Via Dolorosa
Amans In Tenebris
Objective: Outbound Flight Project
Only fools and the unprepared would dare venture into the unknown without a plan or an idea of what they may encounter. Most of the time those same fools and the unprepared ended up dead in one manner or another, or enslaved to pirates or Hutts. Since she was neither, the Knight spent hours reading the reports putting to memory some of the more interesting details involved with the wreckage. She checked, double checked, and tripled checked everything. She was leaving nothing to chance, best to be over prepared than under prepared.Satisfied she conducted enough research, and after putting information she deemed important enough into a personal datapad not trusting her mind, she returned the holodisk back to the archives. Since the holodisk only mentioned the Redoubt cluster briefly, she accessed one of the archive's terminals typing the name in the search engine. As she read through the file on Redoubt, she highlighted sections and pointes of interests she hoped would narrow down the search. With at least ten habitable planet's to choose from, she would have to cross reference this data with the other data to eliminate the possibilities of false leads. She was not time constrained but she didn't want to waste resources and time on areas that had no bearing on her expedition.
The research now completed and the highlighted sections downloaded into her datapad, The Dagobah Sith headed down to the hanger bay to board the shuttle that would take her to the Redoubt cluster. Once aboard the craft, she conversed with the two pilots to make sure all the supplies she asked for had both arrived and properly secured in the shuttle's cargo section. Pleased with their answer, she gave the order to depart.