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Approved NPC The Xendori Elite

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  • Intent: Create a cool NPC unit attached to one of the original groups of the Sith Empire
  • Image Credit: Click - / Image edits by myself
  • Role: Dark Side Enforcers, Military Executors, Jedi Hunters
  • Links:
    Dark Side Elite


  • Availability: Unique
  • Deployment: Limited
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
    Dark Side Warriors: The Xendori Elite are hand-picked from the ranks of the Xendori Guard by the Emperor himself, each warrior embodied with great mastery over the Dark Side of the Force by his will. They have considerable skill in telekinesis, telepathy, and the three aspects of control, sense, and alter. They are particularly fond of using Force Lightning, Force Choke, Force Speed, Dopplegänger, Force Slow, and Force Horror. Each member is trained to master one particular Lightsaber form, encompassing all seven collectively.
  • Only Seven; No More, No Less: Only seven Xendori Elite will exist at any given time, and if one of the Elite perishes then another Dark Jedi will be appointed by the Emperor to replace them. Though formidable opponents, their limited number hinders their effectiveness against numerically superior foes.
  • Force Voids: Anywhere that an absence of the Force is created, Ysalamiri, Void Stones, etc, has proven to be particularly dangerous, and potentially lethal, to the members of the Xendori Elite. Though they are formidable warriors, without the Force they lose much of their edge. Concentrated blaster fire coupled with anti-Force zones can bring down the entire group if they're not cautious.
  • Melee-oriented Gear: The Elite do not use ranged weapons in any circumstances, they are solely melee-inspired warriors of the Dark Side. They often make up for this lack of range by including typical soldiers in their retinues, or by using the Force to close the distance or goad the enemy into coming to them.


For eons, there has always been a discernable difference between those who wield the Dark Side, and those who follow the ancient creed of the Sith. Though the Sith have often disavowed the Dark Jedi for the weak, self-serving anarchists they often tended to become, the latest incarnation of the Sith Empire has gone an extra step further in integrating the Dark Jedi into their own.

They are called the Xendori Guard, and they serve at the pleasure of the Dark Lord of the Sith.

But there are those among them who display qualities idealized in the Sith religion, and while they can never truly be Sith themselves they have been afforded a great privilege in becoming one of the Xendori Elite. This seven-man team is comprised of the greatest warriors of the Xendori Guard, armed with light-weight phrik armor and lightsaber pikes, they are the arbiters of the Dark Lord's anger and hatred.

Tasked with leading specialized military regiments into battle, and hunting down Jedi, the Xendori Elite are a group worthy of fear and scorn.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Image Credit: Image edits by myself (Original image's website has since been deleted and cannot be accessed)
Include the defunct website to properly credit the image, even if it's no longer there anymore.

Affiliation: The Sith Empire, the Xendori Guard
Provide a link for the Xendori Guard. I'm sure there's a topic in the repository within TSE's faction discussion forum.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
[member="Darth Carnifex"]

Please swap the Lone Warrior Disadvantage weakness for another. Given the vast language describing their various and significant strengths, reasons for their selection, and general competencies, I've doubts of their prowess dropping so significantly because they're detached from a group being a realistic weakness. A single Elite is still a master of the Force and expert with a lightsaber.
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