Tenebris In Lucem
He awoke and lifted himself over her, giving her a gentle kiss on her forehead. "[member="Breanna Volsh"]." He whisper quietly lowering his head and placing his ear lightly on her stomach. As if trying to hear the little ones, there was apart of him feeling he excitement of having little ones. But there was the part of him that knew that there will have to be a huge change in him in order to raise the little ones. He knew the he couldn't leave her side for his personal missions as often as he did before in order for him to help raise the little ones. There was always the option, if they were force sensitive, he would send them to the Sanctum. He let out a sigh, could he really do that like his family did to him and leaving them with a master and never see them again? Doubtful. He held Bree closely almost as if he didn't want to let go and raised his head once more to kiss her lightly on her lips.