Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thicc Boi Sanctuary


In the shadowed halls of ancient lore,
A whisper stirs the embers' core,
The Majestic Flame of Manda calls,
Through starlit nights and darkened halls.

Ha'Rangir, the destroyer's voice,
In flames of war, the chosen rejoice,
Their axes raised in fervent plea,
To shatter stars, to set souls free.

War for war's own savage sake,
A cycle of ruin that none can break,
From ashes cold, new life must bloom,
In the heart of chaos, a destined doom.

With Mythic Axe & Warrior's Creed,
The Majestic Flame shall plant its ember seed,
In every heart that yearns for might,
To dance with shadows, to kindle the light.

So listen close, O child of fire,
To ancient dreams and dark desire,
The Mandalorian spirit, fierce and wild,

In every wandering, war-torn child~





MANUFACTURER: The Inheritors | Mandalorian Protectors | Clan Solus Forge Works
MARKET STATUS: Limited Availability

MATERIAL: Something STRONG. Not sure, Help DX



CLASSIFICATION: Mobile Mandalorian Monastery-City



















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The Eternal Flame Fades. The Warlords go without thrones. Surrender your fires, to the one True Heir.

Emboldened by the Flames of Divine Warfare. Embrace Thy Fire O Inheritor of Mandas Majestic Flame.

Seek Power & Fire; All Else Follows.

  • Intent: To design a TRUE Mandalorian weapon from a lost Myth in a bygone ancient era. The direct counter and antithesis to the famed Darksaber created in 1050 BBY by the first Mandalorian adopted into the Jedi Order. Furyia Prime, the first Daughter of Destruction born to the unholy union of the last remnants of Taung & Sith Massassi she forged the weapon in the light of a dying star, evoking the mythic imagery of her glorious Ancestor as she attempted to carve a path through the galaxy and consume the universe in an all devouring flame! Murdered while young before her power could grow, she bonded her soul to The Axe and creating a VERGENCE in the force within the blade, haunting its steel and waiting for a Mandalorian Descendant to be judged by the Mandas Majestic Flame. A TRUE INHERITOR OF THE DESTROYER GODS DREAM! To the inheritor of the key goes power long lost & withered to time, eager to feast upon the fire and flames once again if one can avoid the CORRUPTION of Furyia Prime trying to overtake The Inheritors soul & spirit should their devotion to destruction and discord ever stagnate or falter. A new GLORIOUS weapon of a Mandalorian Myth for Descendants to fight over and compete for~
  • Image Source: Ava's Demon [X] | Destiny Iron Lord Axe [X] Axe of Splendor [X]
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Mythosaur Axe | Sith Sword | Majestic Flame of Manda | Furyia Prime

"This Fire Thirst For Sweet Songs of Steel & Carnage~"

  • Organization Name: Furyia Prime
  • Classification: The Inheritor [Domina Prime] | Majestic Flame of Manda | Sons & Daughters of Mandalore
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Organization Symbol: Sun With Eye & Sword

Description: No

  • Headquarters: Mythosaur Axe | Mandalorian Forge Hammer
  • Domian: Very Large
  • Notable Assets: Heavy Metal


The Dogma of Law
"May The Flames Guide Thy Mandalorian Soulfire~"
  • Hierarchy: Haunted blade of a mythic age, a malignant spirit possesses the blade. Giving The Axe a will and accord all its own and will protect itself if emboldened or enraged. The Spirit of Furyia occupies the blade and acts as Judge, Jury and Executioner~
  • Membership: Bathing in the light of dying stars the original forger of this Mythic Mythosaur Blade has bonded their radiant spirit to the blade infusing it with the Majestic Flame of Mandas Eternal Flame, changing the shape of the blade as a signature to its potential new Inheritors. Even temporarily changing form from an axe, to a Hammer, the ancient forge weapon of their ancestors. Or a spear, the mythic hunting weapon depicted being held by their Old Gods. These shapes, temporary to serve a momentary purpose of creation or destruction as dictated by their Dogma & Doctrine. The True & Full Power of this blade has and always will be and Axe.
  • Climate: Forged from the light of dying stars long withered to smoldering embers, when infused with the power of an Inheritor this weapon can deliver an oppressive explosive yield akin to that of an Ancient Mandalorian Combustion Forge~
  • Reputation: Hear her o worthy ones! Hear her and swear upon her radiance to be bestowed with a mighty flame! Can grant NFUs/FUs Pyromancy through ritual & consume the souls of WORTHY WARRIORS into its Eternal Flame, including Mandalorian Kin.
  • Curios: Ever the ravenous this Ancient Mandalorian Artifact will never wither and rot. Indomitable might as is the path of the Manda, this blade will use the starforged warmth of it's flame to reshape and alter the shape of the axe to the inheritors soul. Giving the Axe a different appearance depending on it's current inheritor.
  • Rules: Foreseeing destruction and bathing in the light of stars this weapon bears archaic runes to protect it from The Light of the force.
  • Goals: A promise from a Mythic Age, An Age Old Bond. The Phantom in the blade seeks a Mandalorian Descendant. A WORTHY Inheritor~


"Coveted Key of The Divine Radiance of War, O Inheritor, Don't Let The Flame Die Out!"

FLAME MONARCH: Monarch of Mandas Majestic Flame, a fire representing the will of the Mandalorian Spirit in all its majesty this mythic weapon, drained of it's cosmic radiance whispers a sweet song of fire! Forged in the light of a dying star this blade like many Sith Blades has a hunger and a thirst. But unlike other Sith Blades who consume the force or the souls of the dead this blade hungers for sweet destruction. To spread it's flames of war as far and wide as it can be allowed this blade feeds from the chaos, fire, and destruction of a battlefield and uses the potent energy to only further feed the loop of madness. To scorch the earth and admire the flames only to devour those same flames and expel them elsewhere in another battle in the future. With a single swing this weapon can deliver a strike so explosive its like standing within a combustion forge, scattering the mightiest of structures and individuals to ashes and dust in mighty cremation. Sweet obliteration, with a worthy inheritor to lend her might at full potential and power the weight of this axe shatters the stones of the earth creating great craters of destruction splitting the crust and can cleave through structures with the ease as if melting through butter quite literally. It is often said that as strong as Sith Swords are, that they cannot melt through walls or dense objects like a Lightsaber can. This weapon bucks the trend. To meet it's steel is to feel the whisper and kiss of the sun as it can massive explosive oppressiveness by smelting through metal and stone alike and deliver decimation so profound it can only be described as divine. To absorb the heat of blasters, lightsabers and even devouring the light of lightning and using it to feast it's own radiance this weapon issues great command over fire in all it's forms as it seeks to consume all fire into it's eternal flame to only further spread those very same flames across the galaxy in an all consuming and purifying fire.

MAJESTIC JUDGEMENT: The Blade cast judgment upon thee! The soul of Furyia polluting the blade and casting vicious scrutiny upon those within it's sight. Heavily discriminated against is the flesh and in her judgement she searches for WORTHY CHAMPIONS to inherit her radiance. To bestow the spark of her mighty flame in the hearts of others is something only Furyia can gift upon her beloved brothers and sisters INDEPENDENT of The Inheritor as only SHE can cast such judgment as the Destroyer Gods Speaker. Capable of granting protection from her vicious flames to true children of war and the sons and daughters of The Destroyer, the blade in a sense can 'choose' whose it's flames consume and scatter to ashes. While others, if bold and brave enough can earn not only protection from the Flame Mother, but power from its influence. A Vergence in the force those who consider themselves children of The Destroyer will not only find themselves protected by the flames but emboldened by them as well. It is whispered that should a truly powerful inheritor claim The Axe, that with their powers combined they can bestow the power of Pyromancy to Force Sensitives and even None Force Sensitives by using The Axe as a conduit. A dangerous and violent flame uncontrolled and simply an ember when given, but if cultivated can grow into a mighty flame attuned to the soul of the warriors forge! The flames taking on the color of the subjects soulflame when their potential is met.

PHANTOM BLADE: In death, the Mandalorian Spirit prevails. Destined to destruction thousands of years ago the ghost of Furyia clings to the steel axe as her will permeates the weapon. Make no mistake o audience, the blade is ALIVE with an accord of its own. Defying gravity itself when not held by an inheritor The Axe levitates and drifts along as if possessed by a ghost! However, it's vicious desire for destruction will kneel to no one and should it's will not be satisfied The Axe will attempt to scorch the earth itself. Capable of expelling violent explosive power even without the influence of its wielder only for its power to be increased should it be utilized purposely this weapon will obey the call of the true sons and daughters of Ha'rangir and heed their call. Returning to it's vessels hand and merging their powers or, if need be. Vanishing from physical form and taking the temporary form of a ethereal flame incapable of being interacted with or taken. A way to protect itself from the unworthy who wish to claim its power. It can however, in rare moments of faith cast such dark magicks upon its Inheritor to protect them from misfortune if within it's power. Even temporarily used the energy from when it once bathed in the light of suns to solar forge it's steel into a temporary shape such as a Mandalorian Hammer to forge weapons in it's own image and linked with it's power or even a Ancient Glaive in the midst of combat should the shape be needed in the moment. However, this quirk comes at the cost of force energy and focus, not an intrinsic ability of the Axe alone but a will upon The Inheritor and agreed upon by the Spirit of The Axe.

THE GREAT INHERITOR: To inherit her power first and foremost and her majestic flame. Her wealth second, scattered across the cosmos smothered away in the molten core of pillaged worlds thousands of years ago. And thirdly, the spark of warrior souls judged by The Axe and sent tot he Field of Blades, an afterlife where warriors are locked in eternal battle. Mandalorian Souls deemed worthy are called upon after death, capable of re-purposing their fallen souls to serve the Eternal War once again by binding said souls to the physical realm. This Axe is a promise to any warrior vanquished in the field of battle. That in life, and in death, the war never ends. And that the truest among them will have a chance at rebirth, should The Inheritor cultivate the power to command the burning souls of the Mandalorian collective! (REQUIRES OOC PERMISSION IN PVP)


"Ash Seeketh Embers O Child of Mine. Covet thy flame~"

SOUL BLADE OF THE INHERITOR: The Vow of an Age Old Bond is not so easily kept O descendants of Manda. To receive the vestige of INHERITOR is a sacred promise to the God of Destruction to bring forth a mighty flame so glorious it consumes stars. Anything less will simply not do for the spirit possessing the blade and in her vicious scrutiny potential inheritors will be put through constant trials and test of worthiness before and after The Blades Spirit has accepted them. Prodding their weaknesses, demanding test of might and demonstrations of destruction The Blade will only ask for more. More! MORE! This is a hunger that can NOT be satiated or controlled, wrangled or staved off. Mandalorians who attempt to wield the blade and not fulfill it's purpose will slowly find themselves fading away until eventually, The Axe scatters them to ashes. IF FULFILLED of Mandas promise then the Blade would become...slightly more obedient. Even going as far as to MAYBE summon when called by its Inheritor! Ever independent is the Mandalorian Soul and Furyia Prime is no different. One day it may be cooperative with its Inheritors whims and will. And other days The Axe will have accords and whims of it's own independent of its holder and stubbornly resist the call, reject the Inheritors will and in some cases oppose directly by attacking its own wielder. Inheritors who find themselves meeting the spirits mighty expectations however must be wary, as the spirit of the blade thirst for life as it does destruction and will attempt to overtake or fuse with the soul of The Inheritor which can result in loss of the self or much, much worse.

MYTHIC CEREMONY: As recorded by historians The Mythosaur Axe of Mandalorian Myth is an unruly and rather obtuse weapon. Mythic in it's visage and dripping in ancient opulence this weapon can not be wielded by common Jedi or Sith, even a vast majority of Mandalorians beholden to their blasters and random armaments lack the knowledge, skill, and effectiveness to wield such a weapon. The last of which was mastered by the legendary Mandalore The Ultimate. A massive weapon, heavy in it's expectations and it's literal weight can only be wielded by TRUE Children of Mandalore of warriors of no god set upon the path of destruction who may inherit the Mandalorian Culture into their bones.

RADIOACTIVE: Permeated in the death of stars and the flaming fires of war there was once a time where this weapon and it's forger devoured the hearts of stars and attempted to bring about an all consuming flame to devour the galaxy. Noble ambitions cut short the Mandalorian Sith Spirit possessing the core of the blade and becoming a VERGENCE in the force this weapon radiates a warmth so vivid one could describe it as a ghostly embrace. Jedi, Sith, Mandalorian, even none force users can mildly detect the presence of this weapon as it's flame is vast and everlasting. There is no hiding this blade, no stealth mission or masked intent. The soul is laid bare upon the sleeves, allowing anyone to recognize the signature of it's Inheritor with incredible ease.

LIGHTBORN: To drink from the light of stars is no easy feat, and while the Flame Monarch Runes of Sith Priest from the mythic age protect the axe from total annihilation when opposed with the blistering divinity of Force Light. The blade still suffers the weakness of all it's bladed kin, if not slightly mitigated from being possessed by an infernal spirit. Direct offensive destruction directed upon the axe by the powers of Force Light or weapons Enhanced by it will cause the axe to suffer great damage. Even more so if weakened or kept under containment in an environment where it can be destroyed.

WITHER & ROT: Sloth, the eternal enemy of the Destroyer God Ha'Rangir. To witness rot, wither and stagnation is to cause the spirit within the blade to grow enraged and vicious. Scorching in her scruitniy and indiscriminate The Blade will attempt to overtake and overpower The Inheritor in order to bring upon destruction of stagnation wherever it is witnessed. It takes an incredible amount of power and will to subdue and tame the blade and constantly it will whisper into the Mandalorian Inheritors ear to bring desolation upon the complacent. Peaceful species, isolationist, all must be purified and cast away beneath the destroyers radiant flame.

CURSED JUDGMENT: Worthy Warriors need only apply, the judgment of the blades spirit can be...flawed in it's desires. Unlike similar sith blades that gluttonously devour souls to continuously fuel its user this blade seeks ONLY the WORTHY. The souls of pathetic civilians, farmers, artist, greedy pirate and criminal thugs who may be violent but lack a warriors heart are indiscriminately discarded and scattered to the flame. But true warriors? Champions to fight with the spark of Ha'rangir? It is these warrior souls The Blade wishes to devour and feast upon. Enveloping the warrior spirits of the dead into it's eternal flame to further fan the fire of chaos and war. To the LIVING, its judgement is just as hard if not slightly more lenient as the window for potential change is small, but if cultivated can be a worthy successor of the flame. Emboldening Mandalorian Descendants with a small taste of power and if disappointed cast them to complete ruin and misfortune.

VICIOUS MOCKERY: Every moment of every day the voice of Furyia Prime will haunt the senses and provoke the heart and soul. Their tongue molten and golden as the devils impish and girlish behavior can drive potential inheritors mad as they are forced to endure the constant historic exploits and warmongering rants of destruction and discord constantly preached by the Ghost Blade even going as far as to speak to others in the company of The Inheritor and exposing their vulnerabilities, insecurities and phobias to friends, lovers, allies or enemies alike just to further sow discord and destruction.

NULL & VOID: The phenomenon of things such as Void Stones and Force Nullification Fields have a strange effect on The Axe and it's power. If at a distance, these null fields can prevent the spreading of The Inheritors Majestic Flame and in many cases completely resist its radiance! In close proximity, the power within the Axe waxes and wanes, the spirit within forced into a withering ember which, if sustained for long enough can open the accursed blade to being destroyed by abilities such as Force Light.

DEAL WITH A DEVIL: Mandalorians & Warriors on the path of the Destroyer God Ha'rangir will find themselves under constant observation from the Keepers of The Flame. To receive the ember of power from The Furyian Axe is to accept an Age Old Bond which if broken can result in the devouring of the soul and the divine cremation of the physical body. Those whose devotion falters, withers or wanes will sometimes find themselves awoken with burn marks across their flesh or fires in their bed as a mere warning not to lose sight of the path and fall to stagnation and complacency. To escape this contract is to enter a battle of wills and focus! Righteous ritual not so easily overturned, to escape the contract of the Flame Monarch of Manda is no easy feat which makes potential inheritors extremely at risk to any manner of corruption, damage, or death.



A masterpiece of Sith Alchemy infused with the malevolent spirit of a Mandalorian Descendant who lived not so long after the end of the Great Mandalorian Wars and hearing the voice of a DIVINE DESTROYER whispering into her ear the girlish imp of a tyrant forged within the dying light of a withering star a weapon WORTHY of her Ancestral Heritage. INFUSED & ENCHANTED with the ESSENCE of STARS there could be no mistaking the unmissable permanence this weapon leaves as it scorches the very air with a dark side presence of an infernal nature. An Age Old Bond, the Spirit of Furyia The Destroyers Daughter occupies the axe. Life cut short in her burst violence so catastrophic it once brought apocalyptic conditions to the worlds razed by it's flame this weapon is not for the feint of heart.

The Key to Treasure Vaults long lost to the ages, hidden away in the molten cores of planets pillaged and destroyed in glorious sacrificial warfare to the divine act of war itself. A Contract to WORTHY WARRIORS who follow the true path of the Mandalorian, to bestow upon their souls an ember that if fanned in the sight of the Flame Mother could bring precious purification in power, and in some cases, grant temporary power to the powerless should those ungifted in the force touch it's steel and be deemed worthy, and lastly but certainly not least to expel flames of delicious devastation, the sweet whisper and kiss of the sun as the Inheritor of The Furyian Axe will be burdened with an incredible power that will bind them to a contract of discord and dismay or scatter them to dust.

But to inherit this weapon of myth and woe one must beware and heed warning. Once set upon the path of emblazoned blood there can be NO GOING BACK! The Spirit of The Axe will whisper and scream, squirm and squeal even ignite the very sky to make sure its cries for destruction can be heard! The Axe will actively test its potential Inheritors with constant trials of tribulation and scrutinizing their every move and word. Judgment cast upon the unworthy as they suffer the terrible burns of a disappointed Flame Mother.

But to the TRUE INHERITOR! A Mandalorian worthy of the name and a son or daughter or Ha'rangir The Destroyer a sweet promise of an Age Old Bond. A promise of PLUNDER. PLEASURE. AND POWER!


It's all yours for the taking~

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"Deranged Daughter of Discord & Destruction~"
An Ancient Mandalorian Ghost Tale | The Majestic Flame Mother of Manda


Links: The Majestic Flame of Manda | The Furyian Axe | Kad Ha'rangir
Permissions: N/A
Image Source: Ava's Demon [X]

Intent: To create a more ancient and mythological Force Phantom/Ghost in Mandalorian Culture/Fables/History in direct opposition to Tarre Vizsla who lived in 1000 BBY in the form of a ancient Mandalorian Sith Spirit sealed within their Mythosuar Axe creating VERGENCE in the force from being forged in the presence of a Force Nexus. Lost to the erosion of time and expunged from the history books during the Ancient Mandalorian Civil Wars after the collapse of the Taung Age in 3960 BBY following the Defeat of Mandalore The Ultimate at the hands of Darth Revan.

Role: The Soul of Furyia sealed within the heart of her Mythosuar Axe this Ancient Mandalorian who lived following the end of The Mandalorian Wars after the tragic defeat of Mandalore The Ultimate. Born into the year 4000 BBY Furyia Prime is the first Mandalorian to be born into the Sith after being forged to a Sith Massassi & A Mighty Taung Warrior during The Great Sith Wars Bas-Relief. A Mandalorian Champion who managed to escape the collapse of Mandalorian Culture during the slow drift into extinction a vast majority of Taung endured during a time known as The Great Stagnation, a transitional period of history when the withering of The Taung allowed humanoids to inherit The Mandalorian Culture. In their inheritance however the name of The Old Gods was slowly eroded and fell out of favor with the culture.
In the height of her power, Furyia Prime was regarded as a menace across the stars as she tried to re-ignite The Mandalorian Wars in a spark of warmongering that was snuffed out long before it could become a great flame. The Weapon she forged within the heart of a withering star before it's supernova she used this Mythic Weapon to shatter the very stars and send solar systems into cosmic disarray and causing Force Nexus's in the wake of her destruction. Defeated by the combined efforts of The New Mandalorians and Jedi Masters before her power could be cultivated her enraged soul bonded to the Axe, sealing her spirit within it as she then became a Shade before being able to reach her destiny and become a Wound in The Force. Now a judge searching for the next Worthy Mandalorian to hear the Voice of the Destroyer and become the next Inheritor of Mandas Majestic Eternal Flame~

Ancient myth and legend expunged from time, Furiya Primes Sole purpose is to fulfill a promise to The Mandalorian Descendants. To destroy and usher forth glorious new life, or to stagnate, and wither into extinction like their ancestors the Progenitors of Mandalorian Culture The Taung. Trapped within her own mythic weapon of foretold mass destruction she awaits The Next Inheritor as a vengeful, wicked soul within the Blade of Eternal Fire.



Age Range: 28 [Age of Death] | 4000 BBY Decades After The Fall of Mandalore The Ultimate [Approximate Time of Life]
Force Sensitivity: Sith Lord [Radiant Force Spirit]

Species: Ancient Taung & Sith Massassi Hybrid Shortly Following The Steady Extinction of Taung in 3960 BBY
Appearance: Impish devil of devastation Furyia Prime in her life was a small, delicate Taung/Massassi with an incredibly unimpressive stature. It is said her Armor was always too loose on her so she shed it for oppressive power. Standing at only 5ft3 many dwarfed her in the battlefield and her own kin often ridiculed her as a warrior because of this flaw in her visage. Brimstone flesh of crimson and elongated horns sprouting from her skull Furyia was the first halfbreed child of a Taung & Sith Purebloods in the ancient days following The Mandalorian Wars. Into her adulthood this notion was quickly corrected as the biblical destruction brought to the galaxy during her short time left countless planets scorched under her great flame. In DEATH, her shade retains much of the detail of her physical body. A ghost sealed within a golden blade, sun marked and tattooed with force energy the image of Furyias Phantom is akin to that of a child. Daughter of The Eternal Flame and the Judge of The Executioners Blade.



Name: FURYIA PRIME | Daughter of The Destroyer | Sunbreaker of Solaris | Majestic Flamemother of Manda

Languages: : Ancient Mando'a | Ancient Ur-Kittât

Loyalties: Fanatic daughter of divinity lost, Despoiler of despots & devils the destroyers vessel Furyia Prime is the first fabled child of Kad Hara'gnir, zealous and god-fearing it is said during a period known only in lost text as 'The Great Stagnation' in which a period where the Mandalorian Sloth God of old Mythology had taken fervent and rotted root within Mandalorian Culture. Deranged daughter of an Alor she claimed to hear the voice of Kad Ha'rangir whispering to the very soul of the child that the galaxy was in desperate need of devastation and destruction of biblical design. The originator of an occult-like splinter of Mandalorians who turned to The Sith in order to usher forth an Age of Discord as demanded by her deity.

There can be no mistaking o audience. To hear the name PRIME is to evoke mythic imagery of destruction unfathomable by Mandalorian standards. She shattering and devouring of stars to cast solar systems into discord and total apocalypse just to force The Great Stagnation, the eternal enemy of Ha'rangir and his sons and daughters devoted and dedicated to sweet despotism and decimation of any and all things.

Wealth: Mythic in it's marvelous opulence are the coveted spoils lost to time hidden away in the Hollowed Heart of Despoiled Worlds smothered greedily away in Treasure Trove Vaults of Ancient Mandalorian technologies pillaged from worlds obliterated or assimilated in the ancient days of the Taung Occupation of The Stars. Her vast fortune was pillaged from Jedi, Sith, and Unworthy Mandalorians alike. The last remnants of technologies from ruined civilizations, riches and jewels from The Great Crusades. All buried and locked away across the galaxy in hopes that one day future Daughters of The Majestic Flame of Manda would inherit the Old Paths and usher forth a New Age of Discord & Destruction to end The Great Stagnation. It is the whisper of a promise, a fabled dream for the lost Children of Mandalore who still hear the echoes of their Mythic Ancestors who waged war for wars sake~

Notable Possessions: Of the countless riches and treasures horded and hidden away by Furyia The Destroyer there is but a single item the old tales speak of. A weapon of grand splendor and delicious design, radiant with the essence of destruction and forged within the heart of a Dying Star the enchanted bones of The Ancient Mythosuar Starforged into The Mythic Furyian Axe. Akin to the legend of Tarre Vizsla and his creation of the famed Darksaber, coveted by many Mandalorians even to the modern day The Furyian Axe is, for all intensive purpose, the DIRECT Antithesis to the Darksaber.
Where The Darksaber became a fabled mark of a Mandalorian Leadership thousands of years later the forging of the Furyian Mythosuar Axe was created in dedication to the old tradition of Mandalorians. A weapon created in the visage of The Old Gods and entwined with the Spark of Ha'rangir. The Axe was forged in the light of dying stars and devoured the souls of the vanquished to forever light it's eternal flame. A symbol of destruction and discord The Furyian Axe is the whisper of an age old promise. The Eternal Flame of War will never truly wither so long as the burning wills of Mandalorians remained. Lovingly named, The Majestic Flame of Manda~

Since her death, the soul of Furyia Prime has been forever bonded to the Ancient Blade. A force of judgement attached to the axe and flowing her power through it's starforged steel as she seeks the next Inheritor of The Eternal Flame. Her scrutiny draconian in it's judgement Furyia will only ever let Mandalorian Children gaze upon the axe yet alone touch it. But to wield her mythic weapon is to be a true child of Ha'rangir, a feat few if any left in the Mandalorian Culture can truly claim. But one thing is known for sure.

To the Mandalorian Son or Daughter who can inherit The Majestic Flame of Manda, will go unimaginable powers of delicious destruction.

Skills:: In life, Furyia was a creature of violence fire and mayhem. Nothing could satisfy her hunger for obliteration and sweet slavery, the voice of her god whispering in her ear she KNEW it to be true. The Daughter of Sith & Taung warriors the path of blood was not one chosen, but one inherited. The Executioner of Stillness and originator of The Eternal Flame her combat prowess in life was not what earned her the reputation that she is known for. Her study in Sith Sorcery & Alchemy from her father is what cultivated her thirst of delicious decimation as she became extremely proficient in Flame Magic, Soul Rending, and Necromancy by creating bonds with fallen Mandalorian Warriors and returning them to the field by infusing their souls with the spark of her Great Flame and attaching them to suits of armor so they may wage war once again.

Physically, her feats were none too impressive. But the might of her force potential was well recognized and over time, feared. So much so that it lead to a joint mission to bring her reign of terror to a swift and merciless end. At the height of her power, she had achieved the Sith Ability Supernova, the power to tear the core of stars from their bellies and drink upon their light to fuel her eternal flame of war and discord. It is said when she was slain, she bled cosmic starblood radiant with burning light.

Personality: Vengeful & Vindictive Despot of Divine Destruction! Impish devil of deranged despoilment Furyia Prime is in life as she was in death. A fanatic in her commitment to the Destroyer God Kad Ha'rangir and childishly vain her spirit has only spiraled into madness since her death and being sealed within a weapon once known to bring obliteration to the very stars.

In life, she was a Grand Executioner. Where her scrutiny of the weak was first cultivated during her continuous slaughter of enemies. And as she grew older, and her mother warned her of The Great Stagnation, a period in the the world where things would begin to rot and age from lack of change Furyia became incredibly dissatisfied with the state of things. To see stillness to her was to see stagnation taking root, and everywhere she looked she witnessed this sickness taking hold.

It angered her then. And it angers her now. Perhaps it was some twisted version of fate, chance, or maybe just cosmic coincidence that the Voice of The Destroyer would choose her as it's first vessel. But once the voice of sweet discord was heard, it made those embers stirring within her into a vicious and violent all consuming flame. To bask in the light of a dying sun and sing as it dies, this is her greatest joy, the one memory she cherishes above all.

It is not complicated sweet audience. Furyia is a creature of simplistic desires. To excess in the delicious delight of life and drink her fill until she was fat with strength and then expand her eternal fire across the galaxy while high from the sheer bliss of fulfilling her gods will.

The music of sweet discord and chaos which sings her into quiet satisfaction, delighting in the flames of ultimate destruction and finding her soul soothed when in the presence of incredible violence. A thirst and hunger, one eternal there is nothing else that will appease Furyia Prime.

If not entertained with the sweet song of violence the girl devolves into an insistent, overwhelming voice of madness whispering into the ear of the Axe's Holder. To be in the presence of stagnation, weakness and stillness? Furyia cannot fathom it, the sickness infectious to her very spirit as she radiates a great fire THROUGH the Axe her souls inhabits, burning away the unworthy should they be in her presence. It has been thousands of years since she has spoken to anyone that could even be considered a worthy inheritor of her power. If she were to find one, they would quickly discover Furyia to be quite the devilish imp as she torments and taunts the holder of The Axe.


Combat of Choice: Furyian Mythosuar Axe [X]

Combat Function: The Soul Sealed Within The Blade; Furyia Prime in her current form and state is incapable of 'combat' in the true sense. But as a ghost whose power was once considered mythic she wields incredible influence over the physical manifestation of The Axe as well as the Eternal Flame powering the ancient weapon. This weapon, independent of a wielder has the power to protect itself and deliver destruction on its own accord.

The Axe can defy the nature of gravity, either levitating weightlessly as it's metal frame is engulfed in flames to scatter her enemies to ashes her spirit can manipulate the axe as if it were a Phantom Weapon and she can project the flames of her power through it as a conduit to express her power.

This power however is limited without a wielder and true inheritor of The Axe. Without an inheritor these methods are merely self defense mechanisms to prevent the unworthy from collecting the mythic axe as it can be stubborn about who it allows to touch it. Even going as far as to lock itself to the earth by manipulating it's weight, sinking into the earth and denying potential inheritors from even picking the blade up if rejected.

However, should Furyias Spirit find a worthy inheritor of her Majestic Flame, the power and ability of both Furyias soul and the weapon itself will increase, bestowing the new inheritor with her own power.

Force Abilities: In her tragically short life, Furyia Primes power and flame was snuffed before she could continue to cultivate power during her fanatic madness egged on by the voice of a being claiming to be The Destroyer God. Despite her death at an early age, the very few things she managed to learn was enough to help her in the quest to end The Great Stagnation by consuming the galaxy in a glorious fire so new life may grow from its ashes.

  • Force Flame: The first arcane art taught to her by her father along with sith sorcery the ability to conjure mighty flames of destruction is perhaps Furyia Primes most notable talent in the few remaining text of her existence left recorded.
  • Sith Alchemy: Assisting in the creation of the forge her Mandalorian Mother, married to a Sith Pureblood learned Arcane Alchemy in order to forge weapons of incredible violence. Together, Furyia and her mother conceived the Mythosuar Axe and to enchant it sought out the heart of a dying star to infuse it with mythic destructive power.
  • Force Phantom/Possession: Salvaging the ruined souls of warriors from the Field of Blades, she would infuse the spark of their souls with the majestic flame of her power and grant them temporary life by attaching them to suits of armor to once again wage war in the name of The Manda. In her death, she used this same wicked magic to attach her soul to the Furyian Axe, forever bonding herself to a physical tether and waiting as a ghost in the blade for the next inheritor of the Axe.
  • Supernova: At the height of her power, derived from the constant consuming of souls and using the power of an Ancient Force Nexus she used her Axe, a weapon forged in the heart of a dying star and brought destruction to many planets with it's divine majestic flame. In that time, it did not take her long to discover the power through old text and scrolls. And after many years of tutelage eventually unlocked the power to shatter the very stars! Casting solar systems into complete discord and chaos in her attempts to usher in a new age of fire and flames. She was however, killed shortly after the cultivation of this power, and will likely be unable to ever return to the former glory of her power. Instead relying on the next inheritor of The Eternal Flame to be a worthy vessel of her mighty power.



STARFIRE MOTHER: Daughter of The Destroyer & Mother of Majestic Flame of Manda; The ancient feats of this mythic figure lost to the inevitable god of time itself expunged from the scrolls and text in sheer spite and vicious hatred during civil wars of Mandalorian sons and daughters LOST to the path laid open in a beautiful flame it is she who DEVOURED STARS for their light in the mythic age when The Rakata fed upon the cosmos and all things seemed just a little DARKER! As in life as in death, Furyias vicious flame has long but withered after the temperance of time but still within her spark remains the remnants and echoes of a mythic age. O majestic flame mother, keeper of Mandas Mighty Fire! Cast away the nonbelievers with your scorching light! Bestow the worthy with an all consuming flame and usher in a new age of Mandalorian Power! Her spirit even thousands and thousands of years following her death rages with the wrath of her ancestors, the sheer oppressive might of her flame sorcery is second to very few. It is spoken that the true inheritor of The Majestic Flame will be burdened with a mighty fire threatening to burn away their very flesh to ashes and embers.

WARRIOR WHISPERER: Death speaker and igniter of lost warrior souls, Furyia possessed an innate talent for the occult and communing with the recently departed. For unknown reasons however, even to her, in her youth studying among Sith Priest she could only ever commune with the spirits of deceased WARRIORS. The death of her sibling, a humble artist she was never able to reach while her mother and fathers souls she could reach consistently. This led many to believe that the Collective Unconscious of The Manda had somehow bled into the soul of the child, allowing her to convene only with people of her own ilk. More specifically, souls forever bound for eternity to the mythic plane of the afterlife known only as The Field of Blades. Sweet flame mother, ever the generous in her love for her mothers people used these talents to enter into contracts with lost warrior souls. By searing them with the Mark of the Majestic Flame she could call upon their wandering souls as they fought in the afterlife for all eternity and temporarily attach their soul to the physical world to let them wage war once again! This power, lost to her over the years of stagnation still possesses the sirens call, and should she bond her soul to a new Inheritor, they will be able to call upon the precious souls of their ancestors to once again despoil and destroy and the name of their god and their descendants who would do the same for them!

The Ancestral Mandalorian Spirits of the Field of Blades will only ever answer the call from the Majestic Flame Mother, whose spirit is sealed within the mythic visage of her Furyian Axe. A signal that scorches the earth of the unworthy and draws the souls of their ancestors to its radiant light like moth to a flame. The Axe, much like The Darksaber, is a mark. A mark of fire and flames stoked by the Mandalorian soul, an age old promise to the Mandalorian Descendants that the Eternal Flame of War would never wither so long as the Mandalorian Spirit remained. The Inheritor of The Axe will inherit with it many things. A key to lost treasure vaults hidden by the Majestic Flames Children Eons ago, the promise of destructive power beyond comprehension, and the Might Light that calls the souls of lost warriors to its precious flame. Casting judgment upon the living with extreme scrutiny and bestowing upon them a spark of her power if branded worthy OR scattering them to the dust should she see stagnation in their souls. To any Mandalorian living or dead, the Axe is a key to their righteous future!



DERANGED DAUGHTER OF DISCORD: The voice of her god once so loud it was like song of fire and flame has long but drifted into a dying whisper. Her mind, twisted and maddened after eons trapped within her own weapon has long but sent this once powerful presence in the force into the downward spiral of deranged madness and incoherent ramblings. Her tongue locked in riddles and poetry in the language of her ancient people it would be a miracle if any future inheritors of her power could even decipher the terms and conditions of a spirit stricken with regret and fury. From requesting to be serenaded with the sweet song of destruction to even going through fits of rage and like a stubborn child refusing the call of the inheritor it is not uncommon for Furyia's spirit to reject activity altogether and simply enter an infernal state, preventing the wielder from taking the axe and effectively denying them access to their power. The next Inheritor of The Furyian Axe will have to ether appease the spirit within the blade, bond with it in attempts to claim its power, or be consumed by it's all devouring flame.

WITHER & ROT: Time, the ultimate killer. The longer time passes the weaker the flame becomes. The more the Mandalorian Culture withers away to the erosion of ideas and will her collective power lessens. To witness stagnation is to evoke mythic wrath and fury from a spirit whose soul purpose in it's life was the destruction of the Sloth God, viewing complacency and stillness as much more than weakness. But a disgusting disease! It nauseates her very soul, evoking vicious response from The Axe as it permeates dark side energies of scorching, burning scrutiny against any within it's presence, even potential allies.

LIGHT SCATTERED: To drink from the surface of stars was once the Sith Mandalorians greatest pleasure. What irony that it was that same delicious light that lead to her demise! As a remnant of an echo the spirit of Furyia Prime is but a smoldering ember of what it once used to be, and like all things permeated in the dark side as a Vergence in The Force and soulbond to what equates to a Sith Artifact as her Axe acts as a vessel of her power The Lightside of the force and it's mythic power of radiance can severely damage the spirit within the axe, either temporarily banishing the spirit or completely destroying t if certain conditions are met.

RAVENOUS HUNGER: A thirst so palpable that to ignore it's call is to feel the salt of ashes in ones mouth. To be not only a wielder of The Axe but to be a subject under its oath is to feel the scorch of the radiant flame itch into ones very flesh as Furyia Primes somatic thirst for superior destruction so sweet it could be a song sways the bones of both the living and the death. Woe to any scrutinized under her mythic flame as her promise is one of chaos and cremation! So sow a sweet symphony of destruction & discord is her one and only wish and it is a wish that cannot be IGNORED. Inheritors of the Axe must feed it's hunger for worthy warrior souls and the fires of mayhem consuming all, drinking her fill of the light warmth of the villain burned to ashes.

CURSED JUDGMENT OF FLAME: There can be no lie told within the presence of her mythic visage. The Furyian Axe cast judgment upon those within it's presence or field of infuence causing incredible discomfort and the boiling of the very flesh to those considered by her standards as 'Unworthy Warriors', wasted of their lifespark. Her judgement of individuals is merciful at times, and viciously scrutinized in others. However, those deemed as true followers of The Path are embraced by the majestic flame, bestowing them with the Mark of Mandas Heart, a brand of sorts forever recognizing them as a child of the Majestic Flame and shielded by it's incredible radiance. But this comes at a terrible price, as the spark infused withtin them will be forced to heed the call of the sweet song of discord and are obligated to fullfill the purpose of Mandas Eternal Flame or suffer the Curse of the Furyain Axe.

VICIOUS MOCKERY: Dwarfish Devil Imp Furyia Prime is as vicious with her tongue as she is her judgement. The fury of her flames is as radiant and scorching as her insults and constant teasings of delight. Utilizing the Majestic Flame granted to her by using her ability to bond with inheritors of the axe and it's subjects by bestowing upon them an ember of her fire she is able to gain critical insights into their past, feelings, insecurities and much much more allowing her to accurately pinpoint the most sensitive subject of scrutiny and exploit it to further gain control of the inheritor and potentially infest their body.

FLAMEMOTHER CONTRACT: While it is true that The Spirit of The Axe can bestow upon it's inheritor great power it comes with a soul contract in writing. One if rejected can cause incredible damage or even death to the inheritor or subjects of its Majestic Flame. The conditions of this power are simple, though not for the feint of heart. To compose a sweet symphony of chaos and destruction so that she may feast upon the fires of war and judge the souls of battle so she may reforged her chosen champions within the warm embrace of her light. But heed thy words o audience mine, her thirst can NEVER be quenched nor her hunger satiated, to destroy one village is to doom a town, then a city, then a continent, then a world. Her everlasting flame will be the last light in the galaxy, and it takes an incredible will to temper her unending appetite sweet subjugation and slavery.

NULL & VOID: Mysterious phenomenon such as the creation of force nulls and other force draining essences has a bizarre effect if held in the proximity of The Axe. It's majestic flame smothered and tamed as the Spirit Within the Axe withers in its power and influence, sending a chain reaction through it's inheritor and it's subjects should the weapon ever be struck with force light while under these conditions. As it serves now, this is the most reliable way to transport and contain The Axe without it's righteous flame attempting to scorch away those within it's presence judged as unworthy.



A child of the Old Gods Furyia Prime was born into an era of great stagnation and rot. The unholy union of a Taung Battle Maiden & Barbaric Sith Massassi Furyia was born with the unfortunate ailment of dwarfism. Sickly small and holding a delicate visage through her maturing years she awed at the tales of her Mandalorian Mother and the exploits of her people. Her Sith Heritage blessing her with an itch she could not quite scratch. An itch for violence and superior domination so deep in her bones it was like an instinct. Assigned as her fathers executioner at the age of six the judgement of Prime was cultivated young. The rolling of heads was a daily occurrence as the sacrificial lambs were fed to the blade of her fathers battle axe.

And then...a voice. A voice that sang to her soul and told her of a great future. The Force granting the Mandalorian daughter incredible visions of a universe consumed in the flames of war! An age old bond, a oath. Something the Mandalorian People had lost a long time ago suffering the humiliating defeat following Mandalore The Ultimate's death which had all but ended Taung influence among the stars.

She could see the regret in her mothers eyes. The stagnation within her people as the Mandalorian Spirit withered and spiraled downward into decay. She was the last of a dying people and the inheritors of their warrior culture were scrutinized heavily by the girl. Judgment vicious and unflinching Furyia sought to make the dreams of her visions a reality!

She convened with witches and warlocks, warrior poets and masters of warfare to covet the power needed to fulfill the dream of her god! And through wicked design forged a weapon of mass destruction within the light of a withering star before it's collapse. Using this mythic weapon Furyia Prime carved a path through a chunk of the galaxy, completely incinerating forest sacking cities and obliterating castles in her path of destruction. She founded a cult dedicated to the divine worship of war and fire, devoting herself and her brothers and sisters to consuming the galaxy in an almighty Mandalorian Flame that burned eternal! And as she feasted as did her hunger, leading her astray as madness took root. Almost becoming a wound in the force due to the ravenous thirst to drink from the blood of stars at the height of her power at only twenty eight years old the Majestic Flame had been challenged to death by a trio of heroes.

A Mandalorian, noble and true. A jedi, lost in exile. And a Sith Traitor, rethinking his ways. Together they cornered Furyia during her feasting of a star and in their final moments destroyed her body in a mighty display of heroics. The Majestic Flame was then gutted and scattered to the stars, the remnants of their sect slowly fading to history as Furyia Primes soul in all its rage and hunger forged a bond to the Axe used to bring destruction to the galaxy.

Her spirit sealed within The Axe and the ghost of her flame residing within the Field of Blades, an afterlife for warriors locked in eternal combat it is here she has waited for thousands of years. Waiting for a worthy Mandalorian Descendant to approach the Axe so they may claim the Key to her vast fortune and inherit her power.

To the Inheritor of The Axe goes the power to lead the Mandalorian Descendants. A key to unimaginable wealth stashed away thousands of years previous to the collapse of their civilization. A beacon to the vanquished souls of warrior artisans in the Field of Blades and the promise of an age old bond.

To the victor, the spoils.

It has been a long time. Waiting for the flames to be fanned once again.

She hungers, sweet children. She beseeches an inheritor worthy of her devils flame!

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