There was something ever so slightly off about the way in which the Shadow tilted his head, even in something of a body of his own, it didn't quite feel so natural. Truthfully, it felt like he was mimicking. Though not Eliphas, because he hadn't done that recently. Had he?
Second guessing himself, he tried to shrug it off.
Kal led him out of the ship, while assuring him there was nothing truly there he wouldn't be permitted to see. Even so getting out of their way while they worked was something the boy was keen to do, something about too many cooks in the kitchen sprung to mind. Either way, he didn't want to be in their way.
Something new awaited him outside the bounds of the ship, and he stared at it with quiet consideration for longer than intended. A table, chairs, food and drink. It looked like a buffet at a little kids party; a smile broke out over his lips at that thought.
<You did all this, for me?> the boy inquired, perking a brow. He shook his head. <You didn't need to do that,> his stomach grumbled in disagreement, but he did his best to ignore it. All the same, that simple act seemed to move him. <Hey, uh, thanks...> When was the last time someone had been so gracious in their hospitality?
Certainly long before Ensiss.
Had he ever experienced such?
Probably not. He picked up some sort of finger food to satiate his grouchy stomach, and sank into a seat at the table. One bite was enough to remind him of all he'd been neglecting since being abandoned on the ship the night before. Hunger, thirst, fatigue, wowsers was it all so dizzying. He stifled a yawn with the back of his hand.