Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The world through a canvas

It wasn’t uncommon for feelings of melancholy to bubble up in Arthion. Moody by nature, the young Knight often found herself pensive, thinking about some trouble or another, whether it be a matter as mundane as having her outfit ripped or as complex as tackling the deep social inequalities the galaxy faced.

Often, she found that action helped more than simply thinking about the matter. As a Sentinel, she often found herself in far-flung planets, helping with some matter or another. Though she wasn’t keen on following the capricious whims of the Force, she often found it was a good way to reach someplace that needed her help, as if honing her instincts, morphing from a simple feeling to something that guided her.

It was what brought her here, to this little backwater in the Outer Rim—and one that bore a story similar to many of its ilk: a place too far from the reach of any governmental oversight, taken over by criminals that terrorised the population. Dislodging them was not easy… but it was nothing she hadn’t done before. Stoking the courage of the people, assessing how the criminals maintained their control, removing them with a proper and structured plan, and remaining thereafter to ensure the people could settle back into normalcy in the fallout of it all.

However, it sometimes wasn’t enough. Arthion pondered and questioned: how safe were these people, truly? Would they be able to maintain order after she was gone, or would chaos reign?

She didn’t know.

And now, Arthion found herself in the woods overseeing the capital city itself. It was peaceful, and from here, the troubles of the city seemed smaller somehow. Staring down at it, something slowly spawned within Arthion’s mind: a painting, slowly given form in her vivid imagination, possibilities swirling within…

It was a good thing she happened to have her canvas with her.

Setting it up, Arthion began, allowing her emotions and instincts to guide her strokes. There was no pause to think or ponder, her hand seemingly guided by something beyond logic and form. Despite this, she painted expertly, slowly building an idyllic scene based on the view before her… yet it was as if her inner turbulence bled into the canvas, shifting the image to something else. She poured her emotions out and into the canvas, the roiling feelings within almost as a beacon to other Force sensitives… but surely, she was alone.


Kahne Porte Kahne Porte
"I've spoken with the local authorities and things seemed to have slowed down. There are other Jedi here that are assisting with the problem. That's why things have eased up so quickly. We are keepers of the peace after all. I'm going to stay a few more days before I head back. I love you, and I'll see you soon sweetheart." The Jedi Master closed the communication array after sending the message to Alexandra Porte Alexandra Porte

More often here lately he found himself on these ventures out in the galaxy. He was a fifty year old battle hardened Jedi Master, you would think he would want to slow down. But truth be told he didn't want too. It seemed like the older he got the more he wanted to be in the frontlines again. However he took these contracts and such to help those that the Alliance didn't have much communication with. This particular mission was sent to him directly from Jedi contacts around the galaxy and near the planet.

Help the helpless and defend all this good and right. He told Alexandra that he would slow down but he didn't want too.

Unknowing to him, his ship was docked about a mile from where Arthion Aesatra Arthion Aesatra was.

Kahne spent his time exploring and checking out the surrounding areas, and it was there that he would stumble upon her.

He felt a strong presence in the force, a strong light. The force was strong within this individual. He manuevered through the path and around the trees swiftly, yet carefully. He could see her painting, from his view of what he could see it was very good.

That is beautiful... The Jedi Master spoke through the force, as he stood with his hands behind his back.

He then spoke, hopefully he didn't disturb her too much.

"Forgive my intrusion, My name is Kahne Porte, Jedi Master. I was scouting the area, and I sensed your presence. What is your name my friend?" The Jedi Master asked, showing her a smile.
Arthion was immersed in her painting, allowing her feelings and instincts to guide her brushstrokes, slowly but surely giving form to the images that were on her mind. It wasn’t a methodical approach—her vision for the painting changed constantly, and yet she adapted to this change, building the seemingly dissonant images into one whole.

She barely noticed the slight tingling at the edge of her senses, at first. When she was focused like this, the entire world seemed to melt away, leaving just her and whatever it was she was doing—a dangerous habit in some places, but one that gave her some measure of mental stability when she felt herself slipping.

Soon, though, the tingling sensation morphed into something more concrete. A presence. She paused her painting just in time to hear an unfamiliar voice sound out from behind her. Arthion paused, body pivoting and head turning in Kahne’s direction.

She didn’t offer immediate response, instead regarding him with sharp eyes and poised demeanour. She was youthful, though, and looked to be no older than twenty, if even that.

After a moment, she spoke. Her voice was soft, but confident and firm.

“Arthion Aesatra. Knight and Sentinel.” She introduced herself, offering a small curtsy by way of greeting, “I had heard of another Jedi assisting elsewhere, but I hadn’t expected to meet. How do you do?”

Kahne Porte Kahne Porte
"Pleasure." The Jedi Master responded easily enough as he gave her a nod and then glanced over her painting for several more seconds. It had been quite some time since he had seen actually art before. He thought back to his visits to Hapes and such, that was the last time he had been in the presence of such things.

“I had heard of another Jedi assisting elsewhere, but I hadn’t expected to meet. How do you do?”

"As did I." Kahne said as he walked a few feet passed taking a look through the small clearing at the city in the distance.

"It seems we are here on common cause. No doubt our combined efforts assisted in removing the problem before it got any worse." Kahne turned back to the woman.

"I am doing well, for the most part. Do you paint often?" He asked curiously.

Arthion Aesatra Arthion Aesatra

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