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Lucas Gracin

Excelsus of the Howlaw Court
Lucas' brow rose as he watched the captain's entrance, followed by her rather direct and impertinent introduction. As far as first impressions go, it wasn't the best on the surface. As a politician, it made Lucas' heart ache and as a diplomat, it made him want to hurl her off of the nearest balcony. But that same set of emotions reminded him of another military leader he knew quite well. The truth was, Von Sorenn was not applying to be a politician. She was applying to deal with politicians on behalf of the military. And in endeavors regarding military service, direct was often a good thing. "Captain Sorenn, I would remind you that despite Senator Fortan's glowing recommendation, and perhaps even the support of our esteemed grand chancellor, you are still Captain Sorenn. I regret that you were not adequately prepared for this meeting, but we both know that battle rarely allows for an abundance of foresight, and this meeting is necessary should you wish to advance so far above your current commission. Many of us do not know you, this is your moment to make us understand why those we do know have recommended you."

Lucas' mind was far from made up. The scales however, were certainly tipping. The captain had so far recovered from her earlier missteps and was handling herself admirably. Furthermore, the exchanged before him were proving quite enlightening regarding his more immediate colleagues. Lucas was still relatively new to the Alliance Senate, having finally found his way into it after a bit of paperwork finagling that would allow him to represent the planet in place of the Valde. Given how war often brought out a man or woman's true self, this was the ideal chance to see the mettle of his compatriots.

Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Rens Ahim Rens Ahim Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray Auteme Auteme Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass


Coruscant, Senate Rotunda
Tags: Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan , Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin , Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin , Rens Ahim Rens Ahim , Caulder Dune Caulder Dune , Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti , Alicio Organa Alicio Organa , Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux , Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau , Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray , Auteme Auteme , Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn , Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass


"May I ask that the health of the honorable representative of Obulette be assessed?" Yumia briefly chimed in. "An open call for bloodshed is not appropriate given the gravity of our present decision at hand."

They were in war time, not war hawks. An old fool who wished to throw around the cudgel of the Alliance was a dangerous fool indeed. Ord Providence had seen the threat of war first hand. The Enclave's path of destruction was just in view of her people. This was a situation that required a firm hand, but not an animalistic one. That wasn't even mentioning the ego to claim that 'Obulette speaks' to chime in.

"I will say on the matter of promotion, as counter argument to the one presented by our other honorable delegates," the Godoan continued, "What other option do we have? Our military leaders have grown timid and reluctant to act. We have let ourselves develop a soft underbelly. The recent strike against us is evidence of such a wavering of our strength. I believe that further interview is in order and will uphold due-diligence, but given her record of success, I would implore you all to consider this option with more nuance. Inactive military personell in our defence force will surely become a far more grave weakness should we let this wound fester. We may have little other to choose from."

With her planet quite literally in the line of fire from all of the Alliances major threats now, Yumia was certainly eager to see this problem rectified. They were no longer in the gentle era of reconstruction. This was to be war.

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Jace colis




Tags: Auteme Auteme Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Valette Puritis Yumia Valette Puritis Yumia Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti Rens Ahim Rens Ahim Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass

Senator colis had sat there listening and waiting he had read up on her history and background after she joined the galactic alliance and during her time with the confederacy. She was a soldier who did her best and she was loyal to the alliance but the senators had to do their squabble which was warranted given her past ties. He had to admit but she had proven her worth in his eyes as he arose after the previous senator sat down while I and members of the SIA understand the sentiment of senator Provost and I understand where she is coming from he said looking at the other senators his blackened eye staring at them deadly as he did so.

I must also note that Kha'la Daaray has a point Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn has proven her loyalty and skills in leading naval combat has been effective in several theaters of combat a if any other member of this council can name a more worthy nomination I say present them he said standing there. As he continued to stand there before looking casteban mercetti just because we are at war senator mercetti does not condone us being bloodthirsty savages we are not sith who seek war and bloodshed for the sake of it please restrain yourself or ill have to turn my gaze to you like i did your family member jace said coldly before sitting down.


So far Sonya had been largely unimpressed by the pomp and circumstance. Apparently, this captain was off dealing with military operations during her own appointment hearing. Was this a fault of hers, or a clerical error from the alliance? Either way, an easily avoidable mishandling that made for a bad look.

von Sorenn introduced herself, and that little sarcastic intonation she ended with rank of privilege. Showing up here was an inconvenience. Even Sonya would gladly admit to the senate's overly bureaucratic meandering, but did this woman really think there wouldn't be any questions demanding her presence? That the job would just be handed to her on a silver platter?

The fact of the matter was, if she couldn't be assed to play politician on top of playing soldier, then she wasn't fit for a title like this.

As if to turn matters into more of a circus, she also made a seemingly suspect comment about the Trade Federation representative's species. Regardless of how well Grimmin embodied the stereotypes, that this prospect would play into them at all was rather concerning. But it wasn't just her setting off the red flags. Grimin himself was of course all too happy to continue indulging in his own blind greed, and Senator Mecetti sounded unapologetically insane in his rantings. Finally, Yumia was brave enough to point it out.

"Seconded," Sonya spoke up in response, "What could possibly make the Senator of Obulette think his language is appropriate for this august body?" Casual dismissal of hypothetical war crimes or hostile affiliation, a call for bloodthirst and violence. What was the Alliance coming to? "War is the last theater in which to abandon our principals. And it sheds an unfortunate light on your character in particular. I suggest reconsidering your approach, before more is called into question."

Well, if von Sorenn was to be taken at her word, she played no part in the subjugation of Haruun Kal. Lovely. So she met the absolute bare minimum of qualifications for a military position, let alone Supreme Commander. And even after that the prevalent argument was "What other choice to we have?" Once again, hardly a confident endorsement.
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Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan

The Trade Federation Minister's insect-like stare fixated on the Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance Auteme Auteme , who verified that the mobilization order to aid the Rimward Trade League had been sanctioned by the Senate Defense Committee and her superiors in Alliance High Command.

She also emphasized the importance of preventing the Sith Empire from establishing a presence in the hyperspace lanes connected to their territory. The reasoning seemed solid enough, so there was no need to inquire further.

Captain Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn
appeared to suggest that her recent decisions had received the green light from the necessary committee, but her subsequent remarks left no doubt that she was not pleased to be present - facing questioning from the Federal Assembly rather than carrying out her designated mission.

Furthermore, she made derogatory remarks about the Neimoidian Species, prompting the Minister to shoot her a disapproving look even as she passed by him to speak to
Representative Vass. Such disrespectful comments towards a representative of this respected institution were intolerable for anyone aspiring to assume the role of Supreme Commander of the Galactic Defense Force.

Senator Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti on the other hand changed the mood entirely within the chamber - his comments ranging mostly from the deranged to active endorsements of war crimes. Such language within the chamber was
unbefitting to any Senator of the Galactic Alliance.

Representative Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass seemed happy with the response given by Captain Von Sorenn about the inquiry into her past with the Confederacy of Independent Systems - although wanting to remind her that answering these questions and inquires by the Senate was of the utmost importance.

Senator Lucas Gracin Lucas Gracin remarks was logical for the most part, even pointing out that she was still a Captain within the Defense Forces and had not yet been allowed to rise above her current commission and so her appointment to the Supreme Commander position required delicate reasoning and information presented to the Federal Assembly.

Senator Valette Puritis Yumia Valette Puritis Yumia was the first to openly speak out about the conduct of Senator Casteban Mecetii within the assembly - even wanting to check his health to make sure he was still mentally sound for the position. As to the matter of promotion, she explained that the Defense Force Leadership had grown timid and reluctant to act for the benefit of the Alliance and had been made vulnerable because of that.

Senator Sonya Provost Sonya Provost seconded the motion for the censure of Senator Casteban Mecetii.

"The Trade Federation thirds the motion against the conduct of Senator Casteban Mecetii" The Neimoidian explained wanting to earn at least some political points with the other members of the Federal Assembly - although not really caring if the Senator was a War Hawk as the Federation was merely using war as a profit maker.

"Some of our esteemed members of the Federal Assembly have pointed out that the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces's High Command has become inept or lacks qualified candidates other than Captain Von Sorenn. If the Defense Forces can no longer protect the Alliance from threats within and beyond our borders, then I say we push funding into Planetary Defense Coalitions. Such as the Planetary Alliance that overthrew the Tyrant Marlon Sularen over Byss." The Minister wanted to use the topic about military command to raise more forces for the Trade Federation Defense Forces.

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Casteban Mecetti's habitually sour face held a more bitter glower than usual.

"Obulette wonders if my esteemed colleagues will wither and wilt like flowers in the face of harsh language.

'He said Bloodthirsty,' they weep. 'Commit him! Censure him! Or no, better yet... turn an investigative gaze towards him. We must know how many expletives he may be hiding in his arsenal!'

Really, Colis? Is this what you've been reduced to? How far you've fallen.

How far we have all fallen.

You've given poor Grimmin here so many heart palpitations with your fluttering protestations that he wants to abandon a unified defense force and fall back to piecemeal system defense forces, instead. And who can blame him, with this withering and wallowing?"

Casteban shook his head.

"All of these protestations are a farce, or they had better be.

The Captain has been serving in our military forces for a while, now. Any questions of loyalty or criminality have long since been settled. They were settled when she was made an officer in our defense force. If we had an objection, that was when we'd have had it. If there was an investigation, that's when it would have been conducted.

No. This poor playhouse production is nothing but pantomime, and it is a sad show for your constituents.

Dear. Esteemed. Colleagues.

We are at war, and if you can not handle language so hard and uncompromising as 'bloodthirsty' then you are unprepared for the Enemy at the Gates.

An enemy who burns our citizens to ash.

Dispossesses billions of their homes.

Stabs hot plasma into their bodies to boil the excrement in their bellies and suffocate them in the miasma of their own waste as they howl in wretched agony.

That is our enemy. That is our fight.

But no... Let us not suggest our response should be aggressive, definitive, and mighty.

Let us not descend to such barbaric anarchy as the word 'bloodthirsty.'

If this is what gives you all the flutters, then I weep for our Alliance.

Now, stop poisoning the well. Let our candidate Captain answer the question, and tell us if she can take territory back from our enemies.

All of this pearl-clutching will have her promising to scatter rose-petals and peace-pamphlets over the battlefield so that she can hope to claim the position."

The empty rhetoric grated against Raphael's ears as he sat silently, content to observe. Such hand wringing over a decision such as this did not bode well. Carefully chosen words and delicate use of positioning, the game was afoot. The Senator from Anaxes could see that some were more apt at it than others. An abstract thought lingered at the edge of his consciousness. Time heals all wounds. It caused a twitch at the edge of his lips, the man's fingertips brushing against the marred flesh beneath his eye. Apparently, the Senate felt the same way he did, barbs and jabs of the verbal variety bandying about like two foils on a piste. It was amusing, certainly, but in no way productive.

Anaxes was merely a member world. A contributor, no doubt, when it came to establishing a solid junior officer corps and even technologically and militarily but at the end of the day it was yet another appendage of what formed the Galactic Alliance - they all were. Some of them seemed to forget that. This wartime state, these external conflicts, they were straightforward enough without dragging the internal ones of the Senate and its individual worlds, contentions, rivalries, personal leanings. The Senate, more than once during his tenure, had devolved into a circus of shit-flinging monkeys and all the ingredients for a repeat seemed to be present.

With a sigh, Raphael queued for his own input, mentally preparing for what might come. It wasn't so much that anything he'd say would be revolutionary, counter-culture, or even particularly valuable but it needed to be said. So often these sessions reverted to discussions of greater strategery and subtle attempts at acting the eminence grise. The hubris, thought Raphael.

"Fellow members of the assembly," he began. ""The current agenda does not encompass discussions pertaining to war and its methods of conduct. In fact, today, our purpose was meant to discuss and affirm a Supreme Commander, was it not?" His eyes looked around the voluminous chamber, settling on where Natasi's pod rest. "I, as a junior member of this body, do not claim to know nor understand history as well as some of you. Many of you have been part of this body nearly as long as I have existed and yet I believe I may provide some input of value, if you will hear it." Raphael looked around the room again, taking a breath before speaking.

"There's a saying in the Defense Forces, during my time in the Anaxes Planetary Defense Forces I found it to be particularly invaluable. Not only for its application in combat tactics, but as a philosophy in my experience it tends to hold true. 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'." He let that linger a moment, then continued. "For those of my colleagues who are not as familiar with hunting, let me put it plainly. Today, here, now, we have a willing and capable Captain whose willingness and dedication to our cause is unquestionable. Ten out of ten times, I and the people of Anaxes, would take the bird in hand."


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Senate Rotunda
Tags: @Everyone (phone post sorry)


If this is what gives you all the flutters, then I weep for our Alliance.

“Spare us the weeping, Senator,” Yumia remarked. Her face was not seen, but her frown could be heard. “We are here to discuss the upholding of civilization, not to throw a pity party. A fall to barbarism is to let our enemies win over us. I ask you keep to the relevant topic at hand, sir, for the sake of not derailing this discussion.”

What a mess. There was always one. It wasn’t long before the representative of the Trade Federation was spouting about assigning more freedom to planetary militias, no doubt for some leeway in their own military ambitions. They weren’t here to discuss this at all, this was about Captain Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn . Thankfully, a voice of reason chimed in.

"The current agenda does not encompass discussions pertaining to war and its methods of conduct. In fact, today, our purpose was meant to discuss and affirm a Supreme Commander, was it not?"

Yumia listened to him speak. It was nice to hear one individual with their brain screwed in securely. She sighed, tilting her head.

“Thank you, Senator Calgar,” she nods. “Ord Providence stands in agreement with this sentiment. While not directly under fire from the assault of the Enclave, shockwaves from the invasion on our doorstep have inevitably been felt. If the Captain is worth the salt of her reputation and willing, I suggest we harness her. Not just in the interest of my people’s safety, but the safety of my neighbors in this institution. We cannot continue to twiddle our thumbs on this matter.”

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"The discussion has once again been derailed by a Senator making an out of pocket statement," Sycorax said with a sigh. "Shall we also censure Captain von Sorenn for making a racist remark about the Neimodian species?" It was a joke, though her weary tone didn't exactly convey humor.

"If there are no other candidates for the position, why are we even debating this matter? Captain von Sorenn will be appointed as Supreme Commander regardless of the concerns we have raised about her loyalty or how she has behaved in this hearing. This has been a waste of our time." She rose from her seat and put on her cloak. "I'd rather be told the truth than given an illusion of choice. Dahrtag abstains."

With that, she left her pod and the building, surrounded by her retinue of bodyguards.
Tag: To all Senators present

The more he thought of it the more Rens came to believe this was a waste of time as well. If Sorenn is the only candidate why have this discussion at all? Inwardly he was downright offended to have been pulled into a sham of a hearing despite giving only a neutral expression.

My son Gel is sick in the hospital and I’m kept away from him for this…showcase!?

The very thought angered him deeply that Rens squeezed the edges of his pod’s podium. He held no animosity toward Sorenn and truly hoped she is qualified to lead the Alliance Forces. Although he certainly now resented all those who organized this hearing that appears to serve no useful purpose.

“Bestine abstains in strong protest due to the pointlessness of this session since there is only one candidate.”

The gesture was meant as a rebuke to the organizers of this useless meeting not to the Alliance officer who had been the subject of it. Turning to the soon to be Supreme Commander he nodded respectfully.

“That being said Captain I truly wish you best fortunes and congratulations on your upcoming promotion. May the Force be with you.”

Then he brought the pod back to its original position. With his aides and the representative in tow he withdrew out of the senate chambers.
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