Relationship Status: It's Complicated

A reason. The answer produced a knowing nod. Many Sith wanted a reason. Were they not all looking for a reason or a purpose? Sith simply made their own purpose. The search for a reason resulted in making a reason. It was not those who looked for a destiny that found one. It was those who made their destiny which walked in it. The lesson was something Gerwald had learned the hard way. Everything he had now, he had taken, or seized the circumstances to bring it all about.
He made choices.
Gerwald was going to give Kaila some choices.
“How would gaining the memory steal what you are now?”
His question was directed at the exact thing she said.
“Why be concerned with who you are today when the choice in front of you is about who you want to be tomorrow?”
The Wolf extended his hand, palms facing upward.
“On one hand you could choose to remain as you are, or on the other you can retrieve your memory and become something more. Gaining your memory does not invalidate the strides you have taken since losing them. If it does, then you did not gain a thing by the process.”
The Wolf reached into the pouch on his belt and pulled out a coin. On it was the symbol of his Second Legion on one side and the Revivalists on the other. This was his work, and it was the path he saw forward. Gerwald had told his mate,

One follower at a time.
“Whatever you decide, follow me. Join the Second Legion. Break the chains of Eternalist, Kainite, Tsis’kaar, and become a Revivalist. Help me return our Order to the purity of the Sith Code. Spend your life building something greater than what this galaxy has ever seen.”
He set the coin on the desk. She could pick it up if she wished.
“You will make us stronger.”