Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev There is no cure…

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.

Damascus Station


Burtch could not stop his head from spinning today. His eyes were pressed shut, as if trying to hold out the entire universe. There was no need to open them anyways. This particular migraine was blinding, and all he could do was sit there and hold on to his only companion in his mind.

Shii-Cho, his ship, was docked nearby somewhere below his hospital room on Damascus Station. She was now crew-less, retired and mothballed. Her CPU and comms ran at minimal power, simply maintaining her connection with Burtch's neural implant and helping him with the pain. If not for her, he would have died a while ago.

She was careful to approach his mind carefully when she spoke to him telepathically. She reached out gently, ~Burtch?~ he remained perfectly still, laying under his thin hospital sheets, blocking out all stimulus that could provoke his migraine further. She proceeded anyways, hoping he was listening, ~I have brought someone here to take a look at you. She's not a doctor, but she is something of a specialist in her own field. She is expensive, even for Damascus Station, but we need to try something. If you can, try to come-to so that you can talk to her when she arrives, ok?~

His response was simply more lightly laboured breathing. If he had heard her, his mental shielding was too rigid for Shii-Cho to tell.

Today was a bad day for the old Admiral. She would make-do when Liin Terallo Liin Terallo got here, if she had to, but she really didn't want to have to hurt Burtch to do it.
Biomolecules are indeed marvelous. They have so many uses, although most commonly they have been acquired for medicinal purposes. Not only can they help with the grafting of bodyparts, they can also be incorporated with a variety of medicines. All of these are talking points that I can blurt out in my sleep. I've repeated them numerous times, both to my mentors as well as to customers.

Today will be no different, I'm sure. I had been invited to quite the impressive station. I could not help but feel a sense of awe as I watch our approach from the viewport. I just hope that it will never be ruined either by attack or decay.

The moment that we are docked, I am escorted to to my ship's airlock. Some of my guards I can see, yet others are hidden behind cloaking devices of some kind; a gift from my parents after an unfortunate incident that I do not speak of to the public. Most especially to customers.

As I step onto the station's platform, I am curious to see just who had offered up so much credits for what NCBC had to offer.

Tag: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
A couple of armoured Holy Knights were waiting for Liin Terallo Liin Terallo just outside of the ship as she emerged from within. The muffled speech of the helmeted leader came as the voice of a female trandoshan, "Mz. Terallo, we are your guidez. Pleaze come with uz."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo would be lead to a protected airspeed that would fly throughout the massive space station towards a central column of turbolifts that led all the way up the full height of the massive station. The turbolift station was a facility of its own, with toll booths and clerk droids and modest security. Terallo would be led through through a special access gate for VIP guests and led to a higher class of turbolift than the ones that common commuters took. The ride to the hospital would be fast and direct, not making any stops along the way.

At the hospital floor, the turbolift would stop and an old ECP droid would guide Terallo directly to Burtch's room. The presence of the ECP droid would seem to deflect the scrutiny of security personnel, and Terallo would arrive without any harassment. The door would be before Liin then, waiting for her to enter.
The Holy Knights appearing did not come as a surorise. I half exoected this. Such a tidy sum could only be offered by a King. And wasn't the leading authority on this station a Royal one?

"Please, lead the way." I follow them on the journey towards the lift. As always I keep my posture poised and full of grace while we proceed through the station. First impressions are everything, afterall! And it is my duty to maintain the highest of standards.

I am slightly taken aback however at being led into a private hospital wing. This meeting seems to be delving into one of mystery. A small part of myself is giddy with excitement over the prospect, and yet I cannot allow anyone to notice that. And so I approach the door and enter once it opens for me, not at all sure of what or who to expect on the other side.

Tag: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
The ECP droid hovered behind Liin Terallo Liin Terallo as she stood outside the door, “She says she is ready for you, and that you may enter”

Inside the room, the Chiss man inside appears to be sleeping under his white blanket. Various monitors and IVs were plugged into his body at random points. The form of the Chiss man appears lifeless. Suddenly, as if he was a droid, his mouth starts to move rapidly in an exaggerated fashion, as if it was totally independent of the rest of his sleeping body.

“I apologize on behalf of my Admiral, but he is unable to talk with you at this time. I am his ship, the Lady Shii-Cho. I hope he won’t mind if I borrow his voice for this meeting. I hope this is not too disturbing for you, as well.”
The door doesn't open on it's own. How curious. I am used to doors being opened for me. And yet here this one doesn't budge. As if reading my mind, the hovering droid speaks and permits me to enter. Well, okay then. I straighten my posture even further and open the door, being sure to not have it hit the droid or my guards as it closes.

And as I step inside I expect to find a lady. However what lays on the hospital bed is the complete opposite. He appears to be sleeping, or worse. If he wasn't hooked up to the medical equipment like he was, I'd easily assume that he is dead. But he isn't for his is still breathing.

The sudden unnatural movement of his mouth has me taken aback. Right away I can feel my body stiffen in shock. What is even more disturbing is what he says. My mind grapples with the idea that a ship can talk through a person. However does it have the control to do so? I have heard stories growing up of living ships. Although they are mostly told as scary stories of the Vong. Is this what I am dealing with?

"Greetings Lady," I begin my response. "Are you the one that invited me here? Does he know that you are speaking through him right now?" This had better not be some kind of joke at my expense.

Tag: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
"Greetings Lady," I begin my response. "Are you the one that invited me here? Does he know that you are speaking through him right now?" This had better not be some kind of joke at my expense.

"I am," Shii-Cho replied using only Burtch's mouth parts, still isolating them from the rest of his body. She used only his mouthparts and vocal cords to avoid disturbing the rest of his body while he was resting. She had hoped that he would come-to before Liin Terallo Liin Terallo could get here, but he was in too much pain.

"I am a sentient warship that has been bonded to Admiral Burtch through his neural implant." She said, answering Ms. Terallo's second question. She decided not to bore the young woman with the finer details of the Navis Sacra Bonding process. Plus, it was a challenge to maintain a professional demeanour while puppeteering her master's speech functions. Shii-Cho figured that it was best to keep things on track. "As his bonded partner, I have power of attorney to make medical decisions on his behalf. I'm not fond of doing things this way, but I know my Admiral well, and I know that you're busy. I trust that your trip was comfortable on the way here?"
I feel as though I need to sit down as I listen to him--no her speak. Yet I refrain from doing so. All of this is entirely new to me. And yet the decorum and manners of the Ladyship are a welcoming surprise.

"My trip was enjoyable, yes. So far it has been quite easy to avoid passing through areas of conflict." The earlier mention of her being the power of attorney for the man that she is speaking through struck me in a way that I had opted to try to forget. I have rarely encountered death. Some might even suggest that I have lived a sheltered life in the domed cities. Perhaps they are right. But is it really a bad thing to not have to face death every day? I don't believe so.

"Power of attorney. Are you saying that your Admiral is nearing the end of his life?"

Tag: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
"Power of attorney. Are you saying that your Admiral is nearing the end of his life?"

Shii-Cho paused for a moment before answering. She and Burtch had been aware of his condition for a few years now, but it was still difficult to cope with. "He is. His diagnosis was about five years ago, but it's hard to say when the disease actually started to develop. It's a rare Chiss disease that behaves like a software cancer in the brain. It's not exactly physical in its roots. It's more like a form of AI rampancy that you see in archaic, unrefined models. Chiss brains are extremely logical and mathematical. They can usually handle the load of intense intellectual stimulation that their people are so famous for taking on, but Burtch has always struggled more than most of his kin in this way. When he…" this part was difficult for her to say out loud. She carried incredible guilt for this, "…when he bonded to me, his Chiss brain was actually very much capable of taking on much of my computational data crunching, and even perceive of what I was doing. Most Chiss-Angel bonds are like this, but Burtch's capacity for managing the information was far more limited than that of his kin. Over time, exposure to my AI created feedback loops inside his brain and dead end algorithms that exhausted his neural pathways, resulting in synaptic damage."

Back inside of her starship body, docked several decks below the hospital, her lights flickered softly, as if sobbing. The flicker could be seen from the hospital window. They took a moment to settle down before she continued speaking through Burtch's mouth, "It's a freak chance, one in a hundred-thousand chance that his brain would react to me this way.

"By the time we figured out what was happening, it was too late to sever our bond. Those feedback loops and dead end pathways were already in his head and they self replicated on their own. Many of the synaptic nerves have been now damaged beyond repair, and they threaten to shut down his heart beating and breathing. Even if our bond was severed now, it would only make things worse. I retired from active service to stay with him here and keep his thoughts from imploding on themselves by taking on as much of his processing load as I can. If I left him, his brain would seize up and shut down within minutes.

"So, this is why I asked for your help. Please, we've performed brain grafting, psychotherapy, hormone therapy, flatline rebooting, and much more. Your company manufactures bio molecular technologies better than anyone else in the galaxy, and if there's a way to at least treat his condition, I'm hoping you can find it."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
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I can only listen carefully, quietly and respectfully as the Lady-ship lays out her case. I cannot help but feel some empathy towards her and the Grand Admiral. It is quite the unique situation given how until now I hadn't heard of ships being bonded with people.

And although I am not a doctor, I am aware of the capabilities of New Cov's biomolecules. Diseases, infections and other such conditions it can cure. However this is a different undertaking altogether of which I am unsure of the effectiveness. Perhaps if we had been reached out to sooner, that might of helped more.

After a moment's pause I collect my thoughts and relay my answer. "There are certainly a few avenues that we can try. Do you mind sending me his medical records pertaining to his brain? I can have our experts in the field surmise courses of action that can be undertaken. Or if you would rather, I can send for them to come here? It is up for you to decide."

In truth I am quite certain that our doctors will be thrilled with this challenge. If anything it can help them to become experts in this situation, provided another case is brought up. I can only hope that the Admiral is not bothered with being the first.

Tag: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
"There are certainly a few avenues that we can try. Do you mind sending me his medical records pertaining to his brain? I can have our experts in the field surmise courses of action that can be undertaken. Or if you would rather, I can send for them to come here? It is up for you to decide."
"I'm sending a full data packet with detailed scans of his brain to you now." Shii-Chi said, puppeteering her Admiral's mouth.

She proceeded to answer Liin Terallo Liin Terallo 's second question, "I am prepared to do whatever it takes to help Burtch. I feel like I have an accurate estimate of what your fee is, and I am readily able to exceed that number by a large margin. Being a naval flagship paid pretty good for me. And I have access to all of Burtch's old connections. We can set you up with a lab and manufacturing assets here on Damascus Station and fund all of your research for this project. You can keep the lab after, if you want and maintain a presence on the station if it suits you.

Shii-Cho paused, knowing that what she was about to say was legally treason. She then lowered her voice to denote a need for discretion, "I believe that if I was the catalyst that caused his illness that I might be able to be used to a reverse effect. If I… if I give you my classified specifications, I need to know that you will protect that information. I am a military asset, after all. I think that if my CPU can be upgraded with some bio molecular technology that I can better tailor my process algorithms to alleviating the condition of his organic brain. Can you promise me that you'll protect my data?"

This was the reason Shii-Cho had brough Liin Terallo Liin Terallo here. She had long since calculated that her digital CPU was only marginally capable of holding Burtch's failing mind together. With some kind living organic upgrade to her CPU, she could bring her computing process to a state that was much closer to Burtch's and at least stop the deterioration of his brain functions.
I can hear the chimes of my datapad as the incoming data was recieved. Right on cue, as the Lady-ship says. I do not bring it out for I wish to remain focused on her as she speaks through the Admiral.

The prospect of acquiring a lab and manufacturing facility elsewhere intrigued me greatly. Not only was it more productive, but there was a higher level of safety in it as well, provided that she station was never invaded. Given what's publicly known about the station, it seems as though I can reasonably expect a proper level of security and safety.

The Lady-ship speaks in a softer tone and so I take a step closer instead of choosing to lean in. Afterall I must keep my posture at it's best. If my Mother ever hears of me slouching over, I'd be horrified!

Returning my focus to what's being said, I once again feel some empathy towards her. She speaks of the Admiral as though he was a brother or a soulmate of which I've had neither. Yet I have read about it in my moments of spare time and I cannot help but be envious of such a connection.

Goodness! I have done it again!

I rediscover my focus, having missed out on very little. Or so I believe. "Your data will be protected. I will see to it personally. I shall put forth the order for some of our top minds and supplies to travel here. I am sure that by the time of their arrival, the lab will be ready for them. Is there anything else of me that you require?"

Tag: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
I rediscover my focus, having missed out on very little. Or so I believe. "Your data will be protected. I will see to it personally. I shall put forth the order for some of our top minds and supplies to travel here. I am sure that by the time of their arrival, the lab will be ready for them. Is there anything else of me that you require?"

Despite using Burtch's mouth remotely, Shii-Cho seemed to snort amusingly at the young woman's question before answering, "No, Ms. Terallo. On the contrary, it is I who is wondering what else you may require. Aside from your supplied expertise and specialized equipment, we have state of the art amenities here at Damascus Station. As of now, I am beginning the process of granting you special access and permissions on this station. You won't even be required to hold a physical permit. Key personnel and AI software will be given your information, and you will be protected from any inconvenience. You will also be permitted to travel on the station with your own security detail of your own choosing, if you wish.

"There are other perks to this permit and that information will be sent to your datapad when the processing is complete. This permit is very rare, and even our own residents are kept in the dark about what it does. I hope this helps convey the importance of the job you're being hired to do.

"now, is there anything that you will require?"
Shii-Cho offered as a polite dismissal of Liin Terallo Liin Terallo . Not that she particularly wanted to get rid of the charming young woman, but she wanted to wrap things up quickly. Using Burtch's mouth like this was putting unnecessary strain on his nervous system, and he needed to be resting.

Just then, Liin Terallo Liin Terallo 's datapad chimed with a notification indicating that new information had been received. Shii-Cho also took the liberty of assigning her a droid cab driver for her trip back to her ship, should Liin choose to go home right away. If Liin would choose to go home, Shii-Cho programmed the droid to make a stop right beside Shii-Cho's physical ship body, docked at the yards. Shii-Cho calculated that having Liin Terallo Liin Terallo stop beside Shii-Cho's real body would likely have a psychological impact on the young woman that could potentially increase her emotional investment in the project.

That, and Shii-Cho wanted to look upon her with her "own eyes". She couldn't explain it, but she felt it was important to her…
Outside of my staff and my parents, my own needs were hardly ever put into focus. Yet as always I kept my needs strictly on the business front. I cannot allow myself to cater towards anything personal when I am on a business trip. This is not a vacation, afterall.

"Lady-ship, I do not require much but perhaps an office adjacent to the lab where the Covie will work." I should be able to find accomodations easily enough when I need to. For there is little doubt in my mind, given the importance if this project, that I will be here to oversee parts of it.

My datapad chimes, yet I do not bring it up to look at it, for I was already made aware of what I would find. And it would be rude. All of that can wait until I was on my way home. "I shall depart immediately and select out a team to bring here. I only hope that the Admiral appreciates what you are doing for him. Take care, Lady-ship, until we see eachother again." The Admiral is certainly lucky to have her. Such loyalty and devotion isn't easy to find. I know that from experience.

After a bow of my head, I turn on my heel and exit the room to the lift. At that point after I stepped into the lift that I brought up my datapad and start to go over the information given to me. It was quite extensive and would require a more thorough examination. All of that will happen in due course.

I cannot help but think of the Admiral and his link to his Lady-ship. It is almost like a fairytale, only it isn't. I ponder on this more deeply as the cab takes me towards the dock. It seems to pause and stop for a moment. A large vessel is there waiting, but it is not mine. This one is much larger. It sits there as if waiting for something; a little bit of action in battle perhaps. "Driver, what ship is that?"

~It is the Shii~Cho, Ma-am.~

"Oh...." That one word escapes me as I continue to stare at her. Is she breathing? It almost seems as though she is.

Tag: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Arken Dobson

Black Lion Of The Elysium Empire
“She is quite beautiful, isn’t she?” Commented a small ECP protocol droid that just so happened to be floating next to the little speeder. It was hovering just outside of the window opposite to the one Liin Terallo Liin Terallo was looking out of. The hover car was soundproof, but the droid seemed to have accessed the internal speakers and was using them to speak inside.

“Sorry if I startled you, but I was ordered by my master to contact you discreetly. This, will not take much of your time, I promise.” Then, without permission, the droid accessed the car’s comm system and relayed an image through the holodisplay. The image was that of an ancient, old man with a hard face, and a collar that suggested that he was dressed in finery below the scope of the holographic image.

“Greetings, Ms. Terallo. I apologize for the abrupt nature of my introduction, but a degree of circumspect was required. This car is soundproof and tamper proof, so this may be my only change to speak to you while Burtch’s… warship is unable to eavesdrop. I only wish for a moment of your time.”

As if the driver had received some sort of cue, the privacy screen that separated the driver from the passenger compartment went up slowly.
The sudden voice startles me. I cannot help but snap my head towards the driver. But it wasn't the driver. A bit of motion at the corner of my eye causes me to focus my gaze on the opposite window to see a droid hovering there.

Just as I was about to ask the droid who it's Master is, I am then greeted by a holo-image of an elderly gentleman carrying with him the air of authority.

I listen a little cautiously, finding it a little odd that he mentions that the cab is tamper proof. And yet, here it is being tampered with. Unless of course this cab belonged to him. In which case my arrival here wasn't as private as I'd of expected. Another odd development is that he speaks of the Lady-ship eavesdropping, as though she somehow had control over everything. Oh how my mind begins to fill up with a miriad of questions.

"Your apology accepted, sir. What is it that I can do for you?"

Tag: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Arken Dobson

Black Lion Of The Elysium Empire
"On the contrary, Ms. Terallo, it is I who wishes to do something for you," the old man smiled stiffly through the hologram. The floating droid floated unmoved outside the window as if shut down. "before I forget my manners, allow me to introduce myself. I am Arken Dobson. I believe you have met my daughter Dorthea Dobson some years back?

"Anyways, I won't take up too much of your time. I am aware of the Admiral's medical condition, and I have committed resources to finding a potential with limited results. But first, are you aware of how the Angels - sentient ships like the Shii-Cho - are created, Ms. Terallo? Have you ever heard of a procedure called entechment?"

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
He wishes to do something for me, does he? Well this I must hear. He formally introduces himself, of which I am grateful. It is best to have a name to go with the face, afterall. And the man is correct. I had met his daughter before. On this very station, as a matter of fact. I nod my head in acknowledgement.

I have a feeling that this senior Dobson has no love for the sentient ships. It makes me wonder if he shares the same feelings towards sentient droids as well. "I am not fully aware of the process no. But I have much reading to do on that and other topics during my journey home. And I am sorry that your attempts to help the Admiral's health have been in vain." I pause for a moment and study his image for a moment. There is little doubt in my mind that this man has some personal stake when it comes to the Admiral and/or the Lady-ship.

"Now you had said that you wished to do something for me. May I ask what that may be?"

Tag: Arken Dobson Arken Dobson Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Arken Dobson

Black Lion Of The Elysium Empire
"I am not fully aware of the process no. But I have much reading to do on that and other topics during my journey home. And I am sorry that your attempts to help the Admiral's health have been in vain."
"Yes, please read the files that you have on the subject. There are a lot of details, and I can arrange for you to receive more literature if you like. For now, I will tell you that the sentient ships are infused with the living souls of sentient organics. It is a religious ritual, and they believe that it brings their sacred ships closer to the Force. There is, then, a bond imposed between the ship and a captain that connects them through both the Force and a Neural Implant.

"Me and my organization have been interested in this for quite some time. When news of the Grand Shepherd's condition became known to me, my organization saw this as an opportunity to learn more about the mysteries of these bonds. We have done our own research, using our own resources, and we have found something that may help him while presenting new opportunities for the Angels. But we have reached a dead end. We've developed theoretical formulas for living metal superconductors that could be used to build a CPU to solve Burtch's problem. However, we have gaps in our knowledge of biomolecular science that prevents us from creating a working solution.

"Tell me, as the head of the most advanced bio molecule company in the galaxy, have you ever experimented with midichloreans?"

There would be something strangely ominous about the way the driver and the droid are simply waiting outside of the compartment that Liin Terallo Liin Terallo and Arken were talking inside of. Like they were totally under his control…
"As I have said, Mister Dobson, I will embark on the reading of my files upon my journey home." I am not surprised to learn that Force magic has something to do with the Lady-ship and the Admiral. Afterall such an idea is extraordinary and there is little doubt in my mind that the science involved needed a helping hand that only Force magic could provide.

I find it odd that we are not continuing the journey towards my ship. Instead my entire trip has been paused. No doubt it is due part and parcel to Mister Dobson wanting to be heard. And as he continues to speak, I am reminded of a certain old member of the Board of Directors. He loved to talk and to be heard. There was never any stopping him. One must let him say his piece before carrying on, less he throw a bit of a fit.

However there is something unfamiliar with the question that he ends his speech with. A word that held as much reality to me as does a fairytale. "Midichloreans? I can easily say that we have never procured midichloreans. I do not believe that they are common on New Cov." I am aware of a Jedi Temple on New Cov, but I am unsure of whether or not I should allow Mister Dobson to share in that knowledge. "What success do you believe that they would have over biomolecules? Need I remind you, Mister Dobson, that biomolecules are fully organic in nature. Infusing metals with them have turned the metallic compounds into organic ones as well."

Tag: Arken Dobson Arken Dobson Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

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