Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private There's A Story in There

Ultimatum Ultimatum (wasn't sure which Sy was yours)

Willow and Ivy were awarded a bit of free time this week, due to their continued work and loyalty to Broka. And wherever they went, they knew that Vyn Daldoure Vyn Daldoure wasn't going to be too far behind. So it was going to be safe.

They stepped into one of the many atriums, filled with rowdy gangsters, spice dealers, tradesmen, mercs and the like. Of course this atrium wasn't on the up and up with the Silver's way of doing things, yet Broka knew how to keep elements of the Black Sun alive and merely "relabeled" on the books. And besides, it wasn't as though Jedi snoop around the place. Most can't stand being aroumd the Hutts, which was all fine for the twins. Willpw and Ivy didn't want to be taken away. They didn't like the idea of living on their own in the cold, harsh Galaxy where they'd have to try to fend for themselves.

Here they were safe. Here they were protected. And here they could come across such a great assortment of people that wouldn't dare try to hurt them here!

Walking arm in arm, the twins walked over to the bar to pick out their free drink. They were allowed one a day if they chose and tonight's choice was a berry concoction of sorts. Fruit was always the best and it made them feel as though they were gaining a special treat.

As Willow sipped her drink, Ivy looked around at the patrons and spotted a man that seemed to be missing an arm....

"How strange..."
Perhaps finding oneself in such a place as this particular establishment should have been more concerning for someone looking to get out of his particular business. Then again, the atmosphere here was more relaxing and homely, as odd as it might have sounded to be saying that about a criminal den. Years of mercenary life tended to do that.

So here the Chiss sat, wondering how many drinks he could down before the stories started spilling out. Last time I made about five... I think. After the third of those little blue ones... Eh, tonight'll be different, I'm sure of it. He was about to step up from his seat and grab a drink from the bar when he noticed something out of the ordinary. A dual humanoid. Interesting.

To say that Sy' had hunted every creature under the sun would have been hyperbole on a galactic scale. He had barely been a tenth of the well known inhabited planets in the galaxy. However, he had hunted many dualiforms. Paaerduag were a fairly well known galactic example as were troigs. Indeed, most of the creatures, dual-headed or dual-bodied were sentient. There had been a Danzikan on Felucia, though I didn't really get to kill that one. Rancor got him first. Still got paid though. He had killed more than his fair share of creatures and yet he had never seen something quite like this. Not in humanoids anyways.

Good coordination, must have been born that way. No hesitation or mistakes, definitely. He watched for a few moments, his hunter's instinct kicking as his crimson eyes followed their moves. Like a Nexu watching for weakness in its prey, Sy' observed his quarry as they settled in at the bar. There was something different about these two, they were confident even though they stood out like a blaster cannon on Alderaan. Must mean they're protected, maybe even important people around here. Come on, you know you want to. Just go!

His eyes briefly met with one of the two as she looked at him. At first he merely broke contact and turned back to the cold metal table. He attempted to put the strange duo from his mind, he had things to think about after all. Jobs to find, debts to pay, drinks to be had, and stories to be told. But he seemed incapable of letting them go and it was only a minute or two before he sighed to himself and stood up. Maybe they'll know someone who knows someone. He, they might even have work for someone like me. Come now, not everybody is on the lookout for an assassin. These two seem fairly tame anyways. He chastised himself mentally, Never judge a holobook by it binding. That's what nearly got you killed on Dubrillion, executed on Jakku, and cost you a ship on Ord Mantell. Speaking of ships, I wonder how long mine supposed to be in dry dock for. You'd think having holes blown out of it was a bad thing based on how those engineers fainted when they saw the damage. Alright, here they are.

The mercenary had walked as nonchalantly as possible to the bar, perhaps overdoing the apparently normality and uncaring facade, but as he dropped into a seat he waved the bar tender for a drink. Something light and easy on the tongue. He'd need his wits about him for now. Now just ask. You're a bloody killer with years of training hunting anything bigger than a Loth-cat, this shouldn't be anything for you. As the drink arrived, Sy' turned to the duo and spoke as normally as he could manage, "Hello there. I've not seen anything quite like you two before." His tongue continued, despite his mind suddenly trying to put on the brakes. His voice took on an animated tone as he queried, maybe rather brusquely, "Do you prefer to be called two, or is it more of a one mind deal. 'I' or 'us'?"

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Willow and Ivy were used to people finding them odd. That was more normal to them than being treated...well, like normal. They had been put on display for much of their lives, not just for their attachment, but for their gifts as well. Those gifts were now put into use not for a profitable gain as in the past, but for the continued success of Black Sun and the Hutt Republic.

The two took their drinks in unison and had a sip. Ivy was well aware that the pair had attracted the attention of Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat ; however he had attracted their attention too, so as far as they were concerned, there was no offense being made between them.

It didn't take long before he approached, taking more to the side of Ivy. The twins smiled amongst eachother, nearly giggling as he asked his question about them. "We prefer to be called by our names. I'm Willow and this is Ivy."

"Is it true that Chiss turn purple when they get mad or embarrassed?" The two hadn't come across a Chiss before. So they had found this encounter to already be quite an intriguing one.
Two heads, two minds. So, not a shared consciousness deal here. Well, maybe next time. Sy' nodded to both of them as he was introduced, first to Willow and then Ivy. Then came a question he had never expected to hear. He was taken aback for a moment, surprise running across his face as he attempted to cogitate a somewhat reasonable response. It was a far more innocent question than he had expected to hear in such a place as this. He found the words and his voice, responding, "I should believe so..." Tapping his chin, Sy' responded thoughtfully, "Never really had a mirror to see, though I've been told my skin takes on a more iris colour, kind of a purple I guess. Last Chiss I met was oh... well, I was a lot younger then and most of them were looking to be the next Thrawn, so not much blushing going on there."

"So are you two human or something else? I don't think I've seen anything quite like you before, although I admit I may not have seen as much of the galaxy as I would like to believe. You from one of the Core systems, Coruscant and that lot? And how did you get out here?" The Chiss had been largely a traveler of the Outer Rim and Unknown regions, individuals of his particular skill and job set were less inclined to work in regions with strong governmental policing organizations. That was probably given away by the fact that he was currently sitting in one of the seedier establishments.

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
"Well if we notice the change in colour, we'll let you know!"

"Oh yes, it'll be real neat to see. Purple is my favourite colour. And being out here on a desert world, you'd have to worry about being sunburned."

"Oh! Does being sunburned turn you purple too?" Not that they wanted Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat to outright go and burn himself in the suns so that they could see. They were both just curious.

Ivy sipped her drink, surprise made evident on her face as Sy' asked his questions. "Have you not heard of us? We are from here. We haven't travelled to the Core Worlds yet, but maybe one day, if Broka lets us."

"We work for him now. Some Warlords used to use us as fortune tellers and were horrible to us. But Broka is nice! He gives us a huge room, a free drink and even a bit of credits to spend. And we even get to travel a bit too, isn't that amazing?"
The Chiss was about ready to smile at these two. They were definitely more amusing than the company he was accustomed to. Their questions struck him as surprisingly innocent, clearly, they were far more at ease in a place like this than most of the people Sy' had met.

"Sunburn? I tend to get a bit purple after awhile in sun, but usually its barely noticeable. So I'm told anyway. I'm sure if I get some work around here, you'll get to see it soon enough," his eyes wandered the room for a moment, seeing if there appeared to be anyone obviously looking for work.

It was only as they continued that the mercenary realized they might actually be as innocent as they appeared to be. If not innocent in a childish manner, they certainly struck him as innocent in a galactic understanding. That explained their unfamiliarity with the galaxy, slaves. Well, perhaps slaves, indentured servants maybe? Often hard to tell when they are away from their master. Broka, that name's familiar...

His voice took a somewhat uncertain turn as his sole hand gestured to the duo, locking his eyes on one he started, "Ivy right?" He then continued with more assuredness, "Sounds like you've got quite the little gig going here. Fortune tellers huh. What does Broka have you do then?"

Predictions were something he would have loved in his line of work. If he had that Forcie gift he imagined he could land every shot and probably know where to go to pick up some better work. "Have you travelled much then? I'd imagine in between bosses you've seen some things, maybe even more with two heads." He allowed a grin to dance across his face for a moment before his drink arrived in a relatively clean glass. With the motion of someone who was perhaps far too accustomed to it, his hand moved and lifted a credit out of his pocket and dropped it on the counter before swinging to the drink. Money was never really Sy's strong suit, although he had considered hiring an economic advisor for the position at some point. When he hit the big one.

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Ohhhh, Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat was looking for work. Willow figured that he came to the right place. These kinds of establishments were always looking for people to do various jobs. You could almost call it an unemployment office; one with drinks and entertainment added to it. And other things...

Ivy turned her attention to Sy as he addressed her. Most people were curious about their work for Broka. Even while they attended some of his meetings, they were usually silent observers. "Broka keeps us as advisors. Sometimes we get to travel with him to various meetings. Yet right now he's focused on the Hutt Republic, so we remain here."

"It was the warlords that kept us as fortune tellers mostly. They treated us badly, kept us imprisoned. But here we have protection and are even allowed out in the markets sometimes, as long as our guards come with us." Willows eyes fell to Sy's lack of an arm. From the way that he moved, it seemed as though it happened a long time ago. "How did you lose your arm?" The twins didn't like to use their abilities to pry when they didn't have to.
"Hmm. Wow, sounds pretty rough." Sy' took a sip as he listened. Being bandied around like an expensive gravcar was not how he would have wanted to spend his days. Then again, being a prized slave was certainly not the worst fate to befall a being, there was always the least favoured.

When Willow mentioned his arm, or lack thereof, Sy' reflexively glanced at the empty space. A look of shocked horror spread across his face for a moment, before dissipating into a single deadpan statement, "Well, must have fallen off at the door." Chuckling to himself, perhaps thinking himself far more amusing than he was, he nonetheless continued, "Eh, memory is a little fuzzy actually. It might have been this pretty little flower on Felucia, didn't realize the blighter had a taste for flesh, and several serrated and prehensile leaves... Could have also been that crazy Quarren on Wizar II, there was a bit of a misunderstanding. Perhaps I drank too much, but she thought I was hitting on her, me! She was a Jedi so, laser sword started flashing around."

The Chiss closed his eyes as if trying to remember and when he opened them he gave a weary smile, "Eh, in all honesty, its a bit of a long story. I wouldn't want to bore you ladies with the details, I'm sure you two get your earful of spacer stuff as it is." Sy' often reminded himself to pull back from going crazy on the storytelling. There was always such a thing as being too sharing. It was usually great for entertaining people, and it occasionally caught the interest of potential employers, but really it was an outlet for him. Something he enjoyed doing that didn't involve hunting and killing something, not that he minded his primary career path much. It was just nice to let it out sometimes.

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Both twins giggled as Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat made a joke, at first pretending to have not noticed his arm, and then followed by a few quips and fancy tales. No one had ever really joked around with them before, except for Bat Rum Hilt Bat Rum Hilt . They hadn't heard from him in months and they really missed him; Willow especially.

But now they had someone else to entertain them in such a way that was really a rare treat. Willow and Ivy plopped their elbows on the table and rested their chins in their hands as they listened to Sy speak. He really had a nice voice and the fact that he was Chiss and stuck out as easily as they did was a bonus. "Jedi are funny people, but not in a good way. All that we have come across, which is few, have all thought us as slaves and wanted to take us away from Broka. But they don't understand that we are not slaves. We have a salary and get to make our own choices."

"Oh please tell us your stories. We'd love to hear them. You're probably really good at telling them."

"Yes! We'll buy you a drink and some food if you do. Please?"

Willow and Ivy gave Sy such smiles and puppy dog eyes that they just knew he wouldn't be able to turn them down.
"I'm glad to meet someone else with a similar view on Forcies. Sith are pretty bad, and I wouldn't want to be caught in a disagreement with one, but Jedi can be so much worse!" The Chiss might not have lost his arm to a Jedi, but there were many things he held against them. Indeed, Jedi were one of the few subjects Sy' had allowed a degree of unprofessional dislike to grow.

The two continued to surprise him. Sy' gave a toothy grin as he raised his arm in mock defeat, "Alright, alright. So my story you say? Settle in, this is a long one. That goes back quite a bit, further than this little piece of work." He nodded to the empty socket before seeming to look of into the distance. "I was a hunter, always have been. But when I started out on that little slice of the galaxy I called home I was a hunter of beasts, the non-sentient variety. We didn't have the dangerous things like Rancors, man-eating plants, Sarlaacs and what have you. I guess you might say our regular predator was a relative of the Kath Hound, but boy were they nasty pieces of work. My main hunting target though was the local herbivores, big creatures that munched on the local trees and bushes. Easy prey, made lots of noise and moved about as slow as a dying pod racer. Back then I had both arms, a fierce determination, and far too much ego for my own good. You see, in my town, I was one of the few hunters, better yet, I was the only one that had a slug thrower of my own, a family heirloom. So I was a pretty big deal, I'd go around with my gun everywhere. I'd get into fights, who wouldn't when you're young and foolish. I duelled a few folks, sent some home in boxes, others got to walk away. I made the mistake of taking up an offer from an offworlder, claiming he was part of some rifle competition. Never did find out what happened, he took what credits I had, promised me my first round would pay dividends aplenty, and disappeared. I made ends meet by taking odd jobs for the local crime syndicate, solo hunting wasn't paying as well anymore with the influx of cheap off-world foods and more efficient hunting guilds. It's never been a sport, this hunting business. I've always been a hunter for the joy of the game and more importantly the payoff, whether it be meat traded in, valuable parts, or even bounties. Gotta keep alive somehow eh."

As if to prove his point he raised his hand in a gun pose and pulled the figurative trigger, "It started with game hunting, bringing down specific beasts to be made into trophies. I remember the night I was given my first 'real' hunt. The prey was a nobody, some human who'd been skipping out on payments for years and hopping around whenever he caught a whiff of the syndicate. Nothing impressive really, he lived in the wilds and I took him easily. But that started something. Been doing this ever since." He bemusedly sighed before continuing, "I've gotten better obviously, learned how to hunt in the urban jungles as well as the real ones. This particular incident," the Chiss indicated his missing arm with a slow, displaying wave from the present appendage, "happened on my first expedition on a frozen planet. You ever been to a world like that? Snow as far as the eye can see, and forget about the weather, those lovely sun-filled days are far below freezing. The name is a little fuzzy, something with a number in it... Palsinc five? Kepzo two? Alzoc three? All I know is, I will never take a job on a frozen world without someone else to back me up. You get stranded, or something mucks up, you're isolated totally, and few of us sentients are designed to handle that atmosphere."

"I was sent to hunt a local creature, something nonsentient for once. I guess I felt a bit of nostalgia, going back to my roots of hunting something that didn't think real hard. I figured it would be easy, I did my research on cold worlds and took the necessary equipment. I spent the first week moving away from what little civilization existed, the wild creature, some sort of escaped exotic animal from another world, had about a month's head start and the local snowstorms had thrown off most attempts to trace it. Well, as you can imagine, trying to find a lone animal was about as difficult as... about as difficult as it would be here I imagine. Eventually, I trekked into a valley, massive ice spikes as large as skyscrapers all about. I wasn't prepared for my beacon to short on me, I guess the cold just did it in or something. But shortly afterwards, I was ambushed by the monster I was sent to hunt. Nothing I had been told prepared me for the sight of that thing. Spikes all over, with a hide like Duranium, poisonous spittle dripping from its mouth even in the freezing temperatures. The creature must have been starving because it smacked me once and it didn't even wait to see if I was dead before it starting trying to nosh on me. It grabbed hold of me right about here in its massive maw," he indicated to an invisible point on where his arm used to be, "and just began shredding me to bits with his clawed hand. It tore through all the weatherproofing and armour I had. I think the adrenaline got to me, because I didn't even think before grabbing a fusion cutter and getting to work on my arm. Burned it clean off. This beasty did not take kindly to that but seemed quite content to snack on my arm. I tried to get a shot off, even used a grenade or two to try and end the beast. But, as with some of the best hunts in life, the thing slipped away into the storm. Never did find out what happened to it. I spent the rest of the day trying to set up a shelter, but by nightfall, I was exhausted and I fell into a coma. Woke up fifteen days later in a hospital ship halfway across the galaxy, no one I asked seemed to have answers as to how I ended up there or why. After that, well, my hunting days seemed numbered. But, I've gotten good, better in fact, and I'm shooting with the best of them. I think someday I'd like to go back to that little world, go for a rematch. Maybe I'll keep its arm as my first trophy." His voice began to trail off for a moment, the Chiss falling into some other thought, before returning his attention to the two ladies before him. He gave a chuckle and concluded, "And that is that. Not my best story, but definitely one that will stick around for a while. What do you think? Any good? I shared it with some kids once, but their parents didn't appreciate it; got me kicked out of a daycare centre once. Probably should have seen that one coming."

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
The twins were, needless to say, completely enthralled as Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat told his stories. They didn't move from their position, keeping their chin in their hands, both of them visualizing the stories that he told. He was an amazing storyteller, that was to be sure, and they were so very glad to have gotten his attention.

"'ve done so much and gone to so many places."

"We have never seen snow, or experienced harsh cold. Most of our lives have been here.

"We've travelled a little bit, but mostly we are brought to cities for political meetings, and there was hardly a chance for us to experience the weather."

"Where else have you gone? What places should we avoid. Do you know?"

Willow and Ivy didn't like looking into their own future, and they had a bit of a sense as to where to avoid. But there wasn't much in understanding as to why their gut instincts told them to avoid certain places. It could be as simple as just common knowledge, or something overheard by other patrons at the atriums. Neither really knew.
"You're not missing much, let me tell you. Cold worlds are horrible, always got to worry about frostbite and all manner of temperature-related issues. You know, some slugthrowers won't even work on certain areas of Hoth, it's so blasted cold the ignition powder doesn't ignite. Not a good thing to discover in the midst of a hunt..." He glanced to an empty space as if remembering the event, but then quickly continued as he regained eye contact.

"I've been to many places. Let's start there. You could probably point to anywhere on a map and I'd have been within a couple hundred parsecs of the spot." The Chiss took longer to consider the second question. That was a far more pertinent one in the galaxy at the moment.

"Well the galaxy's a dangerous place, but I bet you two would already know that, given our current venue," at this, he gestured to the surrounding tavern. "Now as far as particular places? Well, just about everywhere can be a threat. Let's see... There's always the inhospitable worlds, planets with noxious atmospheres or something else that makes them less than habitable for most species. I'd recommend avoiding most of the planets towards the edges of the larger galactic powers, they tend to be ripe for various forms of conflict."

"Unless you like to swim everywhere and have some way of breathing underwater, I think water worlds like Dac and Manaan are off any travel itineraries. Especially Manaan. That planet has so many problems. The locals have so many laws and unless you understand their translators' accents, let alone their language, you're liable to end up spending time in a jail cell for a crime you didn't even know existed. I was delivering some Edathain Pragons a couple of years back, Pragons are a delicacy from Edatha made from a mixture of nerf milk and local berry juices frozen for about a year and a half in some special container. Anyways, I was pulled aside for inspection and the local translator had a horrible accent, I could barely comprehend what he was telling me. When asked if I had anything to declare, I told them I was delivering Prags, they're pretty popular among the Selkath. I guess somewhere along the line I was misunderstood because I was arrested for smuggling Porgs into the system! I spent the better part of a month in a cell before the discovery of my actual cargo made its way through the bureaucracy. I was released, but my shipment was not returned and I never did get the repairs they had promised in compensation."

As if realizing the detour he had taken, Sy' quickly apologized, "Sorry about that. Still a bit of a sore spot. But it highlights a pretty common issue I think. Even if you avoid the crooks and gun-toaters, the leadership themselves tend to be little tricky blighters just waiting to take advantage. I'd definitely suggest staying in the mid- to outer-rim, once you starting going too close to the core people start getting a bit crazy. Oh, and of course avoid planet's like Felucia, unless you're wanting to find a place where you have to spend every waking moment, and some sleeping moments, fighting for survival against all manner of nightmarish beasts."

Uncertain how exactly to conclude, he eventually decided upon, "Guess this all just points back to everything is dangerous, some more so than others. You two seem pretty capable, and that future sight thing would probably keep you guys out of all sorts of trouble. Have you been in many fights?"

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
"I think that one day I'd like to see snow though."[color]

"Me too! And taste it!"

Once more they sat there enthralled as Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat wove more of his tales as he answered their questions. Such a lovely voice that they wanted to almost keep him for themselves. But of course they'd never do that. Besides, Broka wouldn't allow it anyways. They were lucky to have been able to hire their own bodyguard, of which the Hutt still had to vet beforehand.

"We don't look to our own future. It is too frightening to do so."

"And surely there are safe places to visit too, aren't there? Not everywhere can be bad....can it?" The twins had it good here. They could wander around the Palaces in unrestricted areas with every confidence that they'd be safe. They are fed well, entertained and get to work in a job that highlighted their skills, instead of abusing them.

"Oh no, we've never been in a fight before. We're not even allowed to carry a weapon."

"Our weapons are our bodyguards. They look after us."
"It is frightening to look into your future? What makes it like that, is there something you don't want to see?" The idea of being afraid of something was entirely normal to Sy', there were a lot of scary things out there in the galaxy. But to be scared of a future, a concept, seemed a little too abstract for the Chiss. Maybe that was a life of living in the moment talking, but he never tried to shy away from something just because it was concerning, he wouldn't have done at least half of the things he had done in his life if he had allowed himself to avoid intimidating potentialities.

In answer to their question about safety, Sy' stifled a chuckle, he was sure these two were asking in all seriousness and he didn't want to hurt their feelings. They were just so adorable in their innocence, it was almost like talking to children; if the children were indentured servants to a Hutt. "Sure there are a lot of safe places in the galaxy, but nowhere is so safe that you can assume it is." He wracked his brain for an example or an analogy. Finally, he settled on one and continued, "It's a lot like assuming that this place is safe. Sure you can come through every day, know you're protected by a bodyguard or the reputation of your boss, and be good friends with everyone. All it takes is for some lunatic with grand designs, or an absolutely mental plan to drop a bomb or start a firefight and suddenly all the safety dissipates in a moment. Poof." He paused to allow that to sink in before continuing with a less severe focus, "That being said, there are many places in the galaxy where you are mostly safe. Generally, places with a strong centralized leadership, whether it is a government or crimelord, tend to be safer for the everyday person. Manaan, for all of its flaws, was a good example of this, although things tend to change pretty quickly right now. All these galactic powers vying over planets makes even the safest planet a potential source of danger. Alderaan has been a pretty good place, if you like snow and beautiful night skies, Ilum is another good choice. It is, or was, a Jedi world though, so might have to be careful about that lot if you decide to visit. It's worth it though. Nothing quite like the stars from that world. Well, actually there is one place that looks pretty amazing, if you can get out that far. If you can, I would recommend taking a ship to the edge of the galaxy and then go perpendicular from the galactic spiral a jump or two. Look back and the sight of the galaxy is... well, indescribable really."

Lost in the memory, Sy' shook himself and turned his wandering eyes back to the duo across from him, "That's pretty smart, let the people who are paid to fight do it for you. But you can defend yourselves right? You're not entirely reliant on your guards to protect you if something happens?"

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
The twins both nodded in response to there being something that they didn't want to see. It was death of course, the death of Willow. Being isolated and alone was a concept unknown to them. And it frightened them dearly.

They listened to his analogy, each taking turns to look around in the Atrium that they were settled in. Sure it could be unsafe, if people attacked. But mostly it was Jedi that wanted anything harmful, and that usually was in trying to take them away from Broka in a bid to 'free' them. They just didn't understand that such a thing would do more harm than good.

Hearing Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat 's descriptions of various parts of the Galaxy made them almost want to see the sights for themselves. But it was too dangerous for them.

"No, we can't defend ourselves."

"We're not allowed to have any weapons."

"But our guards can."
Hmm. Well, these two were clearly on the softer side, not in a bad way mind. Sy' would have expected them to be a bit more hardened, given their background. But it seemed life had played them a rather interesting hand. That simply meant they had something different in store, probably have to spend more time learning things that may be important too.

Sy' spoke carefully, not wishing to insult or otherwise offend his most generous audience, "You don't need a weapon to protect yourselves. If I had to have a weapon, I would have been crushed, torn apart, and blasted several times over. You are a weapon. Just a little training and you could easily turn those limbs you have into very effective tools with which you may defend yourselves. It may take a lot more experience to be anywhere near as dangerous as say a knife or something we would call a weapon, but certainly they are enough to give yourselves time for the guards to help or something."

"Even a little kick is often enough., time is almost always the key. You buy yourselves time and you can increase your chances of being protected. Nine times out of ten, in the criminal world the attacker desires to get done as quick as possible. Responses by authorities, rivals, even bystanders increase as time progresses." Realizing he might have gone on a rather long tangent, the Chiss gave his best apologetic grin before verbalizing, "But, this isn't so important a subject. As you said, you've got bodyguards and it seems to have been sufficient thus far. So, what do you do in your spare time? It sounds like you've got plenty of it and I am sure there are plenty of opportunities for you, given your boss' reputation."

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Willow and Ivy looked to eachother, then at their hands, balling them into fists for a moment, before opening them up again. More often than not, they were usually taken at blaster point, and there wasn't much that they could do in defence of that. But Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat did give them some valuable advice; time. Time was their weapon that they could use. And for that they were very thankful.

Sy' changed the subject, and the twins took the moment to sip their drinks.

"Oh we come here mostly."

"Or sometimes we just stay in our suite and play with Moon. He's our looongcat."

"We used to go to the market at times, for some shopping, but it's not a good time for it right now."

"Yes there are monsters about, attacking nearby worlds. Broka wants to keep us as safe as possible."

"He cares about us, you know. In his own unique way. Otherwise he wouldn't treat us so well."
Ah, a pet. A good companion for overcoming various stressors. Sy' had no idea what kind of pet might have suited him, it would have to be something that didn't present an interesting hunt.

"A looongcat eh? Never heard of that species before. Does Moon tend to stay in your suite much?"

Makes sense, they are probably quite an investment on his part. Broka is probably no fool, certainly seems to care for them. At least he seems to care enough to protect them from some of the more common threats.

"Seems reasonable. What kind of monsters are terrorizing around here? I mean there are plenty of aggressive criminals I bet, but full-on monsters? Those are hard to come by."

He drank slowly from his glass as he considered what the options were. Creatures were always in great variety and provided excellent 'monster' material. People were a more common monster, but more difficult to define. Sy' had never been a fan of trying to hunt down the sentient monsters, although there was usually quite a thrill in outwitting those kinds.

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
"Oh yes, Moon stays in our suite all the time."

"It's a big suite though, so he has room to roam around."

Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat questioned them on the monsters, yet that was a little difficult as the twins had only heard their name once. Broka let the Jedi handle them for the most part, while he centered his attention on the Hutt Republic and the Black Sun.

"They are called...Byr-something...No wait..Bryn-something..?"

"Most around here call them crab people. Or monsters. Have you heard of them?
Crab people, monsters? Sy tried to divine what creature or creatures these two might be talking about. Vong? They tended to look quite a bit like crabs when they wore all of their fancy armors. Then again, it was kind of hard not to look like a crab when donning stuff made of exoskeletons. If nothing else, they would look like an arthropod, definitely a set of creatures that made for interesting hunts. But Vong did not sound anything akin to Bryn or Byr, indeed it was hard to sound much less less similar.

"Must have missed whatever they were, or are I guess. Are they that dangerous, so much so that a person as influential as Broka is concerned? They wouldn't happen to be hunting fodder would they?" He perked a little a the thought, a job would be good and another hunt may be good for sharpening his skills again. "You know I can handle it, unless this is one of those galactic governments sort of situations. Sorry, not a one man revolution. Tried that, failed horribly."

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

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