Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Thicker Than Water


Veradun was a bit relieved that Kasir was willing to help him try and locate his family’s new dwelling place on Faldos, if indeed they were planetside. There were a lot of unknowns and the boy’s mind whirled with possibilities, many of which kept him feeling anxious. He knew from his limited experience that the galaxy was a tumultuous place, and no planet was truly safe…not even the core of the Alliance. And from what Veradun had read and studied about the Sith Empires of the past, warring Sith were violent and he knew that his High Priest was fighting against other Sith in the Order.

That much he had seen and heard in the Assembly meeting.

So while it was distressing for him to hear that his home world of Formos had come under attack - this truth did not really surprise the boy. All he really cared about was that his family was okay. Once he learned of their whereabouts, he would feel much better.

It is possible she is out doing some sort of task for the High Priest. She often comes and goes, her business is usually kept secret. I never pried too much into what she was doing.” The boy admitted, waving off Kasir’s statement that he hadn’t felt Revna’s presence aboard the Bailiff Station as he moved to keep up with the other man as they traversed the landscape of Faldos. The closer they came to the city’s boundaries, the more Veradun began to feel a sense of unease in the air. It presented itself as a sort of prickling along the back of his neck, causing him to become more alert of his surroundings. Like Kasir, he noticed the abundance of armed soldiers at various checkpoints, who seemed to be guarding the way into the city beyond.

Kasir’s question brought a slight frown to the boy’s face; he hadn’t considered the possibility that they would be denied entry. He didn’t see why they would be, but some ideas quickly sprang into his mind.

I’m sure we will come up with something. I have a couple of ideas…” the boy murmured in response to the older man’s statement that this could be a good exercise for him to test his persuasion skills - though he did glance curiously at Kasir when he heard the last statement made.

Funny, he thought to himself. That was exactly what he would do if anyone laid a hand on his little siblings…

The mere thought of someone trying to harm them made a bubble of some deep and violent emotion rise up within his chest. No one messed with his little brother and sister.

As they approached the gate and its guards, Veradun prepared himself for whatever may come. He didn’t expect any trouble, and therefore he didn’t act suspicious or otherwise cautious. He was alert, but who wouldn’t be in such an environment?

A guard stepped forward and halted the two of them, and demanded to know what their business was within the city. Veradun noticed Kasir take a step back, silently placing the young Nagai in the spotlight.

I’m Veradun Sharr - I and my friend are here to see if my family made it safely from the Formos Dresuoti to their new home.” Veradun stated calmly, his piercing blue eyes staring directly into the guard’s face. He hoped that dropping the name of the settlement that housed Darth Strosius’s cult would be enough; if it wasn’t then he had another plan that surely would work.

And thus he waited calmly and patiently for them to make their next move.


Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr

The guard's visor mirrored the scene before him, hiding any emotion, and giving him an almost robotic like demeanor. He stood stall with a blaster rifle positioned across his chest, displaying his authority. It appeared that he was not too interested in welcoming new arrivals, and more focused on defending from potential threats. “Formos Dresuoti?” The voice was monotone. “And how do you expect to prove your claim, Sharr?”

The air grew thicker with tension as two other guards then began to step forward, their movements synchronized, like wolves closing in as they flanked him. Their unease suggested that more members of their Order did not sit well with them, despite any shared allegiance to the High Priest. "You must understand," the lead guard said, "not all who claim to come in peace carry that intention. Faldos is not a place for just anyone." It sounded more like a warning.

Kasir then instinctively moved closer to the boy as if a certain responsibility fell over him, his dark robes billowing slightly. With arms hanging freely at the side, his face was obscured by a hood, but his eyes were already burning with impatience. The Darkseeker assessed the guards, feeling their cautious stares. As he now stood side by side with Veradun, his mouth curved into a faint smile–a gleam that hinted at the violence swirling in his mind. His head turned, casting a glance down at him. A laugh escaped his lips. It was not an expression of amusement; rather, it was dripping with mockery and disdain. A shake of his head then followed, not directed at the youth, but rather from the absurdity of the situation before them—the idea that a trio of guards could stand in their way was almost comical.

Perhaps it just served as a reminder that even the strongest of individuals must at times go along with the simple routines of society. He was anticipating the boy's persuasive abilities in convincing the guards to grant them passage through the checkpoint.


It appeared the boy’s first attempt in getting him and Kasir entry did not work, just as he suspected it might. That just meant he would have to move to his next plan.

Veradun was just as emotionless as the guards before him, watching them all without fear, even as the others stepped up to flank, their weapons held against their chests in a clear intimidation display that would send most away, but he did not move an inch - silently making it clear that their tactics would not work on him.

A small tug at the corner of his mouth was his initial reply to the guard who said that Faldos was not a place for anyone. Even with the warning, he appeared unfazed. He heard Kasir move closer to him, almost as if he was expecting trouble - or at least prepared for it should it come down to it.

Quite suddenly, a laugh escaped Kasir - startling Veradun for a moment, who gave the man a slightly puzzled look, hearing the clear mockery in that chortle. He turned his attention back to the guards, amusement dancing in his own icy eyes as a smirk danced over his face.

They wanted proof?

I can hail Darth Strosius to prove my claims, if you would like? Though, I really do not think he will be pleased that you have hindered one of his Acolytes from their business. I do not have all day to sit here and deal with you. Now, either you give me and Kasir clearance or I will get it from the Lord Inquisitor himself.

He dropped the name and title of his High Priest with ease, knowing that here it would achieve something. If it did not, and these soldiers wanted to risk their jobs or even their lives, then he could move on to his next plan. But if they were smart, they would allow him passage beyond. And to further prove he would do as he said he would, he lifted up his arm with his communication device and made a couple of taps within sight of the three guards, and there was no mistaking that the profile he had pulled forward for a call was that of the Sith Lord himself.

All he had to do was hail his High Priest, and he knew his call would be answered. He looked back at the guards, his expression cold and expectant as he waited for them to make the right decision.


Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr [

Kasir began to revel in their growing anxiety. The mention of a single individual's name brought a wave of unease over the three guards, as if anticipating an unseen threat. A smug smile seemed to threaten to spread across his lips from beneath the hood.

Although their helmet masked all emotion, there were shifts in their stances that revealed their nervousness from the boy’s words. As the seconds stretched into what felt like minutes, the guards began exchanging glances. Before long, the lead guard nodded to the others. It was followed by a sigh. "You may enter, but know that this city is not a place for the faint of heart." His voice was firm, and he gestured for them to pass through the gates.

With that now behind them, Kaisr strode forward, dismissing the guards as if they were nothing more than an afterthought. Oddly enough, as he crossed into the streets of Faldos City, the air mirrored the tense anticipation that had filled him just moments ago. He absorbed the surroundings with keen observation, his gaze scanning every corner and his mind processing every detail. More guards held their post with military precision, as if their presence was a reminder of authority. And yet, amidst the complex array of emotions felt, there were still familiar sights that could be found in any capital city. The shouts of vendors selling their goods and services, displays of merchandise, all adding to the diverse atmosphere.

While Kasir was a master in the art of tracking, his expertise evolved around working in the shadows—finding people only to erase them from existence. This felt much different; it was a quest fueled by hope. It painted a picture in the Darkseeker’s mind–moments of laughter and shared meals. But for him, those images were foreign. The concept of family was nothing but a far distant memory. It was still enough to resurface memories of the dark alleys on Dromund Kaas, before the Inquisition stripped away any connection he might have once known. His own family were nothing more than ghosts now, of a past he had chosen to forget.

His gaze slowly returned to Veradun once more. “Where do you think we should begin our search?” There was no urgency in his tone. He showed no signs of impatience. “We could visit the archives, wherever that may be, as old records might reveal hints about any whereabouts. Or we could seek out the local cantina. From experience, Information tends to flow more freely there. Regardless of the route we take, I can’t help but feel we should find a way to blend in here, without drawing too much attention.”


It took longer than the boy had expected, but it seemed his words of warning were received and heeded by the guards. He didn’t need to see under their helms to know his words had stirred up anxiety within them; they shifted on their feet and looked between one another through their shadowed visors before the commanding guard stood down and stepped aside to let Veradun and Kasir pass by.

Yeah, and neither is being within a collapsing mining facility while having to fight through waves of pirates and thugs trying to kill you.” Veradun quipped as he passed by the guards; he still woke up from nightmares from his “field trip” that went sour with the Academy. Sometimes he still felt as if he had warm, sticky blood on his hands.

Veradun let Kasir take the lead, falling in beside the older man as they made their way forward. The sights and sounds of the city were not unusual to him; he had somewhat grown accustomed to the hustle and bustle of Jutrand and the Academy, though the atmosphere here wasn’t quite as chaotic as the Sith capital - though it was a bit more hectic than back home in the Dresuoti.

All sorts of sights, sounds, and senses assaulted the young Nagai and his eyes flickered every which way, taking in everything he could about this new place. The atmosphere felt somewhat tense and brooding, almost as if the place was expecting conflict. There were guards and soldiers with the insignia of the Inquisition posted in visible locations, which further added to the tense atmosphere.

One thing that hit Veradun hard, and really began to sink into his mind, was that locating his parents in such a populated area would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Such was where his thoughts were when Kasir asked his questions on where they might start their search. Veradun’s pace slowed down a bit; as eager as he was to find the whereabouts and safety of his family, he didn’t need to rush anywhere and possibly miss something important. He also knew the risks that rushing about could bring them; he could miss hidden dangers that might be lurking about.

He considered Kasir’s suggestion for a few moments; he really didn’t know where to look for such an archive - if there even was one around. Surely the city would have such a thing.

A thought struck the young boy’s mind then, and he stopped in his tracks as a thoughtful frown creased his face.

I agree…we should blend in. I stick out too much in this damn uniform…though I can’t really take it off. So maybe getting a robe or cloak to conceal it would be smart. Also, you might be onto something with the archive. I don’t really know where to start looking for that…but…you said that the folks from Formos were moved here right? Surely any of the military headquarters or stations here would have city wide data systems that might hold information regarding a large influx of people. They would have to be housed somewhere, a section of the city set aside for them. Maybe…maybe we can try that avenue?” Veradun said to Kasir, a hopeful gleam in his eyes and on his youthful face.

I knew quite a few folks from the settlement back home; once I find familiar faces, I should be able to find my parents pretty easy I imagine. We can try a cantina too, if you think that would be easier or smarter than probing one of the military outposts that I imagine are around…


Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr

Unpreparedness was a rare thing for him, one whose role demanded constant planning. Now, in Faldos City, he found himself lacking in information and resources, his presence here a mere whim, nothing more than a distraction from the weight that burdened the Darkseeker’s mind since his arrival on the Bailiff Station. With each step he took, it was difficult not to compare this new world to their former home, a constant reminder of what they had lost.

Kasir couldn't help but question if this new land could ever truly feel like home.

As the boy spoke, his gaze was drawn to the uniform, its design causing his lips to twist into a smirk, a stark contrast to the Veradun's frown. It would be impossible to not agree with the boy's accurate observation, for it appeared better suited for kindling a campfire, rather than adorning a Sith who radiated true potential.

He then swept over the city once more, his gaze finally landing on an open marketplace ahead; a mass of bodies and stalls, these types of places were usually known for attracting more vile and ruthless beings. With a simple gesture of his hand, he motions for the younger Sith to take a closer look. "That appears to be our most promising option, at least for now. In that sea of scum, there may be a hidden gem somewhere. After that we can find a local cantina and start digging around."

The alleys within the area were filled with different shops displaying their wares– fabrics, artifacts, and even spices. He could smell roasting meats not far away. Kasir’s senses remained alert as they began to move through groups of citizens. It felt like being in a maze, with each shop seeming desperate for business, and workers shouting out to try and lure people in.

Finally, he caught sight of something that flickered against the backdrop of the bustling scene. It was a modest store, its entrance framed by loose garments. As he soon stepped within, there were silks and other linen that were hung from racks, beckoning him forward. He deliberately took his time skimming through the different crafted pieces, providing Veradun the opportunity to take it all in as well and possibly find something that might catch his attention.

Continuing to move about, a rare feeling stirred within his darkened soul, a mere glimmer of anticipation and the smallest spark of excitement; emotions that were rarely felt, elusive to one whose mind was hardened by countless trials. It was as if he were about to witness a transformation, one that would shed the layers of being a student and reveal an image of authority that commanded respect, and potentially instill fear in those foolish enough to challenge him.


The boy eyed the somewhat busy marketplace, watching individuals of various races and species go about their day to day activities - be it buying or selling the various wares on display. Kasir’s words rang in his mind, that perhaps here they would find some kernel of information to help guide their way. If nothing else, the marketplace could at least provide some form of a disguise for the boy.

Veradun nodded in agreement as the two of them began to move further into the market district. As they moved, the boy could feel wary eyes watching them both with suspicion and he could even sense a bit of mistrust hanging in the air. All around was an ever present tension - enough so that even the young Sith acolyte could feel it. He tuned his ears to the sounds of voices around him, trying to decipher snippets of information that might be useful for him in his search. Most of it was useless gossip, and nothing truly captured his attention the further they moved in.

Kasir led the gaunt boy into a shop, and once they stepped inside the din of the marketplace beyond quieted down to more background levels, as the scent of cloth and incense filled his senses. The boy’s gaze flickered from rack to rack of various clothing items, his attention focused on finding something that would help hide his Academy uniform. A small, pale hand reached out to gently brush against the various fabrics, feeling their textures and differences. There were silks and satins and linens of rougher material, and there was a dazzling array of colors that almost mesmerized the boy.

The place reminded him of the small market that had been set up at the Dresuoti, the one he had visited frequently with his parents as his adopted mother and father had owned and worked a stall, selling their wares and goods when they were not busy helping around the settlement with the various building projects. The memory brought a small smile to Veradun’s face; it was hard to even imagine that such a place could be gone.

He still didn’t know if he believed it or not.

One day he would have to go see for himself; those doubts would never go away unless he saw Formos with his own eyes.

As he searched the racks, whispers slipped into his ears and his gaze was drawn in the direction where he heard the lowered voices. There he saw two individuals at the merchant’s counter, speaking to one another in hushed voices. One appeared to be a Twi’lek woman, her skin a pale shade of green, and the other woman she was conversing with appeared to be some sort of humanoid. He noticed that both of them seemed to be glancing in the direction of Kasir almost nervously, and as such they hardly paid any attention to the young boy that was nearly hidden by the rack of clothes he stood by. It worked out in his favor, for he could eavesdrop on their conversation without too much worry.

As he shifted through the rack of capes and cloaks of various lengths and styles, he heard the two mention something about the ‘strange new folk’ that had been brought into the city, and that these strangers had brought with them ‘bad luck’, as not too long after their arrival, various establishments had been targeted by some unknown and powerful assailant, blowing such places to pieces and killing many. The inquisitional forces had been called in to bring order back from the chaos, but the whole situation had left a sour taste with many.

The strangers were cursed, and as such - no one wanted to do business with them, and oftentimes such individuals were driven out by fearful citizens. Fights between the newcomers and citizens were often violent and bloody and though they had been rare, they seemed to be occurring more and more as the tensions continued to rise.

Veradun was no fool; he knew that the ‘strangers’ these women gossiped about must have been folks brought from Formos.

And perhaps not so good for him and Kasir, they feared that the older Sith was one of these ‘cursed’ people and they were debating back and forth what they were going to do, and if they should order him to leave.

The boy’s attention tore away from the two women to get eyes on Kasir, before his gaze returned to the cloaks he had been looking at. One seemed to catch his eye: a black cloak made with fineweave, with royal blue trim. Slipping it free from its holder, the Nagai held it up and examined it with a critical gaze, before pursing his lips and draping the cloak over his arm and making his way to the counter - his appearance seeming to startle the two women, pulling their attention away from Kasir.

Oh! I didn’t even see you come in, young sir!” the human appearing shopkeeper said as she settled her brown eyes upon Veradun, before glancing around the shop once more curiously. “Are your parents around, young man?

Probably because you were too busy gossiping, Veradun thought to himself before he spoke aloud. “No, and I am quite old enough to go about my business without them needing to hold my hand at all times.” Veradun quipped a touch coldly as he set the cloak upon the counter, noticing the flush of pink fill her caramel hued cheeks at his remark, surprised by his blunt attitude no doubt. “I would like to purchase this.

Oh! Well…yes, of course!” she replied, a bit flustered as she regarded the young boy before her for a moment - no doubt making judgments about him. The boy gave her a pointed, expectant stare which was enough to snap her out of whatever thought she was in as she searched the cloak for its price tag before pausing and looking at him once more with narrowed eyes. “...are you with that man over there?” she asked abruptly.

Veradun turned his head to glance at Kasir, before looking back at her. “Yes, I am.”

She turned to her register and tapped in the price of the cloak before answering. “...You folks new to the area?” she asked almost innocently, but the boy knew it to be a probing question to ascertain the nature of their visit and business within the city.

Just passing through from Jutrand.” Veradun replied casually as he pulled out his credit stick from a pocket, handing it to her to pay for the cloak. Thankfully this seemed to satisfy her curiosity, and she didn’t seem too interested in carrying on the conversation after receiving her answer and the young teen was able to collect his new cloak and return to Kasir, wrapping it around his shoulders and securing it at the chest. It would do well enough to hide his uniform, and allow him to blend in a bit more.

I was able to listen in on their conversation a bit. Found out some interesting things.” the boy murmured quietly, glancing at the other Sith briefly. “Seems some of the ‘newer’ folk coming in are not exactly well liked around here. The shopkeeper was saying they are ‘cursed’. They were suspicious of you and were discussing throwing you out before I stepped up and distracted them.”

Amusement twinkled in the boy’s icy blue eyes for a moment. “In hindsight I probably should have just waited; might have been fun to see what would have happened had they tried.

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Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr

The gaze of the Sith continued to linger over the varied array of garments, his fingers soon dancing over the contours of several black robes. As he continued to look around, the whispers of the women on the other side of the store grew louder, their words seeming to carry fear and caution. The hood worn over his head, much like a second skin, was often capable of drawing unwanted attention. But Kasir, a master of deception and control, simply ignored them. In a sense, he was no stranger to the murmurs of fear that followed him. While he encountered it many times in different spacesports during his assignments for the Order, it did feel different here, in this supposed new home of his.

As he finally turned to face Veradun, the boy now adorned the attire that was synonymous with the Sith, the very symbol of the fear and power they were known to command. His face, as if carved from marble, revealed nothing but the usual stoic mask, though for a brief moment, his gaze seemed to soften before returning to its deathly hue. To tell the him that he had already sensed the fear of the women would be a useless gesture in that moment, though he would not feign surprise at the boy's words either; his intentions were pure, and he would play along. "The feeling is mutual," he said in a calm tone, along with a subtle shake of his head. "Unfortunately, I have a feeling that it will be a long time before they truly accept our people, if ever."
Shifting his body, Kasir’s gaze fell upon the intricate details of the cloak draping over Veradun's small frame. The hints of royal blue had a way of complimenting the Nagai. Closing the small distance between them with a single stride, he looked down at him. The Darkseeker's lips curled, though it was to reveal his curious mind, rather than allowing something as simple as a smile to form. His head tilted back while his arms lifted from his side, cold fingers lightly grasping at the weavecloth just to the sides of where it was securely fastened. "I think it would be quite a challenge for them to remove me from this property," he stated in a cool tone. With a slight pull to the right, as if determined to make sure the younger Sith's new cloak was perfectly positioned, he gave a small nod of approval. "Or should I say, either one of us, for that matter now."

His eyes flickered up to both the Twi'lek and humanoid, where it settled, allowing silence to stretch in the air around him. Eventually he spoke again with a low voice. "Now we can test the waters of this cantina, and see if we are welcomed or rejected with open arms or weapons."

Leaving the store, he began navigating through the throngs of people once more and passing by the same stalls from earlier. Finally, after weaving through the alleys and different pathways, he saw another modest looking establishment with a flickering neon sign. He could hear the melody of alien music spilling out from it, along with sounds of laughter. As Kasir approached one of the doors, he pulled it forward and paused, his eyes piercing through the dimly lit interior, as is already assessing those who filled the rooms. It was very much alive with different species and humans alike.

Turning his head, he mocked an expression that was grim. “They all look cursed. And it already reeks of Bantha fodder,” he said, before finally stepping inside.


He did not object to the slight correct Kasir made to his new cloak, though the gesture did surprise the young boy somewhat; he would have expected such a thing from his mother, or his father…but from someone who was still somewhat of a stranger? It wasn’t an unwelcome gesture as it did help to ease the homesickness he felt.

In the very brief moments that transpired, Veradun realized and quietly accepted that he was in good hands with the older Sith. A spark of something seemed to flash in the young Nagai towards Kasir - a glimmer of connection. But he was still somewhat cautious; it would take more time before the young man could make the decision on whether he could trust Kasir enough to bring him into his inner circle or not.

Veradun huffed with slight amusement at the thought of the two women trying to force him or Kasir out of their establishment. It had been drilled deep into his head by this point that the Sith were the highest in the social order - all non-Sith fell beneath him in rank and thus even at his young age, he held authority over those under him. Of course, his High Priest would lecture him not to abuse such power or let it get to his head, but it was a good feeling to have nonetheless.

One that allowed him to walk with cool confidence where before the Academy he had been somewhat timid and reluctant.

The boy nodded in agreement when Kasir suggested they head next to the cantina and see if they could source up some information through that avenue. He was curious himself to see how they would be received; if he was being honest with himself though, he did have a slight hope that someone would cause issues with him or the elder Sith with him.

He had an itch for combat that needed to be satisfied.

He followed along behind his companion as they left the shop, stepping back out into the hustle and bustle of the alleyway and the market. Folks of various alien races and types gave them passing glances; some stared curiously while others watched with more suspicion - but one thing he noticed fairly quickly was that the majority of folks moved aside for him and the other man. The scent of cooking meats and other goodies wafted through the air and a rumble rolled through the young boy’s belly. He realized then that it had been some time since he had last eaten; half a day or more, by his estimation. He made no mention of his hunger to the one beside him as they approached an establishment with a flickering neon sign. The muffled sounds of music and laughter could be heard from within, and it was at this point that the young teen glanced at his companion, an unsure expression on his pale face as Kasir stepped up and pulled open one of the doors.

I should probably mention that I have never been in a cantina before.” He admitted, his uncertainty becoming clear as he stopped just outside of the doorway. " I even allowed inside a place like this at my age?"


Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr

As Kasir held the door open, his presence drew in the attention of those closest to the entrance. Though their relaxed demeanor seemed nonthreatening, he could still feel the weight of their gazes. An instinctual part of him wanted to wipe the curiosity from their faces with his blade. Perhaps there was a certain magic to the High Priest’s barrage of tasks upon him in serving the Order, for in a rare moment of respite such as today, it began to feel as though he were now searching for trouble, and eager for destruction.

Veradun's words echoed in the Darkseeker's mind, as he held the door open a moment longer. With a deep inhale, he readied himself for what lay ahead; however, it wasn’t fear that brought forth caution, but an awareness that any conflict would surely find its way back to the Lord Inquisitor. Whether the consequences were too horrible to fathom, or simply the wrath of a sharp tongue, he wanted no part of either. "I see no reason why it would be an issue. After all, I have yet to witness a cantina owner who would turn away a handful of credits," he said confidently, before finally stepping inside.

As they walked past the many different species of patrons, their presence had a way of silencing even the loudest and busiest of tables. He found a vacant spot in one of the establishment’s dark corners. After he took a seat, the loud noises resumed in a way that made rather obvious. It was too easy to detect the odd shift in the cantina’s atmosphere. He leaned back in his chair, viewing the entire room as if they were nothing but flocks of prey. The conversations and music around him momentarily faded away as he began weighing his options. In a more ideal setting, Kasir could simply begin threatening lives, for he knew that when death whispered in one’s ear, information was quick to spill from quivering mouths.

The Sith's gaze scanned the nearby areas, catching several who saw his stare, but they quickly averted their attention elsewhere. Kasir enjoyed feeling both their fear and submission. But then there was one among the crowd who returned it. It was a Talz, with four eyes hanging upon a furry face, as if challenging him to a silent exchange. He knew for certain that this one wasn’t from Formos. An eyebrow arched as he accepted it. "I swear, if a brawl does break out, he will be the first one I go for,” he said. His tone was full of malice. "See anyone that looks like a good lead," he then questioned, curious to hear the boy's answer, and deciding to shift his focus elsewhere. Immediately after, their table was approached from behind by a server wearing a simple tunic, inquiring about any of their needs. With a flick of his hand, Kasir turned her away. The Nautolan female then turned her attention to Veradun.


I suppose that is true.” The boy muttered as he stepped in behind Kasir.

The cantina’s interior fell silent as the two Sith stepped inside, and it made Veradun feel even more on edge as he cast his icy eyes over those that were around him. He wasn’t fond of strangers, and he was suddenly surrounded by them, some of whom looked at him and Kasir with open curiosity or wariness, even distrust. The young teen stayed close to the older Sith, taking a seat at the empty table Kasir chose for them. The noise of the establishment picked back up almost as soon as they sat down, but something seemed different now.

The atmosphere was off, tense even. Almost as if violence was expected and simmering just underneath the surface.

Kasir leaned back in his seat and seemed to look over the various patrons, and Veradun somewhat followed suit - almost mimicking the other Sith as he too leaned back and looked around. He wasn’t entirely sure how they could gather information from such a busy and, frankly distrusting, place. The boy noticed a few folks looking at the table he and Kasir occupied, and as soon as he caught their gazes, they would look away - almost as if they didn’t want it known that they were staring at the two strange Sith.

A sense of warning tickled down Veradun’s spine, and he suddenly felt very vulnerable without a weapon on him.

His gaze snapped back to Kasir when the other mentioned he would be targeting a specific individual should a brawl indeed break out, and the Nagai followed the man’s gaze to the particular and strange looking being. The boy had never seen one of his kind before, and had no idea who or what he was.

As soon as Veradun was asked if he could see anyone that might be a good lead, a waitress ambled by the table to inquire about their needs. Kasir waved her off and she turned her attention to Veradun, asking if he wished to order anything, to which he shook his head for no as well. The Nautolan let them know to simply wave her or one of the other servers down if they changed their minds before turning and walking away.

Silently, the gaunt and pale boy in his new dark cloak, scanned the crowd to see if he could spot a familiar face. A few patrons rose from their tables, cast wary glances in his and Kasir’s direction, before stepping out of the cantina. After a few minutes of silent studying, the boy glanced at the Sith with him.

No one looks familiar. Maybe…maybe we can entice some information from one of the servers with a few credits? They might know something that could be a help.

He paused for another few moments, still unable to shake the strange feeling that violence was brewing, and he decided to voice his concerns to his companion, keeping his voice very low so only Kasir could hear him.

The atmosphere around here feels almost…electric. Tense. As if one wrong move or saying the wrong thing could start trouble. I…I don’t like it.

Another slight pause, before he looked back at Kasir. “...would now be a bad time for me to tell you that I don't have a weapon on me should things turn bad?


Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr

The Sith's eyes narrowed in response to the relentless sounds assaulting his senses, a mixture of whispers and clinking glasses that seemed to add to the dimly lit cantina's layer of chaos. Veradun's words rang in his mind, and he couldn't help but agree as the tension in the air felt like it was about to reach its boiling point. ”Tense indeed,” he murmured, his voice low and smooth. The thrill of potential violence was intoxicating, and he welcomed the idea—ready to embrace whatever the cantina could possibly have in store for them.

Before long he gave a subtle nod of his head in acknowledgement. "Credits can also be a fickle ally, for even servers can be just as slippery as the shadows that lurk in the corners. But I don't think there's too many options to choose from, either."

His brow furrowed, a flicker of concern passing through his usually impassive features. Shadows danced across his face as he continued, "And as for the lack of a weapon.." He let the sentence trail off, a slight smirk playing at the corners of his lips. The irony of being unarmed in a den of danger was not completely lost on him; it was a risk he had taken before. “..doesn’t mean you’re an easy target. The mind can be just as lethal as a lightsaber when wielded properly.”

The Darkseeker’s posture shifted, becoming more predatory now as he leaned back, a thick air of confidence now enveloping him. He took a moment to collect his thoughts as his gaze shifted to the Nautolan from just moments ago. "Our server," he purred, his voice barely above a whisper, "is not an unpleasant sight on the eyes." He twisted his head within the depths of his cloak, looking at the young boy once more. "Trust in your charm, and perhaps she may not even require your credits."

Kasir's eyes darted around the room again, lingering a moment too long on those who dared to look their way, before finally settling again on the four eyed Talz; a creature that stirred a seething hatred within his veins, and tempted him to unleash his final judgement upon it. While it would be irrational and was highly tempting, he knew he would have to control his wrath, for now, and bide his time.

With a push from his seat, he now strode across the noisy room with a sense of purpose. His target, the server from earlier, found herself quickly approached by the Sith, as she finished serving a table on the far end. Her bright blue skin stood out amidst the different species in the establishment. After a brief exchange, she turned and made her way towards Veradun’s table, drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

And now, standing before another table where two individuals were seated, his arms crossed in a defiant stance, Kasir finally began his own search for answers.
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Veradun considered Kasir’s words about the mind being just as lethal a weapon as any saber. He wasn’t entirely sure what the older Sith meant by that; maybe it had something to do with the Force? But the boy wasn’t sure. He would have much preferred an actual weapon to grab a hold of though, if he was honest with himself. But he had survived on Tund without a weapon for some time before his sister had found him; those buried survival instincts were not easily gotten rid of, and he was sure he would manage should a conflict indeed arise here.

He just hoped conflict didn’t crop up - though his companion seemed almost eager for it, he noted as he watched Kasir sit back, his entire aura becoming more predatory. For a moment, the young Nagai simply observed the older Sith, and studied him. The man carried himself like a hunter, and Veradun was briefly reminded of his sister Revna. She too had a predatory nature about her, in the way she studied those around her with sharp interest. She could pick apart a situation or surrounding with ease, and point out who was a threat and who wasn’t within moments. It was a skill young Veradun had always been impressed with, and wondered if it was something he would pick up in time too as he learned the ways of the Sith.

Kasir’s comment about their server made Veradun raise an eyebrow of his, as his attention was drawn back to the Nautolan as she busied herself at another table, speaking to a couple patrons seated there. He truthfully hadn’t really begun to notice the opposite gender quite yet, so when Kasir suggested that he trust in his charm, Veradun’s face showed an expression of mild confusion - which shifted to mild alarm when his companion got to his feet and started to stride off.

Whoa, wai-” Veradun started to say, but Kasir was already out of hearshot by that time. "Chit."

The boy gulped, suddenly feeling like a fish out of water and far more exposed and alert than he really wanted to be in the moment. His gaze flickered over those around him, and he noticed a couple of folks at different tables stare longer at him than necessary. His attention was drawn back to Kasir however, who now appeared to be speaking to the Nautolan server. The boy felt his his heart skip a beat in his chest when she turned and began to amble her way back over to his table, and he quickly tried to rein in his momentary internal panic.

What was he supposed to do now?? Trust in his charm? What charm? He didn’t know how to charm girls!

Think, Veradun, think!

How do you get what you wanted from Mother?

The azure hued server approached Veradun and offered him a somewhat coy smile, and the boy wondered just what Kasir had told her before sending her his way. Well this is going to be awkward, Veradun muttered to himself as he felt his cheeks flush a deeper color.

Your friend said you wanted something from me…so what can I get you?” she asked, her large black eyes reflecting the various lights throughout the cantina as she waited for the teen to speak up. Veradun glanced once more in Kasir’s direction, but saw that the man had busied himself at another table. Curse you, the boy growled before turning his attention back to the waitress. This was his all on him now.

He offered her a shy, somewhat reluctant smile. “I’m…not sure what my friend said but yes, I do want something. Maybe you can help me.

The woman stared at him for a few moments before shifting her weight from one hip to the other and crossing her arms over her chest. Her professional expression changed ever so slightly as she seemed to narrow her gaze at the boy, a suspicious look coming over her face.

...are you looking to order something, or are you seeking something else?” she asked in a lower tone of voice.

Something else.” Veradun replied, finally lifting his gaze to look into her face, his expression that of childlike innocence - a mask he had drawn over himself in an attempt to charm what he wanted from her. He would use some emotional manipulation and hoped it worked out in his favor. “My friend is helping me…look for my family-

The Nautolan sighed. “Look kid, it ain’t really in my job description to help folks find others-

An expression of desperation, and a rather genuine one, crossed over his face. “Please, just hear me out?

Fine. But make it quick. I have folks waiting on me.

My family and I were separated, and I was told that they might have been relocated to Faldos. So I came here to see if that was indeed true. All I need to know is if you know or have heard of any newcomers to these parts, and if you have…where I can go to help narrow my search.” He searched her face for a moment, a scared thirteen year old boy who simply wanted to find his Mom and Dad. “Please, ma’am…I don’t know where to even begin looking for them and my friend said we could try a cantina…” he added, his voice dropping even lower with the slightest waver to its pitch and tone, his pale blue eyes even watering up a bit.

She pursed her lips as she studied him for a moment, before tilting her head as her expression softened. “Oh don’t cry…I know what it’s like to be away from your parents and scared.” She glanced around herself briefly, even cast a look back in the direction of Veradun’s companion, before she looked back down at him. “At least you have someone looking out for you. This place isn’t exactly the safest if you’re lost. I have…heard of some newer folks comin’ in from somewhere else, some backwater planet. A whole bunch of them; not sure if your folks are with them or not, but from what I’ve heard they’ve been set up in the Eastern side. You could try there - but make sure your friend is with you. It is not safe out there.

A tear dripped down Veradun’s cheek as he nodded and he sniffled ever so slightly. “Th-thank you ma’am.” He reached down with a small and pale hand, adding the slightest tremble into his grasp as he reached for his credit pouch. “’s all I have left-

The Nautolan laid a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. “Don’t worry about it, ‘k? I hope you find your parents, kid. Here-I’ll even get you a drink…on the house. How does a Fizzpop sound?

Veradun nodded. “I’d like that…but I’d rather pay you for the drink.

She smiled gently. “No worries kid. I gotcha. Seems your parents raised you right and respectful. I’ll be back.

And she ambled off without another word, leaving Veradun alone at the table. He pulled in towards himself a bit, keeping up the charade a little longer. A few minutes later, the Nautolan server returned with his Fizzpop and offered him some more encouragement before slipping away again.

Veradun let his ‘scared and nervous child’ facade fade away gradually as he sipped on his soda and watched Kasir at work, idly thinking on the fact that he hadn’t expected his little play acting and emotional manipulation to work. It might not have been what his companion had in mind when Kasir suggested he ‘charm’ her…but at least his efforts had worked out in his favor.

And he really couldn’t complain about getting a free soda out of the situation too. Maybe he should try the emotional manipulation card a little more often, the boy mused to himself as he silently waited on Kasir to finish up whatever business he had started.


Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr

Kasir stood in silence before the table, his presence demanding attention; a cloaked figure amidst two sentient aliens, causing their conversation to quickly cease as they now exchanged glances.

With the table being near the bar, the Sith was able to feel the weight of the creature behind the counter; it was no secret to him that they were reaching for something, a weapon perhaps, as conflict within cantinas were a common occurrence throughout the galaxy. He had witnessed business owners carry a stun blaster in these types of establishments on more than one occasion. His gaze settled onto the bartender, giving a silent warning that he would not be swayed by any form of intimidation. They halted, and returned to their duties.

"I seek information," he said, his voice smooth. "I am looking for those who recently arrived from Formos. Tell me, where might I find them?" His patience thinned as they exchanged nervous glances once more, and he could feel his frustration rising like a beast within.

Straightening his posture, he reached out with a single hand, and allowed the fingers to curl slightly. The atmosphere shifted; the air around the table was overtaken by an unseen force. “You will tell me what I seek,” Kasir commanded. “Your thoughts are open to me; I can see them in your mind.”

Their defenses quickly crumbled. The Sith pressed deeper, probing into their minds, searching for any hidden knowledge. “Now, where can I find them?” While the words came out in a jumbled mess, he still found himself savoring the power of his ability. It appeared they were truthful after all, as he was unable to gather any information of value. Finally, he left, leaving them to stare blankly into their drinks.

With a small step back, Kasir finally tore his gaze away from the table, and shifted it to where Veradun had just finished some sort of conversation with the Nautolan. He found himself focused on a rather curious sight; the young Sith seemed to be enjoying a drink.

But as he made his way back, his stride halted as his eyes shifted to the Talz, still noticing the unyielding stare fixed on him. The Darkseeker’s expression twisted into a more sinister smirk, ready to revel in satisfaction from the cruel dominance he was about to display. His hand lifted once more, allowing the shadows around the table to deepen; the vulnerable alien would feel a chill run down his back as its very life force slowly began to drain.

The mild version of Force Drain he was capable of coursed through its body at the table, and Kasir could feel the dark energy coiling around him. All four eyes widened in horror as fatigue settled in. Still, the Sith was hungry for whatever power it possessed; and though small in terms of numbers, he absorbed their essence all the same, feeding his own strength. The Talz gasped for breath during its despair before becoming temporarily unconscious. Its body fell forward, the face landing on the plate on whatever meal it had been dining on recently.

Several figures from the same table removed themselves, stepping back and drawing their weapons. Kasir was unfazed and approached Veradun at last, but didn't take a seat. His eyebrow arched, possibly from amusement, and a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as he gazed at the drink first, then turned his attention to the boy. “I take it you they don't serve..Jawa Juice at the academy,” he said, then casually shrugged his shoulders. “From what I gathered, everyone here is incompetent.”

Despite only inquiring at one table, the truth was, he was filled with a desire to discover more of the new city that was supposed to be their new home. Also, the brewing tension within the cantina seemed to have reached its limit. His ears picked up on approaching steps from behind, but he was still fixated on the drink. A wry smile played on his lips. “I can't help but wonder, will the two of you now start communicating through encrypted messages with subspace transceivers?”

He raised his arms in a slow and casual manner, almost as if he were stretching out every muscle in preparation for something. Conflict seemed inevitable now. Even if he were the reason behind it, Kasir appeared unaware and oblivious in that moment. “What about you? Were you able to gather anything useful?”
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