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Things You See in a Graveyard | TSE Dominion of Concord Dawn


Location: Imperial Transport Diligence, High Orbit, Concord Dawn
Tags: -

After a few minutes of being lost in a series of corridors Rach'ta found what seemed to be a protocol droid "Droid, where is the hangar?" the Twi'lek asked with a hushed tone "To find the hangar take a left at the end of this corridor, take the stairs down to level C. From there you will be at the hangar access doors." receiving the information he needed Rach'ta walked away from the droid to follow it's directions. Just as the protocol droid had said he found the staircase. Quickly moving down the spiraling stairs he found himself at the open access doors of the hangar. Inside were hundreds of legionaries, marching in platoon sized units, making their way to their transport starcraft.

The acolyte stood a little straighter and attempted to exude an air of superiority as he walked near several platoons. Rach'ta moved into a transport alongside the legionaries and waited for it to depart. Seemingly free from his pursuers he began to relax. Then Rach'ta felt something cold on the small of his bare back and a voice said in a whispered manner "Exit the ship. Do not turn around. If you run, you will die." Rach'ta felt a hand on each of his shoulders and when he glanced to his right he saw not a legionary but a woman in a dress uniform and on his right was a man wearing the same. He couldn't see behind him and he didn't dare try his luck. Rach'ta stepped out of the transport and the door's slide closed behind him "You should've have known better than to lash out, did you think you could simply run out the only exit on the entire ship?" said the voice behind him as the woman turned and put a pair of metallic restraints on Rach'ta's wrists "Now then, you have plenty of time to explain yourself. Seeing as you won't be leaving the Diligence till well after this battle." she said "And you will be explaining yourself, thoroughly." warned the man.

The trio lead Rach'ta to the brig were he was put into a containment cell. He could see all three now. Two men and a woman, all human "Imperial Intelligence." the Twi'lek muttered "Spies, liars, and thieves." the woman folded her arms slowly and asked in a measured way "I won't ask why you assaulted two enlisted maintenance members, an officer, and two of the Empire's legionaries. I think the answer is pretty apparent. You were attempting to evade the very same fate as you find yourself in now. What I will be asking is why you are here." Rach'ta looked towards her "Don't be so surprised. There are not as many of the brotherhood involved in this invasion as you may thing. We have all manifests and not one mentions a male Twi'lek fitting your description." said one of the men as he waved a datapad to illistrate his point "You're not one of ours, clearly." Rach'ta sat down on the only piece of furniture in the room, a stool, and looked at the man who had been the one behind him in the hangar "So you believe that I somehow snuck on board, past all the security?" to which he nodded with a smirk "Oh yes, we do. In fact we know you did and how you did it. You see the special taskforce informed us of your discovery on Mandalore. Its not everyday such teams pick up errant acolytes. Aside from that instance we knew of a ship that had run the blockade through to the surface of Rhen Var. The ship was destroyed but someone was spotted near the site by embedded Intelligence. When that certain somebody was spotted in a transport on the way to Mandalore we were already searching for you. You should have killed that officer, stowaway, you have heard of of commlinks haven't you?" the woman interrupted her colleague with a stern look "We do not wish for the death of Imperial servants." the man dismissed her with a wave of his hand "Yes, well. He contacted the brig's ensign who contacted us within seconds. We saw you on the ship's security cameras headed to the hangar. Seeing as you hadn't made an effort to cover your tracks we assumed you would take the closest transport. And look" he held out his arms slightly in a mockingly triumphant manner "Here we are."

Rach'ta made a slow but loud series of claps "Great work. You've found me. Now what will happen? Will you execute me? Torture me to see if I am a spy?" the woman shook her head slowly "We know you are not a spy, you're not smart enough. You'll be staying in this cell then when the battle is over a shuttle will transport you to the Bastion." the Twi'lek paused briefly then asked "And then from there I assume I will be imprisoned further?" the quieter man took up the question "Yes. You will be, until your fate is decided. If you're lucky the Sith Brotherhood will take you in. If not you will most likely be executed." the outspoken male agent cut in "No loose ends."


The sound of thunderous marching through Iseria's small outcast village was nothing unusual to her, a sound that she had become intimate with in the short time she occupied space in the galaxy.

It seemed to be a morbid joke of the galaxy that the young Echani would be stolen, traded, and then discarded in turn. She held her filthy knees tightly in her shack outside the town, knowing what was coming for her. A way of life that had been familiar to her since she was a child. More familiar than one her age should be to such a barbaric way of life.

Still... it was what she deserved for taking breath away from the skies.

Iseria had learned from a young age that she only brought death and sadness, the visions that had once had her heralded as a young seer now only bringing omens of death and disaster. Her father had been smart enough to cast her aside before the rest of her sibling went to join their mother, in the ever growing mound of rocks behind their farm.

No tears of fear would come as her door was kicked down, and the troopers dressed in black would only be greeting by dry and expecting eyes.

Harath Eldar


Harath turned away from the transmission the moment it cut out. He strode towards the window of the small apartment he stood within and peered outside. The mandalorians had been crushed beneath the imperial war machine and its capital claimed by the sith. His clan were responsible for exterminating the resistance in a quadrant of the city and they were nearing the completion of their goal. It would take a few more hours for the work to be finished, but that was not something he'd need to oversee any longer. The young Alor pulled his communications device from his belt and strode towards the door.

"I will be departing for Concord Dawn. Once you finish your work here, return to the ship and await further orders," Harath strode out the door and activated his commlink. "I am transmitting my signal, pilot. Come collect me, I seek a shuttle to Concord Dawn. A young sith has taken up our banner against the mandalorians. Let us go meet him."

"Yes, sir!" the pilot's response came swiftly before the link was cut.

Harath knew his men would obey their orders, he had no reason to continue issuing more. His attention was diverted to the sky as he awaited his way off the planet.

E-1 took another string of shots at the unit located to his north. The battle was nearly a standstill, but the superior numbers offered the remnant forces the advantage. A few members of Epsilon had been gunned down already, but the remaining seven soldiers kept their calm and maintained a stream of shots. E-1 was close to giving up before the holodevice at his belt buzzed. He took it from his hip and activated the device. The holographic form of a communications trooper was projected before the unit captain. He nodded quickly as he ducked lower behind cover.

"Report," E-1 had to shout over the sound of battle, barely heard through the device.

"A young Sith Acolyte is en route to your location, look to the sky!" the transmission cut out, leaving E-1 and his unit still pinned down.

"Alright men! Eyes to the sky, looks like reinforcements are close. When the sith attacks, heads down!" a series of grunts and shouts signaled the approval of the squad. The seven of them continued their desperate defensive. In the brief time it took for Lark and his murder of sithspawn to arrive, Epsilon managed to eradicate the remainder of the northern unit. They turned their sights on the southern alley as Svariffs rained from above, shredding through the mandalorians. Perhaps a dozen or more fell to the dark side's arrival. Epsilon pushed forward in the confusion, moving across the shipyard to take up a stronger position against the mandalorians. With the defenders trapped in the alley, it didn't take much for the Eldar soldiers to position behind a small wall across the street.

E-1 stopped beside Lark as the young sith approached.

"I am glad to see you, my lord! I am Epsilon-1, but E-1 will do. The defenders in the alley should make up the last of this factory's defenses. If we finish them off, our objective should be met!"


Darth Wyyrlok XXIV


The blasted hearth of a ruined tank blocked the cobbled street, its smoldering hulk churning with fire as its insides cooked. Darth Wyyrlok XXIV advanced forward, behind him was a column of Sith Legionnaires supplemented by Scourge war droids on the outer flanks. After having flushed out a band of Mandalorian resistance fighters in the previous village, the Sith Lords had split with the Dowutin taking half of the assembled Sith forces in the area while Wyyrlok took the other half. They'd advanced quickly under the baking son, and arrived in a village already torn apart by the ravages of the Sith's attack. The bodies of the dead were strewn about haphazardly, most of them remaining where they had fallen when struck down.

"Collect the bodies of the dead, soldiers. Dig a pit at the center of the village and pile the bodies within, gather fuel for a pyre. Foul work requires a stone heart."

For the next hour the soldiers under Darth Wyyrlok went about doing as they were bid, they dug a deep pit with their spades and set about collecting the massacred bodies and dumping them into the hole. Petroleum and other assembled fuels were poured overtop the piled bodies, with a single gust from a flamethrower setting the whole pyre alight. The stench of burning clothes and flesh quickly began to fill the air, a column of smoke rising up to blacken the sky.

"We move on, there are more villages nearby. We will do the same again and again, until all the dead have been burned to ash. The Emperor does not want their squalor to stain our new land."

[member="Jai'galaar Gred"]

"The Emperor does not want their squalor to stain our new land."

"-Well I can't imagine that'd be overly sanitary, either. Though, arguably this isn't much better."

Seated among the wreckage, barefoot despite all the muck and the carnage, the young woman sat with little a care toward the legionnaires and their gruesome work. The woman watched with large eyes, bright with attentive curiosity as corpses were tossed into the pit. Her head was quick to move from one scene to the other, as if nothing was ever quite worthy of her full attention, but wasn't so low as to merit only being watched out of the peripheral. Each little movement brought forth a slight ringing of bells tied to the horns that sprouted from her head, curling up and back to stick out among copper locks.

"Might I suggest digging a bit further away from the villages? Or better yet, keep your killing to a minimum. It'll start to smell soon enough."

The words weren't directed toward anyone in particular, at least not yet. Though her gaze shifted to any figure the eye could see, making eye contact with anyone who'd pay her mind before quickly shifting to the next fellow. Each sentence seemed on the verge of a nonchalant shrug, uncommitted, voiced for the sake of filling space. And while a fellow with a whisper of reason might think against speaking to the figures in armor as they dug mass graves, Nassier thought nothing of it.

[member="Darth Wyyrlok XXIV"] | [member="Jai'galaar Gred"]

Ourania Amun

It seemed that there would be a new challenger on the field, Ourania relished the opportunity. "Vod, gotal'ur etid tal'galar." She ordered as she redirected the blood stained beskad in the direction of the challengers. Clan Amun would have the fields of Concord Dawn for their own and this world like the rest would fall under the banner of the Sith Empire. An Empire that did not purge their own simply for being gifted. It was time that the world would fall into the hands of those worthy of it, the festering wasteland grew as blood and bodies stained the land around them. The heavy boots of the beskar'gam dug into the earth beneath the squad as the five made haste toward their new opponents.

An overcast sky began to crawl along the horizon as the cool snap of an autumn season whisked across the battlegrounds. Legionnaires touched down and began the fight for in the Emperor's name they would die this day, and do so proudly. Much like Mandalore, Concord Dawn would see the might of the Sith Empire - the sheer numbers that would unfold. Although perhaps these were the best odds for Mandalorians, under the gun and soon to be out run. Pressure would mount soon enough if they hadn't already.

[member="Jai'galaar Gred"]

More and more crates full of spice and Bogan knows what were being loaded into the shuttle, the first gift for the Empire of many to come. Distrustful of the pink-haired child, several thugs carrying the cargo cast a disapproving look her way. Not everyone welcomed the Empire’s presence and laws, but such opinions could be effortlessly silenced should the need ever arise. The girl’s toothy grin baring her fang-like canine teeth was the only reply to their doubtful gaze.

They would obey and reap the benefits of serving the Empire or perish under the regime’s cortosis fist.

A beep coming from her dress demanded the Sithling’s attention. Criminals and thugs of all sorts had been easy to bribe or coerce into compliance. Mandalorians, though? Their unruly ways and warrior culture had turned out more challenging to deal with. Reaching down, the child’s small hand tenderly retrieved her comlink, staring at it blankly. Answering the device was not necessary. She knew what had to be done.

“Hmph,” she cocked her head to the side and dismissively glanced at the beeping device, turning it off. “Looks like the Empire has need of me again.”

Crushing Mandalorians had turned into a daily routine for the child. She had already skipped school thrice this week to satisfy the Empire’s demands, yet the stubborn dogs of Mandalore refused to yield so easily. With a weary sigh, she mentally shrugged at the prospect of battling more of those fools. If they believed the Empire would not dare to wipe out an entire culture then they had another thing coming. Defiance only made things harder for them and more fun for the Sith.

“Very well. But there are other important matters to attend to. Like my stomach.” The pink-haired Sith declared and spun on a heel, stomping back to her yacht to raid the food supply.
Jai looked at all those there. This may have been just a place to them, but it was his home. One that he noticed was group of Mandalorians fighting for the Sith. He glared under his helmet, looking at them in his own armor. He almost couldn't believe what he was seeing, honestly, but he and his band would have to fight, and it was clear these dar'manda where here for one! The young leader quickly flipped his Trayc'kal to their blaster mod and began to fire on the approaching threat, yelling "Concord Dawn Akaanir" as he did. His fellow Greds followed suit, honing their weapons on Beskar clad fighters ahead on them. All but one at least, who's armor bore a red cross, and medical gear. Then the young beast master quickly spoke out, speaking a some quick, sharp language before a small group of Strill came around. He wouldn't let anyone, anyone, destroy his home any more!

Elsewhere, other small groups of Gred Mandalorians would show up and fight, using ambushes, traps, and some up front fighting to try and slow or take out the Sith forces.

[member="Ourania Amun"] [member="Nassier Zirfae"] [member="Darth Wyyrlok XXIV"]

Darth Wyyrlok XXIV

The Chagrian's head turned towards the new voice, his eyes narrowing as they beheld the fey creature that was so casually observing the Legionnaires go about their grim business. Though intrigued, Wyyrlok knew better than to let his guard down around strange beings no matter how benign their outward appearance may suggest. He stalked towards her, on hand left limp at his side while the other rested upon the pommel of one of his lightsabers.

"The killing is essential. To draw forth impure blood and replenish it with the pure."

He gestured back to the growing pyre, which had begun to crackle and devour the haphazardly stacked bodies. It was well to note that the bodies had been looted by the soldiers, who now mingled around the fire and were going over the collected loot and placing it into specially sealed canisters that each platoon carried with them. The canister would be returned to headquarters and passed up the chain of command to be bundled together with other similar canisters into a loot repository that would then be distributed among the soldiers who had participated in the operation, with the higher ranks receiving a larger cut of the loot.

"The ash that rises from the smoldering corpses is purifying, this land is diseased with heresy. When we have concluded our duty here, the land will be remade in our Lord Emperor's image. Fields will be cultivated, harvests will be collected, and the people who will come to live here will thrive. It is the way of the future."

He was going to elaborate further, but one of the senior officers under his command approached and waited silently until the Sith Lord recognized his presence. Turning towards the soldier while keep his presence locked onto the smaller woman, the soldier reported; "Reconnaissance have identified a Mandalorian resistance cell operating a klick west of our position, they're marshaling another village for an attack against our brethren to the south."

"Good, we can catch them unawares. Round up the platoon and make ready to move." The soldier saluted and moved away to relay the Sith's commands, leaving him alone with the fey creature. "What will you do now? There is little left here but ghosts."

[member="Nassier Zirfae"] | [member="Jai'galaar Gred"]


The cool, familiar feeling of cold steel tight around the Echani's limbs almost felt welcoming to the young girl. She didn't yearn for them but truthfully they offered the miserable soul the only certainty that she was able to cling onto in life, a purpose that only made itself clear whenever the cool metal was clasped tightly around the fragile girl's neck.

Her malnourished limbs barely fit into chains that they had brought for her and the rest of the outcasts in her village, the populous clearly not valuable enough to be useful as anything aside from the menial labour they would provide. Screams and obscenities met Iseria as she was pulled from her muddied shack, people trying to fight back against the cruel intentions of these new conquerors.

It was always hopeless though.

Fighting back against fate was impossible, Iseria had learned that lesson long ago. The orders of the raiders fell away as the Echani stared up at the sky, the dead branches of the trees swaying in the wind as ravens stared down upon the populace being dragged out of their homes.

There will be death tonight...

Ourania Amun


Blades clashed against blades and bodies were felled like trees as they were cut one by one. Amun had lost two of their own by this point but their reinforcements had arrived the Legionnaires would soak up the bulk of the ambushes but the Sith-loyal Mandalorians would be there for clean up. TIE Fighters would pass as shuttles arrived, "give it up - there is nothing left here for you, your master has been killed why not join with those who can help? The Sith would not purge you for your gift, they would not seek to cure it." She remarked toward the lone clan that now stood against the many. In the distance, she spotted [member="Darth Wyyrlok XXIV"] and gave but a nod as her blade dug into the exposed joint of another opponent. Ourania withdrew the beskad and failed to notice the brick house of a Mandalorian headed for her, her shoulder made a sickening sound. [member="Riela Amun"] would have to pop in when she got home that much she was sure of.

[member="Jai'galaar Gred"]
Fed and satisfied after wolfing down enough food to feed a small village, the girl stretched her arms and jumped straight into bed. It was time for a short nap, a very necessary procedure. Out of sheer curiosity, her nimble fingers grasped at the beeping device on her belt to read the message she had dismissed earlier. Disappointment pulled down the corners of her mouth, for what appeared to be a meaningless task had turned into a plea for help. A lazy creature who liked taking shortcuts, the pink-haired child was none too pleased or amused by the idea of assisting the obese criminal head whose life she had spared not even an hour earlier. He had promised to ensure peace and quiet and delivered anything but.

Contrary to the child's original belief, the task ahead did not concern Mandalorians for once. Or so the message said. A dark frown clouded her expression anyway, deepening with each sentence. One of the mines recently acquired by her new criminal friend had gone silent right after getting word of being rules by a new boss. Currently low on loyal manpower, the criminal had requested Sith assistance in reclaiming the lost mine. Disbelief stared from Funami’s violet eyes as she squinted at the message.


Groaning, the girl rolled over the sheets, trying to sink deep into the soft mattress and escape the worries of everyday Sith life. She had not expected the criminals to be a disciplined bunch, far from it. Unruly animals needed chains to learn obedience. If she had to put the fear of the Empire into them then she’d do just that. Still, the fact they had rebelled so quickly after learning the news of their former chief’s death disturbed her greatly. And now she had to solve the situation. Not even a legal adult yet, Funami felt like a babysitter already.

Part of her wanted to have a long, peaceful nap, and hope the situation would solve itself by the time she woke up. The galaxy rarely worked that way though she knew it. In a surge of mounting frustration, her legs kicked the sheets off and scurried toward the Echoing Giggle's cockpit.


Saint of the Damned
Interacting with: [member="Harath Eldar"]

Soon after landing amidst a swarm of belial corvians, Lark and the remaining Sith forces swiftly eliminated some of the Mandolorian squadrons that had the half-dozen or so Sith pinned within the shipyard. The remaining troops were well trained, as soon as Lark completed his descent they carefully selected their targets and eliminated them with impressive precision. Lark drew his enchanted blade and struck down two more soldiers, emerging from the caliginous shadow of his haunted birds of prey. It took mere moments for the tide of battle to shift in their favor, but the battle was not over yet. Mandolorians were wily opponents, and would not surrender even facing the most bitter of odds. That made no difference. They'd be cut down all the same.

As Lark approached the alleyways where the surviving members of the Epsilon Squadron gathered, a man Lark assumed to be the captain introduced himself as E-1. E-1 confirmed that the remaining defenders were holed up within a small network of alleyways, and that by eliminating them the shipyard would be won.

But the Mandolorians were defended well. Using the eyes of the Svarrif, Lark could glimpse where they were hidden and plan accordingly. "A frontal assault would be reckless," Lark said to E-1. "And we haven't the time to engage in a prolonged firefight. I'll climb these buildings and attack from above, flush them out. Once they scatter from behind these walls, you and your men will eradicate those who remain."

He quickly scaled the wall, careful not to draw any attention from the Mandolorians below, who were still focused on the Epsilon squad. Carefully moving across the rooftop, Lark moved behind the defenders, who clustered around a wall. Their sole exit was guarded by E-1 and his men, but to attempt escape was futile. Tried tactics sometimes worked best, once more Lark sent down a murderous swarm of Sithspawn to pick off the men in the alley. After a handful fell he unleashed a wave of lightning down below, forcing the Mandolorians to either collapse in a tempest of electricity or attempt to push through the alleyway, in which cause Epsilon squad would have a prefect line of sight to take them down.
The Greds quickly showed The members of Clan Amon that coming up close and personal with them wasn't the best option. They were trained as swordsmen. Trained to fight up close and personal. Their specialty was melee fighting, and they'd show it. Jai, for his part, moved quickly, slashing at the joints of one of his opponents before jamming his Trayc'kal into a dar'manda's neck. He then heard the apparent leader speak, and his blood boiled. Was she blind to what the Sith had don't to get this far!? He rushed over, quickly aiming for exposed points on her armor with his smaller blades.

"You think that after what the Sith have done any of us would join them!? The Sith have tried to exterminate us! The Purge and Cure ended long ago, so why would I, or any others of my Clan, join you now, dar'manda!?" He stayed ready for anything. He wasn't letting this fighter get the jump on him. He armor was much lighter, so he didn't need to have someone nail him.

[member="Darth Wyyrlok XXIV"] [member="Ourania Amun"]

Ourania Amun

"We exterminate the weak." Ourania remarked, Clan Amun just as well versed in battle brought forth their rage as a second squad joined the fight. Axes swung over digging deep into their enemies, "you use such words as dar'manda as if they mean anything after your wretched Infernal spoke them." She laughed in the boy's face, "it seems you do not know what power is - but perhaps when we are done, you shall." She kicked free and cut another opponent down. The Sith Empire would claim Concord Dawn and it would finally belong to those who could work its soils properly - take these blood stained blades of grass and bring fruit from it.

Weak is exactly what the Mandalorians under the Infernal had become, soft - round, they loss so much territory to their betters. They lost and leaned on the Sith to pick up their slack, to fight for them? Such fools had forgotten the Resol'nare. She pitied them for following such a ruler, one who even dared purged their best Mandalorians. No matter, this world - like Mandalore would belong to the Sith Empire. "Those who cannot stand with their own blade, will fall. You can choose the Sith Empire or you can choose death, your life matters not to me."

Ourania cast a quick look toward the Togrutan Sith Lord and it would be fortunate that the boy could not see the smirk that lurked behind the T-shaped visor. She only regretted that @Reila Amun could not be here to witness the retaking of Concord Dawn in person.

[member="Jai'galaar Gred"] | [member="Darth Wyyrlok XXIV"]
Concord Dawn, Southern Hemisphere, POI Wasp
[Objective]: Perform reconnaissance on remaining OPFOR.

Throughout a session of about half an hour, Onyx remained vigilant in their respective areas. Having to adjust from time to time to get better perspectives based on angle. Despite the somewhat consistent relocating, the teams managed to stay close together. Being well hidden from enemy eyes on the surface, thanks to the same seclusion the dense forestry provided to the POI from keen eyes above. While locked into their positions for a time, they zoomed in onto their foes and kept track of any elements. Tracking distance and bearing, triangulating position on the map with a timestamp and all to ensure accuracy. Proper intel for the coming assault.

While markers were being made by the designated spotters of the team, others held position and pulled security in case any patrols were to pass. Every detail was taken into effect on this plan. And if this kept up, exfil was soon. And all that was left was the easy part. Storming the AO with the Battlegroup.

In the mere silence of it all, Vaak: the squad's long range communication officer began receiving transmissions. And replied.

"Advisor, this is Onyx 1-1, solid copy on last. Relaying to Onyx lead. Out."

Anden heard his comms officer, turning his head towards him as he approached. The comms officer did as he said: relay. "Sir, advisor's given us new orders. We're to engage priority targets and deny assets from the enemy. Then pull out and extract."

The captain looked at the Corporal and sighed. "Hit and run?"

Vaak nodded. "Hit and run, sir."

"Kriff. Alright. Tell Max, I'll let Carmine know." He sent a wave over towards where Aurek team was. Vaak only had to go a few meters over to them. As for Anden? He reached over to his commlink and spoke into it.

"Carmine, advisor came in. New orders. Have Watanale focus his shots on enemy armor. Rest of your guys can pick off any enemy infantry. See if you can take out the mandalorian warriors first. After that, we're heading straight back to the LZ."

A long sigh was made by Carmine on comms. "Copy that boss. I'll get Boon set. Give me a mike."


Aurek was already preparing for the unloading, thanks to Vaak. Anden merely set his pulse rifle over to the ground and took hold of his macrobinoculars. Zooming in on the remnants of the enemy. After a moment or so, he got confirmation on comms.

"Besh's ready. Sir."
"Aurek is lined up. Sir."

Anden took in a deep breath, this can go bad in many ways. But, orders are orders. And this can cripple the resistance the opposition can give to the first battle group.

"Alright..." He chimed in on comms. "3... 2... 1..."


A pause was made, and the signal was amplified by the sounds of rockets and blasterfire.

| [member="Vestille Thumahra"] |​

Lots of bodies and none too fresh. The sight to greet Funami at the mines was not pleasing to the eyes, yet she did not avert her violet gaze away. The stench of death turned out much worse, violently assaulting her nose and trying to make her throw up. The girl had to leave the mine and breathe some fresh air outside before braving the dark entrance again.

Takeovers tended to get messy and bloody. While certainly a takeover, the scene did not quite match what she had expected. The barricades and bodies suggested the criminals had died battling an outside threat, sinking Funami’s theory of an inside fight. Holding a hand to her mouth and nose, the girl inspected the nearest body. All shots to hit the mark had hit vital areas. Assuming pirates and other lowlife scum to have poor accuracy, Funami had only one answer to the surrounding mystery.

Mandalorians. Of course.

In a surge of mounting anger, she wished for an outlet for her growing rage.

Deep down, within the mine, foes of the Empire’s new order resided.

Was the hopeless excuse for a crime boss truly oblivious to what had transpired?

Or perhaps the corpulent gangster had planned it this way, counting on the Sith to fix the mess since the very beginning?

The idea of being used by a Force-blind commoner clenched the girl’s little hands into fists. She’d have a very, very serious talk with him later. For now there were the Empire’s interests that needed protecting. If nobody had told the Mandalorians to expect Sith, they would have no reason to needlessly carry one of those Force-disabling lizards. She counted on that logic.

“I should have known,” the small Sithling snarled through her teeth while walking over the corpses. “Annoying pests.”

With that, the child’s footsteps echoed through the tight, claustrophobic walls of the mining shaft. Anger and purpose drove her step, an unspoken promise to unleash her wrath.

Darth Wyyrlok XXIV

"Your brethren speak true."

The voice of the Chagrian Sith Lord warbled over the chaos of the fighting, the man appearing at the crest of a hill along with the Knights that had accompanied himself. All of them wore the trophies of their kills, pieces of skin, bits of Mandalorian armor, and other baubles. Darth Wyyrlok himself wore no such decoration, he had long matured beyond such pursuits, and instead focused on the more spiritual ambitions of the Dark Side.

"Bend your knee upon this blood-soaked earth, and our Lord Emperor will see fit to bestow his judgment fairly. Raise that weapon again, and only the grave will await your people."

Wyyrlok began to chant, a low thrum of power exuding out from his body as he spun his hands through the air, tracing intricate patterns in the air as a green mist billowed out from his sleeves and from below the hem of his robe. The eerie fog crawled across the ground, coagulating over the bodies of the slain; Imperial and Mandalorian, and suffusing into their broke and bleeding corpses. One by one they lurched to their feet, their movements jerky and erratic, unnatural and grotesque. A cold lich-light illuminated the sockets where their eyes once were, glaring unthinkingly out towards the enemies of the Sith who yet drew breath.

"And even then you will serve!"

[member="Ourania Amun"] | [member="Jai'galaar Gred"]
Hidden Location, Surface of Concord Dawn
Decimation Processing Center...


The top secret operation's name was spoken in verbal conversations but never entirely understood by the upper echelons of the Sith Empire. It was an unorthodox directive coming after the fall of the United Clans. The orders state that all imperial officials were to swiftly comply with any requests made by the Blackblade Guard should decimation be invoked. Not that they would ever refuse the chosen of the imperial throne, but the orders merely ensured any requests were made top priority, and catered to as quickly as possible. Very few knew outside of the Sith Emperor and Shadow Hand just what Decimation was, and the full extent of this mysterious operation being carried out in complete secrecy over all of Mandalorian Space.


It was the final humiliation of the Mandalorians. The Blackblade Guard in its entirety came to Concord Dawn establishing a remote, secluded location while its corps began to spread out across the surface. The world's concentrations of civilization were transformed into grids and the Blackblade Onslaught Corps search groups were divided into each grid, with the Imperial Military ready to scramble if necessary. No one had any idea what was happening when the angels of death swept through areas of civilization. They told the selected natives nothing when entire families were ordered out of their homes, the cold troopers packing transports tight as if it was some sort of product they were forcing inside and not actual people. These families wouldn't see when long trucks pulled up and imperial laborers stripped their entire homes clean of everything, every sign that someone so much as lived there at all. It was astounding just how efficient these butchers were at making people disappear entirely, erasing all trace that they existed at all.

The overcrowded, fast moving convoys of each grid were brought together then, the speed in which these convoys gathered was blinding, unprecedented, faster than any imperial operation before it. In a whirl these convoys were sent to the secret processing center. A massive area cordoned off as a restricted no fly zone, the headquarters for the Blackblade Guard operations on Concord Dawn. It was a location so secretive even imperials were given one warning before they would find themselves under fire from the Blackblade guns. These convoys were immediately brought in where the people were forced out by the thousands. They were brought in and stripped bare of everything, all possessions were taken as their harsh reality set in. These soldiers were barely human, barbaric monsters, demons clad in human form that showed them nothing but cruelty so terrible, it defied any worldly comparison. They were treated like animals, humiliated and anything less than total submission exposed these people to their captors barbaric nature.

It was a living nightmare.

Even before they made it anywhere sometimes executions, torturous acts happened for trivial, undeserving reasons. A family watched as their matriarch was executed simply because she happened to spit on the ground when a Blackblade was patrolling some ten, fifteen feet away. A proud mandalorian warrior and father found himself on his knees after a ferocious assault on a guardsman, where he watched his entire family executed in such close proximity his form was hit with splashes of sanguine vapors. Such cruelty was commonplace as they were led through the center. The thousands were lined up and shot dead, executed en masse by these monsters. But that wasn't the end. Their remains were then taken by automatons and packed tight on transports to be taken spacebound, to mobile imperial factories as fuel for the molecular furnaces, fuel to churn out more war material. The operation was so astoundingly efficient at full capacity they were able to kill over twenty five thousand people per day.

A tall erected observation tower overlooking the surrounding area held the Highlord Osbasid, and the newly arrived Shadow Hand.


"Twelve thousand for the day. The complete total for Decimation so far is reaching eighty thousand." Osbasid replied swiftly.

"Decimation must continue. Your numbers have dropped in the days since arrival here." The Shadow Hand said, his molten eyes scanning the data screens.

"An expected complication. Concord Dawn maintains a significantly higher population of farmers, isolated towns, remote outposts over major population zones, necessitating larger grid searches. Security for Decimation has been successful so far in maintaining cover however. We are blind siding the enemy in their homes, they never have a chance to resist." Osbasid said as he walked up beside the gargantuan Sith Lord, his head bowed in a respectful and submissive manner to his master. The Highlord of the Blackblade Guard never had to jockey for position, he never needed to stay in the good graces of the Emperor [member="Darth Carnifex"] or the Shadow Hand, for he always was. The man was right about the rural world. The grids were larger and the Onslaught Corps were spread across massive areas to hunt for the enemy. They were reinforced by monsters adept at sniffing out their prey on the wind, and sophisticated technology.

"Very well. Operational security must be maintained especially with your forces spread so far across the surface. Word of Decimation must remain secret. Any and all threats to it's security must be screened and undesireables are to be considered enemy combatants, and treated as such. You have our full authority to do what is necessary." Darth Prazutis said. He could see the executions from this position and fixed his gaze on them then, watching as one batch fell and a swarm of automatons took them away in short order.

"Imperial authorities have been cooperative with our efforts thus far. I've received no reports of any problems."

"The Emperor and I are in full agreement. Decimation must continue at the same pace. Any and all obstacles that may stand in its way are to be removed immediately. Colonization efforts are underway for all worlds in Mandalorian Space." Prazutis replied turning towards the armored Highlord then, his face concealed behind a great helm.

"Your and the Emperors will shall be done, Supreme Excellency. We will not disappoint you.."

"We know you won't. You never do Highlord."

"And sometimes the 'weakest' can prove to be the greatest of us." It was then that a kick sent him away form the Amun, though Jai landed pretty well. A shot then came at him, forcing the beastmaster to pull up his cloak to take the shots before firing his own. His armor may've been light, but it had its tricks. He came back at Ourania, striking at her again.

"And you stand on your own? You need the Sith to defeat us, and wait for the Mand'alor to leave to strike!" He quickly pulled back, readying himself. "Seems like you're the weak one here." It was then that another voice grated his ears. The voice of a Sith.

He took a step back to eye the man, making sure to keep the both main opponents in view. The man leveled a threat: Bow to him and serve, or die and still serve. What great and convincing options. Jai stepped back a little more, coming more in line with the rest of his group. He looked at them for a moment, not sure what to say. He was definitely not as experience as either of these two, but he had fight. The medic quickly stood up to join the others, which got a nod from Jai.

"Strength and honor aren't the same, and if there's one thing you and this dar'aliit lack, it's honor. you want a Gred, you need that." It was then that one of the Greds pulled out a flash-bang, letting loose it's flash the moment it was revealed. The moment the flash went off the group would run, trying to get some distance while the enemy was distracted. As they ran, the medic quickly dropped a smoke grenade to keep their trail harder to track. At least that was the hope. The Alor always said it was sometimes better to live and fight, so maybe now was one of those times.

[member="Ourania Amun"] [member="Darth Wyyrlok XXIV"]

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