Death from Below

Mobius D'ik & the Myrmidons
Their arrival was quiet and unassuming. (Everything they were not.) A cargo freighter set off no flags, and thus they docked without issue. Calm and in full armor the herglics rolled off the ramp, heavy boots hitting the deck with so much indifference.
Mobius thoughtfully chomped the cigarra in his mouth. The cherry danced in a figure-eight as he eyed the digital display at the tube station. Less then a minute, now.
A broad man by the name of Ishell, still full of youthful blubber, cleared his throat. Another one, D’ik’s war-fellow of many years, shuffled his feet.
Finally there was a rush of noise and a droning announcement – the airflow car was here.
“Hell, it’s about time.” He snapped his visor closed and filed onto the transport with the rest of the Myrmidons. (A word of kind persuasion convinced the pilot that payment was, really, quite optional.)
Next stop, Executive tower.

Captain Chym-el Ad al-Bal & the Corsairs
At the same exact time that Team Whale docked, a fleet of pirates exited hyperspace.
This was not a coincidence.
Their arrival, on the other hand, was loud and shameless. As soon as they appeared, the Corsairs of Cato began encircling the Wheel in precise formation. Anyone with sensors (because space is, after all, pitch black) could surmise what was going on.
Since the station operators had the dubious honor of also being involved with a crime syndicate, they could infer even more from the situation.
Not only were they being surrounded by what was clearly a mass of pirates; those very same pirates were clearly planning to stop any attempts at blockade running. Whoever was calling the shots up top knew what they were doing – by the time the Myrmidons were taking their seats in the airflow car, the ships had all settled into position around the Wheel.
One bony hand reached out and hailed the station. “Ye’r surroondit... obviously. Surrender noo, ‘n’ we’ll let ye live.”
Al-Bal looked about his crew, all of them grinning ear-to-ear. “Personally, a’d prefer ye didnae – mair fin fur us that wey, ken? Bit either wey, we’ll rob ye blind. Don’t mak’ us hauld yer horses, sweetcheeks.”
He leaned back into his chair and stroked the feathers of the parrot perched on his shoulder. As the pirates prepared the last of their raiding gear, the Captain swiveled to face an armored figure beside him.
“We’ll keep thaim stowed. Yer transport is duin whenever yi’ll want it.”
“Now’s good.”
“Bay twa, left side. Happy hunting, gaffer.”
The woman was already gone.
[member="Popo"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Gorba the Hutt"] | [member="Entye Shysa"] | [member="Coratanni Cartel"] | [member="Hircine"] | [member="Koda Fett"]