Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

While Sera grabbed the other man, Vrak dealt with his minions.

He was quick, efficient, and spared no wasted time. His lightsaber cut through the four goons that had escorted them to the control room, slicing through them as nonchalantly as one would a piece of fruit. They fell to the floor with soft thuds, some on pieces.

A screech echoed from one of them as Vrak stabbed his lightsaber through the mans chest, the blade extinguishing as the Pureblood stepped back.

A moment more passed, and then nothing but the last mans whimpers sounded through the air.

Only three people remained alive within the control room, Vrak, Sera, and Armin, the man that she had come so far to find. The Pureblood watched in fascination, his lip turning up in a snarling smile before slowly wandering towards the circular control desk. He allowed Sera her time with the Underlord, searching through the mans belongings for the thing that he had come all this way to find. He spotted a small safe at the corner of the desk, quickly opening it with a slice of his lightsaber.

He smiled, ignoring the credits and gold within the safe, taking only a small black book.
The man quickly understood that she knew who he was, why they were here. Coincidence, however unfortunate for him, that they both needed something he had. In reality, he did this to himself. It was his own fault that things had turned out this way, likely hoping that one would kill the other without ever knowing the difference.

"Answers. And they had better come quickly." The hilt of her lightsaber pressed snugly against the man's rib cage as she held him pinned against the doors.

He shook his head, as if somehow attempting to resist. Just a little harder she dug the metal into his chest before he cried out. "Your mind." His voice cracked, head turning to the side. "On the terminal at my desk." An odd, sickly sweet smile formed on his face. "Your memories have been tainted. Everything you ever knew is a lie."

The Twi'lek squinted at him, in disbelief of his words. "Lying Schutta." Her teeth bared, about ready to end his existence. "It's true. You were a Jedi once. See for yourself. The records. There are data logs by a Sith Lord that captured you. Kaine. The condition." He coughed, "Is irreversible." The man spit in her face, grinning. "You are what you are now. My servant."

Her teeth bared, head leaning in towards his ear. "No." A flash of light and a snap-hiss of violet pierced through skin, bone, and durasteel as she ended his life.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
Vrak perked an eyebrow?

A Jedi? Now that was interesting. A small smile curled on his lips, though he said nothing as Sera continued to speak with the man. Instead his eyes floated towards the terminal. He quickly accessed the files that the man had spoken of, reading line after line, his smile turning to a grin for half a moment as he briefly took in some of the information listed. He didn't read all of it of course, that was impossible, but tiny snippets flashed in front of the screen as page after page loaded.

The records were extensive to say the least.

His head snapped up when he heard the sound of a lightsaber igniting, his eyes jumping towards Sera and the man as the former impaled the latter. He frowned for a brief moment, his gaze falling as the Underlord slumped and fell to the floor with a quiet thud. The Pureblood said nothing, though slowly his eyes returned to the screen, the files finally finishing their long load as a picture of Sera popped up, one of her sitting upon a seat of the Jedi Council.

A part of him wanted to burst out laughing. The humor of the situation was a bit much for him, though he knew that laughter would only turn her ire on him. Instead he wiped all expression of amusement from her face, rising slightly behind the terminal Vrak looked down at the woman. "The files are here."

His voice rang out behind the steady thrum of her lightsaber, it was tinged with...not sympathy, but something close.

"If you wish to see them." He had to move carefully now. Very carefully.
Confusion racked her brain. Everything she had done to get here was in direct conflict of the information she received. It was like some kind of twisted joke. It made sense, but it was not what she was hoping for. It was actually quite possibly the worst thing she could have hoped for. What was she to do now? She wasn't a Jedi, not now, not anymore. She hadn't touched the light side of the Force for however long she could remember, which, her memory now was questionable. Of what did she remember was actually true?

She had a choice to make.

"Verify the Sith's name he spoke."

Her fingers pressed the switched on her lightsaber, her fist pounding the durasteel wall where the man's head had been before his death. Her own turned slightly back, enough for one eye to catch Vrak's glance towards her. Her lekku were in constant motion, as if every impulse in her brain were on full throttle. "Destroy the files." He would likely be surprised to hear that. But she wanted nothing of that life. She couldn't return to it. It was no longer who she was. Learning more of it would only further pain her. The tick in the back of her mind that something was wrong was now gone. She was complete. As complete as she would ever be again. "Then let's go."

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Again amusement played over him.

He had what he wanted, and it seemed that Sera did as well. His fingers tightened slightly, drawing the hilt of his lightsaber once more. His other hand licked a few times over the holo-terminal, eyes wandering until he found what she had asked for. The name wasn't familiar to him, though he was sure it would be to others. He frowned for a moment and memorized it, then slowly drew himself back. The loud snap-hiss of his saber rang out, and then a moment later went slicing through the terminal.

A moment later Vrak and Sera wandered back through the corridors, alarm klaxons blaring loudly, red lights flashing.

Those of the syndicate that had remained didn't bother fighting the two Darksiders, knowing their fate if they tried. Most of them fled, grabbing what valuables they could and rushing away like cowards. Each time one came too close Vrak cut them down, if only out of pure reaction.

Eventually Vrak and Sera found their way back to the ship. Stepping onto the ramp. "And now?"

Vrak asked Sera as she stalked forward into the vessel. He had what he wanted, she had her answers. His promise had been to release her, and it was a promise that he would keep. Yet there was still an opportunity for him here, one that he would attempt to exploit before she left him entirely.
The Twi'lek found her seat and dropped down into it with a sigh. She heard Vrak, but hadn't found the words herself yet, so there was no answer for him. A single pink hand rose to her face, rubbing gently over her features before her thumb and index finger pinched the bridge of her nose, losing herself in thought for several long minutes.

"I don't know." She had her answer. But was it better left untouched? Having not known? "Whatever I was before is long dead."

Everything she thought she remembered was now in question. What was real? Was it worth trying to unravel every memory for truth?

She sighed again. "It would take a lifetime to separate the real from the false."

What she was now was all she really could be. Anything else would be another lie.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Vrak wandered around Sera for a moment, following her and standing behind her chair as she spoke.

The woman was lost in a way. Everything she had known about herself had turned out to be a lie, the truths she could have found were destroyed, the lies that she had been told were too difficult to pick apart. There were few options that she yet had, though perhaps he could offer one that she had yet to consider. For a moment The Pureblood held back, letting her rest for just a second within the isolated chair before he slowly stalked forward.

He smiled slightly.

The Pureblood wandered directly behind the chair, leaning down so that he could peer at Sera within the mirrored reflection in front of her. His yellow eyes met hers, slowly falling over her as he allowed himself to fall even with her.

For a second Vrak said or did nothing, he simply watched her. He had to do this carefully, he had to maneuver her in just the right way. That meant using the influence he held with her, however minor it was. He had to press his advantage, but ensure not to push it too far lest she recoil from him. The Pureblood slowly leaned forward, his fingers gently lacing over her skin in a familiar, and almost caressing touch that would remind her of the nights prior.

His arms slowly wrapping around her as he pulled her tight against the chair, another reminder. "I have a proposal for you."
She barely moved as he studied her, lekku remaining behind her shoulders, unwavering. Her eyes met his a few times as he considered whatever it was he was. Her mind was busy working its' own cogs, deciding what she was to do now, whether it was worth to pursue further, or leave as dead as she had left the people she had murdered in pursuit of that information.

Green eyes fell to the floor, lost in thought until the moment she felt him touch her, grab hold of her, pull her. She tensed for a second, as if she had forgotten where she was. Almost instinctively she nearly lashed out, though caught herself before snapping on him.

His words carried through the air to her ears. She looked forward, the reflection of her eyes clearly upon him.


[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

He smiled slightly. This was where he had to be careful, this was where he had to press the issue without truly pushing it. Vrak was adept at politics, always had been.

"I want you." Vrak told her, staring at the mirrored reflection. There was no love in the words, no affection, just plain and simple desire. For a second he stayed quiet, letting the words sink into her so she did not think him fool. "You are determined, beautiful, powerful."

Vrak put emphasis on the last words, his hands slowly slipping beneath her robes to caress her skin.

"Stay at my side." He offered purpose.

"Do as I ask." Vrak worded everything carefully. Never making demands, never ordering. He did not seek her to be another one of his servants, he knew that she would never accept that. She would be something else, not a partner...but as close to it as Vrak would ever allow. "Kill those that I require."

His fingers drew over her stomach, slowly sliding beneath the hem of cloth just beneath it. "And in return you'll have everything you could ever want."

Vrak had no idea of her aspirations, no idea of her personal wealth or goals. He knew that she had a ship, and that was about it. Perhaps that was enough to satisfy her, perhaps that was enough to make her happy, but he offered so much more.

"You'll have every comfort. I'll ensure you're clothed, fed, properly rewarded for each of your deeds." His lips pressed against her neck for just a second as his finger fell over her. "During the day you'll be treated as a Queen."

It was an offer that no one else would ever receive.

"And during the night..." His voice trailed off as he tempted her.
Silence enveloped her as she listened quietly. She remained still, her only movements being the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, and the blinking of her eyes as she stared back at the Sith behind her. As of now she was free of her bonds, required to do nothing, needing no answers. Essentially she was free of herself as well as the charges of others. The woman had committed more crimes, more murders, on more than a dozen planets. She'd done reprehensible things for her own personal gain, for what she believed was necessary to complete her as a person.

With that information though? She felt strangely empty. She no longer had a purpose, and was instead filled with confusion.

Learning your every thought and action was likely a lie had a way of ruining your day.

Vrak's words were manipulative. That was his nature, Sith nature, after all. It wasn't something she was unaware of, or had unexpected. There was no mistaking that he wanted to use her for his own benefit. She knew that he would benefit from her presence. Was it worth it though? To stick around? Then again, what else would she do now that this business was concluded?

What did she want?

Her eyes closed, leaning her head back, drawing in a deep breath.

"Betray me," Her eyes opened slowly, hand held against his. "And I will be your reaper"

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

She would never be an equal in his eyes, that was impossible. She was stronger than him, more skilled, but that didn't matter. She wasn't a Pureblood, she wasn't perfection like he was, but she was sat the very least close. She was powerful, and in the end that was what Vrak needed the most.


It was the only goal that he had, the only thing that he had wanted. She had asked him before what his plan was, and he had told the truth. He would forge an Empire, create his own little kingdom among the stars that would expand. He had been honest with her, and that honesty remained in place. She knew exactly what his purpose was, and as long as she served that purpose she would never feel a knife within her back.

Not from him.

Not as long as she remained his.

"No betrayal." He whispered to her, pressing his lips against her bare neck as his free hand grazed over her stomach.

She was a tool for him, another piece on the chess board. Not a pawn, but something more.
[member="Vrak Nashar"]

Power was one of the few things she did still possess. Memory of that could not be so easily erased. Of course, exactly how he intended to direct her power and who she was to kill was somewhat of a mystery still. What kind of an empire was he looking to build? And where? And once he had achieved what he wanted? Would he then fall back on his word? Was that when she would have to kill him? When he grasped all of the straws yet reached for more? Greed knew little bounds when it came to Sith, even less so with Purebloods. He was everything his people embodied.

A life of a Jedi was not possible. That much she accepted. She could not return as she was, nor would she change what she'd become. Her other obligations gone, there was little purpose left. This, for now, was at least something. For however long it lasted she would agree to comply. Until a greater purpose arrived. Until Vrak betrayed her. Or until his death.

"Very well." She said through a heavy breath.


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