The Wheel Security guard seemed not to move for a moment, the faceplate of his
Champio armor giving nothing away while the
Type 8 SMG rested professionally and readily in his hands.. It was almost as if he was ignoring her or hadn't heard her speak. That is, until his voice came through external comms of his helmet.
"No external security force has jurisdiction on the Wheel," he said bluntly in a vaguely Coruscanti accent, his comm system rendering his voice harsh and mechanical. "This system is under Mandalorian sovereignty and follows their Mand'alor's laws, but the Wheel is a privately owned and operated establishment placed under its own rules and regulations. Wheel Security authority reigns supreme here and we do not restrict who enters unless they cause trouble here. If you have a criminal to bring in or a bounty to collect, I suggest you wait in a ship outside the system to collect on it. Fighting on this station will warrant an immediate eviction from the station, with or without a starship."
Wheel security took their jobs very, very seriously. Each was hand picked from hundreds of applicants and each applicant had years of combat and security service under their belts prior to applying. Coupled with a harsh, hellish training and indoctrination process and it was no wonder that Wheel Security held such a strict and harsh reputation. To make matters even more personal, all Wheel Security members defended and protected the station as if it were their personal property, which it was, to an extent. Each member was required, upon joining, to purchase stock in the Wheel. The concept was simple and highly effective, forcing each Security trooper to view the station as his property and his money. If the station did well and the trooper did their job efficiently and effectively, they walked away with more money than they'd ever earned while on the clock. If they did poorly, grew lazy, or allowed the station to become damaged through incompetency, they were lucky to be fired immediately rather than have their retirement pay for the losses.
Overall, there was very little to be incompetent about in Wheel Security. If anything, they rivaled most, if not all, elite troops in the galaxy.