Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The White Stag | Braxant Covenant



The events surrounding what would become known as unification day, should the peace between their houses hold, seemed to be shaping up well. It had been a shame House Draco had opened their grounds because of a funeral, it had been a somber thing. The peace talks which followed, and the fireworks display Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco had arranged for, well made up for the seriousness of the morning. House Amnen followed with hosting a tournament. Their grounds were as extravagant as their manners.

It was time for Ulysses Renoux to open his fortress to the others. He could not call it his grounds when compared to the opulence of the others. By comparison the Renoux palace seemed simple, militaristic. The industrial and imperial influence of his architecture was meant as a display of strength. Beauty mattered little if one did not have the power to protect it. The Ironhold appeared as cold as the Duke himself. It was a testament to the man he had become.

That did not deter him from opening his lands for a great hunt. Naturally there would be events for those who did not wish to participate, but Ulysses could not think of a better way to fill the tables of his banquet hall than to first invite the other houses to hunt the main course. Everything was a celebration, but the tournament and the hunt were things that could easily become tradition. They would need shared ceremony and practices for the peace to hold beyond their generation.

Their peace would always be marred by the accidental death of Lord @Tydarius Amnen, but it was in his name, and in honor of his memory, they pressed on. While the accident itself was tragic, it would have been a deeper travesty to see their agreement unravel because of it. With a renewed commitment to each other, the great houses moved forward for the sake of the covenant before them.

It was a bittersweet celebration, but a celebration nonetheless.

To that end a grand banquet would be held, but not without the main course. A hunting party was assembled by the Duke himself. The other houses offered their best hunters and the curious to join with the Renoux party. For those not entertained by the hunt, the backlawn of Ironhold was set up for lawn games and friendly competition.

For the sake of peace they all hoped it was an uneventful gathering.



A friendly hunt, an elusive animal. The main course for the celebration needed to be fresh, and what better way to create tradition and kinsmanship than to hunt the beast together. It was the Renoux way after all. Whether you are part of the house or not, you have been invited to join in the grand adventure. The Duke has even offered a reward to the one who makes the kill.


Hunting and bloodsport is not for everyone. For those not looking to seek a thrill from the death of an animal, lawn games and a friendly picnic have been set up on the Ironhold grounds. Will you best your opponent, or enjoy the latest gossip from around the palace grounds? All of that is up to you!


H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Open For Interaction

The hunt was designed to be as much for sport as it was for sustenance. Ulysses enjoyed it more than most of his extracurricular activities. It was one of the better ways to keep his eye keen and tracking skills sharp. Unlike other nobles, Ulysses trained as a Justicar in nearly every way as had been the tradition of all noble men in his house. Romin had followed after him. Perhaps this time his son would not abdicate his duty for the trappings of the young Adelina Draco Adelina Draco .

The thought crossed his mind to convince Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco that their children should simply wed, but he did not see the woman agreeing to anything that may give House Renoux any advantage over her family. Then again, Dey was smart, and she could as easily agree to the matter.

Ulysses inspected the speeders as he waited in the clearing. After the accident involving the young Lord @Tydarius Amnen, he was going to take every precaution to ensure that such a mishap did not happen again. They were all treading lightly as the death threatened to undo the peace they had agreed to. For his part Ulysses resolved to fight even harder to keep it. The fact his son went missing, along with Adelina, had heightened his awareness that there were those who did not wish to see the covenant to succeed. It seemed they had a greater enemy than each other, and that was something Ulysses knew could unite the houses.

He picked up his energy bow and sighted it in. A couple shots down range of the forest landed where intended for them to. A smile stretched across his graying beard as the melodic thump of the bolts hitting a tree echoed back toward him. The fresh air did him good, and for the first time in sometime the Duke would admit to feeling in good spirits.

Ulysses hoped the company would not damper his mood.

“Everything is set then,” he questioned Gideon.

The man was as faithful a Justicar as he could have asked for. It was a shame his days as Prime would be coming to an end. He had already served longer than most, but his age was catching up to him. The following years would not be as kind to him as the previous, and with a new peace established a new Prime would need to lead the way in what that meant for their Justicars moving forward. Ulysses had always been able to count Gideon as a friend, and that was part of his hesitation in retiring him. Raze would do well, but Gideon was as much a confidant as he was a warrior. The younger man would never be that for Ulysses.

“Yes. I have scouted ahead and I will inform the other Justicars of the best path. There will be good hunting today!”

“Good… now we wait for the others.”



The Ironhold | JAEMUS



Hester had been a stranger many times before. She had been an outsider to the political 'sport' on Scarif, a beautiful trinket to be dangled without care and paraded at suitable occasions. She made sure to win that game when her husband was killed in an accident and she was elevated to the highest authority in the planetary administration.

She was an outsider when she joined the cabinet of the Presidium, the government authority drawn from the members of the Confederacy's viceroyalty. She made sure to win that game when the time came to oust the leader of the Confederacy in a coup and wear new colours of loyalty, becoming a minister in her own right.

She was an outsider when the had joined the Mandalorians, taking control of a distant industrial hub and gaining traction with both the local populace and their overseers, the now disparate Mandalorian Enclave. She made sure to win that game by stripping the resource-rich world of Hamra and making sure her own industrial prowess was made stronger by its abuse.

She was an outsider when she was taken in by the Hex organisation...she hadn't won that game just yet.

She entered, dressed in her state finery. She was as chic as she had ever been, a taste acquired and refined over decades of courtly dress, corporate attire and decadent design. Though time had marched on, she had almost become more beautiful in its embrace, the wear of years reflected off her radiance as effectively as any deflector shield might! She took what appeared to be a fizzy punch from an attendant and she smiled warmly, doing her best to affect a demeanour of pleasantry. She was in the mood for some light entertainment and knew that presentation was key. After all, she had been propaganda tsar for one of the galaxy's largest political entities; she knew all about how to play with the truth and dress it up in a pretty package.

She didn't yet recognise anybody. Why would she? She had only just met the ruling members of the House and knew none of the other acquaintances. She would hope to rectify that soon enough.

With yet another game.



Reggie Rau



TAG: Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux | Open




One day at a time.

That's how Roxy moved forward from that day at the tournament. Raze had tried his best that day to convince her that there was still hope. But she had known. The moment Darius had coughed blood and it started to soak the arena dirt around him, she had known he was dead.

Since then, it had not been easy for her to move forward. Ever since Raze had dragged her from a bar and had a very blunt talk with her, it had gotten easier to put one foot in front of the other to start accepting what she had done. She still had nights where she woke up in a panic after reliving the moment her lance had connected with Lord Amnen. But Raze had made sure to at least get her back into a training routine. It had become easier to pick up a weapon once more.

It's what had her moving toward the clearing right now where the hunt was scheduled to start. She knew her father would already be waiting. It was one of his few joys - the sport of the hunt.

Rexanne? She just didn't have the stomach to face the women of the courts. Especially the Lady Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose . She preferred killing an animal than facing the guilt she'll feel in the Lady Amnen's presence.

One good thing had happened since the tragedy, however. Her brother had been found. The dark part of Roxy wondered when it would it be her sister's turn to face some kind of trauma. Then the entire family could bond over their shared sleepless nights. There was some kind of force working against their House, after all.

As she stepped into the clearing, her detail remaining at the edge, a brief smile graced her face as she saw her father firing shots with his bow at a tree down range. He still had it. It gave her hope that it wouldn't be very easy for anyone to get rid of him.
"Your elbow lifts above your shoulder when you aim, father." she joked as she walked up. Hunting and how to use an energy bow was two of the few martial skills that her father had taught her, not the old man or Raze. That meant she was just as a good shot as the Duke was. Perfection or failure. It had always been a competition between her and her brother when they were younger as to who was the better shot in order to impress their father.
"Gideon." She nodded at the aged Prime as she came to stand next to the speeders.

The longer she spent outside in the forest, the better she felt.

Muunilist Mining Oligarch

H O U S E • A M N E N


Location: The Games
Objective: don't suffocate
Tags: Hester Shedo Hester Shedo

This dress was stunning, but Maëlys felt she needed to give her dressmaker a lesson in internal anatomy one of these days she thought to herself as she twisted trying to ensure her internal organs had enough room. But it was beautiful, and it flowed like an expensive river from her body. Her outfit was finished with her customary aurodenium leafed makeup and hair adornments, she looked every part the mining Oligarch she was.

Maëlys had come to the castle to represent her house and also to make sure her business interests were exposed to any interested parties, she had realised how few people she actually new on a face to face basis, with most of her dealings happening over thousands of lightyears of remote connections. But here she was, gracefully surveying the are with her glass in hand, desperately trying not to look uncomfortable as she did. The games were proceeding nearby and she watched with amusement as one of her young nephews took on all comers in an oversized game of lawn chess.

Scanning the rest of the people, she spotted another woman on a similar level but different style of regal finery. Maybe it was her intuition, or maybe it was some other guiding hand, but she felt that this woman was someone worth approaching. She walked across to Hester Shedo Hester Shedo and bowed her head gently as a greeting. "Hi, I'm Maëlys of Amnen, can I just say that that dress is beautiful." she smiled with warmth "I don't believe we have had the pleasure, do you represent one of the great houses?" There were so many branches to each of the great familes further connections being made through marriage and business that even the most astute follower of Braxant Geneology would find themselves lost at times.

H O U S E • D R A C O

Deyanira had accepted the invitation to Jaemus.

As a leader of the newly formed Covenant, her presence was required of course. But, on a personal level, she was curious, and this was an opportunity to satisfy the curiosity about how Ulysses Renoux lived. Needless to say, Deyanira was not impressed by what she saw. His home, the Ironhold, was an imposing place. But... where was the luxury? Honestly, the man had no taste.

The widow understood that most would assume she would be joining the garden party, not the hunting party. But today, hunting she would go. She expected that Gar Shale Gar Shale would be in good spirits, the man did love to hunt. The justicars had readied her bow and equipment. Though, Deyanira was more content to join the party as a spectator.

And, yes, she could use the bow if she desired.

Her aim wasn't terrible, either.

"Good afternoon," Deyanira said as she approached, like dark clouds gathering for a storm. "Ulysses, I trust you have been well since we last met." She offered the Duke a smile, more to be polite than anything. To Roxy, Deyanira offered a small nod and a side-eyed appraisal of the young woman's appearance.

Small threads of tension were being woven already, despite the genial air.

Despite the fact that their children had been found safe, Deyanira always had reason to be... suspicious.



Pesha Sofina


TAGS: Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux | Roxy Renoux | Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco
Open to interaction


At this pace, Unification day was just around the corner. Pesha was glad. Any turmoil between houses after the death of her Lord seemed to subside. Or was relegated to shadows and whispers. Which was just as good — for now.

But snakes shed their skins eventually. Pesha would be here when they did.

The amber eyed justicar was relieved to be back to her normal duties. Gallavanting around with Anshel Draco had gotten old fast. She regretted missing the funeral, even though it was a godsend to be away from the fake tears and insincere condolences.

Seeing Lady Deyanira again brought some much needed peace. She was a remarkably strong woman. The young girl felt safe around her, even though it should have been the other way around.

Pesha remained quiet around the encampment, watching for anything that slithered. Hopefully tracking down this beast would be the only hunting for today.
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H O U S E • A M N E N

TAG: Open

The death of the young lord, Darius Amnen Darius Amnen , was certainly a shock to everyone. To have the death of the patriarch of a great house so close after the previous one, in what was supposed to be a peace ceremony, in his own home turf, was an utter tragedy. The other curious occurrence, however, made the whole fiasco very suspicious, to say the least. If you tell me a year ago that something worse can happen on the same day I am bumping into Vilka Keldra Vilka Keldra in a bloody maze, I would've called you insane. However, the Droidekas attack was a bizarre and traumatic scene. I'm particularly concerned for Arlo Amnen Arlo Amnen and Lady Cyressa Tiberos. Remus is a big boy and Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru is a tough kid, they'll cope, just like I do. The other two, on the other hand, could've taken it worse than the rest of us. I haven't seen Arlo a lot since the incident and it bugs my mind. Right after the tournaments, Amnen's Intelligence Agency has been working thoroughly to make sure that every detail of the events are accounted for, and I have been swamped with work. There is a belief within the agency that the incident was the work of foreign actors, actioned in fear of a strong, united Braxant run. My unique position as an agent with unorthodox outside connections meant I had to go through painstaking investigations, but also that I have been getting assignments outside of Muunilist. Just a few days removed, I was extracting precarious information from an outside source. Nothing to be confirmed yet, but everything goes rapidly. That's also why I arrived in Jaemus on my own.

The ancestral home of House Renoux, the Ironhold, is as expected, a boring one. If House Draco's Red Keep is a maximalist, tacky palace that is supposed to represent the arrogance of a 'has been' aristocracy, the Ironhold is a brutalist, militaristic stronghold, the home of the proud and relentless. Out of the three great houses, the Renoux reminds me of home the most. The industrial ethos, the celebration of dominance, the strict, autocratic atmosphere. Today's event is divided into two, the hunt and the garden. The Ironhold's garden might not be as beautiful as the garden back in Muunilinst, but there is no way that I'm joining a hunt. This is probably my first relatively free day in the last two weeks or so. I'm going for a relaxed day. Sipping some wine, looking at beautiful folks, laughing my butt off of some morons. That's all I'm gonna do today.

It seems like I'm the first person who has arrived in the garden. A couple of white outfits are scattered around the garden, some guards, maybe Justicars, others are probably lower nobles I've never heard of. From what I've heard, Duke Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux and Lady Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco are joining the hunt, so the garden party might be just a waiting room for us lowly servants where the gossip circulates. Either way, I only noticed one yellow here right now, Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen , who is probably the Amnen I am least familiar with, talking to who I assume to be a lesser Renoux noble. Perhaps I am going to acknowledge her, or their, presence later, but for now, I got myself a full glass of red to drink, a premier seat right under the sun, and a couple lesser nobles to swindle.


Anshel Draco


Anshel was here for the hunt, but a quick pit stop at the gardens was naturally required. They were naturally disappointing too, in true Renoux fashion.

Like flowers, like House.

The gardens of Entralla were lush, lovely, with a lively sweet smell. Clearly the Force blessed the Draco household. But the gardens here? At Ironhold? Dull, gray, a faint smell of rot. It reminded him of the Renoux family. The resemblance was so similar, Anshel was convinced they used their own chit as fertilizer.

Guess that's what the iron held.

How dreadful.

Anshel sauntered through the encampment, carelessly tossing the flowers over his shoulder. He spotted Aunt Dey. She was conversing with the abominable Duke Renoux. It looked serious... Oh well. He snuck up behind her and affectionately poked her love handles. Anshel smiled wide, his crow's eye wrinkling in the sun.

"Auntie!" he said. "Didn't expect to see you here. Have you seen my father?"

Anshel looked to the Duke and his daughter, Roxy, acknowledging their presence for the first time. He was trying not to be hostile.... Oh well. "Looooovely gardens you have here," he said, a vague sarcasm dripped from his voice. He smiled, wrinkles noticably lacking, as clouds briefly blocked the sun.

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Rosalind Renoux



Tags: Open!
Wearing: XXX
Rosalind was in high spirits.

It was rare that she ever got to interact with members of the other great houses. However, with things being the way they were -- she hoped that would soon change. Perhaps, the peace talks had worked and all would be well. Ah, that would be quite nice. The young woman smoothed the front of her dress and made sure her hat sat atop her golden locks just so.

While she was here at the Ironhold, Rose hoped to spend some time with her cousins Roxy Renoux and Romin Renoux Romin Renoux . But it seemed that both had opted for the hunt with Uncle Ulysses this afternoon. No matter, she was sure that there'd still be time to catch up with them before she left for home.

With graceful steps, Rose stepped out into the garden. "Just splendid," she remarked to no one in particular. It was a pleasant day for a bit of fun. There were a few unfamiliar faces already out on the lawn, including a man ( Romulus Vel Romulus Vel ) that looked like he might be amusing. Though, for now, she stepped over to the refreshment table and poured herself a cup of tea. She added three lumps of sugar, and just a splash of cream.

Kelinna Tryn


H O U S E • A M N E N


TAG: Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen | Romulus Vel Romulus Vel | Rosalind Renoux | Open




This peace-business was a farce.

Their House Lord was dead and yet they were to continue as if it hadn't happened not that long ago. Both the Justicars as well as the Intelligence Agency of House Amnen had been working relentlessly to pick up all the ends to figure out what had happened. But now they had to be here, in the militaristic stronghold of House Renoux - the ones responsible for her Lord's death - to play nice and uphold peace.

Talleh stood in full, gilded and onyx armour in the garden, looking like a stormcloud, keeping an eye on all the notable members of the House she was responsible for. While the lack of luxury of the Ironhold was something that irked the nobles and finer people, she could appreciate the imperialism. Where the finer folk differed, the Justicars were all more or less the same, aside from their loyalties.

She noticed Romulus Vel Romulus Vel reclining with a glass of wine, which had the Justicar frowning. Walking over, she stopped next to him, turning to face the garden, her hand resting leisurely on the one hilt of her saber.

"Not on duty then, Vel?"


H O U S E • D R A C O


TAG: Katachi Ren Katachi Ren | Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen | Romulus Vel Romulus Vel | Open




"Try not to cause too much trouble. At least not yet. Pull some wings from butterflies in the meantime."

Elssar approached the drear garden, walking next to her son as she spoke to him. Of course Gar Shale Gar Shale and Anshel Draco would prefer to go hunting while Katachi Ren Katachi Ren remained at her side. She preferred it that way. He had much more cunning than his brother, which could come in handy between these weaklings calling themselves nobles that were conglomerating in the garden.

She discerned the ghastly golden colours of House Amnen in Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen and the Justicar hovering around. And then, of course, the drear marbling of House Renoux colours had her yawning.

Grabbing a glass of red from a passing tray, Elssar waltzed toward the Money of House Amnen, the train of her glorious red silk dress sweeping behind her. The striking dark woman talking to an unknown red haired woman who could definitely have chosen a better dress for the occasion.
She nodded at the Amnen woman. "Maëlys." she said before turning to the red haired woman, holding out her right hand, not bothering with a curtsey. She wasn't some low-rank noble.

"Elssar Draco. Who might you be?" she asked Hester Shedo Hester Shedo .


H O U S E • D R A C O

This is my first time ever setting foot in Jaemus. It is not a common occurrence for Elssar and I to visit the other great houses. Between the three great houses of Braxant, we have a murky history which was filled by war and tense truces. However, this is a great day. As much of a fighter as I am, I also appreciate the fact that peace can only bring good things to House Draco. The galaxy is far and extensive, and there is so much to gain outside if we can settle our differences. It is also a great day, because House Renoux is holding a hunt. Ever since I arrived on the planet, I can't help but be amazed by the planet. Unlike the Red Keep, the Ironhold is an industrial fortress built with 'substance over style' in mind. The stronghold looks mighty and menacing standing tall among House Renoux's subjects. I expect that this is going to be a remarkable hunt. Usually, I am the one who handles the host, guests, or vassals during a hunt on behalf of House Draco. However, curiously enough, Lady Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco decided that she is joining the hunt held by the Duke Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux today, instead of engaging the rest in the garden. That frees me up to focus on the hunt, while still being able to keep a lookout in case there is something suspicious. Wife's order.

On the hunting camp, some of House Draco's entourage can be spotted. For once, the young Justicar Pesha Sofina will be the one who accompanies us in the hunt. As a knight trained amongst House Draco's Justicar, and having been around for more than 40 years, I can recognize talents when I see one. And let me tell you something, the girl has it. Quick, agile, and trained in Form II, she is one of the most promising young Justicars among the rank, and I have been on multiple occasions trusting my sons' safety on her, despite her young age. Also there is Anshel Draco, who is currently talking to Deyanira, the Duke, and who I assumed to be his daughter, Roxy Renoux. We decided to split the assignment today. Anshel and I will be showing off our hunting skills among the knights of the other great houses, while Amena Kader Amena Kader and Katachi Ren Katachi Ren will mingle among the other nobles, schmoozing their way for leverages.
"Auntie!" he said. "Didn't expect to see you here. Have you seen my father?"

Anshel looked to the Duke and his daughter, Roxy, acknowledging their presence for the first time. He was trying not to be hostile.... Oh well. "Looooovely gardens you have here," he said, a vague sarcasm dripped from his voice. He smiled, wrinkles noticably lacking, as clouds briefly blocked the sun.

I nodded my acknowledgement to Pesha and House Renoux's Prime, before shooting my glare to Anshel. Even if you don't find the palace good enough for your taste, you don't show it to the host. I swear that his arrogance is going to be the death of him.
"Sister, I hope you've been doing well. Son, you've been practicing, eh? Ready to get a big one?"

I moved my attention to the Duke and his daughter. The Duke, unlike most of the lord paramounts on Braxant, is a rugged man who is more a warrior than a noble. The man is built like an iron colossus, only slightly smaller than I am, and surprisingly looks young, despite being only around three years younger than me. His daughter, also joining the hunt, is a fascinating one. Yes, she looks like your typical lady from afar. However, the way she walks around with a full gear and handles her bow shows something else. This one is as much as a knight as she is a lady.
"Duke Renoux, a great day for a hunt, eh? I've heard only great things. My lady. This is my son, Anshel Draco."

I have a hunch that today's main attraction is Anshel and I vs. the Duke and his daughter, unless House Amnen could muster a pair as capable. I wouldn't be surprised if it's going to be a very close one.

H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Anshel Draco | Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco | Pesha Sofina | Roxy Renoux | Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux

This time Romin was not late. He followed in right behind his sister though he said nothing when she remarked about how their father was using the energy bow. Instead he went straight to his speeder to investigate it. Romin had been quieter since returning from his disappearance. Much of the details still remained a mystery, and all he had been able to tell his father was that he had escaped, with the Draco girl, unharmed. Naturally he had not used @Adelina Draco’s first name when doing so. He did not want his father thinking there was any more there than what already seemed to be.

His eyes did catch Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco as she arrived however. A nod was offered to her as he approached.

“I trust your daughter is doing well,” he questioned, hoping to hear some kind of good news at least.

It was a stretch if the woman would even regard him, but it did not matter as those of her family and house began to arrive. The young noble decided to return to his speeder and inspect his equipment while the others boisterously made their presence known.

Romin was not loud. He reminded himself that his stoicism was an asset. Very few had seen any kind of passionate display of emotion from him. Gidoen, his sisters, father, mother, maybe Raze, and Adelina. She had seen him near exhausted as a result of the fight they had in order to escape their captors. It had cost Romin a lot, and the filter by which he kept his emotions to himself had been rather thin following.

“No Raze yet,” he questioned as he sidled close to his sister. “I think all these guests are going to scare the beast away. We may starve tonight… unless your Justicar has already secured a beast, and this is all for show.”

Her Justicar, insinuating that Romin was not as blind as some may have thought he was. He had an inkling something was happening between his sister and their next prime. It was not a problem for Romin. In fact he would even be happy for her. Their father would have other feelings on the matter, and for that reason he said nothing more about it. He just wanted to see if she would react. Maybe Ade had rubbed off on him a little bit.

He sighed.

“The speeders are in order, father. As soon as Gideon tells us we are ready the hunt may begin.”

Leon Draco

Leon was drunk.

This was nothing new, but his drinking habits as of late had worsened. Ever since the shocking and tragic death of young Lord Darius Amnen Darius Amnen in the arena, he had felt as if the Covenant, the Houses, and himself were all dangling over the edge of a precipice. Something was bound to happen, he just knew it...

Only drinking gave him any solace. He was cognizant enough to realize that hunting while inebriated was ill-advised, so he found himself at the games instead. Not exactly his social scene, but plenty of opportunities for mischief among the stuffy, starched attendees. At the refreshments table, he piled a plate high with, er, refreshments, but as he turned the corner he missed his next step, stumbled, and face-planted into the dirt.

Food went everywhere, much to the delight of the ants and bugs living in the grass. Lifting his face from the ground, Leon found himself staring at the pretty pink-clad legs of one Rosalind Renoux , who was preparing a cup of tea.

"Oh, my lady," he slurred, his tone apologetic. "Forgive me. I seem to have miscalculated... my trajectory..."


Attire: [X]
Helm: [X]
Anshel Draco | Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco | Pesha Sofina | Roxy Renoux | Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux | Romin Renoux Romin Renoux | Gar Shale Gar Shale

The woman portrayed herself as a Scholar, an advisor on the more intricate trappings of the Nobility and Aristocracy of the Galaxy; though this wasn't always the truth. There was a time, a lifetime ago, that she was something else, something vicious. There was a time when she could merely wave her hand and death would follow. Her past was drenched in the blood of thousands, if not tens or hundreds, and many of them were all from her own action. Some fell at her own hand, claws and fangs ripping at their body; countless others, however, fell upon her order - be it an order given to a subordinate to kill or to give their own life away. Those deaths still weighed heavy upon her shoulders, the ones in which she commanded they are sacrificed so that others may live. It left her wondering just how many lives she had saved there were not so worthy of that second chance. How many had squandered what had been given to them at the cost of those in the next looking down and swearing their hatred towards the woman?

Such memories did not come to the forefront often, and it was only now, that they had reached from the murky depths and ensnared her once more. Golden-yellow hues fell upon the helm that rest before her, the armor, albeit newer, still felt like an old companion from days gone by. She carefully pulled at the pauldrons and the cuirass to ensure a tight though flexible fit and that they were placed properly. The kamas met at the back of her knee, stopping just above the knee-high boots that she wore. Staring into the mirror before her, she let out a heavy sigh as she returned to those memories for one more moment before pushing them back into the recesses of her mind. She could not permit herself to be so distracted; not when the accidental death of Lord Amnen by a member of House Renoux was still so fresh in the minds of others.

A quiet nod to herself was all that was needed before she hefted the helm from its resting place and set it upon her crown; a soft hissing noise followed to mark the pressurization of the air filtration system. The weapon she would carry came from another individual, long since dead for some sixty or seventy years; another that had died by her command, one given to Fiore Fiore so many moons ago. It had been so long that she'd forgotten the color of the saber though not the near weightlessness that the blade had. Securing it to her hip, she stepped from the room to join the others in the clearing.

As she arrived her attention quickly fell upon the others that had arrived prior, the majority being from House Draco, with members of House Amnen missing. Perhaps it was for the best, they would not want an accident to befall this hunting trip - and Amelia already found herself slipping into the role of temporary Justicar all too easily. What they say was apparently true, old habits did die hard. Beneath her helm, those Golden-yellow hues fell upon Roxy Renoux; knowing that the young woman did not trust her, nor did she expect her to do such. Normally she'd have made her presence known first to the Duke, though with what had already transpired, she felt it more prudent to offer some comfort to the young heiress. Stepping forward, she stood at the young woman's side, wanting her words to only be heard between the two.

"I know the feelings that you are wrestling with all too well. I've seen death too many times that it has unfortunately become an old friend of mine. It will not get easier, and there is no easy way to come to terms with what happened. Do not permit yourself to fall into the despair of doubt, nor place the blame upon yourself. Accept what happened and push forward."

Amelia was not one to sugarcoat a subject or approach it in such a manner as to treat an individual with pity or permit them to wallow in sorrow; there was no point in doing so unless one meant to stifle that individual's growth. Eventually, the young heiress would have to come to terms with what had happened, and that was not an easy road to travel - even after the hundreds of years she had seen - it was no easier this day than any day prior that the woman had faced her past decisions. For the moment, they would need to focus on the here and now, which is what drove the woman to step forward and take her place to the left of Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux whilst she offered a simple bow of her head toward the members of House Draco.



H O U S E • A M N E N

TAG: Talleh | Open

A couple of minutes in and the garden seems to get more crowded by the influx of people coming in. There are some other Renoux or their vassals, particularly a lady walking towards the tea station nearby (Rosalind Renoux). Coming in also are the Draco entourage. As usual, the dwarf, Leon Draco is there. Besides that, however, there's no sign of the lady-in-command. Instead, another lady, probably around the same age ( Amena Kader Amena Kader ), waltzed in the garden with a younger, curious looking gentleman ( Katachi Ren Katachi Ren ). The dwarf went straight to the wine station, typical, while the odd couple decided to join the conversation between Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen and the Renoux ( Hester Shedo Hester Shedo ). A group of three mature women and a spiced-up techno gatsby. Sign this matador up for a ride. However, before I could get up and approach them, another figure approached me.
She noticed Romulus Vel Romulus Vel reclining with a glass of wine, which had the Justicar frowning. Walking over, she stopped next to him, turning to face the garden, her hand resting leisurely on the one hilt of her saber.

"Not on duty then, Vel?"

"Heeeey if it ain't my favorite force junkie in the galaxy. Nope, I'm off the clock after the two long weeks. Best believe I'm flying here on a wealthy individual visa. How you doin' Tal?"

The ever so serious Justicar of House Amnen, Talleh. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand that protecting the royal family is a tough job, especially at dire times. But come on, don't frown, smile just a bit. I'm just drinking a glass of wine and enjoying life and look at that death stare. Scary. She should definitely take some vacations after this whole stressful fiasco. Not far away from my seat, a stupid laughter, or was it a whimper, took my attention. There you have the dwarf, doing god forbid what he did, either he's on the ground or he's just that short. Covering my sight in front of the dwarf was the tea Renoux lady.
"Can you believe that Tal. Imagine walking around like that, 'hurr durr mommy owns a castle and I'm 3 feet tall so let me just crawl around ladies' skirt wine drunk.' What a dope. You think the lady will appreciate it if I bump in there?"


H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco | Roxy Renoux | Romin Renoux Romin Renoux | Pesha Sofina | Gar Shale Gar Shale | Anshel Draco | Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn

“I am glad to see you remember what I taught you. The question is whether or not you will keep up and impress.”

It was a brave thing his daughter was doing. She was taking up a weapon in front of others again after the young Lord Amnen had fallen by her lance in the tournament. There should have been no risk to the boy, and his Justicars should have ensured he had been seated on the mount properly before letting him ride off. Words had been exchanged, but in the end it had proven to be accidental.

Perhaps there would have been more to share, but Lady Draco had arrived. It seemed she would be joining them for the hunt as well. He grinned wondering what had possessed her to join them. After all, this was not something which usually struck her fancy. Regardless, Ulysses was the model gentleman with the eyes of her family on them both. What her family did not know was something they still did not need to know.

“Lady Draco, I trust your journey was not too taxing?”

Perhaps they would meet later and discuss other details.

“Do you know if Tycho Amnen Tycho Amnen will be joining us?”

A boisterous member of the Draco family made some introductions. A son. This was interesting. He could not suggest that this one was fit for a match with anyone in particular as of yet. Ulysses was still brushing up on who was who in Deyanira’s family. No doubt some of them were plotting their way to ruling the house. It was something he would not, and could not permit. His reasons were many, but there was only one predominant in his thoughts.

“It is a good day for a hunt. The beasts are frightened easily with unfamiliar sounds and scents, so we should all do our best to be careful as to not chase them off.”

He reached to shake the hand of Gar Shale Gar Shale as he regarded his son.

“It is a pleasure to meet you as well. Both of you please, inspect your speeders to ensure nothing is wrong or that they have been tampered with. Once you are satisfied we may be off.”

Ulysses nodded toward his advisor Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn . He was happy to have her on the hunt. This was going to be an interesting mix, and the Duke would need advice should things escalate to a point he could not contain them all.


Rosalind Renoux



Tags: Leon Draco [Nearby: Talleh & Romulus Vel Romulus Vel ]
Wearing: XXX
Rosalind was stirring her tea when a little boy fell to the ground nearby. "Oh my," she said, blinking.

No, it was not a child... but a man.

A very drunk man at that. Rose's eyes widened slightly, then she broke out in a fit of giggles. The whole situation was rather strange and comical. However, she soon realized that people would likely think her laughter was at his expense. Oh dear, she really didn't want to be rude. Rosalind set the teacup down.

"Are you all right, my lord?" she asked as she knelt down. "Here, let me help you up."

Rosalind held out her gloved hands to him and smiled kindly. It was unbecoming to appear drunk in front of such polite company. That's why Rosalind took such care to ensure no one would ever know the truth about her own vices. Now, tea seemed to be the answer to most of life's problems... perhaps it would help the little man sober up.

"Why don't I fix you a cup of tea? What do you take in it?"

Reggie Rau


H O U S E • R E N O U X


TAG: Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux | Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco | Gar Shale Gar Shale | Anshel Draco | Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn | Pesha Sofina | @I'm not tagging Romin as well, Diz




A smile pulled at the corner of Roxy's mouth at her father's words.

She wanted to give a jab at the expense of her brother who was inspecting his speeder in silence, but at that moment a snake slithered among them, shattering the familial moment.

"Good afternoon. Ulysses, I trust you have been well since we last met."

The smile remained on Roxy's face, but her grey eyes had hardened at the woman's arrival. She merely gave a nod in return as she was acknowledged. She wasn't her father that seemed enamoured by the words that spilled from the forked tongue. Even the Sith were more trustworthy. And to make matters worse, more House Draco spawn and their entourage spilled into the clearing.

The hardness in her eyes did soften slightly at the more cordial greeting of Gar Shale Gar Shale .
"My lord," she acknowledged with a more regal bow of her head before looking at his son, offering him a tighter nod.

But then, like a Dark Knight, the Lady Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn rescued the already emotionally charged Rexanne before she decided to shatter the fragile peace by wiping out the Dracos with her bow. Glad to shift her attention, she regarded her father's advisor as her quiet voice spoke to the Daughter of Renoux.
"I know the feelings that you are wrestling with all too well. I've seen death too many times that it has unfortunately become an old friend of mine. It will not get easier, and there is no easy way to come to terms with what happened. Do not permit yourself to fall into the despair of doubt, nor place the blame upon yourself. Accept what happened and push forward."

Roxy wasn't typically the greatest supporter of the mysterious woman, but what she said echoed Raze Raze 's words eerily, changing Roxy's perspective of the woman. It just enforced her resolve to keep moving forward.
"Thank you, Lady von Sorenn." she said softly yet kindly, to her own surprise.

Roxy was starting to feel like the animal they were supposed to hunt - on the verge of taking off. So while the senior members of the families talked, she moved back towards her own speeder. But then her brother sidled up to her. He hadn't spoken much since his return. It worried her, but she sort of knew how he felt. You just needed space to deal with what had happened. But she was glad he was at least speaking to her.
"No Raze yet? I think all these guests are going to scare the beast away. We may starve tonight… unless your Justicar has already secured a beast, and this is all for show."

Well she was glad until the framing of his

She knew she wouldn't be able to fool Romin with a blank expression, so she settled for mirth.
"Knowing him, he'd find something for the table at least if this lot fails, though he's as much your and Ariellyn's Justicar as mine." she laughed. If Romin knew something, now wasn't the moment to talk about it. "Though I do challenge you - if you or I shoot the buck, then the other would have to muck out the winner's stable for a week." They both needed the normalcy of a good ol' competition...

And shift his fishing for information of her and Raze to a challenge instead.


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