clicks away, so we need to move to our target location before the come and investigate the landing craft." The camera focused back in and it was clear Trinity was scanning for something with her wrist device. She showed the device display to the camera that clearly read NO HAZARDS DETECTED before flipping her visor up to expose her face to the air. "love you baby! And I will see you soon" she blew a kiss then flipped her visor down before turning the camera off.

Turning around the eight legged crawler was ready and loaded up, they were about an hour from the Republic base at the speed this thing moved, it was dawn now, so an hour there, 6-7 hours to get preliminary reading then and hour back if it wasn't deemed safe to spend the night on Location, that gave her 1-2 hours wiggle room before it was dark and the jungles became even more hazardous than they already were.

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Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective I.: Try to not panic.
Location: Courtroom, inside the building.
Equipment: Elegant Attire || Ljósspjót (spear) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Geiseric Geiseric | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Open
[ Empire Forever ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina just had a harder day today; now almost only these things indicated that something had happened to her before that she was not yet completely healthy. At times, she couldn’t control her emotions enough. Her soul was still not entirely whole, which was not surprising in light of the fact that the parasite almost completely consumed her soul. And the current situation did not help either on her condition.

The way she looked into Carnifex's eyes and the man looked back at her, though she didn't get along with the feelings and not really understood them, but she did with the soul. The man was clear to the brim, easy to read because she saw understanding. They both saw the same thing. Eina saw Prazutis, and the emperor knew exactly that Geiseric was the other half of the girl's dyad. Finally, Eina shuddered at Gei's words and looked at her beloved crusader. The Valkyrja nodded in silence at the words of encouragement, then looked at him in surprise.

"Did you really see it too?" she asked in surprise.

She listened in confusion for a few moments as Heinrich also tried to calm and reassure her. Eina nodded again that this would soon be over, she hoped Gei wasn't wrong.

"I’m sorry I've only been a burden for both of you ever since I’m myself again." she said a little sadly.

She also knew it was a much harder situation with her than before. She tried to recover, but the traditional or even Force healings were useless in her case. The way Gei finally placed his hand around her shoulders, as always when she could be close to the man, reassured her. She thought the crusader was much stronger than herself and was infinitely grateful to him for not leaving her, but for sticking by her during these difficult times and staying by her side. As others saw them, she blushed a little now, but for a few moments she laid her head on his shoulder gently. Until the question was asked about Darth Solipsis.

"Hei…" she whispered, barely audible.

Then she looked up and looked at Heinrich, too, but she stayed in Gei's half embrace. She wanted to reach out encouragingly to reassure him that Hei was able to feel he wasn't alone and she was with him, and he always counted on her , but she remembered Gei's feelings and reaction on Ilum, so she pulled her hand back instead. But the concern remained on her face. Eina knew how delicate this was, precisely because of the secret they had come so close to the Grandmaster, and the Valkyrja was working hard to heal these wounds, to help the man.

"Why was this trial necessary? It is enough to look at his aura and you can see all the horrors he has done… even in the Netherworld I rarely see such corrupt and rotten creatures or entities." she told her two companions.




Wearing this

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

Location - The Courthouse

Asaaj was uncomfortable here, she wasn't sure if it was the number of light sided zealots around, the unnatural flow of light from the Planetary nexus or the fact that her skin still burned from the change from Asaaj into Ivy, but she felt out of place. She felt so out of place she might as well be holding a sign above her head advertising herself as a witch ready for burning. If it wasn't for her immaculate Eternal Empire Naval uniform, or the fact that her ever confident friend Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae sat with her, she would be very concerned for her safety, early 600s would be no age for one of her kind to be rumbled and executed, and it seemed like the Crusade were in a hanging mood today.

Asaaj ran her fingers through her hair, a minor incident involving playing with a little too much fire had damaged it and it was now cut short, but she quiet enjoyed it, the herbs she washed it in would grow it out to its original length within a few weeks, but this new look did kind of suite Ivy.

Asaaj laughed and rolled her eyes, why should she care how Ivy looked, she hated wearing her skin, this was the third time she had had to wear it to appease the zealots, maybe she should get Ivy some tattoos? how much better would that blonde look with some lovely dathomiri ink. It would kind of defeat the object of the disguise though.

She sat quietly and watched the procession come in, politicians from both sides were here including the leaders of both the Ashlans and the Empire. She looked at the Empress daughter and wrinkled her nose at her, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir just radiated light, if she was to be Empress one day, then she feared for the safety of people like her.

Among them sat Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , the monster! How some Dathomiri forgot the sins of old and sided with the Sith she would never understand, maybe she had just a little in common with the Ashlans after all in relishing the chance to see him hang.



It was the Hutt, Khinu Vosadii Qal, who motioned to speak after the Cardinal had posed his question. The Dark Lord looked to the Cardinal as the Hutt prepared his response, His red-within-black eyes locking with the Cardinal's brown eyes without blinking. Even the most primal of beasts understood what a contest of wills maintaining eye contact was, and it was a simple enough show of dominance to maintain eye contact and see which of them disengaged first.

The Hutt shuffled some documents, reaching for a small mechanical device which he affixed to his throat like a chainless pendant. After some quick calibrations, the Hutt spoke. "Bo Bimahau Doptlauang, bu lhonbonee Bahpawuapt Lorda, bu Siwaee Kacmaheatkha Kaine Zambrano, Kouuice Lorda dee Beh an Masii dee Epicanthix, cakau bu bacenbie bai dotmheca haku jaha heee patka gee kouhatmapka." After speaking, the device on Qal's chest began to whir with activity before reciting the Hutt's every word into Galactic Basic. "His Supreme Excellency, the magnanimous Arch-Lord, the Twice-Emperor Kaine Zambrano, Dark Lord of the Sith and Ruler of the Epicanthix, beseeches the court to state what laws these charges have violated."

Khinu Vosadii Qal then went silent, waiting for the Cardinal's response to his inquiry. He reached down to grab a handkerchief and dab the beads of sweat that had accumulated on his brow, the planet's Light Side Nexus causing him a moderate amount of discomfort. The Dark Lord, by comparison, seemed utterly unperturbed by the thick suffusion of Light Side energy that saturated the planet. His own aura in the Force, more akin to an event horizon, still pulsated unerringly.

If the Dark Lord felt the effects of the nexus at all, then He was marvelously adept at concealing any discomfort. Or perhaps it was true that the Dark Lord did not feel the effects of the nexus at all, but could one man's power eclipse that of an entire planetary nexus? The implications were as frightening as they were unthinkable, no one was above the cleansing light of the Ashla, but to those who were keenly attuned to sense such distinctions, such assertations were cold comforts.

Above all of that, however, was the foreboding sense of dread.

A vision of death.


"No... I expect not. He's too volatile, even by Sith standards. If we catch him, we end him, then and there... no matter what the cardinal's wishes are."

"We could have done the same for this Dark Lord. Should have." he held Eina tighter as Carnifex approached the stand. He kept his voice at a whisper volume as not to disturb the proceedings.

"I’m sorry I've only been a burden for both of you ever since I’m myself again." she said a little sadly.

"No no, He has been a burden for us. We had to chase him around the galaxy. You had the courtesy not to even leave the sector when Hyrva had you." he nodded in the Sith's direction.

"Why was this trial necessary? It is enough to look at his aura and you can see all the horrors he has done… even in the Netherworld I rarely see such corrupt and rotten creatures or entities." she told her two companions.
"Civility, I suppose? We need to carry ourselves better than the Sith Lords, even if that isn't easy." he sighed. Fighting and killing the Sith on the field of battle had become the gold standard. Everyone could see the trial was an abnormality.

Queen Hanaya Enzar

Queen of Codru Secundus

CEO of Archangel Manufactorum

Location: Felucia
Objective: distract Zolasha Tyrin Zolasha Tyrin
Wearing: Guarderma Bio-suit
Ship: Angel

Hanaya wasn't embarrassed or even brought to a blush now when Zolasha Tyrin Zolasha Tyrin kissed her before exiting the shuttle, she was over that and enjoying herself. Zol made her smile, the way she spoke to highly of the queen had grown on her and it was adorable. She also felt she had corrected the goddess moniker so many times there was no way Zolasha could be suddenly beleive that Hanaya was trying to string her along and bask in some kind of undeserved worship. If she chose to continue using it, that was on her an noone else now.

She did however spot Zolashas own blush and she smiled at her as she turned. "So, my flower, where first, I spotted some ruins as we flew over that look interesting, and obviously there is the wildlife, see anything in here you like the look of?" She reached around Zolasha from behind to hand her the pad, there were a few places highlighted.

"What was it like growing up here? It is a pretty place, but so hostile, everything seems to be food for something else? Not at all like my land of marshes and snow"

The pair had only been off world a few times together, and Zolasha was getting bolder. This particular trip was purely to give her a distraction from that damn trial. Her daughter had wanted to come, but it probably wasn't safe here and she had been acting up lately as well. Hanaya initially thought it was due to how much time her mother spent with Zolasha, but she now felt that her daughter was beginning to prepare for her pupation cycle. It would be so wonderful so see her daughter become humanoid at last.
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