Darth Carolus
Active Member

The fiery red orb of light slowly sank beneath the horizon, and threads of light lingered in the sky, mingling with the rolling clouds, dyeing the heavens first orange, then red, then dark blue, until all that was left of the sunset was a chalky mauve, and then that melted away in turn as stygian darkness took over the sky.
The old palace stood on a rugged slope, moonlit sand drifts piled against half-ruined walls, the windows dark and gaping. It's battlements glistened with sand in the crystal cold air, their ragged outlines blending into the rocks behind. The walls were a white stone that glistened in the summer sun and the roof was grey slate. It was as huge and complex, and employed a good number of the slaves as servants. Around the palace were tarps of concrete for ships to land and kitchen gardens for the Hutts and associates to enjoy, and around that was a stone wall topped with iron spikes and guarded day and night.
And the Sith Lord entered, first meeting with the guards and awaiting audience, it took time but he'd finally meet
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