Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public There Is Only Peace - [Open To All Jedi]

The Jedi Guardian heard Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga 's call through the Force for unity and the invitation to join him for some introspection and possible action. Cambria had been to other such gatherings and pushes for the unification of the Jedi before. She wanted to keep an open mind, maybe even an optimistic one this time, but the Rutian Twi'lek had her doubts it would ever happen as the Jedi as a whole were complicated, to say the least. Her mentor Jedi Master Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser had tried to rally the light side most recently even succeeding for a while with positive results, but it was hard to sustain the momentum and keep the fight for unity going.

Following the Will of the Force to the long-forgotten location of Peace, the Jedi Master brought her ship, an A-36 Sleuth scout vessel into the hangar bay and set the Star Dancer down next to others having arrived before her. Finding the room within the ancient structure where the other Jedi were gathered, Cambria entered just as the discussion was beginning. The blue-hued Twi'lek dressed in her modified Jedi robes quietly took a place along the wall not to distract from the focused words expressed, then followed the conversation from person to person with her gold-speckled hazel eyes; the golden orbs looking thoughtful as each comment and opinion was weighed and considered. It was a mixed group from ranks to factions. It would be interesting to see where this all went.

Cambria, for now, chose to remain silent and mindful as the Jedi Master wanted to listen to further debate before making her own thoughts known on the subject with an informed response.
A call had been sent out to Jedi. Talking of united the Jedi under one council once again. Yuroic had lost tracked the number of Jedi who had tried to unite the Jedi under one banner, to control the way Jedi act and train. It was often sunk before the idea ever really hit off the ground. Yuroic had lost track of the meetings and discussions that had been held over the idea of a united Jedi Order, though there had been more Jedi Orders popping up recently so another attempt at this unify the Jedi was predictable in that Yuroic figured there would be a call. However, there was little that Yuroic thought would entice him into joining another attempt at uniting the Jedi together. There were too many differences, one just had to look at the empire led by Grayson, it was very much not the Jedi way in Yuroic's mind but he didn't think this Order would have any real powers and just be a name.

Entering the room, Yuroic looked around, they were all talking of peace as if the galaxy was in a stable condition for them to talk about ideas such as this. Shaking his head, perhaps he had been in war too much, perhaps it was because he felt the burden of being the front line defence against a galactic takeover by the Sith. "And what of the Sith? Only one Jedi Order here is actually fighting the Sith, the Silver Jedi. These talks of a large council overseeing the Jedi is pointless when the Sith are coming and they will kill us." Yuroic sighed and rubbed his temples, he was sounding like his Master, at least he was thinking he was. It was hard to remember how she sounded or what even her name was any more. Shaking his head, trying to shake off the thoughts at his temporary memory loss.

"Point is, we stand like there isn't problems here. There is a Jedi Empire, which is against how some Jedi view how we should be, there is the Silvers, there is the Republic Jedi and some Jedi don't view either of those in best light as well. We are too varied and different to ever make a lasting united Jedi Order. I feel that the focus should be dealing with Sith Empire and not on a hierarchy."

Kaleleon Kaleleon P Placeholder 0128 Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Shira Varanin Avo Avo Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol Auteme Auteme Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira
--I-- Playlist --|-- Ship --|-- Gear

Anse rubbed the back of his head and sighed. "If any of ye start looking for allies, look for Zaiden and tell him Anse mentioned him. I need to hobble ta my ship, but then most of ye want me gone anyways since ye be so keen on pretending I don't exist. The Grey Forces will stand with ye. I wish ye all th' luck on this."

Using the wall and moving carefully, he decided to just leave. His head was starting to pound and he was tired of being snubbed.

OOC: Thread's getting to be a bit hard for me to figure my place in it and getting hard to post because no one was really interacting with me. If anyone wants to thread with me in the future feel free to message.

Kaleleon Kaleleon P Placeholder 0128 Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Shira Varanin Avo Avo Auteme Auteme Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira WelshPsych WelshPsych
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
Kaleleon Kaleleon P Placeholder 0128 Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Shira Varanin Avo Avo Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol Auteme Auteme Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga

At Wyatt's acknowledgement of the point that was raised. A slight flush began to creep up the Padawan's neck. Not really expecting what he had to say to carry any weight in this discussion between such lofty matters. "Thank you Master Morga." He mumbled, head shrinking back into his collar. He attempted to minimise his figure. Not exactly an easy task with him having brought so much attention to himself by speaking up. The fact that he was one of the taller humans in the room continued to make things difficult.

He was only brought out of his attempt to hide himself away for a while until it was that WelshPsych WelshPsych decided to voice his rather pessimistic thoughts. Frowning, he addressed one of the Masters of his own order. "Master Yuroic." He began, trying to catch the other Silver Jedi's attention. "It is as she said.." He began, nodding once towards Shira. "Actual reunification will take decades of work. It wont happen overnight. What we're working on here is cooperation." He nodded once towards the Imperator of the Grayson Imperium. "Yes, Jedi do not traditionally rule. But as you said yourself. The Sith are the bigger threat. And I dont know about anyone else. But I'd rather the Core worlds be under the Imperator's protection than under Sith rule.." He continued before turning back to Yuroic.

"We can beat the Sith through unity. I dont mean to worry anyone. But our odds against them fractured as we are now are low." He folded his hands together once. Eyes turning back towards Jend-Ro-Quill and Wyatt. Raising a brow, as if asking them to try and help reason with one of the Masters of the Padawan's order.

"We have to come together. Regardless of what we believe about the specifics of what a Jedi should do. We all know one thing." He said, raising a finger to hopefully put emphasis on his point.

"We. Protect. The innocent. We fight injustice. We draw the line in the sand against those who would use the gifts of the Force to stand above others." He pressed both of his hands together, as if in a prayer. " So please. Master Yuroic, do not turn away from this opportunity."


Diana followed easily behind Yurioc into the large room. Accompanied by a few other familiar faces out of Silver space. Giving a nod to their generous host and his force call for a meeting. Of course, Diana was somewhat more interested in the space station rather than the meeting itself. But that could wait until after.

Sadly. Yurioc didn't seem to see any reason the Assembly should take this unification offer seriously. Pity too. I mean, it sounded like an easy democratic effort to her. Just a favorable round table of wisdom. Members from ever order. Nobody ordering anybody to do anything. Just council. Access to each other. Maybe even a shared geographic location for gatherings and trainings. Ooo. Yesss. That was something even the Jedi Academy Network had failed to do. Create an intimate physical hub setting for IC meetings and operations. A physical centerpoint to all things. Mmm. Yummy.

Alas. It seemed an easy choice to her. Just slap the Silver Ambassadors onto any new "Council" positions and call it a day. Wouldn't change a thing in the Silver day-to-day. Just give them greater physical access to other "Councilers" from all over the galaxy. Might even improve moral and boost recruiting efforts for the war. Win win, if you asked her. Wouldn't even cost the Silvers a thing.


She wasn't Assembly. So she kept her mouth shut. But Yurioc was a big boy, after all. He'd see reason. All in all. This was just another easy opportunity to grab a political win for the Silvers and be seen playing nice with others. Couldn't ask for a better photo op. Their Order literally had nothing to lose.

Ha. Awesome.
A Light Shining in Darkness
Wyatt frowned as Yuroic spoke up - but kept his composure. There was many things people in the room could say - of how they may be the only ones fighting the Sith, but it was defensive or that they were also the ones who abandoned a portion of the galaxy to the Sith’s rampant expanse into the Outer Rim; but all of that would separate the orders, drive this meeting into the dirt with harsh words and harsher feelings. Instead, Morga spoke before any could bring pride and ego into their conversations;​
“Master Yuroic; I appreciate your words. The Silvers are fighting the Sith - as we all should, but let it not be said that the Grayson Imperium doesn’t fight what remnants of their reach remain in the Core; as I recall, treasure fleets carrying the Core’s wealth head to bastion almost daily. Let it also not be said that until recently, the Outer Rim Coalition was fighting against the First Order - or even that the Svivren Enclave didn’t too face recent attacks from the Knights of Ren. All of that excluding the willful saviors in the Wardens of Light - blessed they are for fighting free of an Order.”, he said with a wave of his hand to each order - as though to emphasize his point.​
“We all fight the Sith, Master Yuroic - but we can’t divide ourselves like this out of pride or ego.”​
Wyatt took a step away from his chair towards the crowds - but mostly to Yuroic himself, hoping to be more personal. It was a sad smile he offered, but warm, inviting to speak further as he did -​
“There are a thousand interpretations of the Force, and it is not our place as Jedi to demand one vision. Freedom of thought, of teaching should be paramount - as I mentioned, but under one banner - under the Jedi Order, we may yet stop the incursion of the Sith Empire, stem the flow of the Dark Side.”, he said as he tightened his fist, as though to emphasize the will of their united strength.​
“I only ask one thing of you, Master - Please, listen with an open mind, and an open heart. Hear the points and pleas of your fellow Jedi, and know that we will always come to help. One banner, one Jedi; that is all we hope to achieve.”​
Wyatt silenced himself as he waited for a response - from Yuroic, or the others. He had spoke enough.​
Diana McClaine │ WelshPsych WelshPsych │ Shira Varanin │ Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt │ P Placeholder 0128 │ Avo Avo │ Kaleleon Kaleleon │ Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill │ Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira │ Auteme Auteme │ Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
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When the call went out for the Jedi to congregate Lanik wasn’t like many others. He wasn’t meditating, he wasn’t training or in the middle of some peacekeeping mission. The padawan was stuck in a hospital room within Republic space. Days he’d spent recovering after a battle on the planet of Kuat. One in which the Jedi had almost lost his life. The call came with faint energy that filled Lanik, a surge of inspiration, a need to be there for what could be a change of tide in the battle between the light and dark. A new age could be beginning and the padawan did not want to miss it.

Removing IV’s and monitors that were attached to him Lanik left the recovery unit. Pain radiating throughout his form. Each step was driven by only a need to be there when the final call was made. If there were other Jedi of every order to be present shouldn’t he be as well? Lanik was perhaps one of the few Republic Jedi on Kuat, should he not have a say? Perhaps discussing it with the council would’ve been better than outright fleeing, but there was no time to waste.


Limping through the corridors, hair unkempt and hanging freely to his shoulders the Jedi looked like a madman. Strands of white had even begun to crop up along the crown of hair that adorned his skull. The sheer stress of fighting the Brynadul, of fighting on Kuat, from the injuries he’d sustained. Dressed in brown robes that were as wrinkled as a freshly born jawa, Lanik came to a halt around the corner from where he could hear voices in conversation.

Glancing down to his robes the padawan scolded himself as while he may have thrown on the robe jacket he’d forgone the shirt and bottom, still wearing the recovery unit scrub bottoms. His torso adorned with bacta bandages to further treat his abdominal wound. Trying to straighten his appearance, he couldn’t help but overhear what was being said inside. Talks of what the Silver Jedi were doing against the Sith threat, how they were the only ones doing so. Others presented their arguments counter and to even plead with the Silver’s leader. A voice Lanik did not recognize.

Unable to hold his tongue the Jedi rounded the corner, having given up on making himself more presentable. The Jedi would take him as he had come or not at all. Either way, he would be heard. “As you’ve heard from the others they fight the Sith in the ways that they can, but since when have the Sith been the only threat to the sentients of the galaxy? There are more than just the Sith. Criminals are springing up left and right, stealing and even killing the innocent. Slave trading. The Brynadul wreak havoc on planets and entire populaces unchecked! There is far more to being a Jedi than simply fighting the Sith.”

Straining to breathe, Lanik straightened the effort alone winding him. “And to what lengths should others be willing to go in fighting the Dark? Should we have a repeat of Mirial? I remember it, I saw it. I was once a Jedi before it happened. Before it robbed me of my Master, my home.” Eyes settling on WelshPsych WelshPsych , not out of anger but out of pity and compasion.

“Yet even then I found my way back, not in the name of fighting Sith, but because the galaxy needs defenders once more. Defenders that are willing to stand together. So I let go of what happened on Mirial, I forgave the Silver Jedi and released the anger I held in my heart. Even now as I stand wounded from a Jedi of the Imperium I forgive them. Is it not our duty to set aside our pitiful differences and work together for the betterment of the galaxy?”

Practically pleading to the others Lanik knew how he might sound. Ignorant, pathetic, idealistic, perhaps even self-righteous. Still at the end of it all, it was not out of a sense of what he could earn, of increasing his standing but of what he saw the Jedi should be. Glancing out the corner of his eye at P Placeholder 0128 he simply gave a slight nod.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira | Diana McClaine | Shira Varanin | Avo Avo | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill | Auteme Auteme | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

Shira Varanin

"What the kark happened at Mirial?" Shira mumbled to nobody in particular. She'd had a busy few years, fighting the Sharuka and the First Order and now the Sith Empire's CNO terrorists. Mirial, whatever that incident was, had totally escaped her.

She raised her voice. "Sounds like even more reason for us to start acknowledging each other as part of the same overarching Jedi Order - so we can help keep each other on the straight and narrow, keep us from going off the rails in our little echo chambers."
It had been far too long. Jakkor Kess, relic from an age where he would perhaps have long since died. The Force, however, had other plans for what and who Kess would become. Having spent the better part of a decade taking the Barash Vow. A vow was taken by Jedi to refrain from the order and offer themselves up to the Force as a type of penance. He had now felt the time for his vow had come to an end. With a new calling for the Jedi Master. To try and drive the Jedi towards a new path. While he had sensed the shadow of the dark side rising. Coming from everywhere, the Sith, Knights of Ren. What had drawn his attention however was the Jedi as a whole fractured. No longer unified as it once had been during his time centuries ago. Different orders had emerged during the duration of his exile. Silver Jedi, Alliance Jedi, Imperium Jedi, and those that he remembered serving the ideals of the Republic to which had called him home to serve once more, but before he could do that. He needed to try and warn the Jedi that gathered and to perhaps offer words of wisdom.

His outdated Eta-2 Actis Interceptor had emerged from hyperspace towards a space station, he himself had emerged late. Other ships were either docked or in orbit around the ancient station. His eyes were set in awe before it. He had only heard rumors of stations such as these when studying the High Republic era. Originally designed as Outposts, Academies, and even sometimes places of refuge for Jedi struggling in dangerous times. It was fitting however to marvel upon such a sight before him. Given his time waking up in this hellish time period, he valued places such as these while he still could before wandering a galaxy in chaos.

Transmitting his own docking codes the Fighter landed in the hanger. Kess emerging dressed in a dark brown robe, underneath was a tunic, Jedi robes that dated back to the time of the Old Republic. Having settled for more traditional Jedi attire rather than the armor he used to wore, and the likes of which others had greatly prefered. He walked in a purposeful stride towards the main hall. Sensing other Masters and discussions on what would be the will and future of all Jedi.

Stepping forward into the main congregation hall, pushing past other Jedi, to make it to the front all the while apologizing for every step. He watched and waited upon the Knights, Padawans, and Masters before speaking. Listening to a wounded Padawan, it had reminded him too much of the Clone Wars. How Jedi learners were used in battle. It had filled him with sorrow and disappointment to hear of the tale. Even frustration for a moment at how Jedi would strike against Jedi. This was not the Jedi way.... This was not how they should live.

Stepping forth the Tusken Jedi began to spoke. "Brother and Sister Jedi... I understand that we all come from different walks of life... But I have come here from a time spent in exile... Who has seen the galaxy in chaos from the Clone Wars to the Great Galactic War. We have become divided, it saddens me to hear that we have fought amongst ourselves, send our students to war, watch as the Sith and the servants of the Dark Side slaughter as if we are animals. I have come hoping to add into the discussion... There are complications due to creating a unified order and to the threats laid before us... But first we must be reminded of this. We are peacekeepers, defenders if need be yes. But ultimately our duty should be first and foremost to the living force itself. We must be mindful of that. We have been too focused on conflict for far too long. While I am not suggesting we should give up our lightsabers in exchange for meditation. I suggest that we act as we always have and that is as the Force wills... That has always been our way for generations, it should be what brings us all together. United in our duty to the Force itself. We cannot be further corrupted by endless conflict, and we should not fall to the dark side by sending every lightsaber we have into conflict with ourselves. We must unite on what makes us Jedi only then can we bring this galaxy to peace against the dark side. Surely there must be some way we can all unite as not splinters and fractured pieces of Jedi. But Jedi as a whole once more."

He stopped as he looked to the rest, while there were suggestions of electing members to a council. He wanted to make sure that Jedi were not losing their way. The way of life he has known since he was a boy and the mistakes that were made that led to Sith victories time and again.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Kaleleon Kaleleon Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Shira Varanin Avo Avo Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Diana McClaine Auteme Auteme P Placeholder 0128
Masters from all over - really any Jedi, had shown up to this place. The small, diminutive Jedi he was, Morteg hid among the ankles of the crowd. He wasn't expecting much from the Padawans. Typically they spoke the purest thoughts, like children, but often lacked the experience to see where those thoughts would lead them. It was part of the reason why Knights and Masters guided them along their journey, for such thoughts laid bare and such naivete left unchecked led to disillusionment, resentment, and eventually the Dark Side.

But his ears perked up at the mention of Mirial. The Knight spoke truthfully, or at least he assumed he was a Knight. It was rare for Padawans to be so old, though with the Jedi Order having fallen twice in the last two decades and sprung up in different chapters across the Galaxy it was easy to have a few slip through the cracks. He did know that he hadn't seen him at either of the Corellian temples or the Republic enclave. He seemed to strong of character with too much potential to fall through the cracks.

While he was surprised the Imperator agreed to this unification and tossed favored words like humility, he was not surprised when the Silver Jedi Master spoke. He'd once toyed with the idea of joining the Silver Jedi, but the way they held on to worlds and made themselves the representatives of said worlds made him less than excited to join them. To him, they were just the Imperium under another name. Even more so it seemed as the first things to come from the Jedi was detraction. He furrowed his brow in thought and frustration. Putting aside their differences was the only way to defeat the rolling tide of Darkness he'd sensed months earlier and he knew it wasn't just the Sith. He'd seen the seeds in his ex-Padawan turned Dark Jedi, the Bryn'adul raids on Corellian and Wild Space worlds, the unchecked growth of the Directorate, the spread of Darth Carnifex's proxy groups, and in the cold feeling in the Force that had taken hold in Republic Space. Something was coming and they all needed to be ready for it, no matter the form it took.

"A saying, many sentients have." He said, turning his focus physically and in the Force on Wyatt. "Ruins the pie, too many cooks does. Two representatives for this council, I suggest. Respective Grand Masters and their chosen. Streamlined this will keep us. Trusted to guide and lead us these Jedi already are. Lead us together they should."

"Focused it keeps us,"
he looked up to the ceiling now and back at the shaggy headed force user who had landed and spoken earlier, "And keep from broken ceilings it should." Maybe it was the Green Jedi in him, but he much preferred focused meetings. These type of open forums always turned into a mess of some kind with even Jedi within their respective groups fighting over one another. This suggestion, he hoped, would at least stop the sidetracks, the interruptions, and the inexperienced from slowing potential progress.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga P Placeholder 0128 Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar Diana McClaine Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira WelshPsych WelshPsych
Good Men Don't Need Rules
I have stayed silent.

So many voices. So many ideas and theologies. All converging upon one point. The Jedi Order. All of it was stemming for the idea that the Jedi need to reform. The Jedi need to not be held back by the conventions of the past. Many points of contention were brought up. Ideas of how Jedi should act and hold themselves. Fighting the Darkness that was the Sith and First Orders. Staying to study the force within the light, or who should be the leaders of this new Order. I had come as one of the few who were within the hierarchy of the Wardens of the Light. A faction that was not held to the conventional governmental ties. One that acted of its own accord to aid in the progress of other Jedi. Not only that, but also to be the policing force of public servants. A group of Jedi thats purpose was to aid any in need.

As it so happened, this blooming Jedi Order needed mine. One in which many argued and even fought over trivial arguments it seemed. "We need to fight the Sith." "A council has to be in order." "Grandmasters in charge should stand." it all made no sense to me. Even when Jedi spoke against one another, it made clear sense as to why the Sith and First Orders, even the Eternal Empire were able to gain ground upon the many planets within the universe. They didn't fight against one another. In fact, the helped one another! I hoped that I was not the only one able to see this.

Wyatt had voiced this as well. Speaking to all who came and provided answers where he could. Even mentioning the Wardens. Even with other Jedi showing up to voice who should be on such an Order. I didn't care holding my tongue any longer. I had to speak.

"I may not be a Master of the force, nor a sage in the matters of the Jedi, but all of this talk is really disheartening."

I just shook my head. Sadly holding it there before continuing.

"It doesn't matter what force we should face. Sith, First order, Eternal Empire, or even the common criminal. Jedi who do not fit into the form that the Galaxy shapes, will break. Master Wyatt believes that the best course of action, is to find a common ground between all of our orders and governments. To form a second Jedi Coalition so that we can face these forces head on. Instead, I see Jedi Masters, Imperators, and Generals argue about the nuances of why. When the question should be How. It almost sickens me to see such."

Running a hand through my hair, once more attempting to keep my temper cool and collected. Easily finding the center of the storm as Master Romi taught so many times before.

"I am a Warden of the Light. I am a Republic Jedi. I am a Silver Jedi. No matter what the name is, I am a Jedi. Shouldn't the Masters and Grandmasters of such orders be able to understand that no matter what the naming convention is of such order, that we all are fighting and strive for the same ideal? To preserve the lives of those who ask us to? To be the barrier between the horrors of the Galaxy? I was but a Farmboy on an Outer Rim World less than three years ago."

Finding a spot of a ledge for me to sit upon, I just let myself relax just a bit.

"An order of Jedi should not just be created by those who show up and speak the loudest. I would have hoped that showing up here, those who came checked their ego at the door. Demanding how a Jedi should act, how an order should be created, or what actions should be taken, is disingenuous of those who came here. As a simple Apprentice, my voice in conventional Jedi Orders would hold no water. But here? A new order, among Jedi who seek to better themselves, and others around them, would know the value of every voice spoken. Not just the ones who throw it over open air waves, or demand it be listened too."

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar WelshPsych WelshPsych P Placeholder 0128 Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar Diana McClaine Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira Jakkor Kess Jakkor Kess Shira Varanin
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His stance was pessimism, once again everyone seemed to gloss over the facts that this meeting wasn't going to do anything productive. Crossing his arms, words were spoken about how others are stopping other Sith, other threats but that wasn't the point that Yuroic was trying to make. While there would always be trouble there was an issue that was more serious that they were understanding. "This Sith Empire that the Silvers are facing isn't just a band of exiled Sith causing trouble, or Knights of Ren stirring trouble. The Sith Empire is growing in strength to levels of the One Sith, yet here we are talking about plans of unification and not discussing how no one else here is joining the fight against the Sith Empire."

"I would love to ignore that and discuss how this unification will work, how it will differ from all the other attempts of unification in the Jedi. We have been down this route countless times, I have stood, sat and hoped that this would be the final one. That we would sort it and it would be permanent, but it fails. We spend time, working like we have before and being effective the way we were before, then someone else comes along with new ideas to change us. To unite us. But we are all Jedi, the way we live our lives currently is working why should we complicate things." Yuroic stated, this could work, but it could fail and nothing could change in the long term.

Yuroic didn't move and he wasn't going to leave the meeting, he was one of the people who represented the Silver Jedi but he knew there were always issues when it came to this story. "So. We can stand around, talk about who would be in charge of this council, where they come from, what rank they must be. Or we can sit, talk about how we will fight the Sith Empire together. Try to do something more practical that is needed to be discussed now. Threats and dangers will always be there but we have the largest threat facing us in a long time and all we are doing is sitting. We can discuss having a council overseeing everyone, or whatever you want but first we should fight together, as Jedi against this Empire that threatens everyone. Because right now, we are arguing ourselves, we are fighting ourselves and we are ignoring the fact that our enemy is growing in strength that combined is larger than us."

Perhaps this would be his final words on the matter, but he needed them to understand that right now, their priorities were not focused on the right issue.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga P Placeholder 0128 Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Kaleleon Kaleleon Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar Diana McClaine Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira Jakkor Kess Jakkor Kess Shira Varanin

Shira Varanin

"You're choosing to be blinkered by your own struggles, Master Xeraic," said Shira flatly. "I'm still wearing half a dozen bacta patches under this flight suit from Sith Empire forces dug in on Pantora. The fight is everywhere. The Jedi Order, all of us, we've risen to the challenge. Look at how much has been agreed already - by men who disagree about everything."
A WHISTLE cut through the noise. Appropriate? Well, maybe. Quill was well aware that his sense of the appropriate was fundamentally different from most people.

He took a couple of steps forward, much as he hated talking.

"We are already a Jedi Order in the model of 4000BBY, the era of Arca Jeth, Vodo-Siosk Baas, and Nomi Sunrider.

"We are not, and probably can never again be, a single command-based hierarchical order in the model of the Old Republic's last days. Half our problems are because we see that as the ideal, and it's not.

"Characteristics of the previous era: Far-flung and diverse independent enclaves; regional caretakers; gatherings about major concerns, like the Deneba conclave.

"What we can do better: Acknowledge that we already basically fit that model; help each other; respect each other's work; provide Jedi support to sectors that don't have it.

"This isn't what some of you envision, it's not a faction, I don't even think there's a need for a Council unless it's a council of all of us. But it's the only way forward with a chance of working, and all it takes is a paradigm shift.

"Despite our many differences, I think it's clear that we're already a Jedi Order in the old model. We just need to be willing to act like it."

@ Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga @ P Placeholder 0128 @ Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo @ Kaleleon Kaleleon @ Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar WelshPsych WelshPsych @ Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar @Diana McClaine @ Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira @ Jakkor Kess Jakkor Kess


So. Here's the Silver Jedi Order in a hand basket right now. Yurioc walks into a conclave and tells the rest of the galaxies Jedi their priorities are wrong because, Map Game.

Well, chit.

Diana pursed her lips and held her composure. Remaining silent and at the side of the Silver Order. No matter how much it hurt.
The Jedi Master had reluctantly given up on the idea of performing janitorial work. Cleaning up after someone's mess seemed to be far more suited to him than the title of 'Jedi Guardian' in most cases. Their job descriptions were simple enough, so why not work that good ol' guardian magic right now? Lan nodded his head in thanks to Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt , sliding the broom and dustpan to her as the Mirialan Jedi stepped into the fray of voices and waving arms. Some were tense, others were peaceful. Some had hope, others were pessimists.

"That is entirely correct, Master Quill. Master Morga and myself hardly envisioned this little pet project-turned future altering idea to be something of this magnitude. A large, structured hierarchy and a collective population of Jedi in one location was never the premise." Lan strode forward to meet them, taking his spot in the limelight as other voices faded. "This Order and unification effort may never truly unify all of it, but at the very least it provides a means of communication. It opens things up. We talk, and then sometimes we agree and disagree.

"And one thing we can all agree on: we are stronger together."

Blue eyes surveyed the room before they fell upon the Silver Jedi attendees.

"Please, do not discount and discard our offer of help because of pride and pessimism." He sighed, eyes touching the ground. "If you claim the darkness is truly as strong as it is, then why vehemently refuse to communicate and cooperate with us? I understand the fear of inaction and complacency," he met Yuroic's eyes.

"So make the right choice. Do not idly stand by and let the Jedi remain fractured and shattered, whilst the Sith Empire enjoys cohesiveness and marginal infighting."

Diana McClaine | Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill | Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga | WelshPsych WelshPsych | Shira Varanin | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar | Jakkor Kess Jakkor Kess | Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | P Placeholder 0128
Rubbing his eyes, Yuroic didn't think his point was being heard. They looked at him and assumed that he was putting his needs first, that his people needed help more, that his people were the only ones fighting but there was more to it than that. Yes, right now the Silver Jedi were the largest force of Jedi and people who supported the Jedi Order, if they fell then the Sith would seem unbeatable. Returning them back to the days of the One Sith, when things looked it direst at times. He wanted to avoid that, he wanted to avoid the darkness, the fear and the infamy that came from the One Sith era. Looking at the other Silver Jedi, they seemed to doubt him, doubt that his stance was the one that they needed. "Look, this isn't about my pride, or the pride of the Silver Jedi. This isn't about me looking to you and thinking that I am the only one here fighting the Sith. But the Sith are at my door, they are attacking my people right now, and could end up trying to kill my family."

He paused, lowering his head, he was scared. The Sith were large, their forces were strong and Yuroic wasn't sure the Silver Jedi could hold the line. "We need to stop talking about a council, we need to just focus on how all of us are going to work together on fighting the Sith so that no innocent lives are harmed or even at risk. A council might be important down the line, maybe, I am fine with discussing it when the Sith aren't risking all our lives. I don't want us to return to the days of the One Sith. An empire too strong for us to fight." Yuroic stated, talking of a council to oversee or just to open communications was fine when things were urgent, or at least urgent for some of them. "Everyone here is open to the idea of a council but we need to work now, we need to organise ourselves here and now on how we will unite to fight the Sith. Because fighting them here and there, individually isn't enough, it won't stop them. You need to help us, this is me asking you to help us."

Hopefully they understood now that while a council sounded nice, while it could work, there were bigger issues. Threats that could make it all meaningless, action was needed, not talking on a council and who would be on it to open discussions. Right now, they could all sort things and start the ball rolling on a serious movement against the Sith. "Right now, we have some of the strongest Jedi Masters, from various factions, we have people of influence in different factions, we can talk now. We can skip this talk on a council for now, put it on hold, so that we can talk about fighting the Sith Empire, pushing them back." Yuroic breathed out, he doubted that they would hear him, he was just being honest at this point, there were other matters that were more important to him, to many people, "if we work together, forge alliances, fight together. Then we can win, but this need of a council, it could take time, time that we might not have anymore. That I might not have anymore." He would die to save his family, and if the Sith beat the Silvers then he would probably be die to keep everyone safe if it came to that. "So let us talk, but let us talk on matters that could be life or death for some of us in this room. Let us discuss how we fight the Sith. From there, we can figure out where a council comes, from there we can unify but right now there are a lot of Jedi in danger and I won't ignore that."

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga P Placeholder 0128 Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Kaleleon Kaleleon Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar Diana McClaine Anse Baenshaol Anse Baenshaol Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira Jakkor Kess Jakkor Kess Shira Varanin Avo Avo


At a boy.

Diana smirked and took a half step forward, with a proud nod to Yuroic. She knew he'd come around.

"That means we're in. Whatever it takes."

She took a step back and gave a proud nod to Wyatt. Because with a promise of support for the Silver war effort, this new Order would have whatever it needed from the Silvers in kind. The Force would be with them.


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