Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There is But One Penalty!

The nice thing about Warbird Wing was they didn’t have strange attack patterns. Attack Pattern Delta? C’mon Rogue Squadron, get with the program. Warbird had their own patterns, but they’d keep them to themselves until the time where they felt it was the best move for the ship and the crew to join the Empire. Privateers, was what they’d be called if this was the age of sail and steam. But for this? They’d be called private military contractors. Imperial mercenaries.

They still had time to get involved in the battle and the orders were coming in. Jared clicked up his comlink and reached out to the pilots. It was the kind of nudge that the other Force sensitive in the foursome would understand to be ‘tighten up’ and Two and Four would follow suit.

“Delta, Peregrine Lead, we’re incoming. We’ve got your tail.” Jared looked at the scanners switching to his cannons, time to start cleaning the yard. “Two, watch my six, Three, you get the two that break left.” He knew two would break left because he was going to hit the fighters on the right on their left wing. Split them up and chew them down. “Two, one… Go.” He ordered as he opened fire on the enemy fighters, rolling his Exalt to the right in order to pull a bank. He needed to get on the modifications of his fighter, maneuvering jets in space.

Then he could spin on a dime and catch the enemy off guard.

For now he was going to dog the fighters down, give Delta a minute reprieve and then take what objective they didn’t. Rolling, Jared organized his fighter in such a way to lead the fighter ahead of him. Target one, then two. Lasers firing, they caught the wing of one TIE, chewing it from the cockpit, sending the fighter into a spin. It was done, time to focus on the leader.

Three and Four were keeping their enemy occupied, not as well as Jared was, but NPCs weren’t heros. They had gotten themselves turned around and Four was taking damage to the shields while three was breaking off to get underneath. Three dimensional flying without G forces, the pilots of Warbird Wing trained to fly at 97% their compensator, and it gave them a bit of an advantage over their foes, feeling their ship. While Jared was off taking down one TIE, Three was applying a bit of damage to one of the TIEs while Four was getting their shields knocked down.

Stalling tactic until Jared came in to take them by surprise. It wasn’t the glory that had this tactic work, but knowing where the Ace in the hole was.

He was in combat, there was a whole lot less talking from the pilot.

[member="Kara Runo"]
[member="Usa'ar Obath"]
[member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Kara Runo"] [member="Jared Starchaser"] [member="Usa'ar Obath"] [member="SC-4486"]

Alva hadn't been trying to call anyone out, but there was plenty of time for dogfighting after they finished the task they were assigned to. After all, the star destroyers wouldn't wait forever and if they powered up their turbolasers they would have a lot of trouble. Plus if the enemy warships started moving they would only be that much harder to capture and collect when they called in the fleet. So while the crinan woman felt a little bad spoiling her the fun some of her squadron's pilots were having she knew they would get to it in a moment anyway so they just had to push through the bother for just a moment. . . . .although it would be a very long moment as the TIE Seekers of Skull Squadron duck and wove through the hail of laser fire from the docked capital ships defensive guns.

"Anyone who dies misses out on their pension and the after party. We'll make sure you still get a round at the last call, but I hope no one will need such a service done for them." Pulling on her controls, the Imperial Captain would turn her craft into a dive as she led her wingmates at the front of their assault on the star destroyers, drawing the majority of the enemy fire since they were in the lead. Point defense lasers may not have the greatest range, but they were highly accurate and a particular threat to bombers and the payloads they carried. However, a number of swifter fighters and interceptors aiming to merely lay an Ion Cannon Barrage had much more maneuverability to their motions going for them.

Still, Alva jolted in her cockpit as the fastener pulled her back to her seat after a point defense laser struck the edge of her starboard wing's solar panel, shaking her starfighter though the blast didn't penetrate her shields. All the same Alva grit her teeth and put her ship into a spiral as she guided her craft through the oncoming fire, powering up her ion cannon until at last the gap between herself and the command tower of the center star destroyer was closed and she unleashed a flurry of fire from her TIE Seeker as her Wingmates did the same, the blue ion fire splashing over the star destroyer's tower as the crinan woman and her flight swung by, though not unscathed as concentrated defensive fire lanced out after their retreating forms, three beams striking the fuselage of the fighter behind Alva's own, the craft bursting into flames as she scowled as the reading for one of her squadron members disappeared.

Kara Runo

Callsign "Widow Maker"
"Thank you Peregrine for the assist! You'll have a drink on me after this!" Kara spoke all while maneuvering her TIE Punisher away from the little dogfight. "Delta's form up on me, we are going to follow up on Storm and Skull squadrons attack runs, stagger it up and lets chop them up!"

The TIE Punishers caught up to each other at point alpha, which was the rally point she had planted for her flight to see on their positional readouts. Basic astronavigation tactics had taught her to always have some sort of visible rally point just out of the combat area. In this case the combat area was still really really close. Without having to repeat herself the the other members of Delta squadron flight 1 turned into an attack vector aimed at the starboard sections of the VSD designated Target Two, it was utting up a wall of point defense fire and the members of Skull squadron had just entered into that hellish storm.
Kara was in high spirits and oddly enough was enjoying the adrenaline of danced around with some TIE/LNs. Her flight was relatively unscathed with the exception of their shields which were thankfully now cycling back up to 100%.

She could barely see the silhouettes of the TIE Seekers. She eased her acceleration out and pushed the engines back up to combat speed. A blip on on a readout indicated a loss of a pilots vital signs. That capped the adrenaline and excitement of the battle. "Fething bastards" she cursed to herself and increased the acceleration. Delta Squadrons attack vector would be a solid bombing run on the dorsal sections of the VSD. Bombing in space was different from bombing planetside. There was no drag or compensation for gravity that you had to take into account for. You did of course have to take into consideration that an object in motion tends to stay in motion. So dropping a bomb in space still had the draw back of getting you timing it right. In all actuality Kara could theoretically line up and just start 'dropping' the payload from here. The problem was once deployed the bomb is hurled at the speed and direction of the ordnance launcher as well as the speed and direction of the TIE Punisher. So yeah, feasible to just start 'bombing' from here, but accuracy is the key to making your mark in this world and winning the battle obviously. Thankfully these beauty's weren't some primitive back water bomber craft. Targeting computers helped do most of the hard work of letting you know when and where to fire. Then it all boiled down to the pilots intuition.

"ALCON, Delta Squadron will begin our attack run on Target Two then proceeding onto Target One." She spoke to all on the comms. Then she switched over to her flight's comms. "Delta's cycle to Ion Bombs and follow me!"

[member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Jared Starchaser"]
[member="Usa'ar Obath"]
SC-4486 had successfully hit the Star Destroyer's hanger with his ion cannons, as well as Storm One and Storm Two, Storm Three through Six were continuing their ion barrage against the Star Destroyer's outer shell, targeting the turbolasers and the exposed critical systems such as the bridge and engines. "Storm One and Two, prepare for a second attack run, recharge your ion cannons to maximum capacity and prepare to fi-" He started but couldn't finish as one of his wings suddenly exploded from flak fire, His TIE Hunter began to spin uncontrollably as he lost stabilization. He began fiddling with the knobs and buttons on his control panel and tried to stabilize his flight.

"This is Storm Leader! I've been hit! Captain take command of Storm Squadron! I'm gonna crash!" He yelled into the comm system. He soon figured that it was impossible to re-stabilize with one entire wing missing and decided to prepare to eject, He pressed the button and prepared for the ejection sequence, He had to hurry as his TIE was about to crash into a karking asteroid base, spinning uncontrollably like a top, He jammed and sealed his TIE Pilot helmet on his head and slammed his fist down on the control panel, activating the sequence, The top of his TIE Hunter blasted off and the chair rocketed out of the chassis, into the deep, dark, reaches of space, He saw a glimpse of his TIE Hunter impacting the asteroid base before spinning the other way.
[member="Kara Runo"] [member="Jared Starchaser"] [member="Usa'ar Obath"] [member="SC-4486"]

When a second blip representing Lieutenant Corvax of Storm Squadron vanished the Crinan woman could only grimace even more, although she knew that at the very least he was still alive. All the same it meant another combatant down, and it meant they had to be successful for certain so that a pickup for their now drifting companion was possible. from the looks of things though, the first strafing run on the capital ships was highly successful, which pleased the young Imperial Captain greatly as she tuned her controls and pulled her craft around for a second strike. "Roger that Lieutenant, everyone else prepare for the second run, target the remaining sub-systems we missed the first time on. Coordinate your attacks with Delta and Peregrine's attack runs as well. Their defenses should be weaker since the ion blasts are destabilizing their systems. Keep an eye out for remaining boogies and finish the bastards off. Try not to run over our friend in EVA while you're at it though."

A few snickers were over the comms, but it was clear their loss from the first run and the near death of Corvax had weighed heavily on the imperial pilots now. They were taking the task seriously now. Not that they weren't before either, it was merely the fact once reality became much more clear that one faced it with greater depth and cold focus. Anger often factored into that too, just as it did factor into Alva's mind as she brought up her targeting display and pulled the tracking coordinates for her attack, dipping through the now less frequent defensive fire as she launched around strafing run on the main destroyer with her ion cannon. "Delta after your run alert the Fleet on Standby to jump in. Let's get the marines to work taking ownership of these hulls and so we make sure to get the Lieutenant before he runs out of air."

Kara Runo

Callsign "Widow Maker"
Roger that Skull Leader” Kara acknowledged!
Thanks to her comrades rapid strike run the incoming laser cannon fire was severely diminished. Still though when Storm Leader had been cut out of the fight she had to keep the respect to the designers of the old Victory MkII and the especially the Imperial trained crew fighting against us.
Kara and her wingman wove through the broken wall of fire being hurled up in their direction.
Rather than using some bulky instrument that essentially blinded the pilot from the rest of their sensors the pilots of Delta Squadron used their Heads Up Displays in which ever lense was the dominant eye to begin targeting. Data flowing from her sensor suite, Kara a targeting reticule began flashing repeatedly before turning solid.
The explosions that peppered space around her seemed to slow down, her breathing was well controlled and on the exhale she released her thumb from the trigger.
Bombs away
As one the four TIE punishers levelled out and cut across the mid dorsal sections of the three warships.
Each ION bomb erupted on the surface of the vessels with sparks of what looked like lightning began to race along the hulls of the ships. The weapon emplacements quickly began to fall silent.
One of the engines overloaded on the second Victory II and subsequently exploded, jettisoning debris against the asteroid base. The remainder of the ship began to rotate uncontrollably but slowly and posed little danger to the other two ships as it began to drift.
Both the first Victory II hit and the Imperial Star Destroyer II sat immobile and silent. Inside though the crews of the ship were working frantically to prevent cascading system’s failures from overloading the reactors.
The traitor TIE pilots began broadcasting their intent for surrender.
Sleight of Hand, call in the fleet! While your at it I’m requesting Search and Rescue at SC-4486’s last coordinates, I’m certain he’ll appreciate the pick up!” Kara’ voice went over the comms to stealth ship.

[member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Jared Starchaser"]
@Usa'ar Obath

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