Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev There is no cure…

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.

Arken Dobson

Black Lion Of The Elysium Empire
"It matters not what becomes of the metal as long as it is organic and is highly conductive for the purposes of building a living CPU. But that's not the hard part. It is our understanding that biomolecules can potentially be used to infuse large concentrations of midi-chloreans. But getting those infusions to take hold has proven to be extremely challenging."

Suddenly, a small compartment in the consol in front of Liin Terallo Liin Terallo opened up. A highly sophisticated looking yellow canister popped up with a soft mist of come kind of decontaminant lingering around it.

"I am also sending you our formulas that we've put together so far for the infusion process. We failed every attempt to infuse midi-chloreans with biomolecules that we could obtain on the open market, but we just don't know enough about the stuff to finish the equation.

"But, as for this container that you see, the contents are highly controversial, and even possessing them could get you indicted"
he resisted the urge to grin. He probably couldn't get charges to stick if she was suddenly caught with this container right now, but such a scandal could definitely cause her a lot of problems in the finicky world of galactic commerce. Either way, he was already prepared to eliminate any traces of this leading back to him, even if it meant killing the cab driver.

He continued, "so, that being said, I will tell you what is in the canister. Midi-chloreans, Miss Terallo. Harvested Midi-Chloreans preserved in a sophisticated stasis field. With this supply, you can experiment and hopefully build a living superconductor that can be used to build an organic CPU. If we install this CPU on the Shii-Cho, her neural network will be more capable of managing Burtch's brain, and he might even see the signs of recovery. And for you, you would gain a valuable product that allows for the creation of more powerful AIs and Droids… ones that can potentially call upon the Force. Tell me that the business prospects don't appeal to you?"
Listening to Mister Dobson speak, it makes me wonder what scientists he has on his payroll. However when it comes to biomolecules, only the Covie know how to work with them best! Of course we have had offworld scientists coming for study as well, yet biomolecules sre fickle things and the utmost care must be utilized.

My eyes are drawn immediately to the compartment that opens. I half expected some sort of gas to spew forth to knock me out. However there is just a small cannister. I pick it up ever so gently, for I can see that there is something murky inside of it. My curiosity is soon satisfied as Mister Dobson tells me what lays within.

Biomolecules on the open market? I cannot help but let out a bit of a chuckle. It sounds as though some have tried to synthesize biomolecules and those never work! Biomolecules themselves are not common enough to be sold on an open market. They are one of the most rarest resources in the Galaxy, afterall.

"Indicted? Mister Dobson, however did you harvest these?" I could just leave the cannister here in the cab, but my finger prints are already on it. So I'll have no choice but to bring them with me.

Oh he is a sly one indeed!

But the prospect of the ideas that he has put forth do sound quite promising. However I am not entirely fond of Force magic, yet there are uses for it. But I would hate to see an increase of it, now being added to droids, would make the Galaxy even more dangerous.

"Thank you, Mister Dobson. I will have my people go over this. Now is that all?" Right now I cannot help but to get back to New Cov. Most especially as I am carrying something illegal in my hands.

Tag: Arken Dobson Arken Dobson Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Arken Dobson

Black Lion Of The Elysium Empire
"Very good," Arken struggled to keep the predatory grin off on his withered old face. This was going fairly straightforward and was exactly what he wanted.

"My driver will take you to your ship now. But before you go, you should be made aware of something. A new player by the name of Rex Valhoun is re-emerging as a potential asset. He has nothing, and is currently nothing, but he has potential as a man of power. His name is known to a few old ears and some may show interest in his prospects. It serves me to have him regain what he's lost, and it would serve your interests well if you gave him some of your attention. If he approaches you, and I'm confident that he will, I would suggest that you avoid mentioning my name. His father and I had a… complicated past, and I would rather that not sully your prospects with him."

And with that, the feed cut out. Outside the window, the droid fritzed, sparked, smoked, and dropped out of view to the pavement below, lifeless. The partition between the driver and Liin Terallo Liin Terallo lowered and the driver simply said "we will be on our way now" in a tone that suggested that questions were not welcome.

And with that, as the speeder pulls away, all that remained of Arken's presence were questions and mysteries…
He did not answer my question at all. It was as if I hadn't even spoken the words. I can only imagine that it was through nefarious means that these midichloreans were harvested. How else could one become indicted for holding them?

Oh what have I gotten myself into?

I listen as he gives me more information about a man that I am to give my attention to. My attention? I wanted to ask Mister Dobson about what kind of attention he was getting at, most notably if me doing so is better for him, but the communication was severed. How unfortunate! And as he disappears, so too does the droid outside and the privacy gate in the taxi. The driver speaks and I can only merely respond with a "Thank you", for my mind is already reeling with a plethora of questions. I will need to speak with my parents, of course and give them word about what had transpired here today.

What a tangled web you weave, Mister Dobson. That is all that I can think of. Though I will have to set all of that asside to focus on the real task at hand during my journey home to New Cov.

Tag: Arken Dobson Arken Dobson Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

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