Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Theelin Here!

Hi everybody! I am looking forward to playing here. I've played on a Harry Potter rpg before so I know forums.
I want my character to start out as a civilian that sort of gets swept up in something. Would that be possible here?
[member="Ruby Sky"]

Welcome to Chaos, and hope you enjoy your stay here. Also to answer your question - For me the most reliable way to link people's name in your posts or 'tag' them is to use the following command -

[ member="Name of Person You wish to tag" ]

Just remove the spaces after and before the brackets and include the quotation marks. You can also do @Their Name, but I find that this command on occasion will not work.

Edit | You can also find groups or 'Factions' here in this subforum.
[member="Ruby Sky"]

Yes it did. As you probably can deduce, when you tag someone using any of the above mentioned methods, the person you tagged will receive a notification to let you know that you mentioned them (Though there are times when this does not occur, in which case the site is at fault and being buggy). The like button is simply there for you to give a like on a post you might have enjoyed - it's not connected to facebook or anything; think of it like an upvote on reddit or something like that.


[member="Ruby Sky"] - Welcome to the website! Please enjoy yourself while you are here. We love new people! :D


[member="Ruby Sky"] - Chaos prides itself on it's many whimsy stories from all over the galaxy. You'd do well to stop on by the Looking For Group sub-forum and check and see who's looking for partners and adventure.

Also, by selecting the Map from the Top Banner you're able to see a glimpse of the galaxy map with all the colorful factions and their current territories.

Naturally, I recommend all new folks focus first on creating a character for the verse that is very Star Wars flavored. Nothing better than throwing up a character sheet and letting the community take a look at your talent for themselves. And I have a feeling. You're going to do great. :D :p

Cheers Ruby!

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