Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Wheel Keeps Spinning

Adron decided not to press the situation, he was most likely already pressing his luck as it was. As he looked at Daniel there was a rather eerie feeling that came from him, knowing he was a clone of Adron.

"You're right Daniel, I don't own memories are hard enough for me I can't imagine how you feel. I'm sorry." Adron pulled his cowl over his head before passing by Daniel, though he stopped once he was shoulder to shoulder with the man.

"You know, if you really do have my DNA that means you're the only family I have. Malvern's never turn their back on each other." He quoted before offering the man a calming smile. "If you ever need anything." The Count held out a small comm device, setting it in Daniel's hand as he continued. "My frequency is programmed into it."

Adron stepped off, making his way back to his own hanger before calling back to the man. "Force be with you, Daniel."

[member="Daniel Imura"]
Once Adron pulled the cowl over his head, Daniel felt a little more at ease. Usually, he tried his best not to be a complete dick to others, but this was one time when he had to look out for himself first. However, the Count's words did sink into him a little as he was handed the communications device. "Malverns never turn their back on each other." It was a similar thought he'd had when he first met Nick. He'd known that though not naturally, they were indeed brothers, and that brothers don't leave each other behind. He stared at the device for a few seconds, then looked back in the direction Adron had gone. "Perhaps another time, brother." Turning to head out of the bar, he pocketed the device and walked back to where his ship waited for his return.

[member="Adron Malvern"]


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