Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate The World That Hell Built | SO Populate of Dasoor


Somewhere in the Outer Rim​
900 ABY​
Following the War Council on the Mors Mon, the Emperor had come to realize that many Sith in the Order were ignorant of the reality they faced. Many sought conquest to embolden their foes, as though to export the Darwinian tactics of the Sith was honorable. Others looked to simply impose their will upon mortal kind, as though their inexorable strength was all that mattered, and there could be nothing else that would come from it. All childish fancy in the Emperor's eyes - so he had seen it fit to invite the various members of the Order to a social gathering. A rarity for the Sith, the Emperor had invited them all to a dinner on the Mors Mon - in a great hall of decadence befitting an emperor, if not in direct contradiction to its existence on the most advanced war machine the galaxy had ever seen.​
The room was lined from floor to ceiling in large black marble and obsidian cast blocks of stone - its place in a starship even more notable due to the pure wealth on display, in direct contrast of many of the ship's utalitarian systems. A dark gold accented many plates, grout, and other details. Mixed with these was ur-Kittat symbolage and red diamonds, perhaps the only relatively 'cheap' aspect of the room likely put in place for their kyber resemblance. The table they sat at was of an ironwood, heavy and glossed on its surface, a black crimson tablecloth over top lined in the same markings as the rest of the room. Around them were busts settled in alcoves, each of notable Sith throughout history - even the more recent history, such as Sidic, Moridin, and Voracitos.​
Darth Empyrean sat at the head of the table, lacking any sort of goldware or utensils. Next to him sat Srina Talon Srina Talon - though she had the equipment for the soon to be served meal. On the other side, Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , the Emperor's Wrath and primary enforcer. Servants quietly stood next to empty seats, others guiding the various Sith into the room and to their designated seats - carefully chosen to match their unique course meal planned out by a chef of unequable skill and proficiency.​
Each would soon be served a 7 course meal entirely made for them, as though the Emperor knew exactly what they wanted. For the sharp, they might even realize the hidden threat in his generosity - he knew them better than they could imagine. His eyes, his spy network, ran deep - so deep he knew their favorite foods even before they did. Of all that elegance and nicety he had shown, this was just as much a clear indication he was capable of extreme violence whenever he wished.​
"At the recent War Council, it has come to my attention many Sith do not yet understand what it is our Order fights for - they do not understand the depth of the contradictions implicit to the Jedi way. Many have come to fight for their own means, and only their own means, while some impose their will as though it was a birthright to impose their will by strength alone. I've brought you here to discuss just that.", he said as he sat in his great alchemized chair.​
"Tell me of your ambitions, your end goals, why it is you are Sith and what the Sith fight for - and I will guide you to truth. The meal shall be served soon - find your seat, and tell me of your beliefs."​

"I am a warrior, Your Majesty. A warrior may retreat. He does not flee. He may lie in ambush. He does not hide. He may experience victory or defeat. He does not cease to serve." -Grand Admiral Thrawn
Fiolette was never someone to have claimed to be either Sith or sensitive enough to the Force to wield it with such power. Yet, she has always found herself walking the path of the Sith nonetheless. It had taken her a long while to admit to herself that her goals and theirs often aligned. Even though the purpose of her goals were different to that of those who served in the Tenth Sith Empire. This new, Eleventh Empire had from what little she had seen it changed. A lot more of the internal politicking seemed to be on the surface, and while the War Council had proven they were united in the idea of Sith dominance. There was still at play the many allegiances, three primary groups stood out. The Eternalist loyal to Empyrean, the Kainates loyal to Carnifex, and then the Tsis'kaar who were an interesting lot altogether. If only because Fio knew little of them, for the moment at least.

What she did know was what she had always known and that was the Sith needed order. Cooler heads had to prevail if they were going to move forward. While Fiolette had only heard of perhaps knew of Empyrean prior to her own march into the Netherworld. She wanted to hear him, more directly than she had during the War Council. Of course, she initially was not going to attend such a philosophical dinner as much as it had been presented. It was until Srina Talon Srina Talon sent Fiolette the invitation and of couse between that and the offer of a lovely Galidraani styled meal, the likes of which the Admiral had not had since her return. Well, it was rather hard to say no, although her droid, Dansen argued it was quite easy.

"You simply say, while I am honored, Your Majesty. I must simply decline," Dansen's frame of mind was that Fiolette would do well to stay away from the likes of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis her old allies. Most certainly to steer clear of Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf as Fiolette had confessed herself, enough damage had been done. Still, all signs seemed to point to Fiolette attending the dinner, and as such she put on a rather classical uniform. It was not the white and gold of the old Sith Empire, she after the War Council had finally let that particular look go to rest. One did have to as it is put on Galidraan, 'get on with it.'

But it was of little surprise that she found her seat beside her ex-wife. Rather than make any sort of comment or quip about the matter, Fiolette merely gave Taeli a respectful nod and formal Sith bow. She waited until Taeli was seated before she took her own seat beside her. From there it was largely silent whilst Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean gave his speech and opened the floor to the entirety of those who had been invited. A dinner to discuss philosophy well it was certainly an idea and of course at the end of the day Empyrean would detail to others how they were wrong. At least he was gracious enough to feed those who were about to, be, coereced, bullied, convinced to otherwise shut up and get line.
The invitation to dinner with the Emperor Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean and the Empress could not be ignored, even if she had wanted to. Srina Talon Srina Talon had sent the invitation personally and Taeli was not about to refuse a request for her attendance. After the War Council, she suspected this dinner would play another role as well. Perhaps the Emperor wanted to partake in vigorous debate, to deal with the sectionalism that still plagued the Sith Order. Perhaps it was to bring them all in line more.

Or perhaps someone was trying to play at reconciliation. That was the only reason she could think of why she and Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro were seated next to each other at the table. She equally would not say anything, offering her a Galidraani curtsey in answer to the Sith bow before taking her seat to listen to the Emperor's speech.

So it was to be a discussion over dinner. A perfect setting for airing grievances, although she recalled an old saying about politics and dinner. Or maybe it was first day of class sharing time... Force she hadn't had to do that since her days on Lorrd.

"Well at least there's a feast to go with it," she muttered just loud enough for Fiolette to hear and unknowingly saying aloud her own thoughts. Louder she would say, "I guess I'll go first. My goals have less to do with conquest and physical might, as many of you know. I seek to discover more about the Force and the universe we exist in. To push secrets into the light and then keep going even further. Our knowledge, our beings, our methods must be constantly evolving, changing. To rely solely upon tradition invites stagnation. Discovery requires experimentation."

A dinner that he was allowed to attend. Initially the simple privateer was uninterested. He’d been to a few sith gatherings and cared little for attending more of them. Despite his agent nagging him to do more socializing with his affluent clients. Sure his paydays were amazing, plundering shipping lanes, ransoming settlements and stations. But actually dealing with the Sith themselves always felt like such a drag for the impatient brute.

However, one thing made convincing the Firrerreo to attend almost too easy. The promise of having a personalized meal tailored to his liking. Diodoros was far too dense to notice the underlying sinister nature of that knowledge. Instead of realizing that even he was wrapped up in the oppressive surveillance state of Sith leadership. Diodoros saw it as a good sign. That he was actually being noticed and not just some overlooked mercenary. Being a celebrity back at Hutt space he valued his notoriety and enjoyed having the spotlight on him. He wasn’t well suited for more clandestine missions.

So, Diodoros was there. Wearing some decent clothes. After all these were VIPs he would be in the presence of. Draped over his shoulders was his large, fuzzy grown overcoat. His toros were covered with a deep purple buttoned up shirt as well as a ring wrapped around one of his fingers. His blue eyes scanned around the room seeing who else was in attendance. He didn’t really mind that he was sort of a fish out of water. As a firrerreo that was a common issue wherever he went.

Sitting down at the large table, the golden man certainly looked eager. Not really because he was interested in what was being discussed. Ready to dig in the moment his food was presented to him and stuff his face and flash his prominent canines.

However, Diodoros raised an eyebrow over what was said to everyone in the room. The words seemed to come from what he presumed was the organizer of the dinner. The gilded man thinks he might’ve recognized the man before. Did somebody here actually wish to learn about his own ambitions? Even if he wasn’t as Stih? It’s not like Diodoros understood anything about The Force and it’s eldritch nature.

Why did he fight?

Why did he strive for greater strength and excellence?

A brief but uncomfortable memory invaded his psyche for just a moment. “If you’re not first, you’re last…” The quote was not his own.


Somewhere in the Outer Rim

As the massive iron doors of the great hall on the dreadnaught, Mors Mon creaked open, a sudden silence descended over the gathered assembly. The doors revealed Darth Kentarch, his figure enveloped in a shroud of darkness, stark against the opulent surroundings of the hall.

Darth Kentarch's entrance was measured, his sharp gaze sweeping over the room adorned with dark gold filigree and symbols of ur-Kittat, each detail meticulously placed to reflect the immense wealth and power of the Sith Empire. The red diamonds scattered throughout the room glinted subtly, their arrangement a nod to the lesser value but significant symbolism associated with kyber crystals.

Each step he took resonated against the black marble and obsidian floor, echoing slightly in the vast room. As he approached the heavy ironwood table at the center, the reflective surface glimmered under the light, showcasing the same dark crimson and symbolic designs that adorned the rest of the hall. The historic busts of Sith Lords—Sidic, Moridin, and Voracitos—stood sentinel in their alcoves, their stone faces adding gravitas to the gathering.

Upon reaching his designated seat, Darth Kentarch paused, his eyes briefly closing as if in reverence—or perhaps in strategy—before he seated himself. The other attendees, notable Sith lords and commanders, watched with a mix of respect and the usual undercurrent of rivalry. This was, after all, not merely a social event; it was a display of allegiance and power dynamics within the hierarchy of the Sith Order.

Darth Kentarch subtly adjusted his posture as the Emperor's words resonated through the grand hall. He did not get to attend the War Council, instead his duties were on Jutrand. It seemed his duties were always on Jutrand going over security. Kentarch leaned slightly forward, the soft light catching the sharp angles of his face, casting shadows that mirrored the gravity of his concerns. "If I remember correctly. You took sole control of the Sith Order to destroy the enemies of the Sith. The Alliance, the Mandalorians, the various Resistance, the Sith who do not recognize your authority."

He spoke directly to Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . "The last of which, I have personally hunted down many so-called Sith heretics."

He paused, choosing his next words with precision. "We will need a singular focus if we are to march down the Hydian Way and take the fight to the Jedi. If that, my emperor is still your goal." He knew his next words would cause a bit of controversy. "The worlds of Sith Space are only a distraction to this goal. Old tombs and dusty monuments. Sacked and war-torn. I pointed out that before we would win nothing but spirited victories. And that is what you have won. Behold your spoils, dust, and bones."

His gaze fixed upon the Emperor. "I came here to end the division. To take the fight to the Jedi. To hunt down my hated Sith Brothers. And take our rightful place as rulers of the galaxy."

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Lina's own spy network had spanned the galaxy before she'd inherited it from her mother, Anaya Fen. People didn;t get close to her, or close to knowing her without her express permission. Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean spies had not gone unnoticed in her household, nor had the information they had gathered. Lina had taken it as a perfect opportunity to set her own spies in place, not for any reason other than to make herself known.

"Try not to kill anyone tonight, my love." she murmured to Sarlow Zambrano her hand squeezing the arm hers was looped though as she looked up at him with a small smile. If he was protective of her before now, now that her stomach swelled with his child, due to be born any day, he was beside himself. They had had to replace at least three of the guards he'd set to watch her, simply because their tone had not been perfectly humble and submissive when they had addressed her.

The emperors question set her into a deep thought. She'd never truly given her own philosophy much thought. She was a sith because that was what she had been raised to be. One didn't survive the upbringing and torment of Anaya Fen and Jared Ovmar to become anything but. Her immediate goal was simple, establish herself as a prominent member of the Sith Order and kill Carnifex. Simple enough, even if she carried his grandson and was due to marry his eldest son. Her love for Sarlow would not be an obstacle to this secondary goal.

But above all of it? Above the minor distractions of politics and murderous intent?

She settled into the free seat on Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf 's other side. "The pursuit of knowledge, a woman after my own heart." She offered the woman a small smile and a bow of her head. her fingers interlacing as she rested her elbows on the table to listen as Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch spoke. "How unimaginative." she muttered under her breath.

"My goal is to know the hearts and minds of the people within our galaxy. Allies and enemies alike. To know their weaknesses, their passions, what drives them to behave as they do. Once you understand these things, they are yours to control and puppeteer as you see fit. Knowledge of any kind, is the foundation of all power."

Diodoros Diodoros

Whatever the hell was going on with the Sith, Dekaltis wasn't really aware of, nor did she care.

What she did care about, was food.

The promise of meeting other sith was a secondary concern. She was hungry, and that showed as she idly skipped into the dining hall, looking at the fellow sith among her. All sooooooo important. Ugh, whatever. She wanted food!

Stab one! Extra points!

Her mind contemplated that. It would be cool to claim a kill like that.

No no, not now. Malma would be really mad.

Maybe later though.

"I want fun!" Dekaltis proclaimed as she sat, legs crossed and looking inspired. What else did she want? "I wanna go beat up the bad guys! Learn how to fight the evil Valery Noble Valery Noble !" But mostly...

"...I want food!"

Tags: Open

At the opulent dinner party hosted by the Sith Emperor, Kai'lyn, a savage Togruta, stood in stark contrast to the polished aristocracy swirling around him. Clad in his rugged attire, his skin marked with the bold, natural patterns of his species, he moved with a feral grace that betrayed his untamed nature.

As the light fixtures cast a warm glow over the lavishly set tables, the room hummed with the soft chatter of the Sith elite. Kai'lyn's presence was an anomaly here, among the refined Sith and their allies, yet he carried himself with an unspoken challenge in his turquoise gaze, a wild defiance that dared anyone to question his right to be among them.

The aroma of the feast to come was intoxicating, filling the air with the scents of exotic spices and roasted meats. It was this promise of food that had drawn Kai'lyn to the heart of the room, to a place where his instincts were as much a liability as they were his greatest asset. He wasn't there for politics or pleasantries; he was there for the hunt, albeit a different kind than he was accustomed to. His hyper heightened senses served himself though he was disappointed to see no food as of yet. He was a simple creature with simple desire.

A question was gnawing at the edges of his primal consciousness: Was he even a Sith? The term was one he associated with his master, the one who had brought him to this glittering hall of power. Perhaps, by some extension, the title could apply to him as well, though he grasped neither its full meaning nor the intricate doctrines that underpinned it.

Unlike those around him, schooled in the philosophies of the Jedi and Sith, trained to wield the Force with precision and intention, Kai'lyn was a blank slate. His life had been driven not by ideology but by simpler, more immediate needs. Yet behind his luminous, predatory eyes, there lay a keen intelligence, an untapped potential that the civilized facade of the galaxy could easily underestimate.

Perhaps it was time to listen, to observe the ways of these so-called Sith and Jedi. Maybe, in their words and actions, he could find clues to what he might one day become.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge


Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean / Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro / Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf / Diodoros Diodoros / Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch / Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar / Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis / Kai'lyn Kai'lyn / Revna Revna

"I seek restoration and retribution, as if I need to speak it aloud." For all of his posturing and aggression in the war council meeting, the masked man that sat on one of the far ends of the table was far more placid than usual. Whether it be his apprentice sat beside him or simply some sort of fatigue from the meeting, for the moment the usually simmering rage of Darth Strosius was harder to detect. Yet it still very much lingered and he made no real efforts to hide that fact.

He idly twirled a knife in his gloved fingers as he continued to speak, glancing between his object of interest and the others sat around the table. "In my youth the Sith Empire was one of, if not the, most preeminent and powerful nations to grace the galactic stage. A position that we were ripped from by powers without..." He stopped spinning the knife for a moment as his hidden gaze lingered on the Emperor himself. "And by those within. I wish to see all who made our empire crumble, no matter how small their contribution, to be executed. Made to pay for their sins."

As per usual there was little speculation to be made that those he wished to see dead were indeed among their number even now. For all his threats and scheming one couldn't fault the masked man on one matter, he certainly lived up to the title of Lord Inquisitor. Eager to see all who were unworthy and weak culled from their ranks, no matter what position they occupied or what deeds led them to the point of treachery. Treachery in his mind at least.

"The Sith bring to the galaxy what it so desperately needs. Order. Stability. Security." Darth Strosius certainly held the zealous tone that was his namesake as he spoke, as though intending to paint a picture into the minds of those that had been and ruled Sith far longer than he. For in his mind they were indeed in dire need of education. And a gallows. "The Jedi are too foolish to accomplish such a task, the Imperials too concerned with playing war, the Mandalorians too tied to their home and ideals, and the people of the galaxy too chaotic themselves. They need a guiding hand, one as stern and as strong as the heart of a star. The Sith are the only ones that can offer such a thing, and thus it is our duty and destiny to one day rule the galaxy itself. And perhaps, even beyond it."


Fiolette eyeballed the delicious meal and sighed, she wanted to take part in but it would simply go to waste. Her thoughts on the matter at hand were exactly this, well what a wonderful and most splendid evening, Your Majesty, Srina Talon. Of course the meal was absolutely devine, I had absolutely none of it for you see when I came back from the Nether. Not all of me was, well, available and if you would just point me in the direction where I could collect roughly ninety souls I would be ever so grateful.

The Admiral had in her mind the idea that her thoughts her were hers alone, so when she heard Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf 's own thoughts intrude on hers. Well it is a very fine feast, isn't it? Perhaps one of the Zambrano children can have this on my behalf, or that rather sickely fellow currently playing with a knife. She shifted her lips to the side, I know I've been around him before I can't qui- she stopped. Fiolette's mind stopped going about its business as a realization began to dawn on her.

I don't mean to intrude. Fiolette couldn't even reach for the glass of wine it would simply go right through her, literally. She looked over at Taeli with a polite, tight smile. One that conveyed her realization, and one she was sure Taeli recognized. I do believe this part of our bond has activated. Mhmmm, almost as if the consequences of our actions have come back to bite us in the arse. At the time when they created this bond they saw no problems with it. Now however, well, hindsight was twenty-twenty, wasn't it? There is of course, no way this can go wrong, absolutely not. The sarcasm was easy enough to hear in her own mind and she knew Taeli could hear it too. At the very least she would, very quickly realize it.

Then she sighed and thought about the bargain struck with the Netherworld, forgetting, briefly that she shared this thought with Taeli. Fiolette couldn't eat or drink anything that wasn't made by the ship and its crew. She needed more souls for that to happen, and so she merely looked interested in the current discussion of Sith philosophies.


Tags: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean // Srina Talon Srina Talon // Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis // Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar // Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf // Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro // Kai'lyn Kai'lyn // Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch // Diodoros Diodoros

Revna was very surprised that her master had accepted the invitation to dinner with the Emperor and his Empress, Srina Talon - simply being that she knew Darth Strosius considered them both enemies, and it floored her that he would even be willing to sup with his enemies.

Or perhaps it wasn’t willingness on his part, but something else entirely.

His declaration that they would be joining the monarchs made her very…cautious. Was there some kind of scheme going on in that mind of his that he was deliberately keeping from her… like he had on that fateful day on Geonosis? She had stared holes through him when he had told her they would be attending for dinner, along with whoever else decided to show up. Sitting and supping with the Sith Emperor was a great honor…but also a very terrifying prospect.

Everything could go oh so wrong, in the blink of an eye.

They were guided to the dining chamber aboard the Mors Mon, and Revna couldn’t help but be in awe at the opulent and dark beauty of the place, accenting of course with the near overwhelming and raw presence of the Dark side. She and her master were guided to their seats and she sat just after he did; it was the small subtle things she did like this that showed her deference and respect for him.

Revna turned her attention to the Emperor as he spoke, giving him her undivided attention. It would be rude to sit at his table on his invitation and ignore or otherwise disregard what he had to say. Others might do so…but Revna was smarter and wiser than that. Or so she hoped, anyway.

His questions posed to the gathered made her reflect internally. Truthfully, Revna didn’t actually believe she had the right to answer such questions or speak her mind on such matters. She was still fairly new to the ways of the Sith, and of course, her views were more aligned with Strosius than the wider Order. Who was she, an apprentice, to speak on such matters?

…why had she felt emboldened to speak at a war council, of all places and times?

Did any of it matter?

Yes, to her it did. She embraced being a Sith, for all their glorious and equally cruel and savage ways…and if she wanted to be involved, then she needed to take the steps to get involved. Understanding how the Sith worked, be it at a war council or at a dinner table, was important to her. She had learned that her own master wasn’t entirely up to date on the matters going on with the Sith Order…be that on purpose or not…and Revna endeavored to not be the same way. Knowledge was vital, and she always hungered for it.

She remained silent and listening as others who were present spoke their mind, or didn’t speak at all. Revna listened as her master made his responses, and she felt a slight tug on the corners of her lips. She could tell that, while seemingly laid back on the surface, there was still the familiar wrath bubbling away underneath it all. She knew his words would no doubt bring remarks from the Emperor; afterall, he did say that he would guide them to the truth.

Curiously, while she knew Strosius probably wouldn’t appreciate being “corrected” on what he had to say, Revna wanted to hear and learn what Darth Empyrean had to say. Even to her statements - whenever she decided to speak them. She was more than willing to hear what would be said, even if it ran against her own views or beliefs. There was always something she could learn, a different point of view to see from that she otherwise wouldn’t have learned.

She waited a little bit longer, before saying her piece…though she was slightly nervous to do so.

I…don’t know how much I can speak on such matters. I am new to the Sith ways, to the Order. I was simply not around to experience all that the rest of you have; the various rises and falls of empires and Dark Lords and Emperors. I have much to learn, much to see, much to…face. A portion of my ambitions mirror that of my-” She paused briefly and glanced at Strosius. She still had somewhat of a hard time referring to him aloud as her master, though it was very clear that they did not have a master-slave relationship. “-my Master. But I do have my own beliefs and views that separate us in that regard. Much to his grievance I’m sure. One of my ambitions is to see the peoples of the galaxy come under the banner of the Sith. Ideally this would be done willingly on their parts, but that is just a foolish notion as there will always be those who oppose us, bitterly and unto annihilation. I desire to see an end to slavery everywhere…though I am aware that this is an unrealistic task and viewpoint. That doesn’t mean I can’t do my part to fight it where I see it.

Her eyes glinted for the briefest of moments with anger and hatred towards all things that dealt with slavery, her own memories cropping up to distract her for a heartbeat, before she returned to voicing her thoughts.

But what drives me onward is the pursuit of knowledge, to learn all that I can no matter what it may be, and understanding of the gift, the abilities, that I have through the Force, through the Dark side. I want to know what all can be done with it, how far I can go with it, what secrets I could learn. It all utterly fascinates me; I want to discover and absorb what I can learn, and find what challenges me the most and if I can overcome it. I hunger for it…and the deeper I go, the more insatiable that hunger becomes. I want to rise, and become greater than I am now. I suppose that is why I chose to become a Sith. I wanted to become more than just a slave, a broken vessel that was trampled underfoot. I had the means in my hands to break myself free and rise from the ashes…and so I did.

She took a breath and settled her nerves a little bit before she moved on.

What do the Sith fight for? Good question. We all seem to fight for and against many things - including each other. But no surprise there; infighting amongst Sith has been there since the Sith came into being. We are beings who embody strife and conflict; if we didn’t, then we would be somewhat like the Jedi, I imagine. I feel that perhaps part of the answer to what the Sith fight for lies in the reason the Sith came into being in the first place. But I think we all have different opinions or answers for that. Power, learning the secrets of the Dark side, defiance or vengeance against our Jedi brethren, so on and so forth.

The young woman paused and turned her eyes to the Emperor, and to an extent, to the Empress herself, narrowing them in thought.

What should the Sith fight for, your Majesty? What does it mean to truly be a Sith, to your understanding? What separates us from the Jedi, other than the obvious, or any of the other Force sects that are out there? We think ourselves special, above all the others…but are we really?

It had been so long since he had heard a question of that sort. Well, not exactly, he had heard it many a time, even asked it many a time, he did have apprentices to train after all, and this Order was if anything almost defined by its differing ideals and perspectives on what it was to be Sith.

Somehow with so many interpretations, they still held together in some sort of... unified, state.

However, the last time he had been asked this question where it held true stakes and importance... well... years ago.


Had his answer changed from what he had told his Mistress all those years ago? Much was different from back then, the Triumvirate was at an end, and they had an Emperor now, and he was no longer an apprentice, but a lord.

And he was no longer simply interested in the Tsis'Kaar.

He had become the Tsis'Kaar.

For now, he was quiet, simply happy to have survived the War Council, it had been touch and go for most of the end of it, yet here he was, quietly watching.

Noticing the kebabs at the centre of the table.

It took every ounce of self-control not to reach for them, after all, it was tempered by the fact that... how the fuck had Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean known? Oh certainly when he had heard of the specifics of this invitation, that each invitee would be served their favourite foods, seven courses in fact, he was morbidly curious, but certain that there would be absolutely no way that the Emperor would know what his true favourite foods were. After all, how could they possibly know or find out that he held his guilty pleasures in the more... plebeian cuisine?

He imagined that he would receive the rather standard fare, rare and delightful loaves of bread, premium cheeses, perhaps some exquisite soup, a roast animal of the rarer and more expensive kind.

But no.

The first course.


How the fuck had he known.

Thankfully it seemed most were more engrossed in their own food, after all, assumedly as much favourite as his, or else focused on rapt attention upon their Emperor, and his oh so... tricky question.

There were many a familiar face here, Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , who spoke of what his... their... memories knew were accurate, the eternal quest for knowledge, but alas... what was the point of knowledge if it remained unused for matters of actual importance? If it was used simply to maintain and continue the alliance with Kaine, rather than her own advancement. Of course, all knowledge was important, that much he knew, but in their position as Sith, they were actually in position to do what most others could not, use it.

Her ex-wife, Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro was also in attendance... seated right next to her... and not touching her food.

Rather awkward.

The man that he had made a privateer once upon a time was also here, Diodoros Diodoros , he gave no answer, but his presence here was interesting enough.

Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch ... the once Pale Assassin, he had memories of him, not his own memories... but... they were of such age however, that Malum knew it would take some time to properly make sense of them. After all, it was some time ago since the One Sith, and the human body could only remember so much... especially in this case human body, which meant fragment within his head. He spoke of matters physical, which at least were his goals, honest enough... alas, he already imagined they would be somewhat displeasing, at least disappointing to what the Emperor wished to hear.

He imagined though, it was a task all unto itself to truly know what the Emperor wanted.

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar , arrived with Sarlow Zambrano, and her answer was not bad... however, it could be summarised again as simply knowledge. At least it was knowledge with purpose, knowledge not simply of the abstract and unknown, but to know the complex, the necessary. Yet there was something implicit in that answer.

The admission that one did not know.

Ali- Darth Strosius Darth Strosius ' answer was expected, restoration of the Sith Empire, revenge against all those both within and without that allowed it to fall, and a supreme belief that only the Sith could bring true governance to the galaxy, where all others had failed. He respected such beliefs, even held them himself, but would it be an answer that the Emperor would enjoy? Where was the metaphysical aspect, the question of what the Force itself was? What made the Sith so intrinsically worthy, when all others were not?

His cousin, Revna Revna , of House Marr's answer, was long and considering, but it was a good one, as Malum nodded along with her words. The same matters of the belief that the Sith should govern the galaxy, that individually one should pursue knowledge... but there was something more, she wanted to end slavery, while her mind was open, pondering answers, that the Emperor might grant answer.

He wondered if that would be enough to gain some life, out of Rhys Talon.

How much of Darth Maliphant still truly stirred within you, Darth Empyrean? How much of you has fallen to an infestation of worms?

He blinked.

Almost slamming his head onto the desk at the answer his apprentice, Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis gave, Bogan saved them all.

Well it seemed it was his turn, and for all the criticisms he could think of other's beliefs, it seemed it was finally time to give them something to judge.

He thought back to that dark day on Fiviune, when his life had changed... the first time.

Could he simply give the answer which had made him apprentice to the Queen of Snakes?

His ambitions? His endgoals?

To replace you, Darth Empyrean, to replace Kaine too, to remove all these immortal tyrants that had dared return from their deaths, to eliminate all those that had thought themselves Gods for their immortality, enough to send their mortal subjects to death forevermore, in their endless crusade against each other, never acheiving victory.

Making up belief for why they fought even more.

While their subjects suffered, and died, for their belief in one who could not care less.

Unfortunately to say that would make him a rather rude dinner guest.

"I wish to join the Dark Council, I wish not only to reach the level of strength and power of my famous ancestor, but to surpass him entirely, I wish to craft a legacy that will make me as remembered as he was, I wish to defend the subjects of the Sith Empire, and bring about its borders to the ends of the galaxy," Malum spoke, directing his answer towards Darth Empyrean, Srina Talon Srina Talon , and Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , at the head of the table.

Before he let out a small chuckle, perhaps he had drunk too much already, he was feeling far too comfortable here,
"Alas, that would not make me any more unique to the answers given here, I too could add the quest for knowledge, such as honed into me since childhood, the Tsis'Kaar perhaps even specialise in it, all such answers indeed could be given from any general, any scholar, as for what would make me Sith..."

"Of why we are Sith, of why we fight, the answer is one and the same, the Code exists as our universal baseline, yet with hundreds of thousands of interpretations remains of little use. Of course I would say, it means the mastery and control of one's emotions, to derive strength from them, to use that strength to test oneself in conflict to grow and evolve to be powerful alone. Through that power to achieve ultimate victory against any that would stand against one. Through victory, against others, to achieve victory over the self, breaking the chains of limitation placed upon onself, to achieve perfection. Thus, the final true objective, mastery over the Force itself."
The exact words he had told his Mistress so long ago, what had granted him his apprenticeship... well that, and the boldness or stupidity to challenge one of the strongest Sith the galaxy had ever seen to a duel, when he had been but an acolyte.

He had no intention to duel the Emperor... did that mean he had grown less bold since back then?


Older and wiser, they said.

He spoke not of his Mistress' evolution, success or death.

He spoke not of his own belief... of what breaking one’s chains truly meant.

The opening salvo had been fired, now it was a question of how he would respond to them all.

Kai'lyn Kai'lyn
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The war council had gone as expected. Though his understanding of the greater workings of the Sith at their present state, his absence from the affairs of the greater galaxy the culprit, the reality that the Sith had not changed was apparent. It mattered not what form they took, what goals they followed or what leaders guided them as it was their very nature to be driven towards conflict. A reality that he himself had subjected himself to the moment he consigned himself to the dark following her death. He had chosen the Sith and readily acquiesed to their promise of power and even their propensity to be their own undoing.

Those concepts, notions and trivialities considered had not been his motivation for attending the dinner the attnedees had been invited to. He recognized both the threat and promise in the air of the Emperors gesture. Bringing all who might oppose him to a singular point where he could both entertain and suppress them at his leisure. It was a clever gambit, despite his own lack of need for any such traditional means of sustenance, that he was willing to oblige if only for the measure of moving closer to the being that would continue to see itself at the head of the Sith Order by pleasantry or force.

Stillness resounded inward, a chilling companion to his thoughts.

It was in this deathly silence that he followed the attendant that brought him into the chamber. A chamber that, though he cared little for such niceties and ornate physicality, drew his hollow gaze if only for a moment before it fell upon the Emperor where he sat. His gaze did not falter even as others filled the chamber that he both did and did not recognize; among them some that he would have likely had more deliberate opinion of centuries ago. The Emperor sat, as much as stood, at the center of his focus in such a way that allowed him to move where he was intended to sit without strain. Each other could be obliged or distracted singularly in time.

Some moments into the engagement, feeling his hollow gaze likely to become a stagnant perpetuation of fixation, he chose to turn it idly towards various speakers as their thoughts filled the room. From one to the next it drifted, a hum of silence within being met with their consideration for the Emperors question, and occasionally fixed itself upon a select few. First to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf and her spin of quarter to experimentation in line with growth as opposition to tradition. Second to the notions of Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch and Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar as they expressed their inclinations towards disregard for the ancient Sith worlds and manipulation of the aspirations of others; the latter one that would have brought a smile had he been able in consideration for the very query they were all expected to answer.

Thirdly his gaze would fall upon Darth Strosius Darth Strosius with a mild tilt of his masked head as the inquisitor delivered his aspirations in a similar but differently toned manner to how he had addressed the war council. It continued to perplex him how this man, this persistence of personal crusade, would execute his ambitions without afront to those who held seat of power. A notion he would court for but a moment before letting his gaze drift more fixedly to his apprentice as she herself began to speak, revealing her origins, considerations, aspirations and even her own query in turn to the Emperor himself. What only she would feel, however, was a dull but echoing pulse as the Wound within recognized her presence as it had some time ago.

Finally, as he drew his attention away from the young woman in spite of faint whispers that began to usher forth, his gaze turned to the ever aspirant Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . Both contrast and kin to his words of war and tactic the man answered the Emperors query with ambition. An ambition that he himself considered to be lofty but with little give to practical measure. Many had aspired to live up to, meet and even transcend the ancients, he himself being unable to fully deny that he acted in a manner similar with his present observance of the influence and power that carried itself consort to the likeness and name of Darth Nihilus. Through Malums words he came to the conclusion that most of his own perspective had been voiced.

A notion that he carried silently as his masked head turned once more to face the Emperor, his empress and enforcer, once again addressing them with his full attention while others continued to remain silent. Other answers lingering, words filling the hollow void that encompassed the entirety fo his form, the query fell with as much weight as it had when he had first heard it. Each of them spoke in circled derivations of the understanding and original purpose of the Sith Code and very intent behind the origin of the Sith. Though much of the origins of the Sith itself was wrung thin by plague and time, from the species that had once called themselves as such to the Dark Jedi that had courted them into the creation of the Sith as an order, there was no truly forgetting it.

"I will not dodge the intent of the query presented to us," he began in the same hoarse rasp that he had filled the war council chambers with only so long ago as he placed a single hand against table; next to food that had gone neglected in the entirety of the time he had sat in attendance. "I seek to garner and consolodate my own power. I do not delude myself that my appearance and presence is new and, likely in turn, a mystery to many or all in attendnace here." He continued, his masked face hiding well his hollowed gaze scanning the room to see the various reactions of those in attendance.

"I wear this mask, carry this mantle and bear my burden not to play immitation to ancient power. This mask and it's gravity merely stand as an embodiment of a version of power I utilize to my benefit. I seek to acknowledge the strengths of others in that it might further my own. The Sith, as others and perhaps you would envision it, shall spread across the galaxy, as they have many a time, and bring the galaxy to the order that it desires. Whether or not that be by placing it under heel or by annihilation matters little to me. For it is my desire to see the galaxy brought into as full of a courtship with the Force as has not been for thousands of years. The Sith Code states, and perhaps the only doctrine that I still feel stands to apparent relevance, is thus: Through victory, my chains are broken."

A pause fell between his words, the internal hum of silence mingling with that which he likely felt he would be met with, and then he continued.

"I would see the Force do as it has been promised to us. To accomplish what so many other Sith have tried and failed to accomplish over several millennia, even eons. Use the Force to our full potential and let it free us from any and all shackles that burden us as we exploit it as we see fit. Come to a far greater immersion with it than any Jedi could possible hope to imagine through the execution of their incessant convolution of emotion and conservation. Let the final doctrine of the Code be realized as we see fit."

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Each were given their meals in turn, but Empyrean gave none of their treatment special consideration. They were served as befitting the hospitality of his position - he was their ruler, but he was also in turn their benefactor. Let them appreciate and enjoy the things he was no longer capable of. It would serve them well to understand the wealth he yet held.​
As each moved through their meals, and in turn their own goals, Empyrean listened quietly. He offered no judgement, no immediate reprisal, barely even a consideration until the last had spoke - and he silently considered their thoughts. To each he would turn;​
" Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf . You have served the order well in your time, and you are correct in that knowledge gives us power. Discovery, experimentation, the drive to understand - it is a trait I understand well, and compare to the highest of virtues. In that we can agree - but were I to propose to you that science as we know it has a limit, and that limit must be undone, would you be interested or dismiss me out of hand?"​
He looked to Diodoros Diodoros - but as the man had chosen to be quiet, he simply pass over him. If he intended to listen, then so be it.​
" Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch , you are right. I have taken over the Sith to destroy the enemies of the Sith - but what enemies, and in what context? It is not my authority they recognize, only that they understand a truth I have not yet laid out clearly enough. That we are all slaves - and the Sith's strength is our willingness to unshackle ourselves from servitude."​
" Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar , there is nothing more important than the heart and the mind.", he said, pointing to his own chest, narrowly nearest the great cut that bisected him leaving a grisly cavity, "But what drives the hoi polloi is nothing of a mystery to myself. Psychology and its denominations are recognitions and predictions of patterns - but what generates those patterns is what I have declared my enemy.", he said with a nod.​
Empyrean had looked to Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis - and had considered asking her a question, but decided against it. Instead, he turned further to look towards Kai'lyn Kai'lyn . Another who has come to listen, and he would not take that from them. He gave them a gentle, subtle nod and looked to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius - a man who had already openly declared himself hunting Empyrean's head.​
"You are right the Sith bring order and stability - but it is fleeting. Would it surprise you to learn that there exists a guiding hand already, that stands above all things? It is the enemy you seek, that which destroyed the Sith Empire, and hunts for our Order still. It is an insidious foe, more so than any heretic or varlot you have encountered. It is the great deceiver, the denier of freedom.", he mused as he looked to Alisteri's apprentice.​
"It is a great thing to want to destroy slavery. In that, our goals align perfectly - but I seek the greatest enslaver. Temper that hunger you feel, child, for losing your self control is the chains the code speaks of. It is self awareness that gives us power, keeps us capable and strong - a Sith who falls to their own hubris will die to their own hubris. Insidious and internal as it is."​
To Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr he looked and listening before replying;​
"Perfection, growing under conflict, these are strong ideals in line with our code - but mastery over the force is a falsehood. There is no mastery, only escalation. Mind that."​
"And you are correct, but suffer from the lack of scope Sith of every generation do, Darth Aion Darth Aion . That which shackles is not attachments as Darth Malgus laid out, nor anything else. It is not the Jedi, it is not ourselves, but something much greater.", he continued.​
"Do you know what my goal has been since I was a child?", he asked them, rhetorically.​
"It has been to be free of chains. In that, the Sith Code spoke to me as a young man with no name, only chains to mark me as a slave. In my youth, I imagined power as a means to freedom - and so I attained it. I gave myself a name, title and all in Darth Maliphant. Still, I was chained by circumstance - the Empires, the Sith, and all that came with it. I decided to be free, I must be indepedent. In doing so, I created the IGBC, became the richest man in the galaxy and dominated galactic trade in its totality. Still, providence sought to take me from my place as the greatest, and I was not yet free. There was visions, guiding power to something more.", he mused as he gently prodded a gilded marble wine cup before him.​
"I sought more, and more. I became a dangerous opponent, a philosopher of my time, broached the very unknown aspects of the Force to understand theorem after theorem, power after power. The Telos Holocron, Valkorian's Holocron, everything I could get my hands on. I absorbed it. Endlessly.", he mused as he recalled.​
"In the end, I relied on the Worm Emperor for greater power - and in doing so, granted myself nothing but death at his and the Jedi's hands."​
He was silent for a moment, but his face was unreadable.​
"Now, I have overcome even death - I am immortal so long as my will survives. I can not be cut down, I can not be stood against. There is nothing in the galaxy left but for me to conquer it by will and force - and yet there is pressure to my power, a response. The Galaxy demands I die, demands I surrender myself in every waking moment, and that I do not return. It fears me, demands you all here recognize me as death. Demands the galaxy to recognize my death."​
He looked up at this to them.​
"And I have denied it, because my will is stronger than the Galaxy's."​
"The Galaxy has a will, and it demands us to follow - it guides the Jedi through visions, through wholeness and oneness with the Galaxy. They hear its cries and respond to it like a mother sheep to her bleating children. Where it demands, they go so that they may bring balance. The common man, the Imperial, the bounty hunter sees opportunity put before him by fate and gambles on it to see his success. The Sith...", he said as he readjusted.​
"The Sith are not fooled by the Great Deceiver, because unlike the others our power comes from our self. Our identity, our emotions. It is fundamentally individualistic - but it is how we attach ourselves to the mortal world that allows for our destruction. Hubris, attachments, material things. All these drive Sith to forget and fail - as they have time and time again. But Sith are eternal, implicit to the Galaxy as we see its inherent contradictions, its cycles, and declare it anathema."​
"The reason I say all this - is that despite whatever your goals may be, so long as they are placed in the material, the sciences, the conquests, the power, the individual, you will fall into the trappings of Fate eventually. It is Fate that will see you turn to dust in its grindstones, and only by recognition and vigilance, and eventually power can you overcome it."​
"Until then, nothing can be trusted. No system, no enemies, no friends - Fate must be destroyed at its core before we can rely on the natural processes, to understand the merit of any system or idea. Until then, nothing else matters.", he said.​
"Have you felt this deceiver before?", he pondered to them, posed to them.​

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder

Gerwald sat at one side of Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , and across from Srina Talon Srina Talon . Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath had insisted Gerwald wear a suit when the invitation stated that it was formal attire. She had been the only one which could actually convince the wolf to wear such a restrictive outfit without much argument. He protested the tie, however, and opted to forgo it. Gerwald justified that the suit Naedira had picked out for him had enough color that a tie was not needed.

They would be seated together, naturally the dress and radiance of his mate outshone anything the wolf would be seen in. It was right that all eyes were focused on her when they were in a room together. She was the better looking of the two. Even Gerwald had a difficult time keeping his eyes off of her, though the smell of blood and iron drew them to his plate.



He looked at the Emperor with a smirk. Their ruler was showing off, and Gerwald understood the maneuver. As far as the wolf was concerned his favorite meal was no secret. His eyes flicked over to his Echani mistress, nodding a small thank you with a cant of his head.

It did not take long for the invited guests to begin speaking when the question was poised. Some of the voices were the usual suspects. Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , Revna Revna , and Darth Strosius Darth Strosius were the most familiar. Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf was in attendance as well. Darth Aion Darth Aion was different from the others. He had a distinct scent about him, one Gerwald knew too well.


Gerwald let his eyes rest on the masked figure for a moment before turning his gaze to the rest. Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch was around the table. Gerwald did not trust him at all. He was a loose canon. Diodoros Diodoros , Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar , Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis , @Kai’lyn, Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro , were faces Gerwald did not know. Some of the names he did, but his time in the Confederacy only saw him interacting with the galaxy on a larger scale toward its end. Just because he had not known them before did not diminish their significance.

They all spoke, and they all had their own ideas. None of them came to the most basic of the fundamental truths they followed as Sith.

The Force shall set me free.

Gerwald was about to speak when the voice of the emperor broke through the guests once more.

He listened.


The wolf had known Maliphant. How could he not have. The slave, as he had once been called, had just come into Srina’s life when Gerwald was recovering from the torture he suffered at the hands of Darth Prazutis. It pained him to hear the man reference his chains, only for the wolf to identify with it. Gerwald had been held bound by his own chains. While they had not been physical, they had been just as real.

Images of his mother and her lies filled his mind. Naedira would see them through their bond. They evoked too much emotion for the wolf to keep them from her. Gerwald freed his sister from her chains. They killed their parents. All of them eventually made their way to the Confederacy, though his siblings would each leave eventually. His mind and soul had not been settled, not with the constant abandonment or accusations of broken promises. It had not been until Naedira had taught him the Sith Code that the wolf understood why the force was so powerful.

“Through victory my chains are broken,” he said when Empyrean finished speaking.

“Naedira taught me that,” his eyes turned to her. “When I discovered what Darth Prazutis had done to her I promised that I would find a way to bring her back. The desire to defy what everyone told me, that I should just move on, that she was dead, it pushed me until finally a way presented itself.”

Gerwald looked to Srina.

“I became stronger only to learn there will always be someone stronger. I had stopped and redirected a force storm started by Darth Solipsis only to discover I was still not strong enough to separate Naedira from the devourer that held her. So yes, I have fallen captive to deception.”

He looked around the table to share the lesson he had learned.

“All of that taught me that if strength is what you want, if power is what you want you will never be satisfied.”

He looked back to Empyrean again.

“We do what we want because we can. It is an oversimplification. If we want the galaxy we take it because we can. If we do not want to, we sit back because we can. Though I would prefer to say that it is our aim to shape the galaxy into what we want it to be.”


A tall man entered the room, brushing aside the door with a thin, spidery hand. His clothing was simple, crude even; a set of armored robes that were covered in macabre totems. Small bones clattered and clinked as he moved, and his body reeked of grave mold and embalming chemicals. His face was hidden by a delicate, stylized mask of the sort worn at funerals on some worlds.

He took a seat, at the chair shown to him. His plate was empty. Of course it was. He could barely restrain a roll of his sunken eyes. He could eat, of course, but did not need to, and it was never in the nature of the rotting tyrants at the top to give one more than one needed. The message was a clear, if heavy-handed one, that even his reclusive habits were not beyond the gaze of the Order. It was also a sign of weakness. A strong ruler needed no such reminders of his power. Real power was self-evident and effortless. He'd respond to the dramatic display in an equally dramatic fashion once he'd settled in.

In truth, he didn't know why he'd come. He'd refused or ignored endless summons from countless parties over the years, ranging from polite invitations to demands. He'd hoped the message had sunk in that he wished to be left alone.

Apparently, it hadn't. The Order was as myopic as he remembered, a fact hammered home by their discussions and debates over things that hardly mattered. He listened for a long while, then sighed. Temporal concerns for temporal beings. He rapidly grew bored of the usual bloviating, self-aggrandizing, and vapid philosophical navel-gazing, causing his attention to wander back to the plate.

He lifted the dish up, inspecting it. A simple, if beautiful ceramic. White, like bone. A mockery, if one predictably lacking in self-awareness. He gave a humorless smile under his black funereal mask. He'd be a poor guest if he didn't eat what he was given. He reached up, cracking the plate in half with a snap that echoed around the room, and took a loud, crunching bite from one piece. "The Emperor's fare is as generous as I remembered." His voice was surprisingly soft, youthful, and musical, even though his words came around mouthfuls of plate.

The sharp shards sliced the inside of his mouth, and dark reddish blood flowed. It trickled freely as he spoke, running in tiny rivers over the bones festooning his clothing. "It seems to me only one person here speaks anything like sense, to my subjective ears. Lady Raaf." He said, pointing a too-long finger. "Stagnation is death, and if there's one thing I understand, it's death. If you wish to continue existing, at least for a time, then you must move and change. The Jedi you all hate so much have. They are not the gentle warrior-monks of yesteryear, as many have learned to their cost. Of course, death is not so bad." He said, dabbing blood from his face with an expensive cloth napkin snatched from the table.

"Not so bad, but in time, all things must end. That is a fact. Not an opinion. Opinions and philosophizing are of little use. As this is a fact, it logically follows that nothing you do matters, now or ever, at least in the objective sense. Crush the stars, trample all who oppose you underfoot, rule the galaxy until the universe itself sputters and dies, but eventually, it will end. Any claim to the contrary is delusion, and delusion has plagued the Sith long enough. What then, is one to do?"

"Choose meaning for yourself, of course. Or do not, it matters little either way. One of the pleasant aspects of nothing mattering is that right and wrong don't matter. Laws and rules and codes don't matter. Including those about vivisection. The remarkable thing about vivisection is that it lays bare the soul as well as the body. I like to chat with my subjects as I work, and I feel I have a large enough sample size now to state something with authority. At the end of the day, regardless of age, gender or species, there are really only three kinds of people."

He finished his meal, having devoured the plate entirely, and licked his fingers in a show of mocking appreciation. "Everyone reacts to the truth of the universe in one of three ways. The weak break down in despair. They fall to debauchery, addiction, and self-destruction. The foolish follow codes or religions made by others, in the belief they are of worth. The strong forge their own, carve their truth from the still-wriggling flesh of the cosmos like a boneworm paring meat from a corpse. A shame the cosmos will never notice, but you can still get your piece of the feast."

"My truth is, again, somewhat in line with Lady Raaf's. All that matters to me is learning. Wars and conquests and thrones are ephemeral things, here one century and gone the next. None will remember them, or remember any of you for chasing them. Truth is the only truly immortal thing in the universe, and it will remain long after all at this table are gone. Pursuing it is as close as flesh gets to touching the divine. So really, I suppose you have two choices. Chase the only thing that matters, or waste time with anything at all else. The majority of the Order electing to do the latter is why I rarely socialize like this, charming though the company is. The only law that really matters is the law of the grave, and the worm, and all things save Truth bend the knee in time."

"My compliments to your chef, my Emperor. I've not had so thoughtful a meal in a long while. Dour talk for a dinner, though. How is everyone else? Doing well with your, erm... whatever it is you all do? I confess I rarely pay attention, with my studies being so time-consuming."

"That's the pleasant thing about the Sith. Oh, there's a dogmatic, stodgy element of course, but in reality everyone here has such a delightful diversity of opinions. The Code of the Sith, and the Code of the Worm, of the Universe, when boiled down to their purest essentials, state to do whatever you will. Be free. Everything else is commentary."



Location: Mon Mors

Tags: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Srina Talon Srina Talon Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Kai'lyn Kai'lyn Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch Diodoros Diodoros Revna Revna Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Aion Darth Aion Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Carthus of House Marr Carthus of House Marr

Dress: His Long black kimono, with a matching robe going around it and white and red flowers decorating it.

Gear: -Hologram Projecting Droid

-Two Lightsabers hidden in his belt

-Personal Surgical Tools

-His Razor Fingernails are firmly in place

-Implants turned on and running

-Darth Udezi's Legacy

The invitation was unexpected, but given he had managed to preform well in presenting his ideas in front of the war council Charles was not surprised. It was actually the purpose of the invitation that bothered him. Given his relatively new nature to their political game it made him suspicion of the true intention of this meal… even as he was guided into the room on that was to be held in the Mors Mon. If he had to be honest the highlight for him was a chance to see the ship up close and personal… and see its inside. The food laid out had no interest to the former Admiral.

No he tended to only eat in private in order to hide the injuries that covered his face from those around him. So while he was appreciative of the Emperors… wait… that was when he realized that at his place at the table was just that. A lack of a meal, and only a simple drink. It proved to him what he had suspected about the customized servings for each guest. A show of power among the opulence. One that he could respect because of it's subtle nature. Show… not tell. Actions always spoke louder than words with Charles and he gave a thankful bow in the direction of the Emperor.

The question asked of them, which seemed so easily answered by some, or left without an answer by others left the surgeon stumped. What did he want? What was his ambition? Compared to that of the usual Sith he had noticed that he personally had a certain lack of the former. At least in regard to his personal ambition. Maybe this was a time to speak his mind, and hear the words of the Emperor and seek from it some level of guidance… he had been out of it for too long… so a little 'reshaping' was in order,

"Why is it that I am Sith… Emperor that is the easier part to answer. It Is because we have acknowledged the Force for what it is, and how it is an extension of our base human natures. Turning it into a tool to get exactly what we want without silly thing like a moral obligation to the Force itself… as I have no moral obligation to any other weapon I use." Anything else beyond being a Sith to him was window-dressings and trapping that Charles didn't mind dressing up in for the purpose of further his own ambitions, and it was as he spoke he found those easier to express as well,

"I have lived my life in service to the state, be that one state or another. It has always brought me satisfaction and so my ambition has always just been able to do that." He paused and twirled his drink, "Sadly recently setbacks have happened and in that regard I feel my capacity to provide that service… is unsatisfactory. They are only temporary… as I will be made whole again. In more ways than one I believe…"
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It was Darth Aion Darth Aion that spoke after him, Malum quirking his eyebrows, knowing he was the last of those that had entered the room thus far, which likely meant they were to receive the answer from Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean soon... though whether that was for good or ill, was a very open question. Still, as he drummed his fingers along the table, waiting, he considered Darth Aion's perspective, the beginning was simple enough, that he desired to gather and consolidate strength... and he restated what Malum had already been told, he remained ever the scion of Darth Nihilus.

Perhaps not in the way that Malum was the scion of the great Darth Marr, he doubted that... wound, in the Force had any capability to further his line, if his powers, if his hunger, would have allowed that.

Yet... they did both wear their respective forefather's masks, if even Malum's was a forgery, a copy, a replica.

The real... the real was held by his family for thousands of years, the ashen, cracked, broken, and melted thing.

That ever so called out to them all.

He noted idly that his amulet was awake, it was of little surprise, with Revna Revna nearby.

Malum continued to listen, only to quickly grow annoyed. They might share great legacies that they desired to overcome, to grow even greater from, yet that was where their similarities ended. Full courtship of the Force?


What point was there to break your chains, only to be held in a cage?

Yet he would not say a word, nor express an emotion, not only due to the fact that he believed the man that he had once salvaged from his dead ship would still be useful.

But because the Emperor began to speak, and Malum...

...Found his eyes glimmering with each word that was said.

He addressed each and every one of them... calmly... without the simmering, cold, anger and rage that he always seemed to be defined as. Yet... that was not what had taken his attention, his answers... why were they so...

To Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf he spoke of a limit, a barrier that stopped them from advancing further beyond.

To Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch he spoke of all... all being slaves, not in the regard that slavery could be said of most things, not slaves in the literal sense, not slaves in the sense of being unable to control oneself...

...Could it be...?

To Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar , Malum's breath was growing heavy, what generates those patterns... that was what he declared his enemy.

What kind of sick joke was the Emperor was playing on him?

To Ali- Darth Strosius Darth Strosius ...

...Malum made fists with his hands, as he felt nails tear into flesh, as he felt his heart tear.

It was too much.

There exists a guiding hand already, that stands above all things?

That which destroyed the Sith Empire, and hunts for our Order still.

It is an insidious foe, more so than any heretic or varlot you have encountered.

It is the great deceiver, the denier of freedom.

He could not be talking of anyone else... anything else.

There was someone else... someone else that believed...

...Someone else who believed exactly as he did. He knew what the Eternalist faith preached, upon their rostrum towards the plebeians that knew no matter than accepting the salvation of the powers that be, but what did the... hoi polloi know of philosophy of true belief? They saw their distant God, and bowed.

They were told to worship at the altar of the great Sith, and they did eagerly, blindly or pragmatically, it mattered little.

To surrender oneself to be understandable, destroyed the nuance of what one preached. For all he knew, for all he had once been enamoured by the Eternalists, he had been convinced that they had lost their way, lost themselves to their cult and religiousity, rather than... the truth.

But their head... the immortal tyrant.

Knew still.

Knew exactly like he did.

I seek the greatest enslaver.

The Emperor had said to Revna...

Did not Malum too?

As his metallic orbs rested on him, every part of Malum's body demanded, begged him to turn away and look away, yet as red met black, he could not turn away, even as shivers stabbed up and down his spine, as he felt sweat in his palms, as he felt his heart beat a mile a minute, for the first time, he was not everything Malum knew for a fact that he was.

He was not the Sith Emperor.

He was not the immortal tyrant.

He was not the man that terrified him so.

He was not the Dead God, the Corpse King, the Carcass Lord.

He was... a kindred spirit.

Mastery over the force is a falsehood. There is no mastery, only escalation.

Malum swallowed his thoughts, nodding slightly, as he shut his eyes, a blink that perhaps went a moment too long, as a low hiss escaped his mind, as she, the fragment of Darth Ophidia stirred awake, seeming... to finally take note, take an interest in the proceedings. Malum could not know what she intended, yet she for now remained... without crippling him. Curiosity? Or a warning?

Malum could never tell.

As Malum kept listening, held at rapt attention at every word spoken out of him. Much of what he said, Malum knew, from memories of what he had learned looking through Tsis'Kaar archives and... memories that he knew were not his. Yet to be given the history, the story right from the source, to have it be used to explain his own motivations... rationalisations... or at least what he wished to convey to them for whatever purpose he held.


It was an opportunity not many would receive.

And the more he spoke, the more he said.

Malum felt himself be brought low.

Rhys knew exactly what he spoke of, yet ever still avoided speaking of exactly what he meant.

Until the question.

And Malum's breath was taken away.

"...We have all felt it... it who touches all which has life and all which has not... the greater being that holds a will, known as Fate, known as Destiny, known as God... it who desires and plays puppeteer for an impossible balance," Malum began to speak, shakily at first before growing in confidence, unblinking as he stared deeply into the metal orbs, wanting, needing, this to all be true, "The Force itself." Malum finally breathed out.

Blood rushed to his ears, as others entered the room, as others spoke.

As Darth Daimen spoke an Ur-Kittat that he understood, but held no will to respond to.

As Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner and Charles Castex Charles Castex gave their own answers.

As a masked stranger, whom Malum did not even realise, made his amulet burn ever hotter, entered the room, and spoke his words.

His eyes never left his Emperor.

The Emperor which he had never felt so... suddenly attached.

Carthus of House Marr Carthus of House Marr Diodoros Diodoros Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis Kai'lyn Kai'lyn Srina Talon Srina Talon Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro
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As the golden brute sat there he listened idly to many of the other attendants. Many of whom seemed to answer the main question asked in their own ways. Some spoke as though they were veterans, others newer recruits. One of which being a certain patriarch of House Marr. The Sith that Diodoros owed his status to here in Sith high society.

Soon enough however, his excruciating patients were finally rewarded once his food had arrived. It was primarily composed of meat from various mega-fauna from the galaxy. Just by looking at it, one could see that everything was high in protein. An important dietary staple for a Firrerreo, especially one as athletic as himself. He grinned down at his platter, flashing his prominent canines as he did so.

Far from proper etiquette, Diodoros simply grabbed the roasted leg of what had once been part of some large bird. He didn’t make any effort to cut or prepare for anything. Instead just biting into it and ripping off chunks to chow down on. He continued to listen to the others speaking about their goals and dreams while idly eating from his oversized drumstick.

When it seemed like there was finally a moment for him to speak the gilded brute would open his mouth for something other than stuffing his face. “Um well right now for goals, I got my eyes set on getting myself a new flag ship. I think that would be pretty cool. I gotta get it from the Corporate Sector though. It’s an old ship though. It’s called an ‘Incredible-Class Dreadnaught', or something like that. The name alone caught my eye so that’s what I’ve been looking to achieve. Then I can really take my freebooting to the next level.” His aspirations weren’t nearly as grand as the others he shared the table with, and was actually a pretty short term goal all things considered. But Diodoros wasn’t the kind of guy that had big schemes or plans for the future.

“Oh, and there’s this Jedi lady too. She promised me a fight a while back and I still wanna hold her to it, and uh… hmmmm…” His thoughts trailed off for a moment as he idly thought of other things to share with those around. “I think after this dinner, I’ll put all the food into leg day tomorrow after meal prep. I guess that’s about it.” Diodoros saw no issue with ending his statement on rather mundane fitness goals. He was far from the introspective type. Now he was even finishing up on his drumstick. Biting down on it hard, he managed to crack and break the tough bone within it. He appeared to have no issue with eating either. Chowing down on it as naturally as a hyena would.

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