Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master

- Intent: To create a home for Boo and Theo Heavenshield while in residence with the Silver Jedi on Kashyyyk
- Image Credit: Tree House | Boo's Bedroom | Théo's Bedroom | The Chiller | Boo's Pray Platform
- Canon: N/a
- Links: Théo and Boo's arrival to Kashyyyk, Théo and Boo locate new home location
- Structure Name: Yggdrasil
- Classification: Tree House
- Location: Kashyyyk
- Affiliation: Boo Heavenshield | Theo Heavenshield
- Accessibility: Private Access Only
- Security: Household security measures, standard locks with personalised keycard entry for outside doors. Windows have internal locks.
- Description: The house is located high in a Kashyyyk-wood tree. Metal frame otherwise the majority of the structure is wooden. Large windows to let in the dappled light filtering through the forest canopy. A fly foot bridge is the main point of entry to the house which extends to the lower floor of the forest, in case of emergencies there is a rope ladder long enough to reach the ground which is situated near the trunk of the tree.
- The Chiller - Cool room for Theo to escape the heat of Kashyyyk
- River Frontage - source of fresh water for drinking and bathing
- Fly Foot Bridge - suspension bridge for access to the main door, play area and pray platform
- Outdoor pray platform following the design and culture of the Primeval for Boo to respect his faith
- Lower level large platform, accessed by a the fly is Boo's playground and 'back yard'
- Standard rooms - kitchen, Boo's bedroom, Theo's bedroom, bathroom, living room, office space, etc.
After reuniting with Boo Chiyo on Ilum through the now disbanded Iron Empire, Theo developed a stronger connection with the young boy. Theo had become Boo's master in the force which further developed into a father son relationship, and in which Theo and Boo decided to adopt each other and become family officially.
Upon returning for the war on Thyferra, Theo decided it was well and truly time to return to The Order of the Silver Jedi and to be somewhat closer to his homeworld of Midvinter. Although he has a residence on his homeworld, Theo decided that to help provide for Boo, they needed a home on Kashyyyk in which they could live and he could give Boo something of a more stable home environment.