Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Things that everyone else does but you don't

Successfully RP a NFU. Ugh, how you can even play with such boring characters? Sorry, but just sayin' how I feel about them.


Love anything army/military-related.

RP characters who follow the same ideals I have. I have tried. It's impossible. Gets too personal.

Tell anybody what I really think of something. Another thing I've tried. Too much drama. Don't want to do that anymore.

Try to use non-PG-13 words in Chaos. I automatically use a word from the Star Wars which is equivalent to what I want to use.

Reveal that squirrels have already taken ov- ... kark.


Let's Have a Little Fun
In no particular order:

  • Not make a martial artist character. I do at least one on every board I go to, and Vorhi is that one on here.
  • Actually win fights. Vorhi's records is 0-2-3, with two draws on account of environmental damage/running to save endanger people.
  • Play a sane, rational person. A lot of characters around here seem really level-headed and reasonable. My most practical characters are a deathbot turned lawyer and a blind hobo with a degree in staring at dead bodies and looting them.The others are all mentally unstable killers, except for Olidiv, who is basically Tony Stark as played by BRIAN BLESSED!!!!
  • Avoid doing wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much research on an idea. Like, way way too much.
  • Actually get lethal with this factory stuff. My best factory submissions are a fake lightsaber and a ship who's only weapon system is designed to let it run the hell away. An a planet no one cares aboot.
  • Resist snacks. I am bad at will saves agaists snacks, especially nachos and buffalo wings.
  • Not wear flashy outfits. Even with species that are traditionally unclothed, like Olom and Sugar here, I dress wildly with them. Vorhi dresses like a zen monk, Ash wears three-piece suits, and Olidiv wears whatever gets him on the cover of "Alien's Quarterly" or "The best dressed periplepodae list"
  • Not screw around with linguistics. Periplepodae is a fake nomenclature I just made up for "extra-limbed" on this post. I have a problem.

That's what I can think of so far.

Falcon Rekali

-Write purposely slutty characters
-Write aliens that are obviously alien (it's not that I don't, I just never have...)

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