You are quite welcome!
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Aug 24, 2018 #62 Say, any FWC remnants or Alderaani involved in the Commenor threads? Good opportunities for many of us to exercise what we spoke about.
Say, any FWC remnants or Alderaani involved in the Commenor threads? Good opportunities for many of us to exercise what we spoke about.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Aug 24, 2018 #64've been keeping an eye on our faction! You and Faith I think are the only one's left, besides me in the FWC've been keeping an eye on our faction! You and Faith I think are the only one's left, besides me in the FWC
Riamah Baroness Character Bio Aug 24, 2018 #65 I am inclined to agree with you to a degree. Since writers are not limited to the amount of factions they can belong to, a few are active in them.
I am inclined to agree with you to a degree. Since writers are not limited to the amount of factions they can belong to, a few are active in them.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Aug 29, 2018 #66 True... I’ve got one in TSE and anther in CIS. Although the one in TSE is by default since the vermin have claimed Lianna in their turf. Well, hope to run into Jairdain somewhere back on Commenor again.
True... I’ve got one in TSE and anther in CIS. Although the one in TSE is by default since the vermin have claimed Lianna in their turf. Well, hope to run into Jairdain somewhere back on Commenor again.
Riamah Baroness Character Bio Aug 29, 2018 #67 I've been moving her away from Commenor lately. Not on purpose, it's just where her story has been leading her.
I've been moving her away from Commenor lately. Not on purpose, it's just where her story has been leading her.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Aug 30, 2018 #68 Bummer.... But you ain’t slipping away totally clean. I’ll bump into you sooner or later.
Riamah Baroness Character Bio Aug 30, 2018 #69 I'm looking forward to it! On a bit of thread overload or I would jump into something with you.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Aug 30, 2018 #70 Don't overload. I've kept my eyes open for you. We'll meet again in a mutual thread in either these forms or alts.
Don't overload. I've kept my eyes open for you. We'll meet again in a mutual thread in either these forms or alts.
Riamah Baroness Character Bio Aug 31, 2018 #71 I will let you know when my thread count lets up or there is some faction thread I jump into for you to join as well.
I will let you know when my thread count lets up or there is some faction thread I jump into for you to join as well.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Aug 31, 2018 #72 That will be wonderful. I too am a bit overloaded writing with three major alts. But will look forward to writing with you again, in a thread of your choice.
That will be wonderful. I too am a bit overloaded writing with three major alts. But will look forward to writing with you again, in a thread of your choice.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Sep 13, 2018 #73 Sorry, but the gods demanded that I tag you, [member="Riamah"] Now that you have a taggable name, you'll know when I talk write about you.
Sorry, but the gods demanded that I tag you, [member="Riamah"] Now that you have a taggable name, you'll know when I talk write about you.
Riamah Baroness Character Bio Sep 13, 2018 #74 Haha yes. That's one of the reasons I did the name change! Same character, just new name.