Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Things You See in a Graveyard | TSE Dominion of Concord Dawn

Amaya Cardei

Flames yet smolder over Concord Dawn, for as Mandalore burned the Sith Empire began to incorporate the agricultural world. Rooting out resistance and landing more troops to aid in this endeavor. Those natives to the world still holdout against the Empire, their fight is not yet over as they still work to evacuate their own. Still, there are those, a small minority thereof who have decided to cast their lot with the Sith Empire. Nothing is easy, and as troops hit the ground with boots and blasters - blood stains the world over, villages burn and the mournful wails of the grieving are heard. While the Empire gives the single chance to kneel or to die, the vassal states move to begin their colonies. Zygerria, Tion, and Galidraan are among the worlds that send men and supplies and as they arrive there are just somethings that they should not see. Here they are, the open - festering wound of Concord Dawn for all to see...


Objective 1: Root out resistance and crush those who do not yield, like a scalpel along with the anatomy of a body the Empire just be precise. Cut just the right way, in just the right manner troops and starfighters make their way as the remnants of the Sith Armada work their way to take any shipyards. Much like Mandalore, Concord Dawn has always been a stronghold for the Mandalorians the resistance here is expected to be heavy.


Objective 2: Far along with Concord Dawn's system in the Third Moon along the Concord Belt where small mines and smaller outposts can be seen. Lay the workings of criminals and outcasts, reach out to them and offer them the chance to join the Sith. Take control of the mines and the installations here, let them know that the Empire could use people of their skills. If they refuse, take care when eliminating them, their organs can still be of use to those who need it.


Objective 3: Elsewhere on Concord Dawn, there are those on behalf of the Sith or perhaps simply themselves who have their own tale to tell. Bring your own objective, do your story and enjoy!


Darth Wyyrlok XXIV

"The Emperor has gone silent on Mandalore, recon says the Palace in Sundari exploded and was swallowed by the earth."

"Chosen are we, the Children of the Dark Side. The Emperor beeth our father and most sanctified of Lords, he shall arise and smite the heretic and the heathen, make certain brothers and sisters."

"Yes, the Emperor is Eternal. The Sith are Eternal. The Empire is Eternal."

The dark clouds parted as the prow of a Harrower-class cruiser cut through the fog of combusting shells and ionic debris, its turbolasers firing in creeping cannonades towards the ground emplacements that so defiantly turn their guns towards the heavens. Starfighters screeched from their moorings, flying out in organize symmetrical formations before twisting away down towards the planet below, some of them bursts into clouds of black smoke as an errant shell hit its mark. Following them were slower troop transports and gunships, lesser in number but more often heavily armored than their swifter counterparts.

One such vessel was a Mailoc gunship, its wings locked in flight position as it bobbed and weaved through the intermittent ground fire. In its hull were six Knights of the Brotherhood, their banded armor pulled taut across their varying forms. No two armors were the same, each Knight adorning himself with personalized pieces of heavier armor or trinkets that defined their personalities, but all of them wore the same insignia of the Sith Empire across their chests.

Two Sith Lords sat near the back of the gunship, both male. One was a Dowutin clad in heavy plate, an inactive contained energy axe propped up against his seat. The other was a Chagrian that wore a pair of ornate lightsabers about his waist, his head angled down and eyes closed in concentration as a prayer was worded silently on his lips.

All around them were a dozen other vessels, each one carrying warriors who had pledged themselves to the cause of the Sith. Many of them were Mandalorians, picked from clans that had sworn oaths of loyalty to the Emperor and the Empire. For their aid in toppling the Infernal's regime they were promised bountiful lands to call their own, first pick among the possessions of the displaced. For this promise they scrambled to worlds now beset by the Sith assaults, eager to lay claim to fertile lands to benefit their clan.

The gunship swung down to idle above a path of earth protected by several rock formations, temporarily shielding it from small arms fire as the bay doors slid open to allow the occupants to spill out. The Sith Knights rushed out first, their lightsabers spitting to life as they deflected blaster bolts and redirected launched missiles away from the gunship. The two Lords were the last to exit, the Dowutin charging eagerly into battle while the Chagrian began to chant hymns in the ancient tongue of the Red Sith, bolstering his ally's power with his own devotions.

It was where Darth Wyyrlok XXIV belonged.

Ourania Amun

Ourania held her helmet under her arm as the drop ship carried her and others of Clan Amun toward the surface. She surveyed through the view port what lay before her how Concord Dawn's earth was torn open, ripped apart by weapons of various sort. Perhaps if the Infernal had refuted such decisions as the purge or the cure it would not have led to this. Ourania secured her helmet and looked through visor and waited as the HUD booted into view. Amun, Rook and Eldar were all promised land in return for their services during the engagement with the UCM. Of course it meant fighting for it and in true Mandalorian it would be fought for.


The ship would lower itself as much as possible, Ourania pushed the door open and shouted, "nari!"

This drop ship was only one of many that now dotted the surface of Concord Dawn. Ourania had four other members of Clan Amun with her and they were but a handful among of the horde. She could see in the distance the glimmer of a beskar'gam lined silhouette leading the charge toward them. "Olar val olaror, vod! Gotal'ur etid tal'galar!" Mandalorian against Mandalorian, beskad's clashed at a center line while fighters from both side fired at one another overhead.


Saint of the Damned
Lark had quite a deal of experience working with criminals, pirates, and murderers. These miserable fools were the type of people he was surrounded by as a child on Myrkr. They were the ones who killed his father and took his siblings away from him. As far as he knew, a couple drunk thugs hoping to impress a minor smuggler set him upon his entire journey. These people fascinated Lark more than almost any Jedi or Sith. They had no creed to speak of, no fanatic devotion to an Emperor or blind faith while following some misguided oath to save those who could not save themselves. Did they fight for money, or the simple thrill of a heist? Lark himself was familiar with a handful of these craven dregs, when he was in his early teens he likely ran a few jobs alongside a few of them.

But those days were in the past, and had long been abandoned. While fascinating, their lack of true purpose made them unfit to work alongside Lark. His goals reached far beyond a handful of credits.

That didn't mean they couldn't be of use to the Empire, however. Lark sat at a creaky wooden table at a saloon near a local mine on Concord Dawn, interrogating a ghost from his past. Kag Kuten, a vulgar Bothan Lark had met soon after leaving Myrkr. The man was clever, as witty a trafficker as Lark had ever met. Together they had smuggled weapons, drugs, and people throughout the galaxy, and Kag had introduced Lark to numerous other intergalactic criminals much more influential than he.

Kag's crew was working a local job, when Lark and his squadron of soldiers entered the place they shot the place up a bit so Kag knew not to fight back. Three gang members lay dead at Kag's feet, but the man drank his beer as though he didn't have a worry in the world. The two sat at a table like old friends, but a sudden move from either would cause the tavern to erupt in an orchestra of gunfire. "Gotta say kid," Kag started, "You've changed."

"I'm the same as I've always been," Lark lied. "I've simply... learned more." Lark let a few sparks dance around his fingertips, even after a year or two of training he was still fascinated by the azure flare. Such primal energy, in the palm of my hand. "For your sake, I hope that you haven't changed either. You've always valued credits above all else, so if that remains true than your upcoming decision should be an easy one."

"You're one of the most talented smugglers in the galaxy," Lark continued. "The Empire values those with talent in subterfuge and secrecy. So long as you successfully carry out whatever task you're assigned, the Sith with make you richer than any Hutt."

Kag sighed, and took a long look at his dead crew. "Hutts have greased my pockets real good in the past. But you're wrong about one thing, kid. My life comes before any amount of money. I ain't no fool. I'll work for ya, but if my head ends up on a gate on Bastion I got a million in cash that says I will get you back."

The threat was all for show, and both of them knew it. Kag couldn't look weak in front of his crew. But Lark allowed it to pass. "A wise decision." Sith soldiers escorted the surrendering criminals to a nearby vessel, where they would be taken and briefed on whatever steps came next. But Lark's mission had only just begun. He doubted additional groups would be as compliant as Kag's, a bit of blood might be necessary in order to persuade the rest.

And if they failed to comply, their blood would stain Concord Dawn until the stars turned cold.
So this is the first mission? Jason hasn't been with the Sith Empire for long only recently getting freed from the slavery they put him in. His anger was festering for a while and only now was he being allowed to channel that anger to some use. Even if he was just another cog in a large machine same as when he had a chain around his neck this time he was the one invading another's planet. Sadly for those on Concord Dawn, Jason wasn't growing up into a kind man. He was angry and now he was going to be able to take it out on others. Those in the mines were those he could better relate to. They were the ones that had same as him a great hate for those higher then them.

He was sitting on a rock surrounded by a crowd of people, miners and other workers that only earned a fraction of what the mine produce. He stood above them, it reminded him a bit of when a slave tried to encourage a revolt, yet unlike that fool Jason wasn't going to die. There was slight concern, but the lightsaber on his belt signaled to them to listen. Even if it was just a standard one, having a weapon that was once seen as oppressive to him almost drowned Jason in a sense of authority.

"I was once like you all, just a worker in a mine waiting for the next day's light. That was until I learned the truth my friends, the only way we are to gain any sort of power over ourselves is by striking down those that hold our chains. Those that run this mine hordes the goods while you bleed and die by the dust and work you put into the mine." Many of them were nodding, while others looked concerned.

No doubt many felt worried about what would happen if they tried to take the mines. Others were probably just happy to have work where they made a living, but Jason knew a mob only requires a few to start before all fall in line.

"The Sith will grant those that own the mine the power, but that is not you. Not yet. You can be the ones which the Sith pay for the goods produce, only if those that hold the chains are no longer in charge. Whoever the Sith grant ownership of the mines will remain there for life. This is your chance, they used force and other methods to control you. Now is the chance to get even." With a flick of a switch the blade ignited, Jason raised in high into the air.

"I will be there for whoever decides, power over weakness, ownership over bending the knee." With that many of those that were looking for a excuse were given it, and those that wished not to be left behind joined.

Grabbing pick axes and other tools, Jason watched the mob get set loose upon the criminals of the mine. Jason walked slowly down joining the masses, though there desire was strong there collective will was weak. He was the only thing keeping them together. The blade was pointed to the ground to avoid cutting into anyone. They headed straight into the factory where the offices were, by the end of the night more blood was spilled then necessary. Yet for Jason, it wasn't enough.

Harath Eldar

"Open fire on the courtyard!" the captain's orders rang through each helmet of the Sith-Mandalorian forces. Sent as a forward unit by their Alor, the Eldar gunmen were well trained in purging the remnants of armed military forces. Often sent in to break the remaining fighters, the 'Clean Up Crew' as they were often called were unmatched. However, the captain knew his unit were in for a rough time. Caught in the remnants of a shipyard, the soldiers were stuck between a rock and a hard place. With mandalorian soldiers engaging them in the northern courtyard, they were well and good until another two squadrons came at them from the south. The guerrilla tactics utilized by the opposing defense were not unfamiliar, but a rather difficult contingency to plan for. "E-2, and E-3 maintain fire on the courtyard! E-4 through 10, change position and fire on the alleyway!"

Things were not looking good for Epsilon. Fortunately for the captain and his fighting unit, a buzz could be heard from the captain's commlink. He lifted it and activated it as he ducked low behind the wreckage of a destroyed ship.

"This is E-1 of Epsilon Squad. We are under heavy fire from the remnants of the mandalorian defenses. Requesting backup," the captain shouted over the sounds of battle behind him.

"Very well," Harath's holographic form responded quickly. "Await further instructions."

"Yes sir!" the captain returned the device to his belt before peaking over his cover. He took several pot shots at the courtyard, managing to down one of their attackers before returning to his cover. "Alright men, keep fighting! We have backup incoming!"

It was a lie, but one even the captain sought to believe....

Elsewhere, Harath Eldar strode towards his communications officer.

"Who do we have on Concord Dawn?"

The officer looked up from cleaning his rifle, immediately straightening as his Alor made himself known. Rather than answer, he took out his own holodevice and examined the feed imperial soldiers and sith aligned mandalorians were constantly updating.

"Sir! We believe a young Sith Acolyte is in the area!"

"Very well, put him through," Harath clasped his hands together behind his back and stood straight. Rarely did he bother to contact the various sith who served the dark lord, considering how crazy most of them were. Desperate times called for desperate measures however, as he refused to lose good men. Eventually, Lark's own communication device would buzz to life at his belt. Upon activation, Harath Eldar's form would spring to life. "Greetings, Lark. I am Harath Eldar, Alor of clan Eldar. Epsilon Squad are pinned down at these coordinates. I would ask you to take command of the unit in ensure they survive the squabble." The coordinates were transferred to the young Sith's holodevice as the Alor spoke.

It was rare for the Bloody-Handed to delegate command outside of his clan, but battle rarely stuck to even his machinations.

Funami Teriyaki, Sith acolyte and telekinetic prodigy, practiced the piano aboard the Echoing Giggle. The room’s pristine interior spoke volumes of the girl’s dedication to keeping everything tidy. That, or perhaps she simply had good caretakers. Either way, aside from a queen-sized bed situated in the back, opposite the front door, the royal chamber boasted an extensive wardrobe and the sturdy piano seated in front of the bed. A large, archaic piece assembled from expensive wood, the musical instrument had been moved within the ship to allow the girl to indulge in her hobby during long travels. Such as now, flying from Mandalore to… she didn’t even know where.

Thinking about it threatened her focus and the small Sithling would not dare to ruin the haunting, beautiful melody echoing about. Nimble fingers passed over the keys to play a soft, peaceful song, but not really, only in her mind, pressing the keys with her thoughts. She had learned it years ago, to play the piano via telekinesis. Simply sitting nearby and intently staring at the keys produced beautiful music.

The Empire had need of her. Again. An acolyte, the pink-haired girl had no choice but to obey.

A sideways glance shot toward the entrance. The door opened and in came a woman Funami had never seen before. She had to be a newbie sent by the more experienced crew. They knew all too well disturbing the young Sith when engaging in her hobbies produced one cranky Funami. And nobody wanted that! A stray thought choked the air from the woman’s lungs and forced her to her knees. Frowning, the girl turned back to the piano and continued playing where she left off.

“You have chosen a poor moment to disturb me,” the pink-haired acolyte hissed through gritted teeth, every word laced with poison. “So stay awhile and listen.”

And on she went, creating a beautiful, melancholic song while simultaneously squeezing the life out of the poor fool who dared interrupt her. Touching the keys with her mind, she allowed a jolly smile to grace her lips, remembering when she tried doing the same for the first time. She had improved since then, mastering the art enough to play multiple pianos when focusing really hard.

Telekinesis was awesome and a spoiled little girl like her did not hesitate to abuse it to her heart’s content.

One last note to leave the strings and Funami beamed a gleeful smile, turning toward the crewmember who continued to dance over the ground and hungrily beg for oxygen to enter her body. Cocking a perfectly manicured eyebrow, the Sith planted her fists on her hips. While not denying her involvement in what was taking place in front of her, the woman was just being dramatic now.

“Hey, lady,” Funami kicked the body. “I’m not doing anything to y--Oh, I forgot to turn my Force choke off. Oops!”

A simple gesture set the tormented soul free.

“M-Miss Teriyaki,” the half-conscious servant stuttered. “We have… arrived.”
Compassion. Something the that was seriously lacking within the Empire. That was what I served after all. When it came to recuritment the standard resualts were normally hit or miss. Displays of power or "forced" to join out of no alternative. The sheer fact that those who did not stand by Emperor Kaines new declaration of being Mand'laor was punishable by death was in my opinion a tactical error. Each citizen and mandalorian had talents and skills useful to the empire. So much would go to waste through this route. The Emperor was a hard man shielded by the immense darkside powers he held and experiences that had carved him into the respectable leader that he was today.
With that said I, Darth Skodd was not afraid to admit the simple fact that he was not perfect. There would be no need for advisers and consular by his side if he was. This was how I perceived things and if the Empire itself hoped to receive greater influx of ideal personnel then a change from the narrow was a must. Compassion was needed temporarily apon those that contained a spark. Covered head to toe in my Sith marked armor I moved in strides down corridor like alley ways that was the foundation of this small and humble outpost. Around the corner screams could be heard. My immediate attention was warranted now. My orange eyes behind behind visor pondered the sight of another sith and military officer attempting to pull a teen away from their family in the name of the Empire.
Disgusting. Refusal meant death. Perhaps it was time for a different approach. My approach.
" What is the situation here?" I asked clasping my hands behind my back. Standing up straight I looked both of them up and down once. " Well?"
" This lad here showed interest in joining the Empire, but his mother and father..." He started and then closed his mouth see as how i could understand now.
" I see." Removing my helmet with the hopes of gesturing a symbol of humanity left. I let my gaze meet the teenagers and ignored the parents. " Is this true, my son? Did you give your consent to join our Empire? You could benefit and grow much from a decision such as this." I asked with a warm expression.
" Stay away from him! From our son!" The two parents gripped the boy tighter to the point of restraining him back. Their hostility was born of ignorance.

" Hmmmm..." There was no answer as of yet from the lad.


Saint of the Damned
Interacting with: [member="Harath Eldar"]
Same objective: [member="Ourania Amun"] [member="Darth Wyyrlok XXIV"]

While Kag's crew had submitted to the Empire, dozens of other scum either foolishly neglected Lark's offer or were insincere in their desire to serve. The lot of them were predictable cowards, a child could tell that when given the opportunity they would turn tail and flee the Empire. Such pitiful creatures deserved to be put down, better that than to even give them the hope for betrayal.

Tales of the slaughter would spread, criminal organizations throughout the galaxy would hesitate to operate against the Sith after witnessing the barbarous punishments that befell their brethren on Concord Dawn. But in this facet of the operation, Lark's work was done. A different task ensued after the massacre, relayed to him from one Harath Eldar, an admiral who was assisting in the conquest against the Mandolorians on a nearby battlefield. Aside from the instructions bestowed to Lark, the tavern was eerily silent, distorted communications fell upon mostly lifeless ears.

After the transmission concluded, Lark reached down to his communicator. His personality shifted from a charismatic criminal hoping to recruit some more lively soldiers to that of a tenacious Sith Acolyte ready to serve the Empire.

In order to see his goals realized, he'd play any role required of him.

"This is Lark," he replied with a voice as calm as glass. "I've received the coordinates, tell your men to watch the skies. Help is on the way." Lark unchained a haunted tome from his hip, a Necronomicon pilfered from the grave of some Sith Lord whose name was long forgotten thousands of years before Lark had even been born. "You heard the admiral, prepare the ships for takeoff. Our allies are not far away."

His men knew better than to object to anything he said. Eldar's men were already in deep trouble, there was little time for clever scheming or advanced planning. Every moment that passed was a moment that a Sith soldier could perish, not a second could be wasted. But if the Mandolorians wanted to fight dirty, Lark had no issue returning the favor. From the blood of the massacred criminals emerged a dozen or so Svarrifs, corvian Sithspawn of his own creation. They flew alongside the shuttle as they made their way to the endangered soldiers, and after a quick inspection of the battlefield Lark began issuing commands before they started taking artillery fire from below. "The Mandolorian troops to the south are concentrated in a series of alleyways. Avoid artillery fire and focus fire on them. The soldiers below likely are unaware of their exact positions, but from a birds-eye view, the southern troops are helpless."

The bulk of the Mandolorian soldiers in the shipyard would be dealt with by the combined efforts of Lark, Eldar's soldiers, and the Svariff. In fact, as Lark leapt from the shuttle to the warzone below, the Sithspawn would strike half a dozen men dead before he even hit the ground. Diving at speeds that were nearly a blur to even the most trained eyes, the Svariff tactically aimed for exposed spots in Mandolorian armor. The joints, the neck, the smallest rips or tears in fabric would be gouged by the bird-like monstrosities. As the birds shredded the unaware Mandolorians before vanishing as quickly as they arrived, Lark entered the battlefield amidst a murder of crows. He drew his enchanted Sith blade, an ancient weapon the color of frost. Despite the sudden ambush, Lark had only leveraged the fight to more even odds.

The true battle was still to come.

Concord Dawn, Southern Hemisphere, POI Wasp
[Objective]: Perform reconnaissance on remaining OPFOR.

3 hours ago...

Within the Spear of Bastion.

At the edge of the massive hangar bay, one of many. Carried multiple individuals maintaining the starcrafts aboard and crewmen jogging about the place. Preparations made for the coming cleansing of those who dare oppose the Empire. In the corner of the bay, sat the very members of Onyx. Ready to do their part in Concord, as they did in Sundari. Anden stood infront of them in most of his gear already equipped. Upon providing Vaak a nod, Vaak proceeded to lay out the hologram projector onto the floor and provide the captain it's controls. Fancelo reached into his pocket and slapped in a datachip onto the device and it went on to project Concord Dawn. Zooming into the area of operations that they'll be conducting upon. The silence among the squad was broken, as Anden begun his briefing.

"Orders are already confirmed, and Major Fulcrum has tasked us with an assignment on Concord Dawn. We are to conduct recon on POI Wasp. Said point of interest is a large village containing Mandalorian hostiles, but unlike the usual resisting parties. Intel states that there might be possible vics and starcraft. Even armored units. The elimination of this group is high priority as stated by the major. However, given the layout of the area. We can't simply bomb the area or go in guns blazing with Division I."

The hologram zoomed out of the POI and a yellow marker was projected south of the POI. Anden continued.

"We are to insert at LZ Sereni, 2 klicks south of POI Wasp. Move on foot, group up possibly on overwatch points Nerf and Wombat. And survey the area. Mark out targets, provide good routes for Division I to enter. And await their arrival and further tasking."

The faces of the members of Onyx were that of pure calm. Anden then finished off with. "Questions?"

One rose their hand up, it was Haktan.


"There any risk for us getting spotted once we enter atmosphere? Whether from neighboring inhabitants of the planet or the remnants themselves?"

"No, we're arriving with the same pilot and stealth transport. One we went in Sundari with."

Haktan provided a nod and sat back down. And so, the leader of Onyx went on. "You got 30 minutes to get fully prepped and meet with Razor 2-2. After that, we'll be inbound to Concord Dawn."

Onyx departed and went over to acquire their gear. Usually the squad would be given less time, but they were awaiting for the ship to arrive closer to the planet, so urgency was preserved.


The squad deployed onto the planet, and have made it to their respective points. Only 150-250 meters away from the POI.

With the teams separated by half a klick in their respective overwatch points. Leadership remained with Aurek Team. Anden was laying into the strange mixture of grass and sand. His visor was pressed against a pair of macrobinoculars, surveying the general area. The village literally contained it's miniature army. Most of the mandalorian elements had somewhat of a lack of armor on them compared to the average warrior. But carried weaponry just as fearsome. Conversation among the members of Onyx was nonexistent. The only communication conducted was between teamleaders, as they mark priority targets and squads on a map. Some of Onyx remained at the rear, keeping an eye for any patrols that passed by.

Good intel was to be provided, for sure. If all was to go well.

[member="Vestille Thumahra"]​


Location: Imperial Transport Diligence, High Orbit, Concord Dawn
Tags: -

Rach'ta had been picked up by a strike team that had infiltrated the underground of Sundari City, their mission was to locate saboteurs and guerrilla fighters that may have been using the subterranean network to maneuver out of sight of the Sith pilots. Needless to say they were surprised to see an unarmed acolyte wandering around in their area of operation. Once their mostly uneventful mission was complete they took Rach'ta to an imperial transport to continue the battle on Concord Dawn.

What had Rach'ta gotten himself into? Three invasions in a row, and this last confrontation almost ended in his death! In order to maintain his cover Rach'ta did not come clean and instead asked more mundane questions as to what the troopers would be doing when the transports landed. They informed him of the general plan "I see, sergeant are you expecting anyone from the Sith?" the trooper shook his head "No one in particular, my lord, the Sith come and go as they please. May I ask for what reason?" the Twi'lek gave a dismissive shrug of his shoulders "No reason. Curiosity. Thank you for your cooperation." Rach'ta assumed that would be the end of it but then the sergeant spoke again "If you don't mind my forwardness, my lord, you strike me as one who has been separated from their master. I see you do not have your lightsaber and your attire doesn't strike me as being particularly high ranking from within the Brotherhood. While we will defer to your judgement I can't help but feel your leadership in this particular phase of the invasion would be -" the acolyte put a hand up for the trooper to stop speaking "I am not looking to take command of your squad or the battalion, sergeant. And I have not lost my master." this seemed to do little to ease the trooper's concerns "My lord, if you have not lost your master then may I ask what happened to them?" Rach'ta paused for long moment as he began to formulate his response, though the trooper did not seem willing to let him stall "I am familiar with the power structure of the Brotherhood, I also know that the Empire doesn't allow the same internal fights for position as they once did. To spare us any unfortunate questioning by Imperial Intelligence, please, tell us now if you killed your master. I don't want my men caught up in your affairs." this had completely caught Rach'ta off guard. There was no doubt that this trooper felt bold enough to speak his mind because the acolyte lacked a lightsaber and was apparently masterless, if there was ever a safe moment to question the motives of someone such as him it would be now.

"Sergeant!" Rach'ta said with hushed fury "Do not presume to know w-" the sergeant spoke up once again while brandishing his blaster in the Twi'lek's direction "I am placing you under arrest for acting against the interests of the Empire." several of the sergeant's squad began to raise their blasters against Rach'ta. The commotion garnered the attention of an Imperial officer who looked up from his datapad to the scene with a ghostly expression "What is the meaning of this?" the officer rushed over and placed a hand on the top of the sergeant's blaster "Sir, this acolyte is being arrested for suspected treason." the Officer looked over Rach'ta quickly and then asked pointedly "Acolyte, where is your master?"

Valessia Brentioch


Valessia surveyed the hellfire landscape that was now Concord Dawn. "Poor unforunate souls," she remarked with a tut-tut tone, the shame of it all really. She stepped over the dead carefully and looked over her shoulder as her personal contingent of troopers followed. "We must show them that the Empire cares for their wellbeing and admittedly it's a tough crowd." The sound of war not far from the Sith's position, the desolation and pain was enough to feed any of her fellow Sith. It would most certainly be a hard sell here but a sell nonetheless, if only - because there would be little choice otherwise. "Oh sure they're noble warriors who would die for their own cause. Such a noble cause, but what they fail to see is how wonderful it could be to have friends on the other side."

"How far to the nearest village?"

"Should be up here, assuming there's anything left mi'lady."

A legionnaire answered.

"Then let's hope something survived, for the Empire's sake."

Anything - anything to help sell the idea that the Sith were more than capable of warmth. She knew words would do little here it would have to do more with show now. Valessia would have to show that when the dust had settled that the Mandalorians here would be welcomed. They would become an integral part of the Sith Empire and that all the Sith wanted was to rid the Mandalorians of their weakness and those who were left, were simply the strong.

Darth Wyyrlok XXIV

He propelled himself off of a piece of rocky debris, his black robes flapping as he soared through the air to come down upon the Mandalorian warrior. Fruitlessly the warrior sought to shoot the Sith Lord out of the air, but each of his shots were deflected away by the twin beams of sunfire that protruded from the dark being's hands. The Sith's foot connected squarely with the Mandalorians' helmet, snapping his head back as the Sith shifted midair, twirling about and sending his lightsaber down to slice through the barrel of the Mandalorian's rifle.

Staggering back, the Mandalorian squeezed the trigger of his weapon to no avail, only sparks and molten metal popping out from the ruined barrel. The Sith dropped down behind the Mandalorian, reversing the grip on his lightsabers to ram them back through the gaps between the beskar plating. Both of his blades spread the Mandalorian warrior, one passing through another gap in the plating while the other collided with the interior side of the warrior's breastplate. The body spasmed once and then went limp as the Sith yanked both of his weapons free of the corpse, letting it fall to the ground in a smoldering heap.

Darth Wyyrlok XXIV looked at his surroundings, spinning his weapons as another volley of blaster bolts was slung his direction. Deflecting these bolts, the Chagrian Sith advanced before suddenly reaching out with his left hand and yanking the Mandalorian free from his cover, where he was immediately set upon by the Dowutin Sith who had accompanied him into battle. The Dowutin smashed aside the Mandalorian's weapon before decapitating him with a single swing of his contained energy axe.

"Their struggle is futile, yet they continue to fight."

"Those of false faith will resist the truth until their terminal breath, for to do otherwise would be to recognize the folly of their convictions. It is these heathens that our Lord Emperor demands we exterminate."

"Then let our Emperor's will be known."

"Verily, brother."
“You see,” the pink-haired child beamed a gleeful smile at the six figures surrounding her. “The Empire’s reach expands every day. With it comes new rules and regulations that all of us must adhere to. As it stands, the Empire won’t tolerate your illegal operations in its territory. Not without a substantial cut.”

Interested in dealing with the Empire, the six criminal bosses had presented themselves before the small Sith acolyte. Expecting someone more physically imposing, disappointment could be read on their faces as they sat behind their desks in the stuffy room that served as the meeting place. Although the only one standing, Funami had remained the smallest creature about.

“I don’t deal with brats. Tell the Emperor to send someone taller next time.” One thug boastfully announced, got up and started for the exit. Two more rose from their seats in tandem, exchanging an amused glance.

Anger flashed through the small girl’s violet eyes. Being underestimated was one thing, but such displays of blatant disrespect like this would not go unpunished. While much taller than her, the gangsters present were still mere commoners compared to the greatness of the Sith. All she had to do was flick a finger to channel the Dark power within and demonstrate.

The one to get up first crashed into the ceiling before the same flood of energy that brought him up slammed his body down. He hit the ground with a sickening crack and remained motionless. Gasps of disbelief were swiftly silenced as their hands tugged at their collars, feeling the invisible grip of telekinesis.

“Do not overestimate your value to the Empire,” the child’s sneer wordlessly mocked the dying gangster as her violet gaze addressed the remaining five. She steepled her hands and her voice sank, a threatening edge in her tone. “We can run the mines and outposts with you or without you.”

The unyielding grip tightened, sending a surge of panic through their system. A tap of a finger in the air pinned them to the floor. Funami looked all smug, standing above their sprawled bodies. No longer the smallest thing in the room, she gave an incredibly pleased expression as she cast her eyes down.

“Do we have a deal?” She asked, voice suddenly dripping with sweetness and affection.

Ourania Amun

To say that the fight was bitter would be vastly understated, and to say it was easy - would be sheer arrogance. It was bitter, difficult and bloody as any Netherworld demon could bring. Ourania's beskad dripped with blood from its edge she turned away from one blade and into another. A sharp growl made itself known as she pushed her attacker back and raised her blade to meet theirs. Step, step, parry she knew there were others around her but more of the enemy than there were friendlies.

She turned the flamethrower on her gauntlet on and watched the fire lap toward her opponents. Burning where it could just as enemy mortar shells landed throwing her back. Flamethrower disengaged Ourania sailed perilously through the air before meeting with Concord Dawn's dirt. The warrior felt and heard something crack but there was no time to assess what had been damaged. She rolled out of the way and reengaged her flamethrower. Ourania's beskad laid not to far from her but it would be a race to grab it now. The woman charged forward and used her jet pack to propel her across the land with haste. Flames out, she rolled to the ground while she shut the jet pack off.

As she rolled Ourania's opponent missed, her hand grasped the beskad's hilt and swung up just as her other hand helped distribute the blade's weight.
[member="Anden Fancelo"]​
With control re-established, it was nigh time to set foot on the road to restoration.

The army group that had once been an extension of his will had been allowed to rot away in a pool of its own degeneracy in the hands of an incompetent fool. That fool, Elbridge, now saw himself sent to the netherworld without his head, granted a swift merciless end at the hand of the Blackstone entity that had once been a man, the 7th's very own Demon General. There was no doubt that it would indeed take time for the men to grow accustom to the new form that the man they once followed and to grasp the fact that the man they once thought dead was now stood before them, albeit changed by the circumstances that he had been put through. It was true enough that the realms of Sith magics and sorcery were not uncommon within the realms of the Imperial Legion; sithspawn and other oddities alike were part and parcel of serving within the sprawling armed forces of the Empire and the Emperor that they would give their lives for but... This? This was different, an aura of unnatural horror that no sithspawn of ghost could seem to replicate. A spirit manifested by pure rage and hatred and powered by an energy most foul; to say it did not sweep through the ship and corrupted everything it touched, at least if you asked the men of the 7th and the fleet personnel that manned their stations, would have been an incorrect statement.

Regardless, spineless cowards and disgruntled slackers had filled the ranks of the 7th-- The kinks needed to be hammered out and there was no better place than the heat of battle. The strong would live on and endure and the weak would be culled and turned to food for the crows.

Deep within the command center of the flagship of the armada that ferried the Army Group to their destination, the entity stood with his command staff and closest advisors as discussions about their plan of attack whilst in transit. It was to be a trial by fire, a means to claw back the legacy that fate had allowed to rot and wither to time and incompetence. A scouting team had already been sent out to Concord Dawn to conduct their operations, led by a man that the entity once considered a close follower.

Each minute went by as did the shifting of bodies as crewmen moved about their stations. Soon they would arrive at the throats of the Mandalorians.


Location: Imperial Transport Diligence, High Orbit, Concord Dawn
Tags: -

Rach'ta's eyes looked between the officer and the sergeant as they interrogated him. The veil he wore completely obscured their vision as the yellow irises showed his distress. This, none of this, had gone as he had planned "Well?" asked the officer with some measure of impatience "I did not kill my master. They were killed by a mandalorian wielding a lightsaber." the sergeant scoffed at the words "A Mandalorian? With a lightsaber? You're lying, acolyte, I know a liar when I see one." Rach'ta folded his arms then "Are you saying that a Mandalorian is unable to kill? Or to use a lightsaber?" there was a sigh from the officer who straightened up and spoke to Rach'ta "This matter is out of my hands. The assertion stands. Acolyte, you are under arrest for suspected murder of an imperial official and treasonous acts against the empire." the officer then spoke to the sergeant while looking at Rach'ta "Sergeant, take the acolyte to the brig. Have the ensign contact Imperial Intelligence." several troopers began to move on Rach'ta "With pleasure sir." the Twi'lek backed away from them "Acolyte..." the officer spoke with some surprise, he knew the signs of aggression and this was one of them "Do not resist. You will not be harmed Imperial Intell-" the officer was cut off as Rach'ta pushed out his left hand and sent the sergeant, officer, and one of the legionaries flying backwards. His attention snapped behind him as a trooper began to raise his rifle to take an aimed shot into his back. The Force's precognitive abilities granted Rach'ta enough time to react. Lighting flashed from his right hand's finger tips and coursed through the body of the legionary who crumpled in the hallway.

Rach'ta rushed past the incapacitated soldier. He did not know the layout of this starship, any starship to be exact. As he was fleeing the scene he ran into two casually travelling navy personnel who seemed alarmed as to almost running into the acolyte. Without hesitation the Twi'lek punched the one on his left with a right cross in the throat causing the poor man to grip at his assaulted windpipe, choking while doing so. The woman, seeing her partner attacked, made a verbal exclamation of shock and confusion only to be bashed against the side of the corridor wall by Rach'ta's shoulder before she could retaliate. The impact made a hollow thud and she slide to the floor, her partner was now beginning to regain his composure but was too late to stop Rach'ta from fleeing yet again.

Then the sound of the acolyte's pounding footsteps was drowned out by the distinctive ring of alarms "Report to the hangar, transports will be deployed to the surface imminently. Report to the hangar, transports will be deployed to the surface imminently. Unauthorized personnel found on the Diligence after launch will be charged with desertion. Long live the Empire." the transmission ended. But where was the hangar in this labyrinth?

Valessia Brentioch

As they approached the village was ash.

Valessia wasn't even sure there would be anything left, not until the mournful wails were heard. Buildings were nothing more than husks and the bodies of the dead had been brought to a makeshift graveyard. They were laid out side by side, and for a moment her heart sank. She thought about her children, Gunther and Alessandra and as she surveyed her surroundings. Valessia noticed that many here were women and children, she knew that her presence was unwelcomed but better it be Valessia and not some other Sith Lord. Shouts in Mando' a were hurled her way, insults the Brentaalan had no doubt of.

Walking the village she took note of the orphans. She took note of the small ones, and the older teenagers and it would be the teenagers that she wanted to reach out to. "You can continue on with your blabber, you can make your obscenities and objections I know." She began, "but hear me out."

"The Empire will be looking for a new generation of leaders, a group they can rely on." Valessia turned toward those older children now, "but I can understand where your feelings lie, and you may feel as if you've betrayed your kind. In truth, your kind betrayed the very ideals of the Resol'nare long ago. Do yourself a favor, make yourself a name and be the ones that the Empire can rely on."

"Think about it." She would it there and wave her troops to continue on with her, the next resemblance of civilization.
Concord Dawn was their home. This was where Jai, and most of his clan, lived his whole life. Now, the Sith had attacked it, and were starting there "clean up." He looked at the small group of Mandalorians with him, most from Clan Gred. The Sith and those Mando'ad, dar'manda if you asked Jai'galaar, that sided with them were the biggest threat that most of these vod faced. He looked at everyone with him, giving a nod before pointing out to the invaders.

"You all know what's at stake here. Everything's set. So let's remind these dar'jetii who's world this is." And with that one of the older Mandalorians there hit some buttons, and explosions rocked the fighting in the streets. The man was careful as to where he picked to hit, being sure it place that his fellow Mandalorians had called out. He wasn't going to be the death of his vod. Jai, for his part, sent some strill out the wreck havoc on the Sith. Him and his fighter's would send a reminder for who's world this really was.

[member="Ourania Amun"] [member="Darth Wyyrlok XXIV"] @Lark @Harath Eldar

“You’re driving a hard bargain, Miss Teriyaki,” the last gangster, an obese little man said nervously, gently massaging his flabby neck after the child’s icy, invisible grip had vanished. “Very well! I agree to your terms. There’s one more thing though…”

That was the cue for a pair of Weequay killers waiting outside to kick in the door and swarm in. The room exploded with blaster fire and bodies started dropping like lifeless dolls, one after another. Only the small acolyte and one of the bosses remained standing. Funami felt a massive lump in her throat and her heart skipped a beat. Again, her ability to sense had failed her. Every thought raced to hastily erect an invisible barrier to shield her from harm, though she hadn’t been given enough time to strengthen it to withstand a direct hit.

Ah, unexpected.

While a trace of fear had crossed over the pink-haired girl’s face, the fat man adopted a smug grin as he watched his competition die. Given the henchmen had taken care to avoid gunning him down, it dawned on Funami what exactly had happened, casting a smirk on her lips. Gazing at the corpulent human, the young Sith knew she looked at a devious mind hidden behind the unassuming façade. Perhaps a bit unrefined and brutish in executing his plans, but the gangster had turned out a particularly scheming bastard nonetheless. Good, that made two of them.

A sigh of relief escaped past her lips when the blasters pointed her direction and remained silent. “Oh, this was your plan all along, right?” The small Sithling simpered and leaned forward, hands clasped behind her back. “Congratulations! All your rivals are dead! Now, I’d advise you to tell your goons to lower their weapons.” A playful, yet menacing frown tugged at her eyebrows. “You know what I can do, right?”

The architect of the minor catastrophe roared with laughter. “Yeah, I ain’t crazy, missy! You could probably turn my guts inside out with a thought and this fatso certainly don’t want any of that!” He nodded at his guards and both obediently leveled the barrels of their guns at the floor. The slight tremble in his voice did not escape Funami. Albeit he could have ordered her death, the criminal feared the Dark power too much to give the word.

“See, I know working with the Empire will make me a happy man. With them out of the way,” his hand motioned toward the smoking heaps of flesh, “I can take over their operations and give the Empire an increased cut. And to you as well, obviously. It’s all business, credits. Everyone benefits.”

Except for the five corpses, but they no longer mattered.

“Is it a deal, Sith?”

Funami’s brow furrowed and she gave the impression of a child who could not decide, fraught with hesitation. “Hey, I was gonna say that! You stole my lines!” Folding her arms across her chest, she pouted. “All right, it's a deal! But be ready to answer when the Empire calls. It's not just about credits, it's about control. Pay tribute to the Empire and keep your men in check. The Empire demands order, obedience. Don't make me come back.”

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