From the mire I feel them, two more personalities my mind and spirit have become infinitely aware. [member="Marselia Urstalis"] is grieving and shocked, and who could come rescue her for the moment but [member="Xephirus"] my new and morose Military Advisor. It comes to me as I float in the bacta that my greatest achievements have been few, but their impact has many ripples in the sea of this place and this dimension. More than not, I feel the grief compounding, I hear the chatter of my compatriots through the muck but more it's like drifting through an ocean. The sheer temptation to follow my giggling, lullaby singing son to the life hereafter is still clinging down on me. I embrace it, a mother in want of motherhood, but devoid of the ability to keep it.
If only Jared were here. Alas, he'd be in bacta too, or in surgery more like. Sepsis was a horrible way to die. Still, if I'm going to live I'd better do it right. Lia is grieving and all she's got is Xephirus and his coaxing hand. My inner mental voice projects out to both of them, I continue to tap my fingers onto my thumb one at a time in sequence.
'Hold on, Lia. It's going to be okay. You did good. Trust Xephirus, he's a companion of mine and he'll take care of you. Sorry you had to find out this way, Xeph. . . Jared's alright isn't he? Jared Ovmar? Alive, at least. . . why do you still need me? What am I good for? Could use a pep talk right ab-' my mental voice cuts it as the pacemaker jolts my heart again. I shake in the bacta, quivering in a convulsion. My eyes dim.