Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The White Palace's Newest Visitor

Sempra heaved himself back on his throne watching the scene in front of him for a while. He seemed to consider options and consequences.
Then a wide smile spread across his face.

"But of course, you are welcome to protect me Carolus. It would be unwise to suggest the opposite, would it not?" he teased and let out a chuckle followed by a few of his thugs sensing the opportunity to fall in. As chuckles spread out in the room the tension relaxed somewhat. Once this spectacle had gone on for a moment Sempra aborted it by rising on his throne with a serious face.

"But know this, if I find that there is trickery hidden in this I will not spare any mercy. A Hutts memory is long." his dark voice carrying itself to every corner of the throne room.

He nodded toward [member="Darth Carolus"] "You have declared your intentions and I have accepted it. Was there anything else at this moment?"

[member="Sareen Zar"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]
"Nothing at this moment, unless you have already thought of a task for me to perform whilst I am here."

Carolus would stand motionless for a moment, before walking towards [member="Sempra the Hutt"] and going to take a stand by the Hutt's free-side, seeming to stand there as if it was his from the get-go.
Sempra watched the sith approach his side.

"You should get back to your masters if you are to remain here. I would welcome a guest from the One Sith if they deem it appropriate. We could adress trade routes if that is what they expect from you." Sempra pointed out with a dry voice.

"That said, do not assume your influence in those seats will equal your power within my domain. My trust and generosity must be earned Carolus, it is not given."

"Now," he turned his face toward [member="Sareen Zar"]. "My slaves inform me that you wished to adress me." the hutt swallowed a tree frog.

"Make it so." he beckoned to the trandoshan.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
Sareen bowed to the powerful hutt,

"Sssempra the Hutt, your majesssty. I come looking for work, nothing too permanent. Now asss you may now, I am a bounty hunter. And am very flexible with my abilitiesss. Ssso I merely offer you my ssservices for a sssmall price, or maybe I can do a job for you?"

Sareen wondered how the hutt would reply, but nonetheless there was always other options.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Sempra narrowed his eyes on [member="Sareen Zar"].

"Trandoshan hunters are a welcomed sight in my court. I take pride in providing the score keeper with many aspiring hunters kills." Sempra spoke motioning slightly to the sky at an imagined trandoshan god.

"I provide jobs for many who work for the cartel and my skilled assistants keep each and everyone interested up to date with current contracts. If you seek access to the cartel contracts all I ask in return is that you never work for the cartels enemies." the hutt grabbed a treefrog who went down Sempras maw with a terrifried sqeek.

"If those terms are not acceptable you will have to wait for jobs as everyone else. If you do seek permission to be enlisted among the contractors the cartel market will open up to you."
Sareen was delighted to hear what he had just heard. And the mention of the score keeper made him feel at home, preparing for a hunt. This hutt pleased Sareen very much and he certainly didn't want to disappoint him,

"Thossse termsss and conditionsss are more than acceptable. And I do believe now I ssshall enlissst in your ranksss? Otherwissse, are there any jobsss, you require?"

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Sempra put his hands together and offered a pleased smile.

"I always pay a fee for the protection of this palace and other Cartel areas of interest. Apart from that more ... " the hutt tasted the air as if searching for words. "... more precise contracts pay handsome on the side."

"Welcome to the Cartel!"

[member="Sareen Zar"]

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