Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning (Open)


Mobius D'ik & the Myrmidons

Their arrival was quiet and unassuming. (Everything they were not.) A cargo freighter set off no flags, and thus they docked without issue. Calm and in full armor the herglics rolled off the ramp, heavy boots hitting the deck with so much indifference.

Mobius thoughtfully chomped the cigarra in his mouth. The cherry danced in a figure-eight as he eyed the digital display at the tube station. Less then a minute, now.

A broad man by the name of Ishell, still full of youthful blubber, cleared his throat. Another one, D’ik’s war-fellow of many years, shuffled his feet.

Finally there was a rush of noise and a droning announcement – the airflow car was here.

“Hell, it’s about time.” He snapped his visor closed and filed onto the transport with the rest of the Myrmidons. (A word of kind persuasion convinced the pilot that payment was, really, quite optional.)

Next stop, Executive tower.


Captain Chym-el Ad al-Bal & the Corsairs

At the same exact time that Team Whale docked, a fleet of pirates exited hyperspace.

This was not a coincidence.

Their arrival, on the other hand, was loud and shameless. As soon as they appeared, the Corsairs of Cato began encircling the Wheel in precise formation. Anyone with sensors (because space is, after all, pitch black) could surmise what was going on.

Since the station operators had the dubious honor of also being involved with a crime syndicate, they could infer even more from the situation.

Not only were they being surrounded by what was clearly a mass of pirates; those very same pirates were clearly planning to stop any attempts at blockade running. Whoever was calling the shots up top knew what they were doing – by the time the Myrmidons were taking their seats in the airflow car, the ships had all settled into position around the Wheel.

One bony hand reached out and hailed the station. “Ye’r surroondit... obviously. Surrender noo, ‘n’ we’ll let ye live.”

Al-Bal looked about his crew, all of them grinning ear-to-ear. “Personally, a’d prefer ye didnae – mair fin fur us that wey, ken? Bit either wey, we’ll rob ye blind. Don’t mak’ us hauld yer horses, sweetcheeks.”

He leaned back into his chair and stroked the feathers of the parrot perched on his shoulder. As the pirates prepared the last of their raiding gear, the Captain swiveled to face an armored figure beside him.

“We’ll keep thaim stowed. Yer transport is duin whenever yi’ll want it.”

“Now’s good.”

“Bay twa, left side. Happy hunting, gaffer.”

The woman was already gone.

[member="Popo"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Gorba the Hutt"] | [member="Entye Shysa"] | [member="Coratanni Cartel"] | [member="Hircine"] | [member="Koda Fett"]
The Wheel,
Crimson Casino -> Sewage System!

The salt popsicle fell from Jiimi's mouth as it hung agape in a large "oh." LeFrange's eyes widened and Zatax muttered a Vodran ward of protection against evil. Only Pauul Farrlo seemed unaffected by the arrival of the Rodents of Unusual Size.

"Heya Smeggy, name's Pauul. Pauul Farrlo. This here's Jiimi, LeFrange, and Zatax."

LeFrange recovered smoothly, lips peeling into a grimacing smile. "Indeed," he remarked in his nasally drawl, "I hear you are a fan of cheese, is that right?" He produced a wax coated cheese wheel from inside his satchel. "Eat up."

The Devaronian tossed the cheese wheel to @Smeg.

Farrlo laughed the weird, vibrating chuckle of a Rodian, then laid out the plan.

"So now we gotta get our VIP equipment to the place, ya dig? But first, we're gonna need your help gettin' through the sewers."

"Wow," said Jiimi. "You think just because Smeg's evolutioary ancestors were sewer rats that he knows how to navigate the sewage system?"

All three Kajidic goons looked at Jiimi and answered in unison. "Yes."

"Oh... well... ok."

Now let's scram," Farrlo stated.

With that the four aliens got up from the booth and made their way out of the Crimson Casino and into a back alley. LeFrange kneeled down and pulled open a grate and one by one they hopped down into the sewers below.


King of Pumpkins
Rex was sitting there in the hotel room. He had his Raven armor on. He was also carrying his newest lightsabre on his side. He had a something at looked like a scroll, he put it in one of his pockets. He also had a blaster and a slugthrower. Not that he need either of them but it was just in case he couldn't get close enough to the enemy. He had no doubts his force powers would come in handy. He could also feel Muad as well as others on board the wheel. He knew there force signatures from a mile off. He had as per usual hidden himself in the force so as to not be felt.
He looked at the two others with him. "[member="Karsan Calnov"] just so you know [member="Muad Dib"] and part of his clan are here. I suggest we don't attack them." He would pull files on them all from a datapad. "[member="Skosk Fett"] here have a look any number of these people could be here. If you do see one they are not expendable. We kill any of the CIS and Manda'lor will come down on us like a ton of brick and the CIS will be free to have their way with us. I have been on there side I know what techniques are, I know what they are capable of." He had watched many a person be killed in unique ways for hurting the CIS some of them he ended himself. "But honestly I would be surprised if we aren't given over to the mando hater. Everyone expect us and them is expendable. Otherwise we should be ready." Grabbing his lightsabre staff off his belt he disconnected them. He was now ready for anything.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Location: Hangar Bay Hub A connecting to Bays 1-4
Allies: [member="Entye Shysa"] [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [member="Koda Fett"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"] [member="Zesiro"] [member="Naast'ika Laaran"] [member="Anya Malvern"]
Enemies: [member="Gorba the Hutt"] [member="Smeg"] [member="Nadir"] [member="Coratanni Cartel"] [member="Sal Katarn"] [member="Bareesh Kajidic"]
(If I missed you, you're either a 3rd party that isn't on my radar yet or I legit missed/misplaced you on the list)

The system was a flurry of action. Messages, comm hails, reports, and the like flowed like water around and about the Wheel. Popo watched the majority of it pan across his visors' HUD with a blank stare as he took in the information. Threats from a pirate fleet, Herglic intruders, and persons and beings of interest here and there. To someone else, it was an overload of raw information. To the old Shell Hutt, it was a conduit to the pulse of the situation at hand. A slow blink, and he went to work.

His eyes and ears may not be everywhere, but here on his home turf he had the advantage and he knew it. Between checkpoints, holocameras dotted almost literally everywhere, and the HWK-I recognition system, no one came in or out without him knowing about it. As for the ones that made it past somehow, it came down to old fashioned eye witness reports. When you were the biggest underworld presence on a station almost literally afloat from the underworld, not much happened without you knowing.

"Lock down the station, if you would. Have our guests and residents shelter in place," he calmly ordered the command center as he idly tapped his electrostaff on the deck plating below him. "And boot the pirates from the system, if you would. Send the defensive fleet and alert the nearby Tenloss patrol that they may be needed. The hyperspace coordinates should be saved in their nav-computers, but order them to lock the coordinates in as a precaution. All ships are to remain docked or leave the system immediately or be fired upon. Any ships already attacking, you're clear to open fire upon. They're pirates, whether they actually are or not. We're not in the habit of taking prizes or prisoners of pirates."

He glanced through another feed, this one of a transport car filled with armored and overly testosteroned beings. Herglics, if he was to chance a guess. This was an easy fix and one that would actually do well. He marked where the car was and packeted the coordinates into a comm message before manually engaging the car's brakes through the digital control hub and bringing the Herglics to a stop. Once done, he opened the commlink, this time to a different recipient.

"Mr. Dib," he stated cordially as he sent the coordinates to the man in question. "If you and your group would be so kind as to welcome some uninvited Herglics to the Wheel, I'd be ever so grateful. A platoon or two of Wheel Security will meet you there to back you up. They're suspended a few stories above the ground, so there's not any practical way to get to them, but I doubt that will be a problem in either direction. If they surrender, lovely, but I don't think that will be a problem."

The massive shell Hutt shuffled a few icons around on his HUD, detailing a platoon of men to the area in support before continuing.

"I don't quite know what armor they're wearing, but should you manage to capture any, dead or alive, I'll pay a finder's fee on each suit recovered."

With that, he closed the link and shifted once more to another frequency. This one opened up to another mandalorian, one that he'd not had the opportunity to meet but knew enough that he'd answer. Or, at least, hear the financial offer.

"I'm assuming this is Mr. Vizsla," Popo started off, his tone amicable enough. "No doubt, you're aware of what's going on, if only to some fraction. I don't exactly have time to negotiate a specific number, so we'll just leave it at 'very well compensated' if you were to sign on, even if only for this particular... incident. We can determine the nuances later. I have a small group of 'guests' that have disappeared. Thugs, looks like, but a bit too diverse, if you catch my drift. Toss in some unkempt and noxious beings causing ruckus with the trash and you can understand my concern that they've seemingly vanished. Their last coordinates are included in this message. If you're game for helping out, just head there with whoever you will. I'll consider that the equivalent of a signature for payment."

With that, the Hutt sat back and waited. If there was to be a boarding attack, it would be through one of the hubs. Flanking him were a platoon of Wheel Security and a pair of his brethren: Hutt warriors clad in modified Beskar'kandar much like himself.

Outside the station, things heated up. The turbolasers and other weapons the Wheel possessed opened up targeting pirate vessels, their bright bolts flickering out into the darkness. From within the hangars, starfighters emerged as various gunboats and patrol ships, backed by light cruisers, maneuvered into position, their own weapons seeking firing solutions on a newfound prey.

As things unfolded and more data streamed in, Popo mused silently to himself. He remembered the first lesson he'd ever learned as he started out centuries ago within the underworld: Never bite off more than you can chew.
The Wheel, Undetermined Time | Acid Rain

Coruscant was in his rear view, the vigilante, whoever it had been, was nowhere to be seen since the attack on his safehouse, he'd vanished into thin air. Strangely enough though, soon after the man he'd been after in the first place had popped back up; Calnov. Maybe Cadmon had been stupid not to question it, but if he ended up with a blaster bolt through his head, who would miss him anyway?

The message had been simple enough 'The Wheel, You Know the Place, Bring Wrist-Flamethrower'. Typical Karsan. Regardless, here he was, deep in the soon to erupt station, hands buried deep in the pockets of his long coat, stimstick glowing as he took a long drag. Beneath the coat was lightweight duraplast armor, simple and more importantly discreet, just like the weapons across his person.

This place was ready to blow, and after having spent the past months putting down the same kind of scum that practically oozed from the walls here, Geller didn't expect he'd be doing anything different here. It was going to be a fething bloodbath of their own making, just like old times he supposed.

Entering the safehouse, the former commando raised an eyebrow when he finally laid eyes on his old comrade. He still looked like chit, they both did, he supposed that meant neither of them bothered to quit getting into all those damn fights. No surprise there. Reaching into his coat, he drew a simple gauntlet, a miniaturized flamethrower affixed to it. "About time you finally got one of these, huh?" The once Blackblade questioned, the slightest hint of a smirk crossing his face.

It was good to see his friend alive.

Allies: [member="Karsan Calnov"], [member="Rex Taff"], [member="Skosk Fett"]​
Enemies: #soon​
He grinned when he turned, watching as [member="Arabella Darkhold"] plucked the deathstick from his lips and took a drag. She was an enchanting woman, in more ways than one. A vision of their first encounter flickered through his mind's eye. They were the young apprentices in the depths of a sith temple. He the Mad One making a puppet from the skull of a long dead Sith, she equally as wicked with a laugh that caught his attention. And all these years later she had yet to lose it.

With the return of his deathstick he tasted the light in his madness upon the butt, his deadly Belly. A smirk flickered across his face as he watched the woman collect her drink. He knew what she was thinking, as she was well aware what occurred behind the glowing orbs of his. Death experiences and a force bond did that to lovers.

"You can wear anything you like, or nothing, I'm certain I would find you weakening my knees in whatever regaled your form. As for being here, I find myself wishing for some fun while I introduce you to my daughters. Family is more then blood my love."

He winked as he turned and inclined his head to the two women nearby. The sisters did not favor one another in appearance. The smirk widened the memory why danced across his thoughts. [member="Zesiro"] and [member="Anya Malvern"], part of his aliit, his family. Though they had only known one another a short while, he considered them his daughters, perhaps a few years removed. Kindred spirits. He would lay his life on the line for very few, but they were his family now and he had proven he would toe that line for them by what he had risked with Anya. And he would do it again.

Motioning for his girls to come closer he nodded between the three women, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"Zes'ika, Any'ika, my daughters this is my cyare, my beloved Arabella. My love, these are Zesiro and Anya, my timid, white rosebud, be mindful of her thorns, and my firelilly. We are part of Clan Farr of House Dib, aliit, family. As for why we are here? A little get together combined with some action and making a load of credits. Of course this being your first outing, my two flowers will split the reward."

He looked to the three with a smile. But his comlink beeped and he have a nod, excusing himself from the women and taking several steps away as he opened the frequency to listen to the benefactor of the day, [member="Popo"] the armored slug. The job was pretty straight forward, if somewhat less then convenient. But the Mad Man liked inconvenience. A few data bursts and he sent the necessary information to his helm before returning to the women of his house.

"Time to stretch our legs ladies. Care for a stroll?"

With a chuckle he flicked the butt to the ground and pulled his buy'ce onto his head, the HUD flashing a transparent overlay onto his helmet's viewscreen. Breaking into a trot he led the way from the bar, the patrons moving from the path of the swiftly moving Mandalorian who neither paised nor deviated from his course. As he led the way to the location on his internal map he quickly viewed the platoon Popo had assigned to assist his team. They weren't a bad group of troops, but they weren't mando'ade nor of his pact Doashim. Yet they would do.

Opening a frequency to the platoon he sent their orders. They would meet beneath the hanging car, several stories below, and take firing positions at four points, dividing their squads for maximum firing arcs. The drones would take the high ground. A quick review of the scans of the enemy offered by Popo and his stations systems answered a few of the unknown questions. Yet the first lesson of war was that you couldn't prepare for everything, and while that was true for his forces, it was perhaps even more true for the enemy. They were most assuredly not prepared for his aliit.

Reaching the marked location he looked around seeing the open bay where several suspended cars travelled through toward their destinations. Save one. A quick check ensured that this was the car me tioned by the armored slug. Turning to look upon the women he chuckled, the sound coming over the external speakers of his buy'ce.

"Time for some fun. We are fighting roided out Shamu with a gaggle of his buddies. They're wearing armor and are weaponized. Obviously they are strong, so stay out of their path. Be smart, watch one another's backs. And don't do anything I wouldn't do."

A momentary pause.

"In fact, don't do anything I would do either. Just trust your instincts and trust your aliit. Now for the fun. Any'ika, light that car up. If you can muster enough firepower to melt them in their armor, all the better. But I want that car slagged into a molten hell. These are your enemy today. They are standing between you and glory, honor, riches. A freedom from your past. Let them feel your rage and if they survive, then let them always remember the woman who seared them in their souls. Zes'ika, rip that cart from the cables. I want you to tear the moorings and slam them into the ground. I don't want them to see a whisp of a blonde woman, I want them to see a goddess who wields the power of life and death. I want them to know, without a doubt, that this woman can shape fate, for she controls her own destiny. She isn't a victim, she is the victor. Bella, my love, would you be so kind as to remind these fatties of their worst fears. Have their visions of damnation claw at their minds, melt the marrow in their bones, have them clawing at their eyes to purge the vision of the three of you, my Valkyries , who will real their Doom. Break their minds, crush their hearts, rip out their souls."

Moving several meters away from the women he nodded and stood, arms behind his back to wait and watch. If they survived, if any survived the mental attacks, the fire, the crushing fall ... Then they would find themselves meeting the Mad Master.


Sal Katarn

Hub A

Pell-mell hell broke loose inside the station.

Sal passed through it all, focused on what came next. He entered the bay hub. Green eyes swept across a gaggle of armored Hutts, one larger than the rest, and a cluster of security guards. Katarn's mouth twisted. Lotta unfriendliness packed tight. He regretted taking the contract, but then there weren't much for that anyhow. Turn down a Hutt and the Hutt might kill you outta spite. Betray a Hutt? Well, might as well write your will while you're at it.

Nah. A job was a job n' this one needed doing, weren't two ways about it.

Katarn took a deep breath, then unholstered both of his disruptor pistols. By the time the Wheel turned 'round, a lot of folk would be dead, and Sal might be one of them. He wondered for a brief moment if it would be better than dying of old age in some hospice center, then shrugged mentally.

The bounty hunter drew down and fired. Two disruptor bolts spat from each pistol barrel, straight for the heads of the two smaller Hutts. The Vanir Tech didn't much give a damn about beskar, or phrik, or songsteel, or what not. They'd punch through and through if they hit, leaving thumb-width holes in their wake. Hutts might be a lot of things, but they needed brains to live just like most sapients. Put a big hole in those and they weren't much more than a pile of fat inside a pile of metal.

Soon as he fired, Katarn sprinted for cover in the nearest corridor. Like as not those security guards could lay down enough suppressing fire to keep him pinned for the next seven years. If he wanted to live out, then he needed to stay mobile.

How do you eat a whale?

One bite at a time.

Some Time Previously . . .
A hologram of a Klatooinian in a neck scarf with a massive underbite appeared on the feed of a certain man by the name of Lysle Rigger.

"[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"], your reputation precedesh you," lisped Brutus, majordomo of Gorba the Hutt, right hand of the Bareesh (or right finger, anyway). "The Great Gorba hash been aware of your . . . retirement, but wishesh to make you an offer, as we discusshed previoushly. If you asshisht in the conquest, then it ish yoursh to rule, shubject to shome shmall detailsh. And, of course, thish."

Several attached files whooshed over the encrypted channel.

"Theshe are the data reportsh from our shpiesh detailing the involvement of Popo the Hutt in Chiasha Kritivaash'sh plotsh. Asshisht ush out of vengeance, or greed, the mighty Gorba caresh little, shave that you show the Wheel a Murder of Ravensh."

Lies, of course. But every empire was built on lies. Especially those of criminals.​
Space - Hangar 2B
Allies: [member="Hircine"]
Enemies: TBD
Ciruk Thawne

Chaos had started on the station and out of it.

Ciruk backed himself into a corner slightly, holding onto one of the straps above. The eight executioners did the same, though they first made sure that all of their weapons were nice and secure. The Irrukiine shifted slightly, letting out a low whine as he caught a glimpse of turbo-laser bolts streaming across the sky. For a brief moment he couldn't help but wonder if he should have already been on the station, but he supposed that didn't matter so much anymore.

The weapons of The Wheel were targeting the pirates, taking out Nadir's forces rather than a single hapless freighter that had already been registered on the flight path.

So they zoomed towards the station, Ciruk's heart beating, the Executioners grinning, and turbo-lasers blazing around them.

It was like an action holo. The transport zipped through the battle outside of the station, dodging fire and weaving around flying missiles that were tracking pirate ships. Once or twice they were nearly struck, a bright green blast just ripping to the side of the ship. Each time the pilot managed to weave out of the way just barely, a desperate cry of rage or maybe even joy tearing from his lungs as he brought them closer and closer to their target. Then they finally made it, a second before the station locked itself down.

With the loud echoing screech of metal against metal the transport went crashing into the hangar bay, ripping apart fuel lines and slamming into the far wall of the hangar bay before it finally managed to stop. Inside of the ship Ciruk held onto the straps tightly, his four hands clinging hard until finally he felt the vessel stop. His lips furled slightly, his nose turned up, and then his expression shifted. A large 'smile' spread across his face, teeth showing as he slowly stepped away from the corner.

"Kill them all." Ciruk spoke to the executioners, but the comm implanted in his skull would transmit to Coratanni's allies on The Wheel itself.

The Irrukiine wasn't a strategist like Mara, he had no gentle hand like Matt. He was here to kill, that was it.

His odd wolf like grin remained as his personal cloak activated, the nine members of the Coratanni Cartel disappearing from sight as they left their shuttle.

(I'm only gonna be tagging folk I'm directly engaged with otherwise this thread is gonna become a really big annoying tagfest.)​

Mobius D'ik & the Myrmidons

It was hardly surprising when their car came to an abrupt stop – a bunch of herglics in power armor weren’t exactly the definition of subtlety.

D’ik rubbed his armored chin with a flipper. “Teams Alpha through Epsilon, this is Whale One. Get your engineers on this. I expect us all en route again in five.”

The Myrmidons immediately went about severing their cars from the main system. They shot out the cameras first and disrupted the Master-com uplink within the next few minutes. Unfortunately for the Mandos sicced upon them, the way from the rim to the middle of a spoke was quite long – the Wheel was a big station, after all.

By the time [member="Muad Dib"] had finished his stroll to the coordinates, most of the transports had already moved on. Most, that is; the engineer of Team Epsilon was among the oldest of the group, and his memory simply wasn’t what it used to be. He was still scratching his head and staring at the mess of wires and circuitry when a squadmember noticed the new arrivals.

“Hostiles below, hauuum. Platoon and a half by my reckoning. I see some buy’ce too,” he rumbled low as he peered out the window. “Any luck, Marlik?”

The engineer leaned back on his haunches and shook his head. “I’m sorry, me lads. This thing’s beyond me.”

“Very well.” The team leader stood and gripped his Fireworm “Marlik. Give us an exit.”

The older mercenary stood and activated the cutting torch on his gauntlet. The hull shone an angry red until a powered herglic kick sent the heated slate of metal flying into the security force.

And they rained hellfire down upon them.


Captain Chym-el Ad al-Bal & the Corsairs

Putka on his shoulder let out a shrill “Motherkarker!”

Al-Bal concurred. “Th’ slug haes spoken, wee jimmies. Gie thaim hell.”

The Red Diamond opened fire with their mass drivers along with the rest of fleet. More than that – the pirates began moving. Unlike the station, they had the advantage of mobility. Every Captain worth his salt would invest in an agile ship over a tank, and such was true for Chym-el as well.

As he toyed with the astro-equations for an optimal angle, the fleet sent forth their fighters to meet the enemy. Within seconds the stretch of space between the Corsairs and the Wheel was a blur of blaster fire and flickering shields. Even as they began maneuvering their ships out of the firing arc of the station, some went down in gouts of flame and silent explosions.

Blood would yet be spilled before this ended.

Allies: [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Entye Shysa"] | [member=Popo]
Enemies: [member="Bareesh Kajidic"] | [member=Smeg]
(Similar to the others, just gonna tag the people I am engaging to minimize the tag spam)

"Thought you liked the excitement, Shysa." Ronan replied with thin amusement as he glanced over to Fett. "Rates are higher this close to the excitement." A shrug followed before he turned on his heels to walk into the corridor.

Of course, that's when chaos took over the station.

It began with comm buzzing of explosions, fire fights, hijacked magrails and all that beautiful stuff. A moment later Ronan's personal commlink to Popo got engaged, Vizsla linked it up with Shysa and Fett, then listened. The amusement slowly made way for something else. The touch around the pommel of his beskad tightened, skin turned a shade white as the pressure mounted. A nod followed- more instinct than anything else considering the Hutt wouldn't be able to see him. "Crimson Casino? We will go and check it out."

We being Vizsla.

In truth Ronan didn't much care about this budding gang war between Gorba and Popo.

They were all the same to him, but one was paying, the other was not and that ended the considerations for him. He turned slightly, studying Shysa, studying Fett, before shrugging again.

"Heard the Hutt, he's paying. You in?" In all honesty Vizsla wouldn't hold it against them, if they decided to skip out. By the sounds of it this was more open warfare than a silent training gig that he had been counting on. But for Ronan that was all good. The latter was boring and bloodless, the former? Right up his alley- so either way, he'd make his way towards the last known coordinates of the tourists.

Either with Fett and Entye or without.


Citrus Dreams


​Hutt fought, and perhaps that was one of the only certainties in life someone such as Fett could guarantee. Property, influence, items, you name it, they fought for it. In fairness, there was surely a good enough reason to fight for these things, for the cesspool of the Galactic Underworld they carried a great many weight. Worth it's weight in gold, mind you. Bounty Hunters had their use in these small-scaled wars, and none more so than Fett. He didn't care who he fought for, only that they were the ones left standing to pay him when it was all over. Otherwise? It was the opposing cartel he was picked up by, soon enough. If Hutt credits and contracts were anything, they were good.

The sound of a Hutt's voice began chattering away in his ear. Unmistakable, truly. This so-called 'rumour' he heard of happened to become nothing short of a truth. There was good reason to he informants, even if you never paid them anything. Most didn't have the spine to tell a man like Fett, 'no'. A shame how cowardly some can be.

​A small holographic display appeared in the corner of the Mandalorian's visor, pin-pointing the Crimson Casino that Popo mentioned. What a ridiculous name, Koda mused. Stepping forwards, coming closer to the duo before him.

Of course the infamous hunter of man was in, and to confirm he offered a concise nod that told all Ronan and Entye what they needed to know. Cradling his carbine within his palms, that briefly turned into a knuckle-whitening hold. Things were getting dull. Glad to see these weapons of his were going to get some use today. Might even feel pity on the poor soul who'll fall victim to a Mandalorian's arsenal, but worse yet, three of them.

The Bounty Hunter, presumably, moved alongside the other two in the direction of the Crimson Casino- asking with a muffled voice, "What's the slug paying?" Fett never held Hutts in high regard, or treated them with much respect. Filthy creatures.

Allies: [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Entye Shysa"] | [member="Popo"]

Adversaries: [member="Bareesh Kajidic"] | [member="Smeg"]
The Wheel struck first – the pirates had replied in kind.

In the heated firefight that followed, an unassuming vessel slipped out of the belly of a ship. It sped along through the void on a trajectory planned well outside of the defenses’ firing arcs. Defenses had to prioritize against vessels that were causing damage, and the shuttle hadn’t fired a single shot so far. Amongst the squadrons buzzing around at the midpoint between the station and the fleet, the Avalanche was all but invisible.

(And when it wasn’t, well – that’s what the heavy shields were for.)

It crossed the stretch of black at its brisk pace and made stationfall not in a dock, but rather against the hull. Breaking and entering was but another crime on the overlong list – even when it involved cutting straight through the wall of a station to assault its soft innards.

The vessel was specialized for this purpose; it would be over in no time at all. The initial depressurization would make fine red mist of any sentient on the other side. Droids would merely get crushed.

And then out would pour the baying beasts of Nadir – a small complement of the Lowraiders, a murder of the Thousand, and one solitary Equalizer.

[member="Entye Shysa"]
Allies: [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Popo"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"]
Rivals: [member="[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=georgia]Aver Brand"]
| [member="Bareesh Kajidic"] | [member="Smeg"]
Objective: Crimson Casino. Get paid. Retire rich.

"I save my excitement for when the balance is settled." Shysa responded flatly, crossing her arms across her armored chest as the comms began to filter through with the initial overtures of chaos and mayhem. So much for a simple job. She supposed she should've expected as much when you put Vizsla and Fett in the same room. These karkers would be the death of her, just as they had been of Kalad. She clicked her back teeth twice in rapid succession to silence the background chatter, cycling her channels to the ones Ronan provided, keeping her mic on mute as the Hutt chimed in.

A holographic layout of the station flickered up in the corner of her HUD, focusing on the Casino.

Ever the professional NCO, Garev had already slunk off to the corner to liaise with the ship and the vode they'd left outside the cargo bay, taking status updates and making the necessary preparations. If they accepted the contract, he'd ensure that they were battle fit and ready. If they didn't, well... He'd see that they were prepared for that eventuality, too.

She didn't know this Popo, but in her experience, Hutts rarely liked being turned down.


"You worried about covering your dental premiums, Fett?" She snorted, offering a small shake of her head. Crimson Casino, hm? It sounded a touch tacky for her tastes, but you couldn't always pick the battlefield. Still, as advertisements went, putting down a coup attempt was certainly up there. Her t-visor turned towards Ronan, "'lek, fine. We're in. Temporary contract; standard rates, plus bonuses and damages. I'm holding you personally responsible for any financial shortfalls in the payment."

With that, she turned and was already heading out the cargo bay doors. Hands already dropping towards the blasters on either side of her hips as the halls began to echo and reverberate with the sounds of conflict. Seemed that the party was closer than expected.
#TeamKarsan: [member="Cadmon Geller"] l [member="Rex Taff"] l [member="Skosk Fett"] l
Friends-ish: [member="Muad Dib"] l Muad's friends l [member="Popo"]? l [member="Entye Shysa"] and company
Enemies: [member="Coratanni Cartel"] l [member="Nadir"] l [member="Bareesh Kajidic"] l [member="Smeg"] l [member="Gorba the Hutt"]

Safehouse ----- > Crimson Casino

He smiled when his old friend showed up. Cadmon's gift, however, was just as appreciated as his presence. He locked eyes with his brother, and embraced him in a hug that had been long overdue. He needed him, and he came. Nothing else needed to be said between them. They were brothers in arms. Cadmon was a man wronged, just as he was. Karsan hoped that Cadmon would find what he was looking for. But other than that, Cadmon and Karsan only had one singular objective today.

Kill 'em all.

He took the lead, holding his Buy'ce in his hands as he marched to the casino. His father would probably be proud of him, for what he was about to do. Kill a bunch of bad guys. Burn it all to the ground. He had no intention of leaving in the Wheel alive. If he could, he wound send this thing spinning off it's axis into the nearest star. A true son of [member="Strider Garon"].

Or maybe just another bastard.

He marched to the entrance to the Casino and shed the jacket that covered his armor up. He slipped the helmet over his body, and before he did anything else, he sent a singular message to Muad's interface.

You stay outta my way, I stay outta yours.
Good hunting.
It sent through all Mandalorian channels. He turned his head to Skosk and held the shotgun tightly, before smirking beneath his helmet. He waited for his compatriots to either prep for an all-out assault, or come up with an alternate plan. He knew he was popping up on every camera, every angle of the station. But the sounds of a distant gun battle brought a smile to his face.

"Going into the casino might be a guaranteed one way ticket. I bet every mother in there is getting a blip on me right now. I know they know who I am." He walked forward, letting his shotgun hang by the single point sling. He looked up at a camera. He curled his hands into fist, staring at a nearby camera, no doubt in which they all had access to. He wasn't trying to hide. He didn't really do that anymore.

"You wanted me, well- come and get it."


King of Pumpkins
#TeamKarsan: [member="Karsan Calnov"] / [member="Cadmon Geller"] / [member="Skosk Fett"]
Rex was ready. He had all his gear together. He had his lightsabres at the ready. He had them split into two. Viridian one in his right, the silver in his left. He was wearing his special armour, he was ready to rumble. As Karsan walked out he turned to Skosk "Come on man lets go kick some criminal behinds." He followed the man out shortly after that.
He watched as Karsan told them all where he was. All out assault it was. He smiled under his helmet that was his second favourite way to do things. His first however was hiding in plain sight. As he stepped into the view of the camera and then he disappeared, he was actually using the force as a cloak to hide him. Anyone looking would most likely think it was some form of stealth tech. They would never see him coming as he followed Karsan waiting to see who would show up trying to kill him.
Enemies: Yet to be confirmed.
[member="Muad Dib"]
[member="Arabella Darkhold"]

She glanced to her buir, she motioned her sister to follow and came up to the two, she looked to the woman eyeing her was simply seeing how strong she was...she offered a smile and a nodded bowing slightly

a pleasure to meet you arabella, surely itll be good to have you on our side

She noted she was quite strong, if anything stronger then anta herself...just meant she truly wasn't at her limit for how strong she could get. She nodded when her buir left and fiddled with the saber on her side before looking back to her buir and gave a grin as she stood and hummed a simple tune skipping a bit in her step. She looked around the place and then up to the cable cars as she hummed a bit then stopped, she glanced to muad and then that innocent smile slowly turned into a crazy grin that fire in her eyes growing hotter and bigger as she chuckled and glanced up again taking a step forward

so fried fish for dinner? Oh this will be fun! Hahahah

The doashim whispered in her ear

you heard him, let's make that thing molten

She grinned and giggled as she started gathering energy around her, however she glanced up and saw a piece of metal falling down. She reaches for it and tossed it aside before the hail of bolts rained down...she laughed seeing them exposed as she inhaled and exhaled her breath heated as she released a flame hotter then any normal fire right for the stopped car, then looking to those escaping she tossed flames to them hoping to light them aflame before her focus went on the ones above her as she drew her saber and started blocking the shots coming at her

The Wheel,
Crimson Casino

In their short time on the Wheel, the little quartet of thugs managed to smuggle in parts for, and subsequently assemble, a very particular type of droid. Gorba had planned on saving it for a worst case scenario, like marauding Shell Hutts laying waste to his operatives. Unfortunately, the moment one of his underlings relayed the image of Karsan Calnov ranting at a holocam inside the casino, Gorba forgot all about that.

"Killee te koocho," he rumbled, which roughly translates to "Kill him," in angry Huttese.

So, the remote operator activated the droid brain and a Hegemonic Automaton TA6 Fire Support Droid rose from a crate outside the Crimson Casino to hover in the air in all its splendor. Its personal deflector shield hummed to life, its rotary cannon spun up with a whir, and its systems green lined.


A solid beam of energy shot out and dragged across the front of the casino in a straight line, cutting through glass doors, walls, patrons, and machines in molten mayhem as the droid's composite laser did its work. Simultaneously, its rotary cannon began to spew laser bolts as it raked back and forth, back and forth, across the front of the casino.

Lest this not be enough, it loosed a salvo of thermal detonators into the casino from its grenade launchers to finish off whatever was left. The white-hot flash of baradium fusion reactions reflected in the TA6's three photoreceptors and it rejoiced.

"Execute," it buzzed again.

Doubtless Wheel Security would find and eliminate the droid in short order, but Gorba had made it clear that he did not care if this [member="Karsan Calnov"] died due to the entire building falling in on him. Casinos and droids could be rebuilt. Bigger and better.

This was Gorba's last and only surprise from LeFrange and company. If the situation continued to deteriorate he would simply have to watch.

[member="Cadmon Geller"]| [member="Rex Taff"] | [member="Skosk Fett"]
The sleeping biomechanical beast's brain throbbed while it's vestigial innards churned. For a creature without a mouth, getting the alcohol into it had been a challenge. But, some human had promised Naast'ika to buy him a drink if he saved the man, without realizing that Naast'ika was the ship itself, not the captain. Apparently the man had taken the discovery as a challenge. Or maybe he just took his vows very seriously. Either way, about a metric ton of the strongest (and cheapest) alcohol on The Wheel had been injected directly into Naast'ika's circulatory system last night.

The throbbing in his brain had gone on for more hours than Naast'ika cared to count. Currently, it throbbed in a pulsing rhythm that he felt against his hull along with the faintest flashing of red energy wavelength.


Naast'ika had no eyes or ears in the traditional sense. Instead, the creature possessed a battery of organic and synthetic sensors of a much more exotic nature. He could feel the gravitational pull of a star from well beyond the Oorts Cloud that formed at the outermost reaches of a solar system. He could hear the vibration of planets and stars from dozens of AU away. He could taste and smell the composition of a planet's atmosphere from hundreds of thousands of kilometers away...

Likewise, he could hear the vibrations of a starship's core and the rattling of her metal skeleton from hundreds of kilometers away. He could taste the tinge of her metal hull, smell the ionization of her thrusters, 'see' the thermal radiation of her power conduits, and otherwise 'sense' the electromagnetic field that rippled oh so subtly from her frame.

For a creature with senses so exotic... For a beast made to sense the cosmos... Having a hangover while locked inside a giant metal donut with hundreds of thousands of screeching organics, rattling parts, pulsing power conduits, and... trillions of individual smells... was far from a pleasant experience.

But whoever in all the cosmos had decided to activate the blaring, echoing alarm with the flashing red lights would pay for it with their lives. The screeching thing collapsed inward upon itself as one of Naast'ika's Dovin Basals crushed the contraption into a singular point the size of a fly's egg.

A loud, groggy, slurred beeping reverberated from the creature. A moment later, a comm channel pulsed loudly through Naast'ika's inner ear and rattled around what passed for his skull.

"Good, you're awake. The station is under attack. [member="Popo"] wants you to help defend it. Blow up anything that's shooting at the station."

<Bee?-EEEEEEEEP!> Naast'ika began to groggily question over the comm channel before the atmosphere was suddenly and violently sucked from the room and Naast'ika's not inconsiderable bulk was hurled into space.

Angry, drunken beeping that hinted at profanity echoed forth from the creature on all comm channels as it's hull tumbled through space. Like being tossed into a cold bath that was also blaring death metal while being in the middle of a war zone, Naast'ika's senses were suddenly assaulted from a thousand different directions.

More profane beeping screeched from the odd creature as it twisted it's hull, ceased it's tumble, and came to a heading. In the distance, Naast'ika heard the subspace pulsing of his cousins. Wild versions of his kind that had been released or lost to the void when Mandalore had been destroyed and the Mandalorian 'empire' collapsed. It had been years since then. And his Mesen'loras cousins had grown and bred and grown again in that time, spreading among the stars in the galactic north-east.

Naast'ika sang his own song. Loud and angry, both warning and calling. There were threats here. He would fight them. And he called for his cousins to do the same. They sang back to him in whoops and screeches. Even from so far away, Naast'ika could feel the sudden pulse of gravitational force as the pod created a swarm of celestial singularities and dragged their biomechanical flesh through the void.

As his cousins began their approach from the distant gas giant, Naast'ika banked sharply and raced towards the largest ship on his sensors.


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