Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There's a time for every star to shine (Publicly Open)

It’s just tequila and the beach
Sure, maybe she wasn't the strongest adventurer out there. Token was pretty decent with some Force powers now, thanks to [member="Manu Xextos"], and her and Sindy were starting to take things to a different approach, both doing their own things, which was nice. And that meant the blonde was doing a few more trips a year to wherever she wanted to go. For now? It was the beach, of course it was.

But Rishi.

A world she spent some time on, and well, she didn't really get bothered by too many people on this world. And the weather was nice. Sure, it was a trip away from her job, but most of the crew aboard her Niathal, well, Bright Star's Niathal, were on vacation. Holiday season at their world, or something. So now that she had the time, she sent word to Sindy about coming out this way. There wasn't a plan, Token figured she'd a trip back to the south side of the galaxy would be fun.

Get some sun, do a bit of adventuring.

It would really be nice for her to get something like that hologame to help identify plants and animals of the worlds she made trips to. Maybe she should get on building something like that. Or begging Sindy.

The blonde stepped into one of those tee-shirt shack restaurants. Having a tee-shirt tossed over his bikini and walked up to the bar, ordering a quick drink. Time to see what kind of fun was around here.

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