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"The Wrong Jedi" Preview - Next Episode of the Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

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Well-Known Member
Sick. Hey, who thinks that Baris Offee is framing Ahsoka? I mean we know the culprit is female, a Jedi, knew where the person would be in the works, and it is possible that there is a motive here we just don't know what it is yet. Excited about this one, we could be getting close to finding out what happens to Ahsoka before 66 :D
They're making it out to be her. If it is her, she's being manipulated or controlled. The thing is, she's still alive, well, and respected when Order 66 comes around. If this was just her own doing, then she wouldn't be leading missions later.


The first Trandoshan
No, for the last time. THE CLONE WARS IS C-CANNON!!!!! If they do anything that contradicts the G-Cannon it's n-cannon. That means they can't make Barris a bad guy, otherwise if would be wrong. And I would have to walk over to their HQ and slap them in the face!
Well-Known Member
Well despite the canon rules whatever George Lucas says (up until the Disney thing) goes, regardless of established rules. Kind why nobody likes him nowadays. Since the new Clone Wars were started by him the, "Creator makes up the rules as he goes" rule applies. Of course he is no longer contributing any more, but I would assume that some of these seasons had their plots written out before Lucas was bought out. Just a thought.
Well-Known Member
err scratch that. But anyway, where is Offee approved of G-Canon good guy in Revenge of the Sith? They can turn people you know, and she certainly isn't in any of the Original Trilogy.
To think that Lucas isn't contributing is naive. He is still a force in the company, the largest single stock owner in disney, blah blah blah.

Also, where do we see Baris Offee doing anything in RotS? We don't. I think we see her master. But that's it.
I also don't believe in tiers of Canon. I believe in what makes sense with what fits into the fabric of star wars, thus starting at the movies and then going on down. I typically favor anything visual above all. That being the cartoon and the comics.
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