Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Wild Wild East (Primeval dominion of Irn)

"Citizens of Blackhold! We must strike now! We must act before our enemies expect their demise!

It was easy to convince these people of what they truly wanted, didn't really hurt that most of them were leaning to supporting the war.
"With my seat in the council secure I promise that the king's ears will hear the great and overwhelming want for war against our oppressors! He will hear his people's cries throughout the streets and in the council! We must find ourselves not through peace and words, but through violence and action! Now is the time, my people! We have the means, the men, and the industry to overwhelm the others of Irn in a swift campaign of brute force!"

The crowd cheered of course. They were ravenous and starving under their warmongering plea. They wanted Irn for themselves. They had fallen to a greed far greater than Irnians had ever experienced in times past. Most of them were willing to lay down their lives for Blackhold. But for what? If they had stopped to look back they would probably realize that this war would only bring them into a spiral worse than what they had before. Of course there were a few naysayers. Scholars and the like. Many of them had strangely disappeared or had been suddenly assassinated. Ebenezer himself had already been able to gain his own following of an ever-growing far-right group of vigilantes who were willing to do anything to ensure that he was brought into office to start this war. Democracy was a wonderful tool indeed.


Worshipper Of Halrormalenth
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Tyro'din stood aboard the Order's End watching the feed from Blackhold. He smirked as he saw the crowds baying for blood, ready to start a war that would make them worse off.Oh well, if the idiots couldn't see everything for what it was they deserved this. He turned and strode out of the room in silence, bowing to the Host Lord as he did so, heading for his ship which was docked with the Order's End.

Later he disconnected the magnetic seals keeping the smaller ship and much larger one attacked before piloting The Silent Shadow a little bit away from the Order's End. Sighing in relaxation Tyro'din leant back in his seat. Reaching over he pulled up the feed from Irnfall, watching as the government fell apart, scrambling to deal with the assumed assassinate and sabotage committed by Blackhold. Add on the evidence, both real and fake, of Blackhold preparing for war and it was a real chaotic mess. He barked out a laugh as he saw missive after missive being sent that ordered all "defence and offence stations to prepare for combat", along with orders to the press to alert the people of what was happening but to but enough of a spin on the story that the people would fell confident in their government's ability to protect them and cheering them on all the while.

The Bothan quickly sent a message to the Host Lord to update her to the situation at Irnfall, that they were ready for war, before heading for his study aboard the ship to have a drink of whiskey.
Reports were coming in from allover that the civil war had begun. Little did the people of Irn know hat their leaders were manipulated by The Primeval, an interesting success on their part. The situation played right into the Host Lord's hands, her curiosity turned over to which side would win. Blackhold on one hand was a fortress of military prowess but their late defeats and could result in a general lack of morale, of course Irnfall being supported by nearly the rest of the planet might find itself heavily backed in resources and manpower. However, their peaceful disposition could cost them the war if taken by surprise.

Anja had no bets, yet, but she did indeed feel as if Blackhold could win quite easily... There was a more pressing matter at hand. "I need someone down there to drop all communications to and from their orbital fleet...", she turned to speak with the Captain. The Umbaran man nodded and sent the message below. Once the enemy's communications were offline the Host Lord would strike and deliver a blow to the enemy fleet, capturing the space above as her people secure the world below.

[member="Tyro'din"] [member="Laguz Vald"] [member="Ebenezer"] [member="Mikkel Markov"]
Done with her part in the little game of sedition they'd been playing in the courts, Laguz didn't wait very long until she shed xir skin, leaving the King to his generals and ministers as war broke out. As his wife, she'd been free to roam the palace, but knowing looks trailed her everywhere she went; too many people recognized her face from the holovids and displays around the city, and the shifter couldn't risk that kind of exposure. As soon as the appropriate opportunity presented itself, the huntress had exchanged her form for that of someone else, leaving the Queen to vanish into thin air.

With his new outfit being an high-ranking engineer, he still had access to those rooms without a key, but instead of surprised looks and widened eyes, all he received were nods of respect and hurried reports as people approached him from all sides. With the civil war finally breaking into open conflict, all systems were on high alert, alarms blaring throughout the lower levels of the facility as everyone rushed to and fro. He glanced at the reports being pushed under his nose and gave a small nod even as he walked on, dead-set on charming [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] with his competency and skill.

Finally, the hunter reached the control room, and nobody blinked twice at his presence — just perfect — too busy trying to keep the whole mess as orderly as possible while the engineer strolled towards the back. Using the clamor and the hectic, stressed atmosphere as distraction, Laguz painted his face with a picture of terror and grabbed the shoulder of an important-looking alien in a white cloak.

"Quick, where's the fleet comm? Something went wrong," his voice was full of panic and need, and the shifter was hoping his chosen victim would react instinctively and simply show him the right computer. The creature blanched and shot out its trembling hand, multiple eyes wide with fear. The agent gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before leaving for the station, intent on disabling it the only way he knew how; with a bang.

One last gaze was afforded to his surroundings before the shifter reached into his belly and pulled out the blaster, gleefully firing at the computer in the unholy chaos around him. The circuitry sparkled, then fizzled and died, and with it the engineer did as well, leaving behind only a white robe and a blaster as the black smoke began to sneak out between the cracks of the broken machine.

It was done.


Morality Policeman :)
While somewhat evil things were being evilly committed for evil's sake in this evil exploit in the name of evil conquest for evil, the evil War Chief Ronny was making evil arrangements for his evilly coerced agents of a higher evil. Too bad they thought they were accomplishing good. It was evil like this that made Geronivous so--

Heh. You thought I was going to say 'evil'.


"On this day, you will fight for what you know is truth." Evil fingers crossed behind his back to denote his evil intent to anyone who was behind his back. Of course, no one was. "You will not be forgotten." Evil. "You have never served a more noble calling." Evil. "Today, you shall rejoice!" Evil. "You are subject to no one!"

Of all the evil lies, these are the most evil.

[member="Ebenezer"], [member="Tyro'din"], [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Laguz Vald"]

Malik Rodarch

“Damn it, Mullet!”

Malik Rodarch was sat down, considering the finer aspects of life as one would do when he was caught in his type of situation. Well, he would have been doing that were it not for the loud scratching upon the other side of the door.

“I know 'bout the civil war!”

It did not appease the creature, as the scratching upon the door only intensified. Mullet wanted violence. Audible growing coming from the other side as asharl panther claw met with sturdy durasteel. The noise was almost chalk-like in irritation levels. Thankfully he didn't think that the large feline would manage to break on through to the other side.

“We'll git goin' in a minute! Quit yer scratchin'!”

Mullet didn't quit.

Malik finally realised he wasn't going to get any peace to do this right now. He'd wait. He'd do it later. With a forlorn sigh the brick shabhouse of a man stood up, unlocked the toilet door and left, granting his panther an irritated glance as he left.

"Yer a real git."


Worshipper Of Halrormalenth
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Tyro'din sat in his study aboard his ship looking through the information scrolling across his datapad. When he was within the Government building at Irnfall he had planted a lot of bugs all over the place, both inside the electronic systems and the physical world. It was the information from these bugs that he was now looking at. He smirked as he read through the panicked messages sent and words spoken as attack after attack was lain against their armies on the fields of combat. While they might have the biggest army, Blackhold had the strongest will and were pushing back the government. Sighing in content at the chaos, he quickly type in a code on a separate datapad and watched as the messages scrolled faster across the screen in response to him triggering one of the many explosives he had placed around the government building. He may have pushed Irnfall into the fight but he backed Blackhold, believing that they would be the easiest to manipulate.
The civil war had been going on for some time now, Anja waited patiently as she reviewed reports... Blackhold had managed to win several consecutive battles and in the aftermath some of the other settlements aligned to their side, no doubt part of clever manipulating done on their part. "I am pleased with the results, it's time to put an end to this war... Send a message out, all are to aid Blackhold -- they're clearly the winning faction.", she announced to her crew.

The message was sent out and to the agents below, it seemed Blackhold was now their favoured champion. The next step would be to sabotage her enemies and get them to align with the leadership. Interesting, however, that Laguz had a central role.

[member="Laguz Vald"] [member="Tyro'din"]
Breath in.

Breath out.

Breath in.

Breath out.

Laguz could feel xir lungs straining as powerful legs sent xem flying down corridors and around corners, and there was only so much xe could do to expand their capacity while still trying to outrun the incoming catastrophe. Sedition, scheming and plotting was all fun and games until someone launched a nuke. Then you got yourselves a real nasty legal mess, and the shifter would prefer to be long gone when that became a problem. Some of the skins xe'd worn in the past already had outstanding warrants in multiple systems, and the hunter was pretty sure that galactic law frowned upon genocide and other such larcenies.

Another hall, another crowd of panicked people running every which way; for once, sprinting didn't seem all that out of place, and armed personnel was too busy mobilizing in the war effort to notice a single figure amid a hundred. No, the shifter would pass under the radar, just another blurry face in the throng as xe bolted for the door, ramming into transparisteel with a shoulder that grew a thick hide at the last second. Xe let out a small grunt, the noise lost in the cacophony of chaos that reigned over the city, and then xe was out.

For but a few moments, Laguz became a veritable monster of senses — eyes, ears, noses, echolocation, the whole gamut of evolution and nature — and then xe knew where to go, and xir feet moved against the asphalt again.

Time to get the hell out of dodge.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]'s transmission warmed xir twisted little hearts, and the shifter corrected xir trajectory in search of the next optimal target.

Cordelia deWinter


The Primeval were a rather curious lot.

It was for this instance that Lady deWinter would come to Irn to see the zealots in action. One need to observe a sapiant in their natural environment to really be able to determine just what their mettle was worth.

She wouldn't directly interact, no.

Instead her method of focus was through mental translocation. Dream a little dream. There, meditating in the Force now with Akala's death, Cordelia would seek to search through the fabric of that intangible fabric.

Just who were these zealots? And what was their cause. ?

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