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Approved Tech The Wraith Blades

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  • Intent: Personal weapons for Palm-Imer.
  • Image Source: link.
  • Canon Link: N/a.
  • Permissions: N/a.
  • Primary Source: Guard-shoto lightsaber.



  • Translucent and silent blades due to ghostfire crystals.
  • Perpendicular grip handle can be dismounted, enabling use as regular shoto lightsabers with a slightly longer hilt.
  • Internal structure presents notable differences to that of a standard lightsaber.


  • Wraith Blades: Due to the use of ghostfire crystals as their core, the blades of these guard-shoto lightsabers are dim, nearly translucent, completely silent and create after-images when in movement. These characteristics make them remarkably stealthier and more difficult to keep track of than the average lightsaber, offering a great advantage by keeping the element of surprise or creating an additional distraction that can be exploited during combat.
  • Lightsaber resistant: Their phrik casing makes the hilts resistant to lightsabers, granting considerable protection against sun djem techniques when dueling other lightsaber users.
  • Waterproof: The use of a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse enables the use of the lightsabers underwater or in heavy rain with no inherent risk of malfunction.
  • Adaptable: Their design makes them very adaptable weapons. The use of a specially modified emitter matrix allows for the regulation of the blade according to the user's needs: it can be made thinner, more precise and powerful or a bit wider for better coverage and defense, a concealed regulator found on the main hilt allows these adjustments. The perpendicular hilt can be easily dismounted to allow the use of the lightsabers as regular shotos and even while not ignited, they can act as decent blunt-force weapons.
  • Secure: Having both a trapped grip and a concealed activation stud, it is highly unlikely that anyone who is not intimately familiarized with the lightsabers' design will manage to ignite them. Moreover, an electrical discharge may harm the wielder if the trapped grip isn't deactivated within five seconds of grasping either one of the hilts unless they wear non-conductive protection.


  • Lightsaber-resistant materials: They cannot easily cut through lightsaber-resistant materials such as beskar ore, phrik or songsteel and will malfunction if they enter in contact with cortosis.
  • Shorter range: Their blades are shorter than that of a standard lightsaber, limiting the user's reach.
  • Volatile: When the emitter matrix is used to modify the regular dimensions and potency of the blades, these become volatile. The thinner, more intense variation is considerably harder to control while the wider one, albeit offering more coverage, is weaker than the regular blade and therefore not as reliable.
  • No true power regulation: The blades' power regulator knob was sacrificed in favor of the modified emitter matrix system. Their power is set in each of their versions (thin, regular or wide) and can only be changed via the use of the Force (Alter Damage).
  • Intricate design: Should the lightsabers be damaged or lose their careful calibration, their reparation would prove to be even more difficult than that of a standard lightsaber. Not only is their design complex and delicate, the materials employed in their construction are rare and costly. It took Palm years to make them, it would take her at least months to restore them.

It was at a very young age that Palm-Imer chose the tonfa batons as her weapon of choice. Providing a fluid transition between defense and offense while excelling at close-quarters-combat made such weapons remarkably favorable to Palm's preferred combat style, and she soon developed a very marked preference for them, feeling confident and safe while wielding them.

Her connection to these weapons was such that a special pair of training guard-shotos were provided so that she would continue to improve and grow with these weapons while she apprenticed at the Order of the Soller Navah. Once she had finished her hand-to-hand training in Ky'ret martial arts, she continued adding to her repertoire and honing her skills by making the tonfa batons the main feature of her armed combat training.

When the time came to give up the training sabers and forge her own true weapons, Palm took the time to design them carefully and patiently with the guidance of her masters. Originally, the guard-shotos had amber-colored kyber crystals as their core, but although proud of her work Palm was not fully satisfied with the result of her efforts. She would continue to tinker with her sabers, trying to perfect them, and as a result they became unique and complicated.

A couple of years later while on a survival training drill in the wilderness of the mountains of Geminidae, Palm came across a broken rock sitting at the bottom of a stream that contained ghostfire crystals. After refining them and attuning them, they became the new core of her guard-shotos, and then she knew her work had finally ended. Her fellow soll'nav dubbed them the "wraith blades", because of the properties that the mountain crystals bestowed upon the sabers.
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